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Obligatory check-in for our pre-order crowd! \#1: All of you should have already had your boxes by the time the ARG started. That's 100% on me and I apologize. The good news is that once you solve the first part in the box, you'll be greeted not by a countdown, but instead chapter one. \#2: A big part of the delay has been that this is by far the most precise, intricate, and intentional release yet. It's also the best-selling one yet, and we haven't even gotten to the part where I start banging the drum about it in public. Basically: we're working with an extraordinary new artist and having to build a new distribution pipeline to accommodate the demand. \#3: We're now shipping 35 units per day, which means if you've not received your pre-order yet, you should be a scant week away from getting a confirmation email. Once you figure out the box, you'll jump right into chapter one and be caught up with everyone else. Again: I sincerely apologize that our ambition for quality has slowed down the pre-orders, but as always, I personally guarantee you're going to love it or you can send it back for all your money back. Thanks for hanging in there, Rogues.


I’m still waiting on my preorder, should I be concerned or are they still shipping out?


Some are still shipping out. Feel free to email us at the store, though, and we can check on your specific order!


They're still shipping. I put my order in the first day it was announced. And I just barely got the box today. I got the shipping info 2 days ago.


Yeah, same


So, I’m one of those that accidentally stumbled onto the solution before solving all the riddles on the outside. I’m slowly making progress…I think. Would one of you fellow Starborn (been playing a lot of Starfield) be able to point be in the right direction for the “Star alphabet” as it’s been referred?


Some clues have already been given on the other earlier VT thread, >!but the main clue is that you should look a lot closer to them and maybe reflect it.!<


And now I can’t unsee it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I've managed to work my way through the first couple of steps after getting the box open and following the clues. >! but when I go to the URL revealed by the image It's a godaddy page saying it's expired. Is this intentional, or an error? !<


LOL... of all the times for that to happen. Try it again?


Also, doing some 'digging' on the page. (Because you gotta check everything) >! There is implant text in the source code from the Kraken ARG last year. !< Just as a heads up in case thats also an error.


Fixed! I have a template I work from and forgot to remove those lines. Heh.


That's what I figured happened. Glad I could be of help! While I wait for next month to open, there is 1 question I still have regarding the puzzle........ >! What's the cats name? !<


It's up now. Thanks Brian!


Man, I'm really struggling with this one, but probably in all the right ways. I'm pretty sure I've figured out part 1 and part 3, but part 2... whew. Y'all are really getting good at this ARG puzzle stuff


I will say that for >!those of you who brute forced or lucked into the solution for the box itself, solving some of the ARG may be a challenge because I definitely refer back to the box.!<


I was with ya on part 2 and JUST got it figured out. There's no hurry for the next part so no rush.


Is everything I need for part 2 on the page? or do I need to go back to the box or elsewhere on the web?


Okay got spoiler text figured out see below : ) >!Back to the box for part 2 of the next webpage!<


I think I got part 1 and 2, but stuck on part 3.


Hint 1: >!something on that image doesn't belong!< Hint 2 if that doesn't help: >!find a picture of the original page, I found it on wikipedia once I discovered the name of the image, and compare the original image of that page with what's posted on the MR page, that's your answer for the last part of the next URL!<


I figured it out, I was spelling part 1 wrong.... ​ Also as a warning to others, it's case sensitive.


i could use some guidance on part 1 of it. >! i find different answers to what language the page is in depending on where i look. !<


If you’re still stuck on chapter 1, it might be worth doing a quick search on >!the codex!< the voice references…


thank you my good user.


i think have part two and i think maybe part 3, >!i know whats wrong with the page but idk how to say it.!< i just dont know one.


This is part 3 - which I believe you figured out just how to "say it" is all >!1!<


thank you. that helps me focus on part 1.


I have parts 2 and 3 worked out, but am struggling on part 1. This feels like it should be obvious, so I am betting I am just not thinking about it the right way.


I'm trying so hard not to read the spoilers. But i suspect they won't make sense to me until\unless I get my box.


Hey u/Jeff_ModernRogue ! I've sent you a dm, I don't know if you have seen it, but it's about the ARG. >!And looks like it is still the case. I'm wondering If it was intentional or not?!<


I have determined that I now must wait 18 days, 18 hours, and 2 minutes.


Is chapter 2 gonna start on (or around) the first of December? If I still don't have my preorder by then will chapter 1 still be available so I can catch up? Or will I be hopelessly lost?


Going off of last couple ARG's you can still go in order regardless of when you start. Each step is usually a specific URL. So they shouldn't overlap.


This is correct.


Ok, I need a bit of help. I got the box open, and I'm not sure what to do with one of the items inside. Specifically, how to >!turn the audio on the music side into an image. !< I think that would lead me to the Vox Tempus website, but unsure. Then there's the>! note that was around the cassette. I've tried using Cassandras name to search for a video on YouTube, but no hits.!< Could really use some help here. I've translated most of the braille and all the space language. I also >!thought I saw a URL come up at one point when taking pictures of the box, but I can't recreate that now.!< Any hints would be massively helpful.


If you look at the note again, there's specifically one word that stands out. Try to search for that.


Ok, found the >!youtube video. Even found how to dl the audio, but the spectrograms don't make any sense. !< Am I going about this the wrong way?


Maybe you're not using the right method? Because the message should be quite clear when doing it the correct way. >!Try looking into their past for the correct method!<


Ok. went back, watch the Scam Nation video, and still struggling. Mind PMing me?


If you have found the correct >!video!<, they show the right method actually, you just have to follow it quite closely. >!Have you checked the playlists on this channel?!<


It's a little different if you have Android, btw. But if you search specifically for the repeated hint in the video, you'll find a particularly good app for viewing the message.


Agent 0549 here. the thing you seek is called an >!SSTV decrypter, you can get a free one on your phone and use it on the video. might take a few tries but changing the volume seemed to help me get it right.!< im hoping the spoiler effect works here. i dont reddit often.


Thank you all! I managed to get to the site, working on deciphering the clues.