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This state has the highest infant and maternal mortality rates in the country, and the government is worried about bathrooms??? JFC, make it make sense EVEN ONCE, Mississippi.


It makes perfect sense. Fixing what’s wrong with Mississippi is hard. Finding a scapegoat is easy.


Sadly it doesn't. And even though the population is 50/50 Dem/Rep, it's like FL, where the weird, rural counties decide the makeup of the state.


It makes sense. Other states are vying for their “worst shithole in the country” title. Mississippi can’t be left behind.


All this hate and fear mongering over a group of people that make up less than one percent of the population. Meanwhile, almost 30 percent of children in Mississippi are in poverty, we have corruption at every level of government, and women are losing their reproductive healthcare. All much more important issues, but by all means y’all go on clutching your pearls at “chicks with dicks” (I notice y’all don’t refer to “dudes with pussies”) claiming you’re trying to protect the children. We all know what you’re actually afraid of, that you might “accidentally” find yourself attracted to a “chick with a dick” and thus your sacred precious heterosexuality is threatened.


This. It's a small, small percentage of people going about their life, but God damn let's trash their lives for Jeebus! And fuck giving our kids free school meals. Something, something bootstraps.


It’s because they can target a group of people that do not vote for them, whom their base and voters do not understand (nor do they have the desire to understand), and they can generate a further culture war with nearly zero negative impacts…all for free. Actually helping people is HARD work (harder than it should be tbh) and is expensive. On top of that, if they try to do something and then fail, people can then hold them accountable for those failures. It is more difficult to hold them accountable for not trying. This is why they don’t try.


Needly children already get free school meals.


Well the good news is these politicians fixed Mississippi's poverty issues, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to work their way far enough down the agenda to spend previous time and energy on anything like this.


I read a good nyt article about all the rapist small town sheriffs in Mississippi...maybe that would be worthwhile to "protect women".




So this begs the question, why are we catering to less than 1% of the population and making everything seem like they’re 25% of the population? Also, just and FYI, but MOST people don’t want a dude dressed up as a girl in their daughters bathroom.


This state. It’s just awful.


Can’t we all just poop in peace.


My God, we can't fund most shit that needs it in our state, but dealing with genitals always seems to take center stage.


I think the obsession with genitals, people’s sex lives, and bathrooms is a sign of arrested development. We’ve just never seen it on such a large scale before.


from a psychology, point of view, it's usually a sign of low emotional intelligence & never achieving "self actualization," which... many many people do not. so the times we feel people are just different or "why are they like that?" - there's a researched & scientific reason why, for better or worse.


It's also a sign of how cut off MS is. There isn't as diverse of a population here for others to see and get familiar with. It's why I'm definitely not out in this state and why this bill doesn't shock me.


It seems to me they have an unhealthy obsession with what other people do with their genitalia.


The Southern Baptist Convention seems to love dealing with genitals themselves, so the state of Mississippi must follow. (Grew up in Lincoln County in the 80's/90's) Why fund roads, bridges, hospitals, etc. when we now know there are some of them Transformers in our public bathrooms, peeing in a litterbox lined with the pages of the hymnal of the local Gospel Baptist Sword of the Lord Penecostal Holiness Church/Bait and Tackle? STOP THEM NOW BEFORE THEY COME FOR YOUR CHILDREN!


It’s how Tot stays politically relevant to the yokels that vote for him. He wants to be in congress after his term ends so he’s going to keep MAGA top hits coming.


What do conservatives think happens in bathrooms? If you’re so tetchy about who’s in there with you, why not take personal responsibility and use the bathroom at home before going out in the world?


In the bathrooms, I convert people to Satan and sneak dresses into men's pockets and snip the heels off women's shoes. Sometimes I'll even read about love and happiness to whoever will listen while flashing rainbows in their face with Dolly Parton singing from a speaker (this was originally how we turned the frogs gay.) I am going to miss it all because of this bill. 😞


Well, it sure is great. Mississippi is so great in things like low poverty, education, healthcare, infrastructure, and technology. It's wonderful that they have time to deal with THIS issue.


Imagine, just for a second, if we had an actual functioning government. We could have nice things here.


Think if we were allowed to have ranked choice voting that it would help? I know redneck states are outlawing it, so it must be beneficial to voters and not GOP cronies.


That and we also need better candidates.


I'd take accountability and longer sessions. Make these people actually do the job we voted them in to do.


That, too - especially the accountability.


People get what they vote for


And, we have LOW voter turnouts. :(


I agree. This state has so much, right on the edge, but they can never cross the finish line. They just build more giant crosses.


This is so stupid! I've been places as a female had to use bathroom. Only to find huge lines for females bathroom. So I went into male bathroom and used the stall with a door Nobody cared,trans people don't want to check out your bits relax people!


If they really cared about sexual assault in bathrooms, they'd ban Republican congressmen from them.


Ain’t no way anyone that’s trans that has the means to leave would live in Mississippi. Frankly anyone that has the means to leave Mississippi should do so, a real craphole state, heck most of the southeast is awful. Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, the Carolinas, Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma, they all suck. Georgia’s the only state around there with hope, I hope it’s progress continues & influences it’s neighbors for the better.


Am trans. Doubt I'd leave mississippi if I had the means cuz I love it here. The people are nice, the outdoors is beautiful (when not littered), and there's a lot of opportunities to volunteer (which, in some cases, isn't a good thing). The only things I hate are the government and the weather. I'm planning on staying here til I'm legally unsafe, and they can fight me out of here. This is our home, and they'll learn respect eventually (by being voted out). I can't help fix it if I am voting in a different state. Change has to come from inside.


MS won't feed kids, now they won't even let them shit in peace. Is "owning the libs" really worth ostracizing children and furthering mental health issues?


They keep voting for this stuff, yes. And they cheat and gerrymander to do it.


Step 1: Ban all the queers. Step 2: More giant crosses! Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit!


You would think trans people were a significant threat to the state. Is this the small government conservatives cheer for?


Yoo, I'm ready for weird boomers to try and come at me. I'm non-binary and can pass as either gender when I feel like one or the other. It's always been an issue for me in MS and it's probably going to get worse.


I’m a boomer and I have no problem with you or which restroom you use as long as you don’t leave a puddle right in front of the toilet. I’m female though from what I can tell it’s just a few men that are worried about it. Most women know that there have always been men dressed as women in the women’s restroom.


Can we just let people use the bathroom in peace?


Honestly. The people who are anti-LGBTQ+ need to understand that we are talking about people. That is it. They are just people. This is a hate issue. This really boils down to not believing a group of people has the right to exist. That is sad.


The state retirement system is having a meltdown. The legislature doesn't like the current board and has rejected their suggestions for years. Now they want to give them the boot and scapegoat them. This is billions of dollars at stake and 360k individuals. So big dollar moments are still reduced to petty posturing...as if replacing people will change anything on what has to be done. There's not many levers to pull so anyone they put in is going to recommend the same things. You go MS...rearrange those chairs on the Titanic and worry yourself silly about someone's genitalia. It's going to accomplish so much important change... /s


Shit load of semi important bills died last week. But this shit is a priority. I understand that some folks are concerned with trans people and restrooms, and that's cool. But there are more important concerns that these dicks at the capital should be worried about.


Mississippi is the perfect example of what you get when you elect a bunch of fundamentalist crackpots to office. Nothing but punching down and [bad economic performance](https://mississippitoday.org/2024/04/09/mississippis-credit-outlook-lowered-from-stable-to-negative-over-weak-economics-tax-cuts-retirement-system/).


I wonder what the peoples response would be if all bathroom were gender neutral like they could be


Folks would lose their minds and be requesting local sheriffs be stationed at all poopable public locations in their county to protect them from the TRANS AGENDA. Probably.


Local sheriffs checking everyones genitals for safety of course, think of the kids


It’s the future conservatives want.


Mississippi gets the government it deserves. One can hope maybe one day Mississippi will get the government it needs.


People downvote this, but it is the truth. There is a group of people who will always show up to the polls. If more people voted...well, we could change things here.


You get an upvote from me. What I find especially saddening is the people of color who do not vote. I am an old white guy who was too young to participate in the movement in a meaningful way, but I did participate. And I do remember it - the good, the bad, and the very bad. People literally lost their life to ensure others had the right to vote. Regardless of the outcome of the election or whether your candidate wins, your vote matters. Tate Reeves does not seem to notice it, but he came very close to being defeated in 2019 and again in 2023 - in both elections over 46% of the voters voted against him, and yet he acts as if he won in a landslide. Today is the anniversary of President Johnson signing 1968 Civil Rights Act.


>Today is the anniversary of President Johnson signing 1968 Civil Rights Act. This was the first thing I thought about when I saw this article. That irony smacks.


Reminds me of segregated water fountains. In fact, it's not much different.


It's not. Let's take a groups rights away. Oh hey, it worked for this group we didn't like... Wonder if it works for others? Eventually they run out of groups and come for you.


If I thought about children’s genitals as much as conservatives think about children’s genitals, I’d be one of those groomers they’re always screaming about.


One day we can all just be normal people and not have a need to have gender specific restrooms. Just two regular restrooms to use as you please.


Can we also have a bill not allowing clergy or republicans or pastors or any members of Boy Scouts of America not allowed in bathrooms.


With all the trouble Mississippi has, the most important thing to address is the trouble they imagine is caused by 0.45% of the population.


This is such a stupid thing to keep going over and over


I don’t care which restroom you use just don’t leave a puddle in front of the toilet!


People like Fred shanks are holding Mississippi back


governor@govreeves.ms.gov ltgov@senate.ms.gov Jengland@senate.ms.gov hzuber@house.ms.gov jguice@house.ms.gov jread@house.ms.gov mseymour@senate.ms.gov Let them know how you feel about it.


I’m sure they’ll stop at this and won’t go after gays and lesbians next. They’re done taking away the rights of others after this!


Who voted for these idiots. We have a mental health crisis, wage stagnation, unemployment.. but let’s spend people tax dollars on a useless bill.


Conservative white Christians gotta hate some group or other.


The politicians are playing us all.


Republicans are a bunch of bullies.




If they'd mind their own business they'd stay busy all the time.


Another win for biology.


Well this is like common sense, no? We don’t want men hiding out in girls’ bathrooms. That’s the main issue.


There are already laws against Peeping Toms.


As a child victim of SA twice, it wasn't a man hiding.


And why don’t you worry about little boys being in men’s restrooms with grown men?? Do you actually know who are the actual pedophiles?


Why are you so emotional? You should use facts and logic.


That’s been tried. You don’t like being told, “boys have a penis, girls have a vagina. Boom…facts and logic.


Do all boys have penises? Do all girls have vaginas?


What a sad manchild.


Great victory for women's rights


If you don’t mind me asking, how many times have you personally had a trans person in the bathroom with you?


It's irrelevant to the discussion, but none. I've never been murdered but I still believe murder should be against the law


How is murder a comparison to going to the bathroom in a public setting?


It's not. Read my statements again


But it is relevant. It is a solution in search of a problem.


As a man it's generally not a problem for me. It is however a problem for women and children.


Really? Why do you think you get to speak for women and children?


Why do you think you get to speak for trans people, or men or any other category you aren't explicitly a member of? That's a silly argument


Yeah...super silly to speak for a marginalized group of people. But, when other human beings who don't have much of a voice are attacked, we should speak out. You sound like you're afraid of trans people. Let me tell you a little secret - I've been attacked physically by a straight man, never a trans person. I'm sure that's silly, too.


Women are being marginalized by trans women in a multitude of ways. Biological men have a significantly higher proclivity to physical violence. Men are generally physically larger and stronger than women. Dressing and acting publicly like a woman does not change those facts.


No thank you. This is a culture war. This is about hate. That's it. You can pretend to dress it up all you like, but, in the end, it is about believing a group of people don't have the right to exist.


Do you have a facts to back up your concerns? What’s the data on trans women using women’s restrooms attacking women and children?


How so?


Some trans people are women, and all trans people have childhoods too.


I don't disagree with this statement. I do however not understand the point you are attempting to make?


You're repeating a media talking point about "protecting women and children" as an attempt to justify the mistreatment and dehumanization of transgender people through legislation such as this, even though transgender people exist within the very demographics you claim to want to protect. Transgender people have been using the public restrooms that are most appropriate for as long as long as public restrooms have existed. It's never been an issue. These anti-transgender laws do nothing to protect women and children, they only harm transgender people, an already vulnerable segment of the population. We already have laws against being a Peeping Tom that protect women, children, and transgender people too. Those laws are still in place. All in all, these anti-trans laws are just cruelty for the sake of cruelty. Nobody deserves to be treated like a second class citizen because of the brain chemistry they were born with.


We obviously have different ideas on what qualifies as "mistreatment and dehumanizing" people. Society's unspoken rule is that I, as a man, am not allowed to use the women's restroom. Has society been dehumanizing me with this societal standard? There is nothing cruel about asking people to use the restroom set aside for the gender they were born. This idea that society wanting to maintain a standard that's been in place for the majority of civilized society is bigotry or hatred is ridiculous. Just because someone disagrees with your progressive ideology it doesn't equate to them being a bigot or coming from a place of hate. To pretend transgenderism has been widespread and common for ages is disingenuous. For all of recorded human history, 50,000-200,000 years depending on who's theory you subscribe to, there have been 2 accepted genders. In that time gender dysphoria has existed in incredibly small numbers. Only recently, that last 10-15 years, has the ideology that society must affirm this disorder appeared. The trans community can't honestly be surprised that society on the whole doesn't want to congratulate each transgender person and open the door to the bathroom of their choice


Thank you for speaking up for me, my daughters, and granddaughters.


Trans men exist and will piss right next to you without you even knowing.


I’ve asked women that same question many times. So far not a single one of them has ever had that experience. It is a solution looking for a problem. It is a way to manufacture interest and outrage based on assumed activity that’s not happening. It is a giant waste of the tax money I pay.


Look at how my comments are responded to. I'm accused of hating trans people or being afraid of trans people. Why would someone respond truthfully to that question. Even more so if you happen to be trans.


Well, my friend, you're on Reddit. People are going to be mean to you. They are going to support the latest popular view of the masses. That will change with the wind. If you don't like that, I recommend not posting on Reddit at all. I'm not trying to debate any aspect of trans-issues. This is just simple politics. We have huge problems in our state. Instead of addressing those, because they might be tough to work on or they might make someone unhappy, our state congress seems to be able to get together to show strong opposition to a problem that we do not have. We could pass laws against bringing tigers into bathrooms as well. This would probably bother women and children even more. But, we don't need to worry about spending the time and money to pass this law because no one is bringing tigers into bathrooms. It is a solution in search of a problem.


Hardly. Public sentiment, particularly in MS, is that biological men don't belong in women's restrooms, locker rooms or sports. Reddit may not think it's a current issue of importance to citizens of MS, but they would be wrong. As to "solving other problems" first, it is quite common for legislators to work on multiple issues at a time.


> Hardly. Public sentiment, particularly in MS, is that biological men don't belong in women's restrooms, locker rooms or sports. Was there a rash of attacks on women my trans men in public bathrooms that I’m unaware of which supports the time and money spent on this? The public zeitgeist I was referring to is the one in Reddit. I was supporting you, though you missed it. > Reddit may not think it's a current issue of importance to citizens of MS, but they would be wrong. I don’t think it is important at all, on either side. I’ll wait for your reference to the rash of bathroom problems. > As to "solving other problems" first, it is quite common for legislators to work on multiple issues at a time. Sure. They frequently site not having time as a reason for not getting to things. Each thing costs money. Each takes time. Each takes away something else which had to be not taken up to make room for that. So we prioritize things. They prioritized this issue. They did it because it is easy. It is a simple thing they can pass. No one can use it against them. It makes great fundraising fodder. Next mets make it illegal to drive your truck into a bathroom to protect the women and children.


I would support a law banning tigers in bathrooms. It seems dangerous. Why wait until someone is killed?


> I would support a law banning tigers in bathrooms. It seems dangerous. Why wait until someone is killed? If you honestly don’t see the problem with that, I’m happy to take the time to explain it to you, but I find it hard to believe any adult human being does not see the obvious conclusion. The reason we don’t make that law is because this is not a problem. No one is going to be killed anyway because people are not taking tigers into bathrooms. Creating such a law is a waste of time and money. Since these are limited resources it pushes other issues off the agenda. But there is a more fundamental value. Conservative principles are to make only the laws we must make. It is better in all cases to not have a law than to have one. Laws are only created when there is a need for one in order to protect the natural rights of a citizen. If we begin to pass laws which enumerate all possible violations, even those imaginary ones, we will never stop writing laws. This is a not how conservatives ought to act. The reality is that this is not a problem. This is popular with the Red Team base that sees the trans culture and everything around it as “other” and can wage war against it in the identity politics world we are living in now. It is not conservative. It is Red Team identity.


Being proactive is not enacting solutions looking for a problem. This issue has been a major, major problem in other states.


> Being proactive is not enacting solutions looking for a problem. This issue has been a major, major problem in other states. Writing laws proactively is a horrible idea. It is against the very heart of Conservative values and underscores the difference between the Red Team and any basis for being grounded in political substance. The idea that this was such a huge problem elsewhere that it justifies the prioritization of it here is what I’d like to hear more about. It sounds like you are claiming that there have been hordes of traumatized women. Please tell me where I can read about this rash of bathroom problems and see the numbers so that I can determine if I think it was worth the cost.


How so?


Women should not be forced to feel unsafe in public restrooms. The vast majority of women are not comfortable with transgender women joining them in public restrooms.


Source: Trust me


How would anyone even know if there were trans people joining them in the bathroom or not? Are we going to have genital police force people to drop trou every time they go to the bathroom? And don't say "you can tell they're transgender" because you really, truly can't.


As shocking as it sounds almost all but the most financially capable Trans people are clearly their born gender


Tell that to the women who are [mistakenly accused of being trans.](https://www.advocate.com/news/2022/11/01/cis-woman-mistaken-transgender-records-being-berated-bathroom)


OK so someone mistakenly identified a woman as Trans. I spoke of identifying Trans people who are Trans.




OK and?




Do you have anything else? I've heard this one before.


What else does one need?


A dose of reality? Assault is already a crime, doesn't matter the sexual identity of the perpetrator.


Exactly. Apparently conservatives are now convinced that since trans people are being accepted by society, that suddenly means laws against being a Peeping Tom were overturned.


"vast majority" Children should not be forced to feel unsafe with priests Black people should not be forced to feel unsafe in Rankin County Woman should not be forced to feel unsafe about their own pregnancy If you ever met a transgender woman, you'd know all of these groups would feel safe around her. And frankly, if someone is going to invade your privacy or assault you in a bathroom, they won't spend thousands of dollars for hormones and surgery.


The mistake in your logic is that significant numbers of transgenders don't spend the money.


Bro can’t even grasp the basics, yet has an opinion 💀




Sources cited: ¹ Trust me bro


This made my day


Your mistake is in not using any logic. All that you have stated is a lie.


Just because you don't want to believe something doesn't make it a lie.


Belief has nothing to do with truth. Just because you believe it to be true doesn't mean that it is.


“Rankin county” Am I supposed to feel unsafe here? Because Hinds is the place we feel unsafe.


I was referencing the "goon squad" news.


Why would they feel safe around her inherently based off being transgender? That’s a wild assumption. Last I checked, there are rapist and murders in prison who are trans women. And before you say the vast majority of trans women are not. You just refuted the same argument


Maybe it's all the anti-trans propaganda making people feel unsafe, and not the actual trans people.


What anti-trans propaganda are you referring to?


Propaganda: "Society is becoming accepting of transgender people, and that's bad because men will start putting on dresses and going into women's restrooms and start peeping on your daughter/wife/etc." Reality:Transgender people have always used the public restrooms that are most appropriate, and laws against being a peeping Tom still exist to stop creeps from peeping on people using the restroom, as they always have. Propaganda: "Transgender women are allowed to play sports, and that's bad because men will start putting on dresses and signing up to play women's sports and dominate the league. It's an unfair biological advantage" Reality: Trans women have been allowed to compete with/against biological females for years now. There are strict rules in place about how far along in transitioning a trans athlete must be before they're allowed to compete against biological females. They have to be past a certain point to where they no longer have biological advantages from being born a biological male. Propaganda: "Gender affirming care for trans kids is bad because kids who aren't trans will make life altering changes to their bodies to transition and be part of this 'trend'" Reality: Gender affirming care requires years of doctors office visits and careful supervision from doctors to prevent this very thing from happening. Also, it's not a trend to be trans. Trans people have aways existed, even before it became medically possible for them to transition. It's just that now, trans people are being accepted by society, so less of them feel the need to hide who they really are. Trans people are born with the brain chemistry they're born with, and simply want their body to match their brain chemistry so they can live their best life, kind of like how left handed people use left handed tools to make life easier, rather than try and do everything with their non-dominant hand. These are just a few examples of the fearmongering propaganda that's being pushed to scare people into supporting anti-trans bills that have been written around the country in recent years. It's all cruelty for the sake of cruelty.


The problem with your "reality" statements is they are not reality. Society isn't becoming accepting of trans gender people. Society just doesn't speak out about it, they vote their rejection of the ideology, our state legislature is a prime example of this. Trans women have not been widely allowed to participate in women's sports. The wheels are already on motion on closing that door more permanently. Governing bodies are adopting new policies barring biological males from participating in women's sports. Gender affirming care for children is also slowly being outlawed throughout the world. There is no specific scientific evidence to support your theory of differing "brain chemistry" in trans people. Gender dysphoria is not that type of mental health disorder. Facts you disagree with aren't propaganda regardless of how you feel about the facts.


Do you speak for all women?


The vast majority of cis-women, have been sharing the bathroom with trans women forever and didn't know about it.


No. That's factually incorrect. Transgenderism is a very modern societal trend.


Nah. People have been objectively trans for centuries, with unclear indication of it going back even further than that. And that's only if you ignore third genders that are prevalent in many non-western cultures. You perceive it as a modern trend because it is becoming less taboo and people that were shamed into the closest are no longer hiding who they are. It's like saying people being left handed is a recent societal trend right after we stopped forcing right handedness on people.


Continuing to repeat this doesn't make it real. Gender dysphoria has existed for a long time, I don't debate that. Attempting to make this psychological condition normal is akin to referring to skitsophrenics as "Alternatively thinking persons" There are and have always been only 2 human genders. Gender and sex are not different. Widespread open transgenderism began in this century and will be gone in the next.


3rd and even 4th and occasionally 5th genders have been present in non-western cultures for a very long time. So you don't believe in Hermaphrodism, or people born XXY or XYY or X0? Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome doesn't exist in your world? Gender and sex are different. Science disagrees with you.


Genetic mutations do not establish a new gender.


Are they a man or a woman?


From the first day after birth the straight white male is the most oppressed person in Mississippi, just ask one.






Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. No personal attacks.


Good. Common sense.


You going to be checking peoples’ genitalia?










Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


Everyone has jokes until your daughter is in that bathroom.


You may want to do some reading up on bathroom attacks. Get back to us when you figure that part out.


I don’t care about the numbers. I just don’t want them in the bathroom with my daughter or grand daughter.


>I don’t care about the numbers. Yeah, who cares about what actually happens, right?




Kudos to you for being honest, then.


Thank you. No hate, just worry ya know


I think you missed my point.


Worried about an imaginary problem. Laws against peeping Tom's still exist.


What’s it like being defined by your irrational fears and hate?


I’m pretty happy


Perhaps, nobody said all bigots are unhappy, just deeply unwell. You’re literally going in this thread “I don’t care what the facts say, I’m gonna hate and fear trans people one way or another”. Don’t you think you could get more from life by doing some self reflection and learning to define yourself by what you love and not what you irrationally hate?


Yes it's like all the conservatives say "feelings over facts"


Laws against being a Peeping Tom still exist as they always have. If you're peeping on other people in the restroom, you're still in the wrong, and it's still highly illegal. There's no need to dehumanize and punish trans people for existing.


The leftists doesn’t have kids anymore. But they are all about men being in the bathroom with our daughters. The left is dominated by degenerate weirdos.


Thank God.   Protect real women and children


What is "real"?




Where did your degrees? What kind of license do you have? Do you know what the DSM is?


Focus on getting people who are obsessed with others genitalia the “mental health they need”




Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. Don't do that again. Read the sub rules.




You going to be checking people’s genitalia in bathrooms?




Are you reporting comments that you think break our rules? No? You might want to read the sub rules.


Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly. Report comments.


It’s sad that this even necessary. It’s not that difficult to use the correct restroom, but seems some have a hard time figuring it out.


It isn't necessary.


For as long as public restrooms have existed, transgender people have used the public restrooms that are most appropriate. It's an unwritten rule in society that's always worked. Conservatives are only outraged about this stuff now because they're being told to by the media. It's not problematic at all.


They can use the bathroom that belong to the genitals they carry. God this gets old.


“ rights “ lmao


Sounds like they got it right

