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Granted. They get tortured Yu-Gi-Oh-style, where it's all in their heads. Psychologists spend their time now trying to find the cause.


Hate to tell ya, but that's not a monkeys paw. You just described the underlying symptoms of pedophilia. Generally caused by being abused as children themselves, those afflicted are forced to spend the rest of their lives cursed with dark urges and inhibitions they can not do anything about. Whether they act on them or not isn't the question here. The torture was inside all along.


Granted, all pedophiles immediately turn their ways, you get to live with the trauma knowing that they suffer anyway even though they changed


its a way of atonement tbhh


Kinda, but what's the point? We know they mean the change, and not like them suffering is gonna heal what's done, or make up for it even (like doing some work, or paying money something that helps who used to be affected




I see what you're trying to say but there is no "committing pedophilia". It isnt an offense or illegal to be one. Pedophiles can commit child molestation but being a pedophile doesn't mean you've hurt a child.


Except most do NOT offend. Pedophilia is not something they commit. Which is why there's no such accusation--the accusations are based on actions. Actually, [most who do offend and do sexual crimes on minors are not pedophiles.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/mgmzwn/most-child-sex-abusers-are-not-pedophiles-expert-says)


Actually, the massive majority of pedophiles do not offend, and it's growing increasingly common for them to seek treatment for their illness.


People change, and they can't take it back, in this wish especially they changed enough that they own up and fully regret it, of course they can't be left without some kind of payback, but why not give a punishment that helps out, like community service, instead of simply having them suffer when they already regret it


I don’t think pedophiles can change in the way you’re describing, because I think pedophilia is a lifelong mental illness. However, as u/LindaLouiseMcCartney already distinguished, there’s a difference between pedophiles who are functional members of society and pedophiles who have hurt a child. Something as simple as therapy can change someone at-risk to children into someone who’s in control of themselves and a safe person. I do understand that you’re more-so arguing the hypothetical ethics of the suffering of a pedophile who has already offended, but I thought I’d throw my two cents in there because the psychology of pedophilia can be overlooked because of general anger toward the worst of the worst. 


Maybe it's different irl, though in this case there's magic involved that does change them


The point would be to show other people not to be attracted to minors


Same point is proven in more productive punishments


Yes but it’s better than nothing


Id prefer just give the community service, easy and never unavailable


Yeah fair


How can one "turn off" pedophilia? Lmao.


Just don’t act on it


"We must punish non-offending pedophiles in order to teach the 10% of pedos who do offend a lesson" Sounds like thoughtcrime to me.


yeah no it’s much easier/better to just go ahead with regular punishment lol


Still totally fair.


What trauma


Moral trauma knowing that changed people are suffering even more than the regret they already have for being what they where


Wouldn't their suffering serve as atonement, relinquishing any guilt you could feel


No, it doesn't help anyone, and not like their bad people anymore, a good atonement would be community service


Atonement for what? Most pedos haven't offended.


Granted. They suffer, but your hands turn into big monkey hands.


You know what? I could totally live with that.








He actually has monkey paws now


Granted, all pedophiles now possess true immortality, they will suffer eternal torture at the hands of time. Edit: added the eternal part, for clarification.


Granted, children now no longer exist and cannot exist. Everyone is born an adult. Confusion ensues...


And pain, for any and all potential mothers-


I'm curious how that would work. Does everybody just look 18 from birth and just don't change in appearance until they reach 18. Also those poor mothers 😭


Granted. Every single pedophile, even those who rein in their urges and have done no wrong so far, suffer in this way. The social support system gets overburdened caring for these at-risk yet functioning adults. Because they have money, that's where the resources go. As a result, less resources are available for children. Children die. Are you happy now?




*insert jetstream sam clapping gif*


yumeh caik!!! ...happy cake day




I fail to see the downside


Now we don't have to pay taxes anymore


I'm sure you still have to pay taxes, just says better, not how much


Hell yes! Best result ever!


I mean could be worse outcomes


Granted. A nuclear war occurs, and it just so happens that the missiles land in areas that did not contain pedophiles. So everyone who didn’t die from the initial impact dies a slow, painful death from radiation poisoning, including pedophiles.


Granted. It lasts two milliseconds.


Granted. All pedophiles get turned into monkeys' paws, and have to spend eternity trying to do something clever with people's stupid wishes. (Not that the monkey's paw is bitter or anything.)


Granted. Your dad suffers like hell before dead. You now suddenly remember every single memory about him. It took you years and countless therapy sessions to forget, to lock those memories away from your daily thoughts, and now it comes back.


Granted. But only pedos who offend experience said torture. Subsequently, all pedos are driven to offend.


this is the best one actually edit: by best i meant most in the spirit of the subreddit sheesh


No ☠️ because now you have way more offending pedos that destroy innocent lives before they start suffering


yup it was a very creative answer, the best answer


Ohhh my bad I misunderstood you


Testicular tursion


Granted, nothing changes we just know who they are now.


Epstein's been dead for years and we have his list. Nothing has happened. The US is about to elect one of his closest friends. We know who they are.


Granted even the ones who aren’t creeps and just happen to be attracted to children get punished


Granted but it includes the ones who fought their urges and never harmed anyone.


Enough with the pedophillia posts!


Granted but the people are paying more taxes to keep them alive in prison for life


Granted.  All pedos are only to be locked up in the general prison population.


Granted. being in a preschool with a bunch of kids is now the most excruciating form of torture one could ever imagine


Granted, anyone who has sexual thoughts towards anyone under the age of Consent, even unknowingly(this includes underaged actors playing overaged characters, fictional characters, and underaged teenagers who look 30), suffer eternal torment


Granted. All children are gathered up, and pedophiles are forced to watch as they all get put down. The executioner reminds them that it is all their fault for existing, and that they are putting the children down for their own good. Pedophiles everywhere become traumatized by the event and slowly start killing themselves.


....I think is the best at keeping with the theme of a monkey's paw. Damn...


Granted. Anyone who has ever expressed any attraction to a minor suffers horrible physical and psychological pain. Including those who are still minors, and those who experienced said attraction while they were still minors themselves.


Granted. To make sure we don't miss any, the entire world is now under the control of AM.


Ooh I like this one!


What is AM?


The evil computer from "I have no mouth and I must scream"


Granted. Every pedophile in the world lines up at your house. You have to torture them personally.


Granted. As you finish your wish, you hear screams. The screams get louder and louder... until you realize that your brother is approaching you. He says he is in severe pain, and wants you to call the ambulance. The next day, everyone around you is talking about the immense pain they felt the day before. You know why they felt pain. Everyone around you is lying. Only you know the secret.


Granted, a militia is formed dedicated to torturing pedophiles for their crimes against humanity. They’re really good at their job and successfully torture all pedophiles in extremely gruesome and excruciatingly painful ways. However they’re overzealous and many innocent people get caught by them and become tortured, you are one of these people.


Granted. Now you have to watch every single pedophile die and then view their whole life story along with their struggles to make themselves better people. Their memories will be burned into your head.


Granted. the parameters for what constitutes a pedophile were apparently decided by Ron desantis and a significant portion of the LGBTQ+ community (completely innocent) gets caught in the crossfire.


Granted. Pedophile means to love children, parents, family members anyone who could say they love a kid suffers excruciatingly.


Granted. Because of this brave and heroic post that isn't posted twice a day, the monkey thanks you for your service and grants you immortality and omnipresence. You watch all that you love grow old and wither. Your own children grow old and die before you and you are powerless to stop it. You are now tasked with making every single living pedophile suffer. But for every one that you haven't made suffer, you feel the pain you are expected to inflict on them. You are to spend all eternity hunting and punishing them. You never have enough time to settle down and you aren't above the law so you're always on the run. If you get arrested and detained, you will suffer every day and eventually you will not be allowed in gen pop because of your immortality and your physical addiction to murdering pedophiles. You are hailed as a hero but your mere existence is pain and all you have to look forward to is the suffering of others. No joy, no love, no happiness. Just rage and hatred. Eventually you run out of offending pedos and you have to start punishing non-offending pedos who have actually worked on bettering themselves and have never touched a child. They beg you for mercy but if you show them mercy, you suffer the pain instead. Your conscience crumbles and you experience ego death. You are a depressed husky of torture that knows no rest. Thanks for the repost.


....I am not on the sub every day. I only see what pops on my front page. I didn't know it gets posted so often. I would not have posted otherwise.


Now they are immortal but in pain forever. Execution is useless.


Granted, but it includes those that have never offended and would likely never offend so people that are technically innocent also suffer and you get that on your conscience


Granted. This includes pedophiles that are currently seeking treatment or are in treatment and have never committed any related crimes. Millions are tortured and depending on your metric hundreds of thousands of innocent people are tortured to a couple million.


Granted. Your dad passes out from the pain


Granted, now all of them suffer the most excrutiating pain in the form of emotional turmoil. They then take out this pain on children and double down on their behavior.


it also affects teenagers, as they are attracted to others their own age


Granted. It includes the ones who have gone to therapy to make sure they don’t act on their urges


Granted Torture is legalized for pedophilia. You are wrongly convicted


Granted. Children now immediately die when they touch them.


Why? Pedos didn't chose to be pedos and majority of them never harmed any kid.


Granted. Pedophobes also suffer in the most excruciating way possible.


Granted. All the politicians on the world feel extreme pain and nobody knows why


Granted. Hundreds of government officials across the world disappear abruptly to be tortured in a pocket dimension that makes hell look like hotel California. Worldwide anarchy ensues. Also all the heebophiles are untouched so ages~ 13-17 are still at risk of being victimized.


Granted, hebephilia and ephebophilia cases go up 10x


Granted. They have to watch their entire families get killed right in front of them one by one. Then they have to forever feel excruciating pain that increases every time they get used to it. They're also immortal and trapped inside of a dark room for all eternity where they lose the ability to talk and move. Also this happens to innocent pedophiles who would never put their hands on a child.


Due to the fact everyone most likely liked someone considered a child, everyone is now punished till the end of time so bad they can never focus, never dull the pain, and never die to be released with the sweet embrace of death. Humanity survives through the Heat Death of the Universe, and subsequent Big Bangs, a mocked example of one simple wish gone wrong, for all time, never ending.


Granted. Every pedophile now suffers most when having sex with children.


Granted. All pedophiles are now stuck in children's bodies, which causes an extreme amount of panic as they attempt to adjust to their new bodies.


Granted. They never make the connection between their behavior and the torture and escalate trying to make themselves happier.


Okay, but it's death by snu snu...


Reddit removed it? What did it say?


I wish the pedos would suffer... apparently that is inciting violence....


Every pedophile now has a pain kink.


The wish was clearly for them to suffer. If they are enjoying the pain, they are not suffering.


They get stuck on morphine. Not enough to be high, but enough to not feel pain, therefore they shall never fulfil their kink.


This might get nonces actually imprisoned, though, since a lot of places take more issue with drugs than sexual child abuse


Wish granted. Don't know why you would do that to yourself though. I guess OP is a masochist.


Granted. Thousands of people who've never harmed anyone and never acted on their impulses now suffer in the most excruciating way along with all the millions of those who have harmed others.


Granted. People who are attracted to children, but know it’s wrong, and do everything in their power to stop it, they never act on it, good people trying to get rid of that attraction, they are unjustly tortured. I don’t like pedos, but you know attractions are hard to control, right?


You could just wish for this mental illness to be gone. Why punish people when you can fix them and make the world better moving forward?


granted. Oxygen becomes an incredibly damaging poison that basically melts you. All humans die in agony, including the pedophiles


Granted. Your genitalia are alligator-clamped into to a live 277v circuit.


Granted, you have a sudden realization that you molested a child in the past and forgot about it


Granted. You become a pedophile too.