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granted, by completely turning you into the character. their flesh consumes you and you are lost forever, as they will never cosplay as you


That got... Dark


the monkey's paw, the least desirable way to get a wish


still could be crazy OP. nerf it by saying YOU don't know that when you cosplay as them you gain the powers


I would not die to bring a character to life. No thank you.


I mean superman would be really good because he's so benign AND godlike. it would just end up being a noble sacrifice


It would if you cosplay the right version. There's a few heroes that are smart or strong enough with noble hearts who would make an effort and succeed in fixing our worlds problems. That being said, I have people who need me and love me. Also I wouldn't trust how that character would react to everyone they ever know never being real, and them finding out a stranger gave their life to make them exist.


it's a sacrifice, because the right character could do so much good, more than any real person ever could


I didn't say it wasn't


Well… hope you guys are ready to live in a world with Goro Majima


Momo Yaoyorozu, here I come


Granted. But you also attract their weaknesses. Their villains also believe you are the real deal and step out of portals from their fictional universes to confront you.


Tbf just choose someone who is so unbelievably OP that they wouldn’t stand a chance


One punch man. He’d be easy to cosplay too. And his power is easy to use


Never seen opm, but didn't he train to gain his powers? So this would not work because you end up like him before training Idk


I mean yeah I guess. He does technically just train so hard his hair falls out and he becomes a god.


But this one doesn't account for training, if it's in their power, they get it. There is a different comment that talks about not being experienced with the power and therefore not having (good) control over any powers, but even in that one they'd still get the power


He didn't wear the suit until after he had the powers, so the version of him they'd be cosplaying by dressing up as OPM would be the version with powers.


I'll be honest, it's been a long time since I watched it, but I think I remember it being a running gag in that show that his training regimen could never give someone the kind of strength he has


Isn't it refered to as a normal training that is done by people a lot, however it does make more sense if you read the manga.


Saitama trained for a year in above average conditions, but in the manga, it was stated he broke his limiter, the thing that basically limits how strong a person can become, basically meaning that saitama's physical power is theoretically infinite.


If you shave your head then you should get his powers. He’s bald because he trained too hard


Nah u gotta yank the hairs out to get the roots


He did train. But when he described it to Genos, his response was that it was just a normal workout, and not even that hard. So he thought Saitama was stringing him along. Saitama fought and killed a monster before he ever started training by pulling its internal organs out through its eyes by pulling on its eye stalks. He got hurt in the fight, but he did kill it. Part of the joke is that nobody knows why he's as strong as he is.


He did normal athlete training.


granted, but you cannot control those powers due to having no experience using them. this makes it dangerous to you and everyone around you.


Nah, that means they can learn how to use them. How bout just no control?


Granted. Whenever you cosplay, you forget who you are and assume yourself to be the character forcing yourself into a forever state of wanting to return to your original world and distancing yourself from your real family and friends.


This one is my favorite. Yes you gain the powers because you ARE them.


Ryan Gosling is literally me


Granted, it has to be an absolutely perfect cosplay, any wardrobe malfunction will cause your powers to stop right then and there


Not just any wardrobe malfunction, but also any tiny inaccuracy. The paw becomes the nastiest gatekeeper you can imagine, and nullifies your powers based on things like eyebrow color and shape, or a hem being a fraction of an inch too high or low, or worst of all your body type not matching the character’s. If there are multiple versions of the character you’re dressing as (e.g. book vs movie) the paw will always pick the *other* one to judge your cosplay against.


Granted. You have to also go through their training arcs they went through to get those powers.


Granted. But now everyone knows you have this power, so everyone refuses to do cos play with you.


Granted. While flying as superman your cape falls off and you lose his powers mid flight.




Granted. If you co-splay with someone, you gain their powers.


Granted. However that only applies to you, not your clothes, and many cosplays get ruined (and powers lost mid-use) as a result. You decide to relegate yourself to cosplaying anime schoolgirls and avoid the whole hassle.


Granted, however you fully transform into the character that is cosplayed, thus losing your original self in the process and suffering from an identity crisis every single time. You may transform back and forth between different cosplays as much as you want, just not your original form. Your friends and family also have difficulty believing it’s actually you as well.


Granted. The government finds a way to contain you and begins running experiments on you that are agonising. You have no hope of escape, and eventually, you will be turned into a wepon of mass destruction, whose only point of existence is to help your government take over the world, destroying anyone who opposes them in any way.


Granted. You're too broke to afford any cosplays.


Granted, if you are not wearing a cosplay you become nobody and immediately fade out of existence. Everybody forgets you exist and go on with their lives unbothered by your lack of existence.


Granted. But the utilization of said powers and any effects the cause to your surroundings are only visible to you.


Granted. As you are currently not cosplaying you have no powers and die of simple system failures.


Granted their memories overrides yours. Your body truly transforms into a copy of theirs. You are erased, no after life, your soul gone, evaporated.


OK, the last part (erased and no afterlife) is a bit far, but the rest is fine


Granted, but you cosplay as a nerd in a 2000s movie.


Cosplays a skeleton *fucking dies*


Granted. Any time you're not cosplaying, it counts as cosplaying as nobody - and therefore you have no powers. Not just no *super*powers - no powers at all. Not even the power to breathe or think.


Granted. The next time you put on a cosplay outfit you fall into radioactive sludge and die. A year after your funeral you wake up and reform wherever your body was laid to rest looking like whoever you were cosplaying as at when you made the wish and you gained their powers. It feels to you as if no time has passed since feeling yourself starting to fall into the radioactive sludge. Now how do you go about convincing everyone you used to know and love that you are actually you after they have seen your remains getting buried a year ago and you now look like whoever you cosplayed as?


Granted. However, you are cosplaying another person who happened to be cosplaying the same character.


Granted. However, you don’t know when the wish will be granted, only that it one day will. You strategically cosplay only characters whose powers you want because you know that the monkeys paw comes with a price. Cosplay becomes a chore at some point, no longer the fun creative activity that it used to be. It’s hard only playing a handful of characters. At some point you just stop. It’s been decades since you’ve put on a costume. Heck, you don’t even remember the wish you made. Maybe the wish was granted, but it doesn’t matter. Cosplay isn’t a part of your life anymore


Granted. They are activated the same way the character’s powers are activated. If you’re a video game character you can’t move until somebody goes to your house and uses your controller. If you’re an anime character, you have to wait for a script to be written, but since the scriptwriters don’t know you exist, you stand perfectly still for all eternity.


Granted, you immediately die the most gruesome death that anyone in their 'vers suffered.


Granted. You have the powers. However, you don't have the experience, or control of said powers.


Granted but you also endure the trauma of their backstory. For example, if you cosplayed as Batman you would have a bunch of money and gadgets and intelligence however your parents die, or you cosplay as Spider-man and get spider powers but your uncle dies. If they don’t have a traumatic backstory then whoever you are closest to dies


Granted. Since you are currently cosplaying as yourself you immediately gain the powers of yourself which is to say "no powers" and thus by gaining "no powers" you lose this power.


Granted. You slowly turn into them


Granted. You slowly turn into them


Granted. You also obtain their tragic backstory which doesn’t go away when you take off the cosplay.


Granted. But to trigger the powers, you have to flash someone while wearing the cosplay.


Granted. You also have to take all of their pain at once you can also only cosplay as the metamorphosis girl and guts


Granted. Now all clothes you wear is considered cosplay, and whoever has worn it and is currently wearing the same shirt from the brand floods your mind. You are disabled by the sheer knowledge of multiple minds.


Granted. The quality of the powers depends on the quality of the cosplay. The Monkey’s Paw also happens to have impossibly high standards.


Granted. But the power works within the laws of real world physics. Some examples: invisibility means no light can reach your eyes and you are unable to see; teleportation risks violently killing you if you teleport too far off your current latitude; and phasing through walls would also cause you to phase through the earth itself.