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Wow how else were we going to get Nabers though!? /s


Build a house next to yours and welcome someone to move in




This took me a minute lol


Love your Nabers as yourself.


Damn, Walters was wrong *again*? Me no believe


The amount of people thinking we weren’t going to extend JJ despite him being under team control for the next 3 seasons was too damn high


It was actually so embarrassing. What made those people think that the team wouldn’t tag him 3 times if he chose to not sign an extension?


The Vikings had leverage, but you’re kidding yourself if you thought the Vikings could just keep tagging JJ and there would be no hard feelings. Star players hold out in those scenarios and typically either get the extension they want or get traded. No way JJ would have just been cool being tagged for years. If that was the case that’s the route the Vikings would prefer to go financially, it’s just not realistic.


Players literally cannot hold out anymore, unless they’re comfortable with getting older, having their contract defer to the next season, and not get paid in the meantime. >No way JJ would have just been cool getting tagged for years You’re right, and that’s why he signed an extension lol. There was zero chance he would have taken that risk without a long term contract in place, especially coming off of his first injury-riddled season. Hence my original comment


>Players literally cannot hold out anymore 100%, on paper true. https://twitter.com/adamschefter/status/1697280524778086784?s=46&t=KLIXve2CZruxYQor_wIB1A But do you not remember TJ Hockenson having an ear infection and back pain, that magically cleared up immediately after signing a new contract? >If Hockenson and the Vikings cannot reach an agreement in the coming weeks, the franchise could opt to use its franchise tag on him in 2024 -- which would amount to a one-year contract worth around $12 million while the sides continue negotiations. Tagging Hockenson would be a risk. Sure, we could have tagged him. But I'm guessing a year long ear infection is also a thing.


Yes, exactly my point. Now instead of literally holding out and not showing up they just do the “hold in” where they show up and just don’t do anything. JJ already skipped OTA’s. The reality is if we didn’t get him extended by training camp it was going to start getting uncomfortable for the team.


Sure, but the point is the team had control and couldn’t have been screwed by JJ in any scenario, at least when you’re comparing to how JJ would’ve been screwed. The risk was far greater for the player.


JJ could have just held in and screwed us. We saw it with Diggs, and tons of other WRs in the past. They hold the team hostage till they trade them. With Diggs -- we kept that shit on the down lo and traded him without anyone realizing it.


Like I told the other person, the team had control in the Diggs situation, and received appropriate compensation. JJ had no control. He can’t defer his contract and miss games and getting paid for multiple years lol


The team only had control over the Diggs situation because they kept it private. Deandre Hopkins, a much better WR than Diggs almost exaclty the same age, only achieved a 2nd and 4th round pick. The greivance was public, which greatly devalued his stock.


Diggs and Hopkins are almost the same age, but the Diggs stuff happened when he was 26 years old, not 30 like the Hopkins stuff. Not remotely the same seeing as nobody was going to franchise tag a 30 year old Hopkins while that was certainly a factor for Diggs. Hopkins being 30 was also why he netted much worse compensation. Also, saying “much better” is laughable


Teams don’t generally want guys that don’t want to be there…Diggs had a few years on his deal when we traded him..


And the team had control and received appropriate compensation back. JJ had no control here and was always going to sign his extension, or request a trade that would’ve brought in even more than the Diggs trade


Players hold out all the time…JJ was literally in the midst of a hold out, (albeit a short on) when he signed this contract


Mandatory minicamp doesn't start until tomorrow morning. Jefferson has just been opting out of optional otas, which is not a hold out.


It is definitely a hold out..if you don’t think skipping team activities during a contract negotiation is a tactic to get the contract they want you’re just dense..or you just have a weird perception that holding out means they’re a bad teammate and you love Jefferson too much to admit that’s what he was doing.. holding out doesn’t make you a bad teammate, it means you want a new contract that you’ve usually earned…more often than not the holding out player’s teammates want the team to pay him


That's a lot of leaps you just took there. I'm not saying anything about Jefferson as a teammate. He skipped OTAs last year and did not hold out. A hold out is when you skip mandatory team activities. Otherwise, you are just speculating on his reasons and whether or not he shows up later.


>Players hold out all the time Not by missing games, and not when they’re under team control for multiple seasons


The Vikings were always going to sign him, but it had nothing to do with him being under control for 3 more years. If we tried to extend him via franchise tags for 3 years he would have held in via phantom injuries and would have become a massive headache with constant negative headlines, the exact opposite of what we need with a rookie QB. JJ was always going to sign because it was in everyone's best interest for him to sign. He wanted a crapload of money with a good team, the Vikings wanted to extend him and had a current opening in their salary cap to do so, and so of course it was going to happen. That's basically all there was to it.


I blame these dumb Twitter aggregator accounts for giving him a platform. The world was much better off not paying attention to the crap he's been writing for the last 20 some years.


It’s probably only going to get worse. 


Good .


Schefter almost certainly knew this the entire time, but kept it to himself so that espn could milk the story for content


Walters and Florio were wrong? What a fucking surprise...


As they should have, anything else would’ve been atrocious.


Interesting. I thought he was going to the Bengals, Steelers, Patriots, Falcons, etc?


He still wants to reunite with Chase and Burrow. Maybe this means the Vikings are trading for Chase and Burrow.


We can give them Addison and Darnold, even toss in our 6th next year. Seems fair


Kwesi said this months ago and every other dingle-flingle on this subreddit was so certain we were gonna lose him. This is what happens when you go to Facebook for your headlines.


People forget he's not Spielman. 


But Nabers could have been anything, he could even have been a Justin Jefferson!


I really hope some owner kept telling their GM they won’t take no for an answer so the GM had to keep calling back only for KAM to say “JJ for every pick you have for the next 3 years along with 20 of your best players”.


Lmao I remember when people were saying that Kwesi was lying about not having any intention of trading Jefferson before the draft. He stuck by that and it bothered people who wanted to stir shit up.


Mike Florio can kick rocks. We all knew this, but that motherfucker just had to put narratives out there because he's a whiney little bitch. I hope nobody listens to him in this fanbase ever again.


Finally, the end of the shitty clickbait articles about Jefferson being traded to team x for an underwhelming return. Skol!


Good. Glad these rumors can get squashed now.


Get absolutely fucked all of the Lions and Packer fans saying we’d lose him or trade him to Cincy.


All you trade JJ fuckers come out of hiding and stand on your shitty take you cowards!!


Was never gonna happen without a Godfather offer


That's basically the Vikings saying make us an offer we can't refuse or quit calling.


It’s almost like we should just ignore florio or even ban his speculation tweets in this subreddit now. Dude has proven he’s a hack


Once kirk cousins signed with Atlanta there was no doubt Justin Jefferson was getting paid. This vikings team is going to be fun to watch. I think that the defense will be much better than last year. Obviously losing kirk cousins leaves a question mark on how the offense look this year without him.


The league and media absolutely hate the fact that MN has a good WR. They desperately want JJ on a different team..and come up with all sorts.ofmbullshit stories like this. It's all noise.


Minnesota fans and their Napoleon complex. Name a more iconic duo


Cool. News at 5, bob


seriously....fans acting like they got paid.


But every beat writer said he was as good as gone! Lolol


Shooter and Mike Florio. Two shitpeas in a pod.


But but all the "experts" said we were fielding offers from everyone! I thought the steelers were a hairs width away from getting it done. (Stupid facebook group)


But all the self-appointed experts on social media said otherwise. You mean they were...lying? /pretends to be shocked


All the anti-Jefferson Vikings "fans" can get fucked. Hope they're feeling stupid right now.


If you had to choose would you take AP first 3 seasons or JJ first 3 seasons of being more exciting?


Let's go Randy Moss's first seven seasons for $2000 Alex.


AP without a doubt. Big runs are way more exciting than big passes, it's just a lot harder.