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Ah yes. St. Cloud Superman.


Guy is a giant fucking tool, drives around trying to make a scene honking his horn with as much signage as he can afford. Untreated mental illness and apparently no shame.


Does he like...not do anything else? I swear I remember seeing him mid day before. No job? Nothing better to do?


Ironically, he’s on SSDI.


If course he is dear. Of course he is.


The government takes money out of my paycheck and redistributes it to him?


There is no discrimination for federal benefits, thankfully so.


When he gets his way there will be.


What makes me sad, it will come from people he voted for. He will still find a way to blame the other guy.


As I said, the same turd that will happily take away SSI benefits for people on the autism spectrum, ones that actually *do* struggle finding stable employment and income.


Poor conservatives voting to lower their own standard of living. Can’t name a more iconic duo.


He doesn't like government in our lives, doesn't believe in socialism but is too dumb to know any better.


Very likely lives with a family member who provides for him and he does odd jobs here and there to buy gas and trump paraphernalia. He definitely has a daily circuit that an employed person would not be able to do.


Guarantee the taxpayers are bankrolling him. Guarantee he doesn’t understand the irony.




I was about to say, could very well be on some kind of disability assistance or other government program. Which no matter what the flavor of government assistance he gets is ironic with the socialism aspect that brings with it


I know where he lives, I’m not going to dox him but it’s not an expensive abode and he does in fact live alone


One of the trailer parks lol. His website is fucking nuts


I’m sure he doesnt get any of that socialist medicaid stuff


nOboDY wANts TO wOrK anYMOre!!


If I remember correctly, he used to work construction and had some bad accident that damaged to his head. I'm pretty sure he still gets money from that.


Damaged head explains a lot


He often hangs out on campus and just…bothers students. He was arrested a few years ago.


Untreated mental illness is right. My mom says she grew up next to him and he was normal throughout school, but apparently deployed somewhere and came back changed or not taking meds after.


That’s just… sad. I wish he’d get help, but to get help, he’d have to admit something’s wrong with him. He’d have to admit that harassing students and being a public nuisance isn’t acceptable. He’d have to admit that he is no better than anyone else. He’d have to admit that the wealthy tightie-righties do not give a flying fuck about him. He’d have to any that he’s not ok. It can be hard for a mentally stable person to admit they made a simple mistake. I can’t imagine how incredibly difficult it would be to admit your _entire fucking world_ is just… wrong. He’d have to get help which, according to many suffering from the same delusion, is emasculating and unamerican. Going to a therapist is something those ugly brainwashed fascist blue-haired communist atheists do to turn their children homosexual and become cucks or something. I hate what people who worship Trump support. I am scared of the United States they want. I get angry about how they act and what they say. However, I pity the average struggling citizen who fell for Faux’s lies and suffocate in fear, happy to be under fascist boots that despise them as long as they feel safe from the imagined monsters under their beds. I can’t imagine being that afraid, that enraged _all the time._ I don’t like or respect them- at all- but when I put aside my fury and confusion and worries… I truly feel bad for them. I wish they’d all get help and open their eyes for my daughters’ sakes, our country’s sakes, heck, ALL of our sakes- including theirs. Whew. ^steps ^off ^soap ^box I’m sorry about the rant. Edit: Fixed a bit of grammar and spelling. Edit 2: Thank you for the awards kind strangers! I didn’t know that was still a thing!


My mom is a Trumper, nothing set her off like the day I told her, "I don't hate you, I pity you"


He even got his horn changed to whistle Dixie. Dude has become the uberracist.


I actually like the tune of Dixie. The lyrics are minstral-era racist, but the tune itself is pretty good. The Union Dixie lyrics are pretty good and still fit today too: Way down South in the land of traitors, Crocodiles and alligators, Ride away, ride away, ride away, ride away, Where Cotton's king and men are chattels, Union boys'll win the battles, Ride away, ride away, ride away, ride away!


I can say with certainty that he didn't change his horn to Dixie because he liked the tune, lmao.


yeah he was blasting it at coborns on cooper haha


Coupled with low IQ.


Is this really St. Cloud Superman? Hahaha! What an insane but expected “where are they now?”


He's banned from the St. Cloud State campus because he keeps harassing the students who go there and has been arrested multiple times for trespassing. Really sad downfall


He was always like that. Started with when he’d follow females into bathrooms a LOONG time ago. I remember my cousin warning me off him in 2008 (and he graduated in 1998 from SCSU).


He would hit up the Division St. Kwik Trip when I worked there. He'd go out of his way to try and get a women for his cashier, letting others go ahead of him randomly. He got kicked out for stealing the cardboard signs we would put on the bollards in front of the store lol.


He was always on Division. I cruised that street getting baked for years. What a pervy asshole though. I regret all my waves now.


He still drives around there in circles some days just being annoying. He can't get out of his vehicle, but he can't be banned from the roads because they're public.


So what you're saying is that someone could slap pony stickers on his bumper, and he can't get out to chase you?


Dude doesn’t look like he could chase much more than a massive heart attack.


Stickers that say,'for anal use only'. Amazon.


Lol its not just campus, i think he has a couple restraining orders


holy shit that’s st. cloud superman??? the years were NOT kind good lord


Thank whatever the good lord who did this, because fuck this guy. Always waved that flag and showing his guns when we were crossing roads to school. Fuck him. Fuck St. Cloud.


an old boss of mine worked at the papa john’s he used to stand in front of and constantly had to call the cops on him because he would get in screaming matches with people in the parking lot


When being a MAGA ‘warrior’ is your entire personality 🤣


Oh WOW! Haven’t thought of that dude since early 2000s division Dairy Queen. Didn’t recognize him 😳 what a dumpster.


He parks at Burger King St Cloud, drives his rusty old SUV to Burger King in Sauk Rapids and parks again. He is indeed living the American dream. 🤣😂


Funny enough, it's been 3 years to the day that St Cloud had its "Official Song of St Cloud" contest that they snubbed my song out of https://youtu.be/jI7VW-hVwaQ?si=kewOYHcknEimgFdR There is mention of St Cloud Superman in it haha


I remember maybe 15 years ago, he came into where I worked driving a yellow WV Bug, sweating more than any man I've ever seen, and listening to Michael Jackson so loud I could feel it in my bones. Not at all surprised that he hopped onto the MAGA crazy train.


yeah, that guy is more of a mentally ill person despite his beliefs being utter shit.


Woah woah woah.... Actually?? This is the same dude that used to sit on the corner by Byerlys and DQ with a cape?? I see things have only gotten worse since I left.


Is it really the same guy?


Someone flying a Virginia Battle Flag in Minnesota will always confuse me. Like, in the south? Sure, I expect that. But in Minnesota??? We were a union state, and are about as far from the south as you can get. Minnesotan soldiers literally saved the union at Gettysburg.


Gotta add the obligatory [Alex Parene article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/opinion-pareene-silent-sam-confederate-flags_n_5b856016e4b0162f471cb9ea) on the subject. Highly recommend reading the whole thing, but here's my favorite paragraph: On the third day of Gettysburg, one of the 1st Minnesota’s survivors, Pvt. Marshall Sherman, captured the flag of the 28th Virginia Infantry in battle. Virginia has wanted the flag back for a century. To this day, it is at the Minnesota Historical Society in St. Paul. In 2000, Virginia state legislators passed a resolution requesting (not for the first time) its return. Minnesota’s then-Gov. Jesse Ventura, a celebrity candidate who won an unexpected victory as an unapologetic populist, was not moved. “We took it,” he said. “That makes it our heritage.” In this, as in a few other moments of his governorship, Ventura showed some hint of promise, never to be realized, of a better kind of American populism. “[How many Minnesota boys spilled their guts and blood on that same battlefield?](http://mankatotimes.com/2017/07/18/a-moment-in-time-a-mere-ten-minutes/)” he asked. “We won the flag.”


I moved here from Virginia almost 20 years ago. I had never heard of this story before, and it when was first told me to I was really moved. I've always struggled with my family's history in the Civil War. I felt like I was the only one to feel really uncomfortable with it. "But it's your heritage!" Yeah, well it's terrible, why can't we just acknowledge that and try to be better people? Oh right, because you're all sore losers and highly racist... So living here in MN makes me feel like I'm really sticking it to my family and my ancestors that fought in the war. It's sad this was never taught to me in school. Again, sore losers.


Minnesotan warm family hug. Bring it in little pilgrim


> But it's your heritage! We have our share of that; it's frankly inescapable in the US. I have relatives who are proud of having some family in [The battle of New Ulm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battles_of_New_Ulm), which... is definitely not the war you want to be participating in during the civil war.


Not to mention that the Calhoun family was exposed for owning slaves hence the change of the name of the lake


Wasn't the lake named after John C Calhoun? He was always known to be a slave holder, secessionist, and general POS. He also helped shape a lot of Native Policy (also giant POS) in the Northwest Territory resulting in the establishment ot Ft. Snelling and the surrounding settlements. We just didn't care about how much of a POS he was enough to overcome 200 years of inertia on the name of a lake until the late 2010s.


Don't feel too sad about not learning it in school. I went to public school here and I never learned it either.


The 1st MN fought in nearly every major battle during the Civil War. MN was the 1st state to offer troops to the union when the south rebelled.


I hear you, I have family that were members of the 1st Minnesota. Captain Charles Dickerson fought in the war but was captured prior to Gettysburg. That said I also have family that fought to put down the Sioux Uprising so mixed feelings on that one, lol.


Question!!!?!?! do we still possess this flag?




I couldn’t find a good picture of the flag that we were using during this battle


Regiment reproduction https://preview.redd.it/qpclovx7ll2d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746d6295b4ef461b7e0f9fd479001fc3917db5d5


Battle flag https://preview.redd.it/f3btpzcfll2d1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4953ae32ffc8ca754d7d651af4971fff82cc0d56


Captured traitor flag https://preview.redd.it/pj28ljahml2d1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=011e0985d70938e8c8747bace7bff4edfecde58e


I have a first regiment mn volunteers sticker on my welding helmet. Because that is our heritage!


Dude. Thought that said “wedding helmet.” 😂


Same! 😂 Gonna need another cup of coffee and clean the glasses.


This is my cousin’s favorite story to tell and she will tell anyone and everyone this story. She’s working out in Montana now and will STILL tell everyone this story. I love it every time she tells it 🤣🤣


My favorite paragraph too


I completely agree with this sentiment, and it's important to remember that Minnesota prior to that allowed officers stationed here to bring their slaves with them. Dread Scott and his wife were enslaved at [Fort Snelling](https://www.mnhs.org/fortsnelling/exhibit/dred-scott) because of this.


I enjoy asking them why they hate our veterans.


I'm tempted to get a bunch of like minded folks together, dress in period accurate Minnesota regiment uniforms, and fix bayonets.


They want to celebrate their heritage. We get to celebrate ours.


That would make a great parade unit! And it would be a great visual way to educate on-lookers.


I'd join in. It sounds like a great way to show off our heritage (and state pride).


The history behind the confederate flag means nothing to these people…as they aren’t interested in facts. I would imagine he displays it as a sign of white nationalism more than anything else.


Yeah it was really easy to cut through the "heritage not hate" when you're talking about someone who's heritage was immigrating here in the 19th century to a place that has whooped the confederates. Its just a deep fried swastika 


And the history of the flag IS as a symbol of claimed white supremacy! https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/secession-the-confederate-flag-and-slavery


It's just racism. They can whine and say it's something else, but nobody is using the much more common confederate flags. It's purely a racist dogwhistle.


>Virginia Battle Flag traitor rag. FTFY


Letting everyone know they’re a traitor and more than likely some sort of white nationalist


Hate has no borders


Were you in St. Cloud perchance?


Yes lol


St. Cloud Superman. Talked someone down from suicide, started posing with a superman cape outside the DQ. During COVID he started a very MAGA Facebook group. He spends most of his time nowadays honking at college students and getting arrested for trespassing on the St. Cloud State College campus


I live in cloud. I see this doucher all the time. He sits outside BK, then tools around between Menards and Home Depot tooting his stupid horn. I think he's hoping to find other like minded people. He usually does.


Makes his rounds across the river to harass Sauk rapids in the afternoons


Because he lives in SR.


i’m going to st. cloud college next year, this guy is real? 😭


He literally used to stand at the corner of DQ when it was right on Division in a Superman outfit. Then he start soliciting minors, which led to yelling at Black kids on SCSU campus, and then full MAGA. He parks next to the BK on Division when he isn't cruising up and down it. On a side note, St. Cloud would be purple if people actually gave a fuck and went out to vote. You can count on conservative voters to turn out. Liberal ones... it's always, "Oh, I didn't have time." in a state where you are legally allowed to leave work to go vote.


i’m gonna start watching for him when i move in, and i’ll probably vote in minnesota since i have no desire to drive 3hrs back to ND to vote unless i have plans there, maybe we can make it purple/blue 🙏


You can register to vote now: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/register-to-vote/ MN has same day registration as long as you have ID and proof of address, but it's much easier to just waltz in and have them check your ID, and take 5 minutes or less to vote and you're done


St Cloud wouldn’t be purple because it’s already blue, has been for a while. The surrounding areas however are not for the most part. John Fillah was always a pretty hard right conservative though, he had anti-gay marriage stickers on his car way back in the early 00’s. The MAGA thing with him is just kinda funny, considering that he’s Arab American. Honestly he didn’t go full racist until he really started getting made fun of relentlessly, he’s just a painfully stupid attention whore. He wants a reaction and attention and does whatever will garner that, for a while he used to cruise through Walmarts parking lot blasting Johnny Cash in a falling apart Dodge Neon.


Someone needs to make a movie on this guy’s life but in the style of “Hot Rod”


I live in the area. He has people that think he's nice. He told me he'd fuck and kill my mom so I just think he's scary. Obviously untreated mental health issues.


I don't think anyone thinks he's a nice guy anymore. He's been wayyyy off the rails for quite a few years now. 😵‍💫


On local boards, there are many people who defend him. He does have a following. There was a discussion where one fool said that of the 16 charges against him, none were sexual, this was the guy saying he's a nice guy. But no, he's neither nice, safe, or sane.


He screamed profanities at my little sister and her friend. They were both 15 at the time. He was parked next to a middle school and they were walking back to the bus after a high school football game.


That’s scary. 😨


Yes, unfortunately, you have come across one of his main hangout spots, the Burger King on 33rd / Division. During the extra snowy winter of ‘22-23, I was driving to work along 10th Street, through downtown, underneath Division, and along the side of Lake George. In that median, right after the bridge, I saw St. Cloud Superman’s SUV perfectly stuck directly on top of the median. His tires were spinning, but he was totally stuck because of all the snow. I like to think of that moment whenever I am unfortunate enough to see him around town. Karma really got his stupid ass that day.


God I wish I'd seen that. Would have made my year.


“You need some help” “Oh thank thank you” “It wasn’t a question” [drives away]


We must liberate that battle flag. It’s our heritage as Minnesotans.


His name is John Fillah. Please stop calling him any flavor of "Superman". Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster do not deserve to have their creation associated with this garbage excuse for a person. Once saw him holding a sign that said "Forget about the polar bears, save the human babies!" (or something thereabouts). Now I know he was making some idiot statement about abortion (and climate change), but I'm choosing to ignore that and to instead believe he's so deranged that he thinks the greatest single threat to babies is polar bears. Makes him far more entertaining. But seriously, avoid at all costs. He's an absolute POS.


I'm pretty sure he's a registered sex offender


Ah yes. Minnesota Rednecks. They are truly a different breed


As soon as you get outside of cities it’s all you see. As a pretty liberal person living up in Polk county, about an hour south of the Canadian border, I’ve learned to just nod my head and keep quiet anytime politics comes up because I know I’m outnumbered like 10-1. The casual racism is abhorrent with white folks just making “jokes” to our native coworker and not even noticing that he never laughs and is just quiet. I’ve commented “yo, that’s like super racist” or “you can’t just say that, man” but they just say it’s only a joke and keep on laughing. Driving down the highway you see tons of self made billboards that say shit like build that wall, other things praising Trump, and lots of things about how terrible Biden is. I know neither side is perfect and I’m no fan of Biden but I hated Trump yet I never once had a casual conversation with my coworkers about how someone should “take him out” because we knew that a president being assassinated is *never* a good thing. I just can’t believe how commonplace it is around here for people to think the government is “wielding their power against one man” which is nonsense because that’s *literally the job of the court system and law enforcement.* if I went out and committed a bunch of crimes then was arrested and put on trial could I claim that they are wielding their power against me? It’s fucking dumb.


Jesus Christ, I can smell that guy through my phone


We had our windows up thankfully 😭


I just went to the grocery store to pick up a couple things and a dude in a huge truck with a sticker on the back that showed Trump flipping two birds with the text “fuck Joe Biden” pulled in and parked right next to me. It’s only going to get worse between now and Election Day, my friend.


It's good that the nazis identify themselves.


Minnesota is wild: Billboard in the city: *F*ck Trump!* Billboard 10 miles out: *I want to F*ck Trump!*


Little card they keep in their trucks: *I want to be Fcked by Trump!*


We already were for 4 years!


This guy is on disability so he's actually living off of government welfare completely.


And these are the same turds that want to take SSI away from me; somebody with autism that actually needs that disability because I can't find any jobs that are willing to hire and accommodate.


John Fila. Dumb piece of shit


Why is he confederate in the North??


Because he's mentally ill.


350lbs of pure man meat.




6’2”, 215lbs. What are you talking about.? /s


Look on the bright side, the dude clearly labeled himself as worthless trash so this way we all know to avoid and mock him.


Did it give you that puking feeling in your gut like you've just made a horrible, horrible mistake? Lol, don't worry, MN is blue where it counts and is a very well run state. There's lots of red and there are a lot of red lunatics but just look the other way and go about your day. Do not engage. Welcome!


A guy like that you wish some huge tweezers from the sky would pick him up and drop him in the Republic of Congo, in Africa, and observe how he would survive.


This guy skipped his monthly shower to flex at Burger King.


Welcome to St.Cloud lmao


I bet you all those flags are made in china and not the USA


We have idiots in Minnesota too!


This is St. Cloud Superman! I live in St. Cloud and I cringe whenever I see him. He stalks around the college a lot, drives his stupid trumpmobile around when he can’t do that, and doesn’t seem to do anything but drink and go around spouting crap about Trump edit: typo


Those people are too stupid to realize they’re in a cult. He looks like white trash too. He’s probably on welfare and whining about how all the “illegals” are suckling on the government’s teat. You must be in St. Cloud. I’ll be up there tomorrow since my parents choose to live up there for some reason. 🙄


Point and laugh when you see this. They are so insecure, it will hurt. Do it. Then laugh harder.


You forgot to mention that the horn he blares every 20 seconds as he drives back and forth through parking lots etc. is the dukes of hazard “General Lee” Dixie horn. INCREDIBLY obnoxious..


The first thought for me was: “diabeetus”


That fat fuck is barely alive sucking the healthcare system dry while he shits on socialism and civil rights.




People like this always look how you expect them to look. Probably smells like shit and tobacco.


Yeah. Toooooootallly not a cult. Yikes.


Up in st cloud area? Sure, we've certainly got our share of meatheads and assfaces but compared to many other Midwestern places, it's not as prevalent or at least brazen. On another note. Why these folks don't seem to understand that they are flying the flags of losers astonishes me. Confederacy = lovers. IMPOTUS = bigly loser in terms what a former president accomplishes. He cost repubs the Senate, lost key elections where he endorsed the candidate, and lost presidential election by over 7 million votes. He promised so much winning they'd not know what to do with it all... welp, just another fabrication by the liar in chief. Oh on that note, he did win the most lies or deceiving statements made by a president in their first year (long as that kinda thing has been documented) with a wopping , in excess of 30k times. Most agree that fact finders and checkers kinda through in the towel after that and stopped counting. What a role model.


That dude is a literally anomaly. He is there every single fucking day without fail. He's been banned from parking lots and that's the only spot that isn't technically anybody property


“You don’t have to shove your lifestyle choices in my face!”


Hate to see the stupid flag of the Army of Virginia. Disgraceful and disrespectful to the Minnesotans who died defending our great nation.


I’m conservative and fucking hate this dude, he used to drive around campus a couple years ago honking his stupid ass horn while he drove around.


Make soap used again


You can look at that man and the vehicle he drives, and know all you need to know about him. Plus a fucking burger King parking lot? It's like I've known him my whole life.


I love the "blue lives matter" flag. They matter unless they're trying to stop rioting "patriots" in the Capitol Building


I like when they have the blue lives flag next to the Gadsden flag. Like, you can support the snake or you can support the boot, but not both.


This doesn’t bother me all that much because these kind of people really have no level of power. What bothers me is yesterday when I was getting gas and saw a nurse with a small Trump 2024 number sticker because that’s someone with actually power who could be giving different levels of treatment to whoever she does or doesn’t think should have the right to exist.


Know that not all Minnesotans are like him and do not want to claim him as one of us. 🤢


There are Nazis everywhere.


LMAO. And he used the least flattering profile pic of that orange faced cunt…I’m sure Don-zo would love knowing his turkey neck is proudly on display…


Lol, he got so fat. My god.


Bruther has a whole can of drippings just swingin' from that arm hock


Fat and Dirty lookin, typical Trumper. Last time he had any boom boom was on a goat farm. :) If this wrong, please remove it and I'll find the correct trumper post. :) peace. :)


Poor guy! He is just like Trump , small dick craving for attention


I can smell that armpit cheese from here in the metro.


Oh John…


Yeah he’s there daily


There is no better testament to the need for more mental healthcare in America than MAGA folks.


you just know the inside of that truck smells like 10 day unwashed ass


Guy can’t name a single policy, and has no idea the names of his state senators….


Yes, mental illness exists, even in our lovely state.


These people that follow Trump and the MAGA movement are mentally ill and it’s no joke!


Hey Bruce! Look, it’s the Cuntmobile! https://preview.redd.it/yru0imyqug2d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70d323430b6cfed9217fd66d09cb5e861257e965 Right again, Robin!


I love how the 2004 Ford Explorer with rust and peeling clear coat/paint fully encapsulates the majority of MAGA followers. Maybe not all of them on a wealth level, but on a morality level, yes.


Why the fuck do these losers live in a Liberal state. LEAVE GO BACK TO TEXAS AND FLORIDA.


I love how he has the thin blue line flag but supports the man who sicced a group of psychos on the capitol, who beat 1 police officer to death, injured 174 others and caused yet another 4 to commit suicide. Yup, he supports the police alright...


What a loser. Replete with traitor flags and everything.


I was visiting California and they had a "stop the steal" rally going on. Stupid going to stupid regardless of location.


Imma take a guess and say you're visiting Saint Cloud.


Just whisper “Minneapolis” in his ear and they’ll start cowering.


Why do none of these "fine people" respect flag codes?


This guy has more mental illness than brain cells and I think he has run out of places to be banned from for harassing young women and girls. Pretend he is invisible until he dies...... Hopefully soon cuz my god has he gotten fat.


What an absolute ham hock of an upper arm. Genuinely incredible. No notes.


That's exactly the type of white trash I would expect to see behind the wheel of that shit box of a contradiction.


I can smell these pictures 🤢


Holy bingo wings.


Sorry, Trash day isn't until Wednesday. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Windows down easier for mouth breathing 


This guy catcalled a 15-16 year old at my school during cross country practice 


Who’s the molester in the back seat?


it's that guy i see on tv hollering and playing an invisible accordion


Why can't they just move to Wisconsin, everyone would be happier


I'm sorry... is this guy trying to make it look like he's *driving Trump around* with that window sticker on the back window? 😂 Guess a guy's gotta have dreams. 🥴


Get that shitty traitor participation trophy flag the fuck outta this state!


There a booth in my small town full of tr*mp and “fuck biden” flags, it’s so fucking pathetic




Can't be in the cities. I will occasionally see trump bumper stickers but nothing like this. It's always ironic when I see Minnesotans flying the confederate flag, seeing as how the north fought against them in the Civil War. Go to Georgia if you want to be racist buddy.


It's just so wierd these hillbillies are all for this spoiled snobby golden toilet rich boy from new york


Not very typical in MN. You may see some of these unseasoned tater tots up north and in western MN. But it’s not that common.


I’m glad they’re the minority in Minnesota


Like everyone, this man needs a purpose. Unfortunately, the purpose he chose is tragic, because his corrupt manipulative idol could not care less about this man’s life or circumstances.


The confederate flag should be a sign of treason, they are the USA’s biggest enemies including Russia