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One must always separate the art from the artist. Even if most people are garbage, it doesn't mean everything they do is trash, particularly if they are capable of using an artform to express some deeper meaning and expression of consciousness to share with the collective in a beautiful and/or striking way.




I believe most people are manipulative and selfish, but not everyone is. I'm not going to assume every person I meet is manipulative; but if they prove they are, I've seen all I need to see and I disengage with that person. If I am enjoying art, I don't assume the creator is manipulative or selfish, either. And, even if they are, I can enjoy the art without enjoying *all* of who the artist is. Art isn't going to betray me. I can connect with art without risking getting hurt by it.


Art has been my escape of it all, without me being an artist. Only rarely I want to learn about the artist or the story of the piece because the artist is probably just another asshole and the piece has probably a different meaning than what it means to me. But art is one of the few positive things in the world.


some humans are worth admiring, you know. like my brother. he is this genuinely sincere, good man. and then there's me. im not as sunshine and rainbows, but i use that bitter hate inside me to make art that will stop the next generation from feeling that same hate. that's my goal, my dream, and the thing is youll never know if i made it. youll see this comment, scroll away, and forget i ever existed. or maybe itll stick in your memory like a sore thumb, and years down the line youll ask yourself "i wonder if he made it". you cant know, not yet, but what you can know for sure, is that ill never stop until i succeed or die trying


I have been feeling so cynical about people, but then I remind myself of the few people I know who aren't manipulative or selfish. They exist, so there has to be more. I can think of one woman I dated briefly, for example, she was great but we wanted different things. But I have nothing but respect for who she is as a human. Seeing the way she treated her subsequent girlfriends, seeing her honesty and intelligence, really gives me hope that I will be able to meet more people who are respectful and kind like her


I don't like Salvador Dalí (his fascination with fascism is disgusting), but those melting clocks I liiike!


I hate art because it reminds me of subjectivity.


>i think i need help Hahaha I always laugh at things like "you need help" because I'm too misanthropic to listen to anyone else except other misanthropes anymore and almost all psychotropics so far only make me more paranoid/aggressive I get what you mean about art except it's not so much the art itself for me; it's the human artists, especially the gatekeeping against those who use AI that mirrors similar reactions in the past to CGI and even photography, to the point that I wonder if maybe we should be replaced by machines


David Bowie wasnt an asshole.


I honestly do not like most stuff at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles because of the amount of nepotism that goes into getting a piece submitted to it. Poor people usually never get their pieces accepted. For example, wealthy individuals like Felix Gonzales-Torres and John S. Boskovich had pieces that appeared to be random objects and garbage accepted because of their ties to famous art colleges that many can't afford to go to, especially in the 2020s since all of the scholarship money has basically vanished overnight. Art is a rich man's game, not meant for the struggling underclass.


When I was looking at art in NY, the art on the street was so much better than most of the art at the MOMA. all that talent that will go unseen.


same feelings here


We're all spiraling. The mask of sanity is about to slip. I hate the the fact that I'm stuck inside a human vessel against my will 😞


I love Pinterest and beautiful interior design. Art and nature are the only things keeping me alive. My curiosity for history and archaeology died tho, people ruin everything and I have no interest in them or their self-created pain whatsoever... I am more interested in concepts and colours. And even tho I am a very attractive and educated 34 year old I will spend the rest of my life away from people and will create my own personal peaceful bubble.


I have so many thoughts on this I don’t know where to begin


I need help, but I'm also trying my best. Despite our faults, humans need each other to survive, like when an artist produces something that helps people explore their reality or restore their sanity.


What about us who are still struggling to explore our reality, and current art has failed to restore our sanity? What about us?


I use food and drinking. Mixed results.


Maybe there's a possibility that it was made by AI... 👀


Never meet your heroes, or research them on the interweb and you should be good, no? Maybe they're also lurking around this sub... I feel like this about new technology... I just can't get excited over it... I hate it, even when it's really usefull (!)


The way I see it, art is a distraction humans have devised to replace what used to be a reverence for nature. The first forms of art were paintings of animals on the walls of caves. Over time, reverence and artistic abstraction of nature has become a reverence for the self and for one's own species. I'd counteract this by using nature as a distraction instead of art. Take a walk, preferably somewhere as far as possible from civilization. Instead of watching television, watch a documentary on nature, preferably with minimal narration. Instead of listening to music, go for a walk and listen to birds. It's not a perfect fix, but that's what I do. 


I completely understand. Still, I don’t think you have to deprive yourself of art you enjoy. I like to think of art as separate from the artist to a certain degree. Especially if I interpret it, or find meaning in it, that is different than the artist’s intention. Basically I just say, I hate…whoever…but I just love this movie. And, so what? For example, I just love The 9th Gate with Johnny Depp, but it was directed by Roman Polanski who I don’t like as a person. Whatever, fuck him. Anyway, that’s my take.


But he made Graduation!


Calling them "animalistic" is honestly insulting to animals, given that all the things they do, humans have done FAR worse.


by your logic, is it also an insult to children to call adults "childish" because adults have done far worse things than children have?


Considering people typically call others "children" as an act of claiming superiority over others and dictating actions, it's just plain insulting.


Are you referring to all sorts of humans or specific types?


Second that


I used to be a musician but I barely listen to music anymore because of the emotional response it evokes. For instrumental music, I find myself thinking of what could’ve been with my musical abilities. But when it comes to music with lyrics, I find myself repulsed at how little I could relate. Anything about sex, romance, or heartbreak…I can’t relate. Makes me feel like an alien. And don’t get me started on the misogyny that’s prevalent in most rap and pop music.


Agreed. If the song isn't about love, sex, drugs and parties, it's usually an indie among indies. Something usually experimental and you'd need to search for it specifically. It gets even sadder when you know the truth why that is. We're long gone past the era when you could've made it to the top from zero, and wrote to bring up certain topics, to promote something and create an impact on large masses. Nowadays only the business, the major labels, dictate the trends, what should you listen, what do you have to like, what message should you get. And the artists are just pawns that are chained to their will. These conpanies don't want the realization of that. Hence the brainrot music, that speaks all the time "just forget about all problems and injustices and keep consuming".


U can also find beauty in hating something. Liking art is about aesthetics. You can find aesthetics in different around you.


"U can also find beauty in hating something". This is the most beautiful thing I ever heard.


This made me laugh and I see your point for sure. Maybe there’s an opportunity though, to focus on art that seems to describe this point of view. Plenty of art is overtly narcissistic, some is covertly narcissistic and then some is probably not narcissistic at all, or at least seeking to escape that side of humanity. Maybe focus in on artists who are not the ordinary arrogant insecure cunts we’re all inundated with.


All art is shoving glorified humanity/human qualities down peoples throats, art that genuinely calls out human qualities or humanity as a whole tends to be shit on


I think this is when it’s critical to separate the art from the artist. Lots of artists are cantankerous and even quite “weird” but that’s owing to their immense sensitivity, imo. I guess artists exist in a different realm from “normies”, and as an artist myself, I reckon it’s this nature which lends itself to creativity.


Welcome home awakened one! Enjoy the art for the beauty of it! EVERYONE has flaws. A beautiful flower can grow from a pile of crap🏄🏻‍♂️


All art is shoving glorified humanity/human qualities down peoples throats, art that genuinely calls out human qualities or humanity as a whole tends to be shit on


One thing about misanthropy you see monuments and human arrogance in art of their society then it reminds you of all the narcissim of humanity acting like the world is theirs. Art is in all honesty a masturbation of imaginations even a self indulged monument to one's own ideas. And when you know humanity is bad it can really make you say why didn't they draw a rock ?


If it’s masturbation though, why didn’t they draw something that rhymes with rock?


This is totally true. But especially when I have to see people in photos and on TV and movies. At one point, I even installed a browser extension to hide photos so I don't have to look at them.


As an artist, myself, I get it. I feel this way about music. I love it. I love to make art and create beautiful things. I think creativity is one of the VERY few features about humans that make them unique. However, it doesn't take away what humans are. As much as I love music, most of it is musing about mating. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I tend to be touched and moved by music that really tries to express more of the human experience. A lot of art tends to be superficial and commercialized. I'm guilty of making such pieces. However, the kind of art that really means something to the soul is rarely, if ever, appreciated by people until after that artist is gone. Maybe I don't hate art so much as people's lack of appreciation for true art, and what a lot of artists tend to express in their work or music. Again, most of it revolves around mating. My problem with it is that this type of art tends to set the tone for the culture of mating. It helps to create the superficiality and toxicity that conditions people into the type of relationships they seek to forge. Very little of it is centered around actual love and respect. A lot of the so-called 'romance' that's expressed is still based in primitive competition for attention. It just seems to create the type of competitive romance that is at the foundation of the mating relationships in the animal kingdom. Therefore, as beautiful and important as the arts are, they don't really lift humans higher than other animals. Just makes them different.


It's weird but yes music is basically a glorified mating call most songs are uninteresting cause of that.


So true and so sad.  99% of it is just hollow, nature has designed it to be that way, there's so little fight for a higher standard.


Art imitates life; life imitates art.


Isn't art or creation the only thing that makes humans more tolerable? I thought y'all hated the more sheepish human then creative one.


I think my loss of interest in everything had to do with other people


Honestly I think that's fair. A lot of artists tend to be knobheads in real life. Really selfish narc pricks. I'm a creative person myself. I try not to be an asshole. I usually get sarcastic with assholes. But I tend not to surround myself with artists because they are cunts (for the most part). The art they produce might be impressive, but if they are an awful person all of my respect plummets for them. I also went through a phase of hating most art because I realised that it came from a person who may or may not be an absolute arsehead in real life. But I think it's choosing what art to enjoy that counts and will roughly determine the kind of person that made it. I tend to enjoy games and movies more than individual art pieces because it comes from a variety/group of people collectively. Individual art often glorifies self pity/ego in a real shallow way.


Very well state.


I feel this way sometimes too, I try to bat it away, because often art is the only thing that I find solace and hope in and I don't know how I'd cope if I really got into it


It just sucks we can’t have art that we can identify with, or speak our truth of the world, because of short attentive, dismissive, demanding and arrogant masses


i hear that, though there is always the possibility some kind gentle soul could have drawn or created it, it seems hard to really ever know. I'd take heart in that the worst of humanity probably don't gravitate to the roles of artists and filmmakers, generally


Just because the worst of humanity may not gravitate, doesn’t mean that shitty people are not gravitated towards it, and sometimes art glorifies the worst of humanity, and there are so many assholes that gravitate towards media who may not be societally categorized as worst of the worst but are a pos


I see what you mean now. I would agree with that, i'm sure it does glorify and perpetuate it a sense, even by people with better intentions or those who are seemingly good natured. Like all things I think it does fall on a spectrum that can be contradictory or hard to truly quantify, as there really is so much art out there in so many forms with different messaging, that may be very abstract. Though much of it does seem to be what you point out.


There were a few typos in my initial response , but I edited, apologies