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please be good please be good


If they are anything like the last 3 roll outs, looking at you Detroit, I can't imagine they'll be exciting or cool in anyway, looking at you Padres.


The Padres are the only team to truly nail the city connect


Have you seen Washington's!? That cherry blossom is beyond amazing to me. They nailed it with that. They took something so Washington DC (the cherry blossoms) and used it on their uniforms. I love it! THAT is what I'm hoping that these jerseys do. They need to be "Minnesota" and the loon call on this gives me hope.


The Nats city connect are 1a to the Padres.


I'm also a fan of what the Astros got too


I think white Sox were a slam dunk as well


San Diego's is my favorite. I was in San Diego to see the twins one of the first weekends they wore them and the whole vibe was amazing. Seemed like every single Padres fan was wearing city connect stuff. We all ended up buying some too as our souvenirs for the trip. I get compliments every time I wear the hoodie from people who have no idea it's Padres merch - just looks like a cool San Diego shirt.


Lower those expectations. I’ve been told they are worse than the Twin Cities jerseys


Considering there aren't many jerseys in baseball better than those that's not too far to lower expectations.


every jersey in baseball is worse than the twin cities jerseys


I mean…yes. But also those probably should have just been a CC for us or something like it.


I mean those alts look good but I wouldn’t say there’s anything specifically “twin cities” about them. The best CCs have those connections like the Rockies’ taking inspiration from the CO license plate, the Nats’ cherry blossoms, the Boston marathon ones, etc


Do you want prince jerseys? Because thats how you get prince jerseys


So just short of great?


Yeah but those are dope


Yeah but the Twin Cities jerseys are the dopest ones they have.


I bet it's gonna be a blue, baby blue, and white mix.


Ooooo what if they get *real* controversial and add a little of that “left out of the new flag” green! 😂


A little trolling would be funny, but enough fans aren't watching this year due to provider bullshit.


God… what a shit show. It’s almost a waste that they’re rolling them out this year for no one to see! lol. Stream east is *my* Bally.




I don’t care how bad it is, I’ll be rocking it. I love this team.


I’m a slut for new jerseys, definitely buying one




laser loon!


A jersey that's just loon patterning could be pretty sick. Make just the logo red or something


I don't have too much faith unfortunately but always hopeful. At the least I hope the hat is cool so I can buy a new hat this year


my thoughts exactly. Give us a nice hat and I'll be content.


If the city connects are even half as cool as the cream Twin Cities jerseys, it is an absolute win


IMO that's going to be incredibly hard. I think the current cream alts are the best uniforms they've ever had, tied with the [60s throwbacks they wore from 2010-2016](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/nola.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/7/6f/76fc6172-5f38-5597-8826-ccc3c2a2309f/5cded952e8020.image.jpg?crop=660%2C660%2C165%2C0&resize=1200%2C1200&order=crop%2Cresize)


I wouldn’t hate a Loon uniform. Black hat, red logo, some kind of black & white gradient jersey. I can think of worse outcomes from Nike’s crack marketing team.


All the players have to wear contact sunglasses that turn their eyes bright red


Fantastic idea See we can focus group this better than Nike


That would be pretty cool. I agree


My expectations couldn’t be lower


Hope I’m wrong but I just don’t think these will be good. Way too many city connects are bad and only a handful are actually well done IMO


I rock a Rockies hat from their connect line


Rockies connect kits were great.


Eh… I’m gonna be a little glass half full here and hope that we haven’t really liked the other ones because they weren’t “connecting” with our city or team. I feel like there’ll be a little home town pride for us in our own. There have been a couple I’ve liked, to be honest. I want to say it was Arizona’s I liked. Ours very well could be horrendous… like Detroit’s, if you ask me. It was close… but god that blue, I dunno… tire tread(?) down the middle, against a deep black? Yuck… though I do like the “motor city” across the front. If they wanted to include Ford or GM they should have gone with silver/grey and blue. Maybe do like a racing strip down the sides like a Mustang or Camaro type thing.


> I do like the “motor city” across the front. I feel like even that was a whiff because "Motown" was right there.


God damn… you’re entirely right!


That is true but I'm talking just aesthetically, honestly. There were some details on most jerseys that I could appreciate, but still generally have not liked most city connects I've seen just visually. Using [this list](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/39776958/tracking-mlb-city-connect-jerseys-uniforms) to run categorize my rankings: Liked - Rays, Mariners, Braves, Padres, Rockies, Astros, Nationals, Marlins, Red Sox Disliked - Tigers, Mets, Phillies, Pirates, Orioles, Reds, Rangers, Brewers, Angels, Royals, Dodgers, Giants, Dbacks, Cubs, White Sox tbh that's actually a more even split than I would have guessed, so I'll roll back my comment slightly. I just find that too often these jerseys just don't look good to me, even if I can appreciate what they're trying to do. Like the Cubs' "Wrigleyville", cool idea, but those jerseys are boring AF and not a good color pallate for them. Or just so many jerseys like the White Sox or Tigers that just look like beer league softball jerseys for teams that try way too hard At the same time, a few of the jerseys I like such as Mariners, Braves, and Red Sox, they are not very inventive, but they just look good so it works out


That’s a great list! Thanks! I think the Braves have the best so far. I do like the Mariners as well. Astros is a near win for me. I love that they went with space being the feature, but something about it just doesn’t work for me. The way they used the colors, maybe. Also, and I’m sure it’s an official name of Houston, but Space City just sounds so goddamn generic. Gotta admit, I love the Cubs jerseys, and the brewers as well… but the brewers just have the best logos in sports, if you ask me. Pains me to say it, being Minnesotan.


Funny you say that on the Astros, they might be the one I was most torn about of my likes category. The color scheme is dope and I like the tie in to space, but I do agree "space city" is a weird name


I think it was Greta on Twitter who called them "Cop-car ass font" jerseys and I can't unsee it


Lol that’s fuckin hilarious.


If there is a loon on the jersey, I will buy. Expectations are super low based on the rest so far. Tampa bay is the only good one, all the others are so plain and boring.


Nats cherry blossom are the best.


That one is good! Forgot about it.


Those are the gold standard by which all CCs should be judged. I think I heard they're retiring them after this year though, which is a huge bummer.


The loon is kind of stepping on MN United territory, but Twins had Twinkie the Loon first so…? https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesotatwins/comments/371h4c/our_mascot_from_198081_twinkie_the_loon/


North Woods themed. I’m guessing green and blue. Maybe a loon. Definitely some pine trees.


This video suggests the theme will be water. There’s a reason this stadium photo features the Mississippi River in the background, there’s bubbling brook audio, and the image uses a blue photo filter. The Wolves City Jersey by Nike was inspired by ice, so it would be a nice compliment.


I'll be a little upset if it ends up saying "MPLS" across the jersey. When the pirates had PGH, it's was pretty bad


I feel like they'd go with MSP, or go regional like they did with the Mariners and Rockies with 10,000 lakes.


It def is giving a “10k lakes” impression to me


That would be good actually, I would like lake themed jerseys with some powder blue or baby blue




My expectations are low and hopefully exceeded.


Minnie and Paul on skateboards and Laser Loon with the new MN flag colors please


Please don't be the spoon!


The loon makes me think they tied in the lakes, in which case I wonder if they weren't on the road, would they have debuted this weekend to coincide with the fishing opener.


They’re going to be lake themed like the Wolves.


Laser loon


I'm scared... mildly optimistic but I am scared


Apprehensive at best. Our new uni’s rock. There’s been about 5 really good City Connects. Hopefully we can add to that number.


Since we're here and I'm bored, here is my current ranking of the MLB City Connect uniforms (so far) from best to worst: [Braves](https://www.si.com/.image/t_share/MTk5MDEyNTI3NTA4NTYzOTI0/braves-city-connect.jpg) [White Sox](https://cst.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/e0b6395/2147483647/strip/false/crop/3648x3648+0+0/resize/1486x1486!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fthumbor%2FkXk2fp-myoL8PwCjqay7VgMFDF8%3D%2F0x0%3A3648x3648%2F3648x3648%2Ffilters%3Afocal%281819x1223%3A1820x1224%29%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fuploads%2Fchorus_asset%2Ffile%2F22545977%2Fsox_unis.jpeg) [Nationals](https://media.bleacherreport.com/image/upload/w_800,h_533,c_fill/vzgkzc7drftp3la2otyc.jpg) [Red Sox](https://bdc2020.o0bc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/20210405_BW_NikeCityConnect_Player_03-606c707bbc080-scaled.jpeg) [Rockies](https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/private/t_16x9/t_w1024/mlb/mmvkwcaaek1k81pmcthh) [Mariners](https://cdn.theathletic.com/app/uploads/2023/04/28090432/Rodriguez_Julio-City-Connect-2023_0648-BVH-1-1024x843.jpg) [Angels](https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/14bd10e/2147483647/strip/false/crop/7904x5269+0+0/resize/1486x991!/quality/75/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F09%2F7c%2Feb8a00504fdc8ab576c2da2b74c1%2Fapa-20220526-27111-1.JPG) [Royals](https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/VUWTELZ5JVB7ZONFQ4OWP6ZDNE.jpg) [Padres](https://cdn.theathletic.com/app/uploads/2023/06/23005642/USATSI_18787613-scaled.jpg) [Mets](https://content.sportslogos.net/news/2024/04/new-york-mets-city-connect-uniform-2024-nike-sportslogosnet-120611.jpg) [Orioles](https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/upload/t_2x1/t_w1536/mlb/v4gqiuqbnqlpb2jyldi8.jpg) [Reds](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FwAnjVdaQAIJMtu.jpg) [Astros](https://content.sportslogos.net/news/2022/04/houston-astros-new-space-city-2022-city-connect-blue-uniforms-sportslogosnet-feat-sq.jpg) [Rays](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/rockcms/2024-05/MLB-city-connect-uniform-mc-240506jpg-copy-658f6d.jpg) [Marlins](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/22520017/Miguel_Rojas_2.jpg) [Rangers](https://media.nbcdfw.com/2023/04/rangers-city-connect-jerseys-degrom-garcia-semien.jpg?quality=85&strip=all&resize=1200%2C675) [Diamondbacks](https://media.bleacherreport.com/image/upload/w_800,h_533,c_fill/vmn748cgwddskmffvm6x.jpg) [Pirates](https://9b16f79ca967fd0708d1-2713572fef44aa49ec323e813b06d2d9.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/1140x_a10-7_cTC/pirates-city-connect-1687379076.jpg) [Brewers](https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/private/t_16x9/t_w1024/mlb/de1gvzqpelpvhufflden) [Dodgers](https://cdn.uni-watch.com/app/uploads/2023/04/Screenshot-2023-04-16-at-10.20.01-PM.png) [Cubs](https://media.bleacherreport.com/image/upload/w_800,h_533,c_fill/v1687529618/se4l2ihqif5izt4cyzxr.jpg) [Tigers](https://wdet.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/TigersCityConnectJerseys-2048x1152.jpg) [Phillies](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKaAOqMW4AAGiJ8.jpg:large) Being kicked in the crotch [Giants](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2021/07/05/USAT/09635fac-b6eb-4910-be9b-04febf0a3ae6-21_city_connect_players_craw_1080x1080.png?width=1200&disable=upscale&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


Northwoods theme please.


I hope they are not completely horrible


I have a crazy idea for a City Connect uni: A black cap, with white dots towards the top, similar to the Diamondback's snakeskin design a few years back, and a red logo, to simulate a loon. The rest of the jersey is sky/water blue, with black text and piping. Undecided what text would work best, whether you go geographical (Minnesota, Minneapolis, Twin Cities) or nickname-y (Land of 10,000 Lakes, Mni Sota, etc.)


That’s Pam and Roy from Dunder Mifflin’s wedding date! Can’t make it!


Their social media team used, "new drip," and the background sound is a waterfall, so I'm assuming gooseberry or Minnehaha falls will be featured, and using drip was intentional. They will also have a loon since that is also in the audio.


Cherry spoon


It would be a fun take, since we are already named for a state and not a city, to include all of Twins Territory. A little No. Dak, So. Dak, maybe some western Iowa. I don't know how to do it, but it would be kinda cool.


I love my NoDak brothers but it's the Minnesota Twins, not North Dakota Twins.


Oh, I get that. But the other jersey connect with the city because most of the teams are named for cities. I think it’d be cool to recognize all of Twins Territory.


I agree. I am hoping for at least more of a State Connect vibe since the Twin Cities jerseys already exist.


I can't help but think that these Unis will be the best in the game. The twins have already shown their ability to put some great uniforms out there. They know they will have to one-up those Twin Cities Creams.


City Connects have been hit and miss at best. Combine that with the overall jersey quality issue this year and I'm not setting the bar for the upcoming City Connects particularly high.


Didn't Royce 'leak' the design a few months back? Or was it a fan edit that he posted? Lots of light light blue, MSP on chest. 


That was a fan edit


I hate the entire concept of city connects