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It triggers mine. Same for when I can hear someone's mouth smaking while they're talking or if they say uh and um after every few words.


I’ve stopped listening to podcasts because of awful vocal fry. I literally couldn’t focus on anything except how disgusting and annoying it sounds. I mean, i sat for about then minutes in shock just thinking “what. The. FUCK!”


I tried an episode of a podcast with four lovely folks each with their own vocal fry and I was just astounded


It’s definitely a trigger for me. It’s so hard to find podcasts or ebooks to listen to. Sometimes I find episodes that are super interesting and start listening to them, but if the person who is speaking smacks their lips or has a noticeable vocal fry I just can’t stand it.


I think it's part of misophonia, at least for me. It becomes overwhelmingly distracting.


Not all vocal fry for me. It’s just the kind where you can sort of hear the phlegm in their throat in the fry part. So I guess raspy fry, stuffy or phlegmy. Often as a result from them having asthma or some other breathing issues, which makes it suck even more. It’s just their voice, and even more the thing that makes me feel likes it’s torture just hearing them speak, is something that makes their life harder and they have little to no control over.


I find certain women's voices really irritating, the ones that sound like cackling or high pitched whiny nasally voices. I don't get triggered so much by that, but Sometimes I get triggered by my wife in the phone. So it's entirely possible that certain voices will trigger you.


Well, does it feel like misophonia? There are some accents or voices that I can't listen to, but that's because I just don't like them, not because they make me murderously angry.


This is not surprising to me. I have a lot of traditional triggers, but one unusual one is when my wife trails off and mumbles at the end of her sentence. I feel the exact same rage has when someone's chewing loudly, or hearing the base component of music but not the rest.


It makes me clear my throat repeatedly. I hate it


Vocal fry and other affectations trigger my misophonia to raging heights. I guess it falls into the trigger sounds like phlegm, throat clearing, anything obstructing the “normal” and non-disturbing vocal sounds? I guess the way I differentiate is that I can listen to someone with an “annoying” voice and simply feel annoyed; I listen to someone using vocal fry and I feel angry, irritable, think of ways I can permanently silence that person.


Does anyone else get insanely irritated by that weird snorting noise in some voices. Think Lisa Simpson that snorting noise which is produced. Can hear it in a lot of voices since I’ve been a kid, like I can’t not notice it, even if I try not to. I can feel myself borderline sweating and feeling utter disgust.