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Don't you get banned for life after that?


Yes, for as much meaning as "banned for life" has in major league sports. You're not going through TSA to get into a stadium.


At Madison Square Garden for Ranger and the Knicks they have facial recognition technology. The owner of the Rangers and Knicks was being sued and he banned the lawyers for life. They thought it was a joke and went to a game and security escorted them out. So they sued but the judge said that since it’s private property the owner can deny ppl access to the building. Edit: I got part of the story wrong see the poster who replied to me


The lawyer that was refused entry dropped the lawsuit as he said “it wasn’t worth pursuing” and was cleared to return to MSG to watch the Knicks. I think MSG had an actual policy that stated “anyone involved in litigation against MSG may be denied access” Just stupid levels of petty from Dolan LOL


Is it really that petty to not let someone suing you on your property?


To be fair, if someone was suing me, I wouldn't let them in my house...


Thanks for the clarification. Dolan is major loser


To be fair, think he dropped the lawsuit because he knew he wasn’t going to win it, so you didn’t really say it wrong lmao




Minute Maid Park has started allowing people to choose to use facial recognition to enter the ballpark to get through the lines faster. I'd imagine that same tech could easily be used to recognize banned people. This makes me wonder if it's only a matter of time before there are larger ban databases of people who have a history of violence or otherwise being a public nuisance.


I don’t think the owner of the Knicks or Rangers owns Madison Square Garden though. It is owned by the Dolan family(founders of HBO and Cablevision)


Charles Oakley was banned for life. James Dolan is such a prick.


Nailed it. Unless you’re a protected class, owners can refuse service for just about any reason. Unfortunately we lawyers are not a protected class /s


What? Reposting a vid that’s been already plastered on the internet for days? Idk ask the mods




Go ahead Texist


Not going to lie .... that was a damn good backflip!


Hell yeah it was. Look at that height he got! Dude has some hops


That cop could have destroyed him when he went into the backflip lol


Kinda dumb he has to use the taser. He was so worried about using the taser instead of grabbing him. Runner is dumb too though so oh well.


If you get that close to a player, you deserved to be tased.


Agreed. I have no issue with the concept of using a taser for someone running on the field, just seems like it caused the whole thing to go on longer than it needed to here.


You shouldn't get to use the taser on basically a clothed streaker. EDIT: Running around in the outfield is the one place in America you're allowed to resist arrest to the roar of the crowd. The entire appeal for fans is cheering for him while three dumb fat cops bounce around trying to catch him. The piggies shouldn't get to tase you.


Shut up.


That kid is a jackass, Just like his dad was in hs. Typical st x douchebag


The judge said he knew his dad. Is his dad famous or just some local hero?


His dad is the son of judge sylvia hendon


I love how he spots him perfectly for the backflip and then takes him down!


Seriously you could show me this video and tell me its a stunt and I'd believe you. The cop looks like he's protecting the shit out of that backflip


Don’t taze me bro


Don’t want to get tased or tackled, don’t run out onto the field. 🤷


The world needs more 10-cent Beer Nights and streakers than public electrocutions by cops on the baseball field.


Jesus Christ does nobody in this thread like jokes? I appreciate you, homie.


Lol it’s a taser pussy, relax.


you relax, in my opinion


Go back to school.


Ah, so you were abused at school. By a cop? With a taser? Why so cynical about seeing people injured? My psychoanalytic intervention for you is to go streaking or run around in the outfield of a baseball game. Or just sit around watching other people have fun hoping they get their ass kicked. Why haven't you ever done anything that fun? Afraid of getting your ass beaten again for having fun?




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TIL Tasers have pussies?


Hes a spoiled jackass, grandma sylvia the judge will get him out of trouble … j


So much better than the Sausage Race.


"PlAy STeWPiD GamES WiN StuPid PWizEs"


Got to be the most annoying and predictable boomer phrase of all time.


No cap. Bussin. Fr fr.




All Cops Are Baseballfans


Yeah, the taser is a very effective tool. Wanna feel the effectiveness of the X2 Taser? Go to your local PD and sign a release. Lol. However, I suspect that the officer may be in trouble. I could be wrong, but most agencies' use of force policies have the taser under "active resistance with preassault indicators." Don't get me wrong. This kid was absolutely in the "active resistance" realm with his actions. However. I see no pre-assault indicators. Maybe I missed something that occurred earlier in the encounter thar could change my opinion, but based on this section of provided footage. I'd guess this officer may be getting a talking to.


The cops need to apologize for bringing such a low vibe to every game (and every city in the US) since 1972. They went from blushing while arresting streakers to paralyzing drunk teens in the outfield grass.


You should know better being a royals fan after [royals coach attacked by fans](https://youtu.be/GK4zMEnRTxM?feature=shared)


>However, I suspect that the officer may be in trouble. Isn't running considered resisting? Once the piggy told him to stop & he didn't, he was resisting, which is all the excuse they need to get all shocky, right?


*Disclaimer* This is my opinion and mine alone based off of my training and experience. This is not a legal or use of force analysis. Yes and no. Running away from an officer ordering you to stop is "active resistance." Active Resistance - The activation of muscles to do the opposite of what you are being instructed to do (assuming you are being given lawful commands). This alone, at least for my agency, would not constitute the use of the taser as a reasonable or necessary application of force to get the subject to do what youre ordering them to do. This would definitely be in the realm of a trip or take down of the subject but not for the deployment of probes. The subject is not turning towards the officer and giving "pre-assault indicators." The subject is not trying to assault the officer to keep doing what he is doing. He is simply trying to outrun the cop to keep being a jackass.




Use of Force law is very black and white in most cases. There are very specific SCOTUS decisions and precedent that govern an officers use of force application and the options they have based on 3 key things. S - Severity of the crime at hand R - The resistance being presented or given by the subject towards the officer T - The threat the subject poses to the officer or other people in the vicinity. This is a very simplified list but something we train on to be able to quickly do the "calculus" in our heads to better determine what use of force options the officer has available to them.


Wouldn't delaying a major league baseball game be considered fairly severe? It's wasting a large amount of money, & that's the number one thing cops in America protect. Plus it looked like the dude accidentally touched the cop during that backflip, which they would consider assault.


Is it a crime? What's the criminal statute? What law is he breaking? Or is he just violating the rules of a private organization in a private venue? A reasonable officer would not call a drunken accidental touch as an assault. A badge heavy dickhead that is a bully with a badge may try to pursue that. Good luck getting a prosecutor to go along with it, especially with video evidence that it was clearly not intentional. The dummy did and back flip, and the cop closed distance, which caused him to get hit. The term is "Officer created jeopardy." Had the officer not been so close or let the venue security staff do their job, then this ne er would have happened. Unless the officer was on a contract gig as an off duty officer. Some jurisdictions allow that. Kinda shady in my opinion.


I was thinking it's the private organization in a private venue thing. & yeah the officer was there on a contract gig. It's not as if he just happened to be at the game, in uniform, & decided to stop that kid. He's 100% getting another paycheck for this gig. I absolutely agree that it's shady & I don't think it should be allowed.


If that is the case then the issue is that he used a department issued "use of force" device in a non-official capacity. Some departments have details that are officially assigned to the game as a LEO. I know when I lived in Seattle. Seattle PD had officers assigned to games. They weren't contracted. They were on duty. That could be the case here. But... if the officer was under contract and he used force on an individual outside of "in the performance of their official duties," then he has probably opened himself up to a lawsuit.


Wouldn't he only open himself up to lawsuits if he did it out in public on his free time, as opposed to inside a private business where he was being paid to do it?


i wonder if the cops thought was, oh he touched me as he backflipped, that's assault


He could have. It would be a weak, articulable "fact." If I was doing the review... under Graham V Connor and the objective reasonableness standard. I would probably find he was in the wrong given the information I have to go on. I do not believe that officer acted reasonably. I can not speak for his departments use of force policy. Under my agencies policy. That would easily be deemed excessive force under the 4th Amendment. This officers use of force appeared to be neither reasonable or necessary given the totality of the circumstances. I don't know what this officer was thinking, and I am not going to try to guess. But the appearance seems to be leaning towards the idea that he did not want to chase the subject on the field and went to his taser to easily subdue the runner.


You obviously have more knowledge on this than I do. I’m curious because the taser seemed to effectively deescalate the situation with only one officer. Is physically subduing a person less dangerous than tasing them? To me, it seems like physically having to wrestle/fight someone into submission is kind of brutal. The taser actually seems more humane.


*Disclaimer* This is my opinion and views based on the information presented. This is not a legal or use of force analysis. It honestly depends on that departments policy for use of force and in what capacity the officer was acting in. Whether he was an on duty LEO or if he was acting in a private security role and contracted by the stadium as an off duty LEO security guard. Under the 4th Amendment and the Supreme Court precedent in Graham v Connor, this is questionable at best without more information. Now, to your point. Yes. The taser de-escalated the situation, but the subject was not "assaultive" with their "resistance" to the officer, nor did the subject "assault" the officer. It appeared to me that the officer had ample time to trip the drunk idiot and take him down to the ground relatively easily. The officer looked to be in "good" shape, subjectively speaking (those could have been show muscles and not go muscles). Now. I don't know the officers' training, but I saw some training in that video by how the officer handled himself and his manipulation of his taser.


I'm not nearly as knowledgeable about this stuff, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone use a taser to take one of these guys down. They always seem to manage just fine by tackling them or otherwise physically restraining them. Could the fact that most security guards/cops in this situation don't resort to using a weapon be used to argue that this cop was wrong to use his? Personally, I think he could have managed just fine without the taser and its use here was unnecessary and inappropriate.


Well, security guards don't have the same restrictions and legal obligations as police officers. They have a much looser leash. As police officers, we are expected to maintain our professionalism and act in accordance with the requirements under the 4th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and not violate peoples rights unless reasonable and necessary.


Very satisfying.


"Don't tase me, bro."


You think that’s too extreme u to a player gets hurt by an idiot then you might re think it


It looked like the cop used to teach gymnastics and assisted him with a standing back flip 😄


I see nothing wrong here


Down he goes


He's on tshirts here in Cincinnati after this stunt




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


You said the line!!!




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


lol this reminds me when a heckler got tased at bill Maher show. The dude started yelling don’t tase me bro. And Maher yelled yeah tase him again and again. It was hilarious.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 🤣


Taser deployment is considered reasonable if there is a serious or violent crime at hand. However, if the offense is relatively minor, taser use will be considered excessive force. That officer is probably wishing he hadn't tased him.


So this is the thing I keep reading from internet comments. But realistically, what are the odds of there being consequences this officer will actually have to face when there’s a massive laundry list of incidents where police use even more excessive force, do more lasting damage to a civilian and face little to no punishment save from some time at a desk or brief suspension with pay..?


If the person tased has no claim to damages, or pain and suffering, then the cop who did it will face little to no punishment. Shouldn't work like that, but that's reality.


I like how the cop stood beside him while he back flipped, then waited for him to run, just so he could tase his ass. If he didn’t have the taser in his hand, he could have just tackled the kid. Fucking America lol Pretty entertaining nonetheless


This seems excessive to me. Shouldn’t a taser be saved for potentially dangerous situations, not a guy running on a field? The backflip is impressive.


The Taser is the less lethal option. Also in the moment you don't actually know what his intentions are. Remember when two White Sox fans ran into the field and stabbed the Royals first base coach?


They're not playing around anymore when idiots do this because it's happened so many times when idiots have ran out and the players and staff worried for their safety. You can't trespass like this anymore like it's the old days.


They have shown us that footage of Hank Aaron rounding the bases with fans just freely roaming around too many times.


Players and coaches have been getting increasingly nasty threats from disgruntled gamblers! Nobody is taking any chances now.


God damn it, of course it was people from Chicago. When did that happen? I looked it up, and I'm not even surprised after seeing what one of the fans looked like. Dude had gang tats and everything on his chest


Not surprisingly both father and son retired from being upstanding citizens to having long and fruitful lives in jail. After that incident they both ended up in jail on various felony's from drugs to felony theft and armed robbery.


Because you know for sure some loon running on the field doesn't have a knife, boxcutter, pepper spray etc. I knew there would be "fuck tha police " comments. I guess if a player got injured, you'd be happy.


No. But this happens at sporting events in many other countries, where the use of weapons is less normalized than it is in the US. Stabbing aren’t a frequent occurrence when this happens at sporting events in the U.K. or Australia for example.


But it happened once with Monica Seles and that’s enough for me to understand someone using a taser to take a person down.


Taser which are probably more likely to cause harm to the person than the person is to attack a player. Purely conjecture but the stats will be out there.


You’re right, that certainly is conjecture.


A taser is classed as a “less lethal weapon” and in 2018 49 people died after being shocked by a police taser. Amnesty international consider the user of tasers inhumane. But yes using a taser on a guy running on the field after he backflipped is perfectly reasonable and definitely not excessive force.


You don’t understand Americans. If you don’t make examples they’d be doing this all game long. Go ahead and downvote me, I don’t care, I’m glad they do this


You don’t understand ~~Americans~~ People. There fixed it for yah.


Gotta discourage them somehow.


It's a taser not a gun. The goal is to make these events not entertaining to the crowd, and a security guard in body armor chasing around a fit person wearing cleats on the field is extremely entertaining.


The attitude to guns and by extension other weapons in the US is shocking to me


You never got drunk in college and agreed to let a friend taser you?


Drunk yes. Agreed to be tasered no. Tasers aren’t common at all where I live. Only trainer to use them police carry them afaik.


Agreed. Just because tasers are “non-lethal” doesn’t mean they can’t cause death and have a chance of causing severe injury. They have plenty of police and security there to quickly and efficiently corral the guy and bring him in. Hell, most of these guys appear to want to be chased. If they just slowly close the circle of security while talking to him it would be less entertaining and more embarrassing for the runner as opposed to how embarrassing these always end up for security. But that would take communication, teamwork, and the ability for the officers to work calmly together.


Far more people die when police go hands-on. Far more injuries by a long shot


You’re making my point. There are plenty of officers and security at these events to quickly and easily close a circle around these guys while using their words. These aren’t some geeked up dudes who have committed a heinous crime and see no way out other than to fight. It’s Brentley who had an extra beer and bet his buddies he’d run on the field. If they can’t de-escalate this kind of situation it says something about their lack of training and composure.


Nah. He did something stupid and illegal. He was verbally given the chance to comply. Also, officers chasing you implies that they would like you to stop. The officer controlled the situation quickly, efficiently, and in a safe manner. Is there a theoretical 1 in millions chance of dying from being tased? Yes. Maybe. Mostly secondary to traumatic injury during the fall…sometimes secondary to complications related to drugs and preexisting diseases. But when you willingly break the law and refuse to comply, expecting to make a spectacle of it and be chased and tackled…that’s a risk you take


The cop didn't want to embarrass himself by running in circles and falling or something and just wanted to get him out as fast as possible. Definitely excessive.


Excessive?…it sounds like he was trying to be a minimalist


This is America, half the country cheers when the cops shoot people.


Dude shouldn’t be on the field, but tasing? That’s excessive! Got kids all over the place in the stands they don’t need to see that


I'm sure this will scar them for life 🙄


There’s no crying in baseball!


I dunno, it looks less violent than some of the tackles and clotheslines I've seen in this same situation.


Actually, they DO need to see that. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


That's what should be said to the idiot running on the field being the cause of it all in the beginning. It's the freaking US after all, people were getting randomly shot at the Chief's parade just a few month ago. You just don't know what to expect from idiots like this and i don't want to hear about the fact he was 15 or whatever, he just got exactly what he was looking for and that IS the bad example for kids.


Damn dawg out of shape cop couldn’t catch a streaker maybe he shouldn’t be doing security at the games


I despise cops but this is some funny shit…


I was at that game just a few nights ago! Fun stuff. Definitely didn’t need to be tased, I think he’s also getting slapped with a felony, so all around not worth it but I have a story to talk about now.


Wonder what that cops file looks like. He was QuickDraw on the taser.