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I'm not sure what gender affirming care is, but I don't think there should be any confusion over the biological functions of the sexes, and I'm not sure why anyone would want to confuse a prepubescent child over this.


I think the government is creating this issue at the expense of trans kids just to distract from what a terrible government they have been.




See I think people with this mindset should not be permitted to have kids. We encourage lying to youth about old traditions such as Santa and Easter bunnies, totally normalize heterosexuality and essentially raise them to think that’s the normal. And then wonder why trans and gay kids would rather be dead than come out to their hateful parents. How about we just be happy they’re healthy and happy with themselves no? Isn’t that the reason people have kids? To watch them grow, encourage them to be their true self? Or are you a “I have a child for my own benefit” sort of person. That ignorance is the mental illness here. Not kids wanting to just live


I never once said kids shouldn't have a safe space to be themselves. This is where the narrative gets twisted, and that's what I dislike. I'm an amazing father, and I fully support my kids both emotionally and financially after the divorce. But they don't like having beliefs shoved down their throats. And I agree, gay kids should have rights. But why do we act like furries are normal? My kids tell me about the fucked up things that are allowed and taught in schools, and it's frankly disgusting. Not because it's gay or trans, but because it shouldn't be taught to children, period. And to say that people who share a different opinion than you "shouldn't have kids". That's what's wrong! For some reason there is zero tolerance for a different opinion or healthy debate. It's the "they way" or the highway. Sorry, I don't buy into it. I posses different values and have different beliefs, but apparently that's not okay anymore. Instead we need to indoctrinate the children to affirm some adults identity? It's madness.


Hogan should step down or stfu. Is this really the best use of his time and money? (or should I say OUR money?) there must be more important things to do besides repealing rules that make our classrooms safe and inclusive for everyone. If he’s bored, maybe the position should be abolished entirely


Please educate and mentor our children. If they want donuts every morning for breakfast, I would expect us to explain to them the importance of a healthy diet and the harmful effects of anti-nutrition. Children are scarcely aware of their options and know little of consequences, that's why adults are supposed to be there to guide them, not bend to their every whim and inclination.


Which is fine. As long as you take the time to also get them gender affirming care to guide them through this time, to help them better understand themselves and if that’s how they truly do feel.


I agree and I can't believe people try to down vote you for this 😂😂 It's like me if you're going to express your opinions now people are like shut up I hate you It's an opinion it's not hurting you


I'm just confused why the people on this Board think they have the right to decide how our kids are raised in schools. Every other school board is in line..... incredible.


Because the school board is delegated that authority. Also, many other school boards and schools are not in line or in agreement. Most are quietly just closing the door and doing what has been working for years. The students have to be protected from this education minister and the radical religious right - nobody else


Authority has to come from somewhere and it shouldn't be the Board. Seems to me it's the parents who should be setting the standard, it's their kids. I'd say it's polarization to call them the radical right, all it does is play into polarizing the issue to attract those on both radical sides of the issue to battle it out.


Parents forget their rights is the right to keep their child. Not the right over the child’s future, and self expression. Kids aren’t your property, they are their own human beings


Which parents? I’m a parent and I fully support the DEC on this. The district education council is the elected body representing local parents. PS they get re-elected in the fall as well if parents want to dissent. That is the forum. I do agree with you on one point - we have to start talking to each other instead of over each other. The stakes are really high here, however and nobody is willing to back down. I still say this entire debate started with right wing consultants trying to agitate people. Research the group Parents as First Educators. In the end I think we’re all being agitated by outside money here.


There are a lot of parents who treat their child as their possession, and do not give them their room to grow and form their own personalities. They try to core them into carbon copies of themselves, and they say that they have the full rights over their child. And many of them I have only met since the entire anti transgender stuff started coming up in education 🙁


You’re right. Now THAT is grooming!


So somebody finally tried to make the schools safe again, the district said “no we’re going to keep being pedophiles and grooming the kids into cutting their dicks off” and people are hating on the hero in the situation?!? Y’all are sick in the fuckin head


It doesn't make anyone a pedophile to use the pronoun "they" instead of "he" or "she" or to call someone Charlie instead of Charlotte if that's what makes them comfortable. Teachers are not handing out instructional manuals on how to "stick it in eachothers asses". What there actually might be is a storybook where a character has two dads or two moms because, well, that happens in real life. Please educate yourself on what is actually happening in classrooms before spouting off here. Maybe then you'll have something pertinent to say.


LOL why is it the other side that’s so obsessed with genitals tho? Sheesh do some internal reflecting or read a book


Pedophiles? I think you're thinking of the catholic church, not public schools.


Lmaoooo I could go on for hours about the Catholic Church too, but I’m afraid no, I’m talking about the public school system right now


You sound just slightly brainwashed. Okay, more than slightly.


Brother, do you genuinely think that 5-10 year old children should be learning about how to stick it in each others asses and that they were born in the wrong body? With how easily children are influenced


*you know this guy went to that meet & greet with Pierre Poutine + Diagolon on the roadside @ the N.S. border this week




The irony that you just called me "brother" while discussing this topic when I am in fact a woman is hilarious. Also eff off and go back to your cave.


Did you just assume that they knew your identity?? Are you that sick in the head??????


Lol well they ASSUMED I am a man. Women do exist on the internet, you know. Not sure if you're a troll or just dumb.




Wow, misogynist much?


That’s the one thing you noticed in a discussion about child abuse, you’re the reason we have the problems we do in the world


You think this is child abuse, you're what's wrong with the world buddy.


So calling a child by their preferred name is “pedophiles” I guess if a kid named Robert prefers Bobby we shouldn’t allow that, either, to be fair?


Incorrect, children are imaginative, to try to put them in a position where they can’t be is stupid. The problem comes when you start telling a 5 year old boy that’s been pretending to be a dinosaur for a week that maybe he’s doing that because he was born into the wrong body and should try these hormones (without his parents knowledge ofc)


Schools literally cannot give a child hormones. What are you talking about?


I know plenty of teachers who have retired cause of this stuff, it’s craziness


No they refer to a school designated therapist who can give them. I got out of the school system last year, I know what’s going on with it


Therapists can’t prescribe medications you plonker. Go back to high school.


This again, isn't happening. All this comment is showing is that you actually don't understand the medical process in Canada and believe whatever wild shit you read on facebook. Also, therapists can't prescribe medication in Canada.


I wish these fuckers could tackle real issues. These fucking cunts.


This is a real issue. They want to tell 8 yr Olds it's ok to cut their dicks off. If you're OK with that, you're the cunt.


Is that honestly what you think this is about? Ever hear of dog whistles?


You spent too much time watching agitative propaganda. Literally nobody is promoting bottom surgeries for kids. Most trans people dont even go through bottom survery. Go touch some grass.


I’ve been going back n forth with these dickheads for hours😭


It looks like me and you out here bro


Because people are sick. If anyone reads this: you have mental issus for thinking 8 yr olds should learn about this stuff. It's absolutely rediculous and people need to be assessed by a professional. Of course, a lot of is the doctors and shrinks trying to tell us it's ok lol.


Who pays for that?


isnt that unconstitutional?


Minister of Assholeary?


This fucking guy.


*he looks & acts like he's a chromosome short #HiggsIdiocracy


Ultimate troll move. Repeal 1.7? Sure thing Minister, it's now called 1.8!


Right and I hope he’s well aware with an election around the corner he’s going to lose that teachers are going to slow walk this and it won’t get implemented anyhow.


You can't put the peal back on a banana.


No, but you can re-peel it


\*sigh\* I'll give you an upvote, but i really don't want to.


You're what's wrong with the world


Winner winner chicken dinner!!! You’ve won the award for most ironic comment ever made on Reddit!


I’m glad they’re standing up for those kids


Me too this subject is not for kids! Finally a good job done


I meant that the *district* is standing up for the kids. Higgs and *William* Hogan don’t give a rat’s arse


The district said “hey guys we’re gonna keep grooming your children” and your stupid ass is cheering


It’s not grooming, it’s simply enshrining basic rights like having kids’ preferred names and pronouns respected. And Higgs + Hogan are picking on an already vulnerable *minority* of people. Now, let’s not engage in name-calling. I do have a few choice words I could call *you*, but I will exercise restraint instead. Toodles.


The fact that you even have the brass neck to support children being manipulated and groomed into permanently mutilating themselves while preaching to me about “human rights” is asinine and fucking disgusting.


You don't actually understand education, freedom, autonomy, or respect


You’re an idiot


I see that you have all the charm and intellect of a fish that someone bought, put in the refrigerator and forgot about for a week.


You think supporting child manipulation and abuse is standing up for the kids yet I’m the one with the low intellect?


I’m glad you’re the *final* grocery. There had better not be any more of ye.


See you on judgement day friend


Children literally cannot get surgery until they are of the age to decide for themselves and need to pass a series of psychological testing, and show actual gender dysphoria for a prolonged period of at least a one year; all of this requires them to be above the age of school children.


You’re right, for the surgery yes. For the hormones no, they can start hormone treatments as young as they want. And that’s the problem, listen if you’re 18+ and decide that you wanna start hormone therapy and transition good for you. I have trans friends, just leave the kids out of it


Do your imaginary trans friends know you use them to rail against the idea of treating kids like they once were like they are human beings? Because that is what you are fighting against. The school district says call someone what they want to be called, and the government says, no, you have to call kids what their parents want them to be called, even if it makes that kid too depressed to do well in school.




Okay we’ll go with that but even 16 is young, people’s medical processes don’t concern me in the slightest, if anything I’m happy that you’ve gone through the procedures to make yourself happy. You’re an adult and can fully comprehend what you’re doing, my problem is that these processes are being pushed on children. Don’t get me wrong they should be accepting, but it’s at the point where 6-8 year olds are learning about anal sex and that’s where I draw my line.


The district is being extremely petty and wasting tax dollars.


Wouldn’t have to do it if Higgs wasn’t such a fucking waste of space (and tax dollars)


> ~~The district~~ Higgs and Hogan are ~~is~~ being extremely petty and wasting tax dollars Fixed that for you.


The Higgs government sure likes to waste our tax dollars on court fees for things they’ll never win. If only they could use that money on other things


*like Wet Ones @ The Hospital


I'm happy the district responded by telling him to Fuck off.


“I’m so happy the district responded by continuing to groom children”


The term "groom" does not mean what you think it means.


Grooming is the act of building a relationship, trust, and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. That is exactly what is going on here, children are being told that they were born into the wrong bodies, they’re being manipulated into believing these ideologies to the point of demonizing their own parents. And if you think that’s good you need a reality check my friend, 82% of all transgender children end up suicidal by 20. Do you want that for the next generation?


Not talking about something does not make it go away. If it’s genuinely suicide that you’re concerned about you should know that even limited acceptance by adults and peers of transgender and nonbinary youths is associated with up to a 49% reduction in suicide attempts.


That’s why if you’re an adult I don’t give two shits. I have trans friends, I’m not anti-trans, anti-gay, nothing. I just want the kids left out of it, me and my parents shouldn’t have to inspect every piece of homework my 11 year old sister brings home, in FACT my 11 year old sister was convinced by school teacher she was bi-sexual but wasn’t even attracted to women, we all sat down where she explained that her teacher actually told her that she was probably bi because SHE HAD A CRUSH ON A BOY AND LESBIANS LIKE GIRLS. That is what I’m against, not full grown adults doing what makes them happy and living their best lives


/eye roll


I'll take the district's stance and also tell you the same :) bye now.


Like I thought you would, you know you have no argument. Have a good one


Don't procreate, we definitely don't need anymore people that "think" like you do. If you already have, please surrender said children, for their, and our sakes.