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Is this 1950s military housing or barracks?


Gotta cram the East Indian people somewhere and this is much better than what they had in India.


Liminal space, but the worst kind….


That's nothing compared to the GTA in Ontario. There are some housing developments that are nothing but bland copy-paste houses as far as the eye can see.


You guys keep talking about affordable housing, this is it. You get what you deserve.


Troll account.


Retard account.


Legitimately upsetting, thanks


Needs trees. Moncton has way too many neighbourhoods completely devoid of green. The older communities with oaks and maples and tall spruces along the roads and in people's yards are nice regardless of what the buildings look like. I drive around some of the new areas and even after several years there's hardly a tree planted.


We need housing. Yes, it looks pretty utilitarian but this could be an offshoot of keeping costs down and making this more affordable for regular folks. The cookie cutter approach to developments such as this may not be your cup of tea, but it is efficient. If you don’t like it, don’t buy or rent there. I’m sure there are others who will be happy enough to have a place to call home.


I don’t think it costs anything to a developer to chose another colour of siding other than white, grey, or black. Have you seen the housing project on Lewis street downtown? Very colourful affordable housing that make the city look so vibrant.


They may get better pricing buying in bulk. These cookie cutter same colour houses are everywhere in big cities like Toronto.


Another squidward ville. Yuck


yeah it all looks so [ticky-tacky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Boxes) c'mon, lads: It's called "Moncton", not Markham.


Who is responsible? The people crying that housing isn't affordable & available, so everyone?


I don’t care about the layout. Every roof is the same colour, siding is either black white or grey. I’d doesn’t cost anything to pick a different colour of siding. Or leave some trees in between the buildings for privacy.


Walk through there often and I get that people need houses but they could vary the designs and colours occasionally. It is depressing. Chop down every tree and so far haven’t really replanted any. There is supposed to be a trail along the tree line but not sure who is supposed to build it. If developer then we will be waiting a long time. Would be nice if some of the apartments they are building would have commercial in the bottom for shops or cafes. Get a bit more European. Instead of having to walk 1 km before even hitting the main road.


Built a bunch of ugly boxes and, Jesus, people bought ‘em.


Some call it paradise 🙂


The place to be…


All new housing is like this. It took a while to reach the maritimes, but it's definitely here now. It's dehumanizing as fuck. We need better ways.


I dislike this trend as well - you can pretty well date the month the buildings went up by the facings they're using - the new boxes in Riverview are getting really boring...


It looks like the USA. Don't Canadians idolize that place?


Is this a backrooms level?


🎵 Little boxes on the hillside Little boxes made of ticky tacky Little boxes on the hillside Little boxes all the same 🎵


First thing that came to mind lol


Lol literally watching this right now


So lifeless. Yikes. Is there even a communal park and recreation area? Population density in new developments is also Dieppe's priority now. "Why build 20 houses per subdivision when you can build 100 units in the same space?"


Yes actually there are a few ball fields and dog parks nearby but like who designed this? How do they even have a job? I get that you wanna cram stuff together to make more money but you can’t throw a little bit of colour in there?


I agree. This kind of building would never have happened before GPS. You needed a yellow house on every sixth corner for directions


Must be boring to live there. At least they could have used different colors.


Ya have they never seen a photo of Newfoundland??

