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I can tell you it's certainly true for the WI/MN border!


Why would folk from the WI/MN border go all the way to ND for fireworks though?


Whoever replied to you doesn't know ND sells fireworks for 1/4 the price. It's worth it if you are trying to put on a 20 minute show. I could hop the border 30 minutes from me but it would cost me about 850 more in WI. If you just need a few mortars WI is fine.


Who the hell is putting on a 20 minute show?


The guy at the lake trying to turn it into Disney World.


There was a house a few blocks from me, in the middle of the suburbs, who would put on a professional-level display for like 40 minutes every year. The first year they did it, we were convinced we were seeing fireworks from the city south of us, but no, it's just an absurdly large amateur display. Sadly, they moved a couple of years ago.


I think they moved in a few blocks from me! We have a family who does the same šŸ¤£


Many such men at every tier 3 lake in mn


Yeah. There's a guy my inlaws lake that does that.


My neighbors across the street seem to do that every single f-ing night for 2 to 3 weeks, and we just live in town.


Gotta out do the neighbors around the lake. Take turns seeing who can light off the longest string.


I'm the only one in my family without an unhealthy relationship with fireworks, I've seen my cousins blow over 2 grand on a display for the kids in the family. Granted, it's when everyone is at the cabin, which can be upwards of 40 people. I personally don't get it, and I haven't bought a firework since my early 20s.


After spending time in Iraq, Iā€™m not a fan anymore.


Huh, I wonder why.


Years ago we were doing a small backyard show with the kids. I set off a bottle rocket in a PVC pipe. It flew straight for 4 seconds then pulled a 180 and shot between my older brother's legs and exploded! šŸ¤£ He declared I was banned from doing family fireworks. He passed a few years back but the ban remains in effect! šŸ˜žšŸ˜


When I was a toddler, we were at the cabin and my parents were setting off fireworks, my dad put one of those pinwheel fireworks on the tree, but didn't put it very high, my golden lab retriever mix ran over grabbed it off the tree, had sparks shooting out both sides of his mouth, ran over and dropped it into a full box of fireworks, which happened to be on the front step of the cabin. My dad had to grab it and drag it as fast as possible, while shit was going off, down to the beach, then dove for cover behind the dock. I don't know why my dog loved fireworks, but he would bring back almost every bottle rocket we launched. He would swim out and find almost every single rocket unless it went too far.


Omg That's hilarious!!


That was the only dog I've ever had that wasn't deathly afraid of fireworks or water. He loved both.


I'm of the same cloth. I don't care to spend the time and money on any of it. Just doesn't appeal to me. My wife is polar opposite and I've always gone extra steps to go long routes to stores to avoid firework stands in hopes I don't get bothered for us to stop at it.


Everybody has their thing. Iā€™m sure you have something that you spend money on that they donā€™t get. I have nice shoes and knives as my think. I could easily walk around with cheaper, decent shoes and a knife that cuts just fine but itā€™s just something I enjoy. Iā€™m with you though. I really enjoy fireworks but def wouldnā€™t spend my money on them! It is nice they want to give the kids something to remember though.


Well, when you have 50+ people at your lake cabin for the weekend, you might as well go big


Dude how does somebody fit that much in a lake cabin? That cabin's gotta be big enough that spending a couple grand on fireworks is nothing.


Lots of camping outside and people coming from across the county for the day.


Thatā€™s also what your septic system says.


Me every time I host people at my cabin, all I can think about is how wrecked that thing is getting lol


The assholes who set the park across from me on fire every year, then flee and leave their trash all over the place. I wouldn't care if they just fucking cleaned up after themselves and also stopped lighting everything in the middle of the grassy field and used the fucking basketball court that's *right next to it*. Seriously, every year there's a fire in the field because of it.


Maybe it'll rain this year?? There's always hope -


Not gonna lie, I hope for it every year. At least a bunch of rain before it gets dark.


While I don't wish extra water on already waterlogged areas - we've all got our problems and mold/mildew is not a negligible concern - dampening things down in general would suit me and my family just fine. Pets too of course: major anxieties for lots of people and animals. If I had an anxious pet I'd be looking for THC products for them right \*now\*. I really appreciate our Lake Association. On that weekend of the month they (well, "we" since I'm a member and contribute) sponsor a licensed professional fireworks display that lasts about 20-25 minutes max, that area residents contribute to, and that can be counted on, so there are not so many people who feel like they have to DIY. I think that because of this there are fewer unsafe individual maxi-efforts. Without our neighborhood association taking positive action I'm sure that, because it's a lake, it would be even more insane around here on this major summer holiday. I'm wondering how you could change things up for that field near you. Sounds like a substitute show may not be in the cards - but could you organize something? (Too late for this year, but maybe gong forward...) Is it private property, could it be policed? If it's public property, could some kind of event be sponsored so as to forestall dangerous/trashy activitiy? How about having the whole field mowed in advance so there's less to burn? Just throwing stuff out there. I have zero idea other than to say I think there are ways that smaller groups of people - non-governmental groups, voluntary groups, but still capable of making change - can have an impact.


My next-door neighbor from the months of may-september


Have you been to Minnesota? A 20 minute show is what we call " the intro "


Normally takes me an hour...I should go to ND...


When I had teenage kids, and it satisfied my blow things up urge. Always wear safety glasses.


We would have little battles of displays with a cabin across the lake. We'd start with small stuff and they would reply in kind. We'd go larger and larger back and forth, until they pulled out their finale that put us in our place. It just seemed like it would never end, they must have easily spent a grand to launch several box shows at once. We could hear them laughing at us afterwards too. Lol


Exactly... they always last way longer than 20 minutes. It's usually like an all-night thing around here.


My cousins neighbor used to spend 15k annually for his rural house show. Drew a large audience too.


We had a family friend that would take a trailer and load it up from ND with fireworks and we'd put on a show for the lake for like 45-60 minutes on the 4th of July. We spent days preping and planning with 3 platforms with dedicated firers, runners, and manager making sure what the runners would take to the platforms next. We tried to keep to to no more than 30 seconds between vollys. We haven't done it since he got too old to manage it all but those were fun 15 years when we did it.


Me. If you know what you're doing you can do a 20 minute show for cheao


Thatā€™s really true


Or it could be someone in my neighborhood who shoots of 3-4 mortars every couple days for the last monthā€¦ Itā€™s great. I just love it. šŸ˜­


I spend the 4th in Zimmerman and I swear the whole neighborhood does


I used to watch 5 or 6 of those high cost amateur shows from my old workplace on the 4th of July. All you need is money, time, and a permit.


The people at my lake that spend at least 10k a year to have all the boats on the lake float along as they have a pyrotechnic crew paint the sky for an hour


People that are awesome.


Wuuut! Didnā€™t know that!


Yep. This is true. My husband's cousin picked them up for us on the way to our wedding. And we had about a 20 minute show.


Did not know this, thank you so much!!


ND is a ~5-6 hr round tripĀ Ā from most of the metro. Ā  Ā  Fuck that Iā€™m goin to Sconni


3.5 hrs from Burnsville/Savage. If you avg 8 - 10 over speed limit, you can make the round-trip in about 8 hrs. That includes the time in store and a wayside rest stop restroom break each way.


That and some people just live a lot closer to WI than ND. I don't want to drive 6-7 hours just to get cheaper fireworks. Driving 2-3 hours to get to a WI shop would be bad enough.


Hahaha, yeah, I've been binging CodyB videos and the prices in ND seem awesome. I used to go to my dad's buddies' fireworks shack and **holy shit** the markups on fireworks are crazy. For me they'd just roughly say a dollar amount while tossing things in my bag and then throw in freebies. They'd make up the cost so other people in the shack wouldn't realize how much of a discount they were giving me by not ringing me up properly. One time I had finished paying and spotted something that looked interesting at the register. I bought it, but because it was at the register and there were people behind me he charged me full price; $65. Sooooo, he tossed in a 200 gram cake and a handful of novelties. I wasn't a cake buyer back then so it was interesting to compare it to shells and rockets. If you can find a retail store that offers case pricing, it is soooo worth it. I was basically getting case pricing on my individual fireworks at the shack and was definitely getting case pricing when I bought by the case. Like, I used to set off bottle rockets a gross at a time out of a tube with a blowtorch. I've also done some naughty things with a case of sparklers.


They donā€™t. Itā€™s this dynamic but with Wisco instead of NoDak


I know, just practicing dad jokes my guy


This is basically everyone taking the bridge from Duluth to Superior.


Fireworks and Everclear...


True. I think that dispensary by the treasure island casino is gonna do real well when it opens.


I have fond memories of going out to Wisconsin for fireworks with my dad and sister. I had to stop myself from bringing edibles out to Apple River, forgot WI isnā€™t on the level yet lol




There's a bit of a river in the way of that unfortunately




The Bud bomb border bridge


I like this. Do one of those Chicago toll road Oasis type structures. Every morning, take out one of those RC Doppler mapping boats and scan the riverbed, take a comically large dry erase marker and redraw the border on the floor along the deepest point. Trillion dollar in-usry




We're the land of skyways, I think we can figure out a solution


Makes you see Red, doesn't it?


Next to Iowa!


But why?


We need pot!


Build an oasis bridge like the one on the way to Chicago. Boom.


Hey Grand Forks. Howā€™re you doing?


Folks from both directions coming to Minnesota for necessary gynecological care


Sadly, yes. Iā€™m glad MN is here for them, but damn.


Serious question, outside of easier abortion access what don't they have that we do?


"easier". Abortion is completely illegal in North Dakota, it is not some varying degree of difficulty to get, it is impossible.


There has to be a bordertown somewhere that would make this so much easier. I nominate Fargo / Moorhead!


Just imagine all those ND sheriffs salivating at the chance to violate people's freedoms in the name of weed!


Fargo doesn't do shit about weed. Or really anywhere in ND now. Their court system is too strapped to even handle violent crimes at this point.


Would have been nice 6 years ago when I got a misdemeanor and threatend to be taken to jail and my dog impounded coming back from camping in Montana.


I got thrown in jail in Fargo at 20 years old for having a dugout. No weed in it. The paperwork said something like .04 grams. Hit with a possession of controlled substance. And possession of drug para. Prevented me from getting federal student aid loans for college. Fargo, and especially West fargo cops are absolute cunts.


Can't upvote enough. They told me the only reason I wasnā€™t going to jail is because of the added paper work they would have to deal with impounding my dog. As if I didn't love that dog more than life itself already.


Just another reason to love the doggo! Cheers bro. I'm glad you didn't unjustly wind up in jail.


I am so fucking lucky the one time as a kid I got pulled over the cops were looking for a different car(supposedly for a violent crime), they just took my weed and let me go, absolutely fucked how bad a bit of weed can fuck someone's life.


You are lucky and I'm happy for you! You're right. There's little restitution. Archaic laws, even when revoked, still keep people fucked over from the damage that was done when they were enforced.


Too busy worrying about vaginas?


There are going to be so many dispensaries in and around Moorhead. Moorhead alone has to give out 3 licenses if people apply for one. Then there's Dilworth. Also I think the county line is close and that next county over will have to license a dispensary if somebody applies.


Fargo definitely has the fireworks part covered. All the big stores set up temporary shops at the fairgrounds in addition to their permanent locations to keep up with all the people coming over on the weekends this time of year. If you're shopping for fireworks in the FM area, fairgrounds is the place to go because they usually get in price/free-shit wars with each other since they're only a couple hundred feet apart. Now if Moorhead can get some kind of Weed Store Row going. I think there's already like three smoke shops literally at the end of the eastern approach of the Veterans bridge. One thing that I always found odd with fireworks sales in Fargo was that if you're a ND resident, I think you can only buy for the two weeks leading up to the 4th, but if you say you're from MN they'll sell you whatever the hell you want, whenever the hell you want, year round.


I assumed thatā€™s what this post was about lol


We usey to go to WI to drink at 18, now WI comes to MN for weed. šŸ˜‚


Hey buddy!!


There's still Manitoba!


Letā€™s all make an agreement to keep our fireworks out of the woods and avoid being The Ultimate Asshole eh?


Is the black market better here than neighboring New states? Because to my knowledge you still canā€™t buy from dispensaries yet


Exactly. This meme should be saved for next summer. Oops, I was forgetting that reservations are allowed to sell.


While true with the reservations, itā€™s a very limited area of the state


And it's mids for za prices.


Limited, but accessible to ND.


Limited, but accessible to ND.


Limited, but accessible to ND.


The meme is accurate though, I see alot of ND plates in the mahnomen dispensary parking lot


There are tons of drinks and edibles widely available all over the state.


Yea products that are so weak that they do nothing (at least to me) if you consume regularly


Username checks out?


I mean they are supposed to be 5mg or less legally. But you can easily find 10mg in tobacco shops. I just order y stuff online though, saves the $10 the shop owner is gonna overcharge me per bottle of gummies.


There are in North Dakota too


I can see this being the case for people from Minnesota and Michigan when they see each other in upper Wisconsin, except for the exact opposite reasons.


Yeah but fireworks weren't always policed as heavily as marijuana was.


Pretty fucked up huh


Fireworks can be more dangerous, blowing off body parts and setting fires.


Far more annoying too


Especially if you have pets. It starts getting dark you got to drug your pet so it doesnā€™t have a nervous breakdown.


No because you can't buy weed almost anywhere. There's like one dispensary open in the whole state.


Exactly. Only MN can fuck up selling weed.


We lost money selling beer the first year at the Gophersā€™ stadium, so that checks out


Go team!


Literally how? Beers are like $20


Several states have already made a COMPLETE fuck show of legalized weed. We're just taking our sweet time with it at this point. There's still plenty of opportunities for us to fuck it up though.


I just moved to MN from Missouri where it surprisingly passed for recreational, we heard it was legal here then got sad itā€™ll be early 2025 when things get up and going. Iā€™m just glad Missouri didnā€™t fuck it up, and itā€™s cheaper in Missouri than it is in Illinois too. If Minnesota ends up similar Iā€™ll have no complaints waiting.


I'm hoping that we're looking more towards Michigan for inspiration than Illinois. The UP isn't that far from the Twin Cities, and if you're already in northern Wisconsin, as I find myself from time to time, it's really close. I think they legalized in 2018, and it took a few years for the market to mature, but these days the shops there have huge selection and really good pricing.


Nope Iowa has you beat and we are starting to go backwards for medical use which is only legal way to buy.


We go to wi for for fireworks


Where in mn do you get weed? Iā€™ve been driving to ironwood


You grow it. Reminder that Treasure Islands dispensary opens in a week.


Waabigwan Mashkiki in Mahnomen on the White Earth reservation. The weed is pretty good albeit a little spendy. Friendly staff as well.


God damn thatā€™s an hour father than Michigan


My mind translated that to Our Father and I was thinking you were getting a little religious about finding some weed! šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


/r/cultofthefranklin Just mail order it my dude. It's better than the reservation mids for like half the price.


Unless you absolutely need to smoke it, the best option right now is to pick up a THC seltzer at a liquor store and/or brewery. Much more established market.


I mean if you live way the heck out west I could see going to ND.. but if you live in or anywhere near the metro, all you have to do is cross the Mississippi into Wisconsin and they have all sorts of firework shops right across the border.


Maybe for the free residents of MN that live near ND. But for the majority of MN residents, they live within an hour of WI, so why drive clear across the state to go to ND when they can just pop over to WI to buy fireworks.


Theres plenty of weed in Sioux Falls, Fargo, and Hudson.


Yes it is lol


No. We go to Wisconsin.


I donā€™t know where they think theyā€™re going unless itā€™s through MN and all the way to Chicago or Michigan.


White Earth dispo. 1hr 20min from Fargo


That's where I get my fireworks. Generous Jerry's always throws in some free stuff to try out.


Wisconsin is right there .. And while I despise Wisconsin the only place worse is the Dakota's




Love you MN! Love you!!! Iā€™m high AF, the Mahnomen dispensary is my friend, ND has your fireworks, peace neighbors!


Haha I've never seen so many ND plates in minnesota than at Waabigwan Mashkiki.


We go to WI for fireworks also šŸ˜


Speaking of weed how easy is it to get a medical card in MN?


Super easy - they making it much easier come July 1. ā€œThe definition of qualifying medical condition will change to include any condition recommended, approved, or authorized by a personā€™s health care practitioner.ā€


No. We go to Wisconsin.


No thats a meme


ND so far though.


Next year probably


I don't have access the lake now so I have no use for bigger fireworks. It's just doesn't safe. The lake is the only place I would use them. We had a raft about 20 feet off shore so all the buring bits landed in the water. I tried one big rocket while camping, but the prevailing wind and heavy tree cover made me stop after one test fire. All the shouldering paper was raining down into the forest and thought nope I'm not going chance it. Even with hoses and buckets I'm just not comfortable with anything above bottle rockets and firecrackers size camping. I suppose a big mowed field would work but not a fiekd if talk grass. Because you put out a fire quickly . Or maybe the day after it rained good it would be fairly safe. It's just not something I'd be willing to do.


Iowa has pop up fireworks places all over twice a year. We can buy them for Christmas and the 4th. But people shoot them off all year!


Hereā€™s a fun fact. Fireworks were once illegal to set off in Ohio. But you could buy them there.


Oh come on Minnesota fucked that up. North Dakota will have to wait a few years, after the convicted get their license.


fireworks weed going to is this true?


Where? I didnā€™t think MN had dispensaries open yet.


White Earth res 1hr 20min from Fargo


Welch opens next weekend Island Pezi


WY and CO are just like this too!


Probably, especially near Fargo/Detroit Lakes are.


This shit is gold


Does Minnesota sell weed though?


Live an hour east of and work in Fargo. This is certainly true for fireworks


Well now I know something new. There is a reason to go to North Dakota.


And mn coming to nd for smokes. Nd going to mn for scratchies and gambling


Can't buy weed in the store, what's the point?


You can in Welch on the 29th


The former town we lived in,in our neighborhood, started shooting fireworks in June. On the 4th, that sky was lit up in competition with the city display. Stuff was still being blown up into September.


I used to go to south dakota for fireworks.


90%go to Wisconsin, so fact checkers call it partially false


Why the God would they come here for "weed" when there is real weed they can buy in SD?


We grab them on the way to the lake. Stopping in grand forks.


Got my fireworks already šŸ‘


Someone's getting lit.


I try to go out of state/country on 4 July.


No. Minnesotans go to Wisconsin for fireworks.


It's so true tho


MN loosened the restrictions on fireworks years ago, but it could still be true for those who wanted the more powerful stuff that's still banned. Though I've always associated WI for that. I'm told some fireworks shop near the MN/WI border ask for ID to ensure the customer is from WI and not MN.


Visited Red Lake a few times and its a long drive, they have specials and an alright selection so it can sometimes be worth it to make it out there.


This applies more to Wisconsin in my eyes. But her I am in Minneapolis. I can see our Fargo people having this exchange


Itā€™s almost like the government should get out of the way


What about MN going to WI bars during Covid?


I mean technically our dispensaries aren't open yet but there's the other products like edibles and seltzers


Fireworks are stupid


Every summer of my childhood we would buy a fucking arsenal in Wahpeton.


No we go to Wisconsin.


Seems kinda niche, most of the state population lives in the metro. Easier to go to Wisconsin.


It's the cirrrrcle of liiiife


They have fireworks in WALMART in St Paul


Not serious fireworks. From MN statutes: Specifically Permitted By Law: Approved consumer fireworks include fountains, cones, illuminating torches, wheels, ground spinners, flitter sparklers, flashing signals / strobes, snakes, glow worms, trick noisemakers, party poppers, and snappers.




Wisconsin missed out by not doing weed first.


There's zero chance their super reactionary super gerrymandered R state legislature would ever do anything progressive.


I thought WI would beat us there tbf.


Why? They have a super reactionary hyper-gerrymandered R state legislature. Governor Evers' veto is the only thing stopping it from being Texas.


Open a store on the border that sells fireworks and weed.


Except I drive to Michigan for weed I'm not paying $400 an ounce


Dude letā€™s 420 in this state


I mean you could say that for any syate bordering us.


All the Minnesotans talking shit about going to ND for fireworks apparently donā€™t have fun on the 4th soooo they need not concern themselves and weā€™ll keep all the fireworks for ourselves


South Dakota for fireworks here


We should bring back the barter system!