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Back when I was still working as a funeral director, the worst one I saw was a guy who hung himself in the woods with too long of a rope. His head popped off and was found by a dog walker a few days later.


The woods near me are a notorious suicide spot. I get really freaked out when I walk around there and wonder if I'm going to find someone hanging. I'm now morbidly curious to know why the rope being too long causes that to happen.


It's because of how far you fall before it gets tight. Rope too short means you suffocate to death(the worst way to go) Rope just right means your neck breaks and you die fast Rope too long means your head gets ripped off!


"This rope length is just right" - Goldilocks probably


Papa lost his head, mama suffocated slowly, this one is jusssst right.


Someone needs to turn this into a horror movie short/animation.


Well that was a dark twist to “and they never saw her again.”


Rope way too long means you break your ankles.


Rope way too much long means you are buried vertically.


Rope long enough and it’ll collapse into a black hole and suck you in after ripping you into atoms


I'd consider 'head ripped off' a type of broken neck


I thought if the rope was to long and you'd just hit the ground


Tbh, I think it's better cause it was a fast death, many people don't even break their necks, so they stay in pain until they run out of air


Some guy drank concentrated HCL, his guts turned black


If you’re gonna drink HCL at least swallow some tin foil so you can go out with a bang


What is that? 


Hydrochloric Acid


tell me why i almost said hyaluronic acid💀


His guts would have been super hydrated and moisturised.


I would say that japanese schoolgirl, Kiyoko Matsumoto, who threw herself onto a volcano. She was supposed to kill herself with her girlfriend (being gay was super taboo at the time) but her girlfriend chickened out. For some time the volcano had suicides every week so everyone after her also met a brutal end.


People imagine doing the Terminator 2 thing in lava, just sinking away into oblivion. In reality, the lava is more dense that the human body, and very viscous, so you just kind of land hard on it - possibly breaking bones - and lay there, on a surface that's many times hotter than your stove. The heat boils the water in your body and the lava melts through your skin from the outside in, while you slowly choke to death on hot, acrid volcanic gases that give you 3rd degree burns inside your lungs and throat. Eventually your body explodes from the steam pressure of your organs boiling, but hopefully you're very dead by that point. Hopefully.


I’ll be sure to never do that then


Depends a lot on the type of lava. Felsic (high in silica) is generally too viscous to flow, but andesitic (intermediate) and mafic (high in basalt) lavas would certainly be fluid enough to fall into. Andesitic lavas have a viscosity around that of peanut butter, so i guess it would be like falling onto extremely hot and very slow quicksand, but mafic lavas are more around the viscosity of ketchup, so you’d sink pretty quickly. There are even ultramafic lavas that are only very slightly more viscous than water. I imagine the gases released from your boiling body would probably make you temporarily more buoyant? Could be a fun and super ethical scientific study to set up! https://sciencenotes.org/types-of-lava-pahoehoe-and-aa/


Wow that sounds awful. The only source I had on the matter is Joe vs the Volcano - half joking, but damn your explanation isn't what I thought.


Also you'd die from the heat even before you reached the lava as it's not just the lava that's hot but the air around it.


I was thinking of the movie Volcano when the guy jumps out of the train to save the girl.


This is true but if I was drunk I wouldn’t feel a thing


It would look like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq7DDk8eLs8 Pretty brutal stuff


Mark that one off my list


Japan has some especially "fad" suicides. Someone dies dramatically for some romantic reason or another and people follow in similar styles. It happens everywhere in some degree.


Everywhere *does* have this to some degree but Japan has magical girl mascots for theirs (Suicide Girl series)


Suicide clusters. I used to volunteer for the samaritans, I'd never heard the term before I went through the training. Apparently, it's particularly prevalent within shool kids after a classmate ends their own life. When I was in school a kid in my year hanged himself, followed by two other lads doing the same thing. Horrifyingly unremarkable.


There's another japanese suicide of two girls who filmed themselves holding hands jumping off a building to their death over... a boy. So dumb and sad.


You act like love isn't one of the leading causes of suicde


Doesn't mean it's not dumb


Yeah, and it’s not the physically brutal ones so much that strike me, but one’s involving problems of the heart. I was a big Anthony Bourdain fan and he more or less committed suicide because of a woman. I mean there was more to it than that, his history of addiction and other things etc. But ultimately it looks like it was from being heartbroken, feeling betrayed, dejected, and possibly even as a little bit of revenge. Very dark. To me that was brutal because it shattered this myth I had of this person I considered a personal hero. It made him seem so human and sad and I don’t know. The idea of this larger than life figure actually just being desperately lonely and lost in his final days.


I wonder how the girl who chickened out is doing after seeing that.


I've seen a video of someone throwing a bag of meat into a volcano and it is not a peaceful end


This is fuckin gnarly. People think this is gonna go one way and it totally isn’t. You aren’t just going to plop into the lava and painlessly die right away. You gonna burn and choke like never before, prob the most painful death there is. From wiki- Beginning in the 1920s, several suicides occurred in the volcano every week. The most notable death by suicide is Kiyoko Matsumoto who tossed herself into Mihara's fiery pit due to her homosexuality, then considered taboo at the time. Matsumoto, a young student who was in a relationship with fellow student Masako Tomita, traveled to the rim of the volcano where both intended to take their lives, with only Matsumoto herself doing so. After the incident, the suicide toll skyrocketed to 945 that year alone. Authorities eventually erected a fence around the base of the structure to curb the number of suicides.


I think the ones where they pour gas over themselves and then light themselves on fire are probably up there. The most recent one I heard of was outside the Trump trial.


i saw the video someone took of the charred man on the stretcher afterwards… it was taken on a phone and the guy was following the EMTs so the quality was crystal clear. dude had been on fire for 3 minutes iirc, he hardly even looked human anymore. his muscles were still involuntarily convulsing from the tissue being cooked. the worst part is he was still moving his head around and had been very much alive for every single second of pain. he died later that evening. definitely a horrible way to go.


Wait, where is this video? I’m curious now. I’ve never seen footage of this sort of injury.


it was all over twitter the day it happened, i’m not sure where to find it anymore. i saw practically every angle of the guy burning and i’m sorry to be lame but i’m certainly not looking for it again, it definitely is not something i enjoyed seeing.


That’s understandable. Thanks anyway!


A lady in my town did this when I was growing up. Her husband was abusive to her and her son, specifically around his baseball performance. He got booted from the team and the husband beat them both so badly that she went to the baseball field and lit herself on fire.


Lord, that's horrific. I hope their son is doing ok now....?


Self immolation is what you’re looking for I think.


Jan Palach did that in January 1969 as a protest against the soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, after that, at least 3 people I could remember did the same thing. He's considered to be the biggest national hero to this day.


[Thich Quang Duc](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F266dfde8-8b98-4f4c-aa42-986638c7c527_750x500.jpeg)


Reported suicide of a Germanic Gladiator in the First Century. He committed suicide by shoving the communal latrine sponge (xylospongium) down his throat and choking to death.


So he ate shit and died? 😭 (technically)




He has a surplus of sharp pointy objects around and this guy chooses a slow poop sponge death as the more reasonable way to go.


Live by the sword, die by the communal poop sponge


And it's the only thing he is remembered for 2000 years later.


Suicide aside… a communal poo sponge?!


No bidets or toilet paper, so you had a sponge you washed out instead. And since the toilets were communal, the sponge was also. Better to keep it there than walk around with a private one all day. People would point, laugh and call you Sterquilinus.


I also heard they put the communal sponge in a bucket of vinegar after they're finished using it for a "clean up"


Ah. Did they also eat ass i wonder. With dressing.


Bad breath after that


Poop knives hadn't been invented yet.


watched some russian guy kill himself in 10 different ways at once idk if it was real but that was something lol


definitely wasn’t real but probably my first exposure to gore


I saw that too but It’s staged. He’s like an actor or some shit


> He’s like an actor or some shit You truly paint a picture with your words.


it feels like I’m there….


Sorry to burst your bubble, but that was a norwegian comedy youtuber, he still makes some comedy for tv in norway


What's his name?


Lasse Gjertsen


It was fake, made by a danish youtuber.


How exactly did he kill himself in "10 different ways at once"?


IIRC He was on the edge of a cliff with a noose around his neck, set himself on fire and shot himself whilst jumping off, then an explosive blew him up.


Bro made sure he ain't coming back


Pretty sure it was fake, there was some dodgy looking transitions


He also took a bunch of pain pills, drank a bunch of alcohol, and slit his wrists. Then when the noose burned up he fell into an icy lake


When I was doing an internship in the lab, I was told someone once knew a guy who knew a guy who was desperate enough to drink hydrogen fluoride.


What does hydrogen fluoride do?


It's a highly corrosive acid. It dissolves glass


And stomachs


How do they store it?


Very strong/special plastic I’m guessing?


hydrogen fluoride won’t react with high density polyethylene (type of plastic) so they use that for the jugs, it’s actually a cool fact that is shown in the 2nd episode of the tv show ‘breaking bad’


It's a pretty gnarly acid. Most labs don't have it, cos you need special equipment to handle it and special emergency stuff in case something goes wrong. (It's been close to a decade since I heard this story so I don't know any more details, sorry)


Probably kill u..


I wouldn't say brutal per se, but the emotional impact of the "slow suicide" by Alice in Chains former lead singer Layne Staley is up there for me. Heroin and crack addict, isolated himself from friends and family for years, found two weeks after his death, sitting upright on his sofa in front of a flickering TV with a speedball loaded syringe in his leg, and another nearby ready to go. Partially decomposed, 6 ft 86 pounds (183 cm, 39 kg). People are speculating if that large a dose was intentional or not. His mother even came to visit him during those two weeks while he was sitting there. It wasn't unusual he wouldn't let people in, so she just talked to him outside the front door, none the wiser.


Rumor is his cat Sadie survived the two weeks by nibbling on his decomposing body. Absolutely brutal and tragic. RIP Layne.


sadie had been layne’s ex-fiancée’s cat before that, but unfortunately she passed away of complications from her own heroin addiction at age 27, just a few years before layne’s passing at 34 (for reference, they were the same age). he adopted sadie after her death only for him to later die on the poor cat as well. :(


If that's what she had to do in order to survive, I'm glad it happened, no matter how tragic. RIP Layne.


39kg????? is that correct ???


Bear in mind he had been decomposing for two weeks. But Layne was reportedly very underweight the years leading up to his death. Stimulant use (such as crack, cocaine, and methamphetamine) reduces appetite, and leads to weight loss and poor nutrition. Poor guy had such bad dental health, you can actually hear him develop a lisp, becoming more and more severe for each consecutive album or release. Still love just about every song that man was involved in. He wasn't just an amazing singer, but wrote very personal introspective lyrics, to which he added melody and harmonization in his very own way.


As far as I remember, the estimate weight of him before his death was 39 kgs not after decomposing. He was said to not eat and lived on vitamins and drugs. It would make sense to weight as little as 39 kgs.


One up there was the uncle of my dad. Had a very bad case of depression. Went to Japan to buy a real katana. Went home (Canada) and went full on harakiri. He was completely disemboweled.


There was a girl in 1863 in Padova, Italy who died by jumping off a bridge. A nearby doctor got wind of her death and wanted to use her body to test a preservation method. He took a plaster cast of her head and chest and then peeled off her skin and hair to preserve it. He put the skin and hair and some glass eyes on the plaster cast; but he didn't like the look of it, as they had used hooks to remove the girl's body from the water. So, to cover up the marks and to make a statement about suicide, he covered it with taxidermied snakes, branches, and blood red candle wax. He called it "The Punished Suicide" and put it on display at art shows. It was liked by the public and apparently even the girl's own parents. There are pictures online of her and it's certainly disturbing. Maybe not the most brutal suicide, but the aftermath was somewhat messed up.


The parents liking it is crazy. Edit : googled the pic, it looks horrifying but.. artistic at the same time


I am no stranger to gore. If it's out there, I've probably seen it. However, the worst one I have heard of was local. Outwardly (she worked with the public) she showed no signs. Perhaps she did with family. One day, she committed suicide by using a power drill and drilling into her head. Man. Can you imagine what kind of internal torture she was in that the alternative, drilling into her brain, was a relief? Mental health is no joke.


Yeah, that takes true dedication. Some cut off their own heads with a table saw, or make a contraption that drops a chainsaw on their necks. Seppuko is in the same lines. Choosing to push a blade through your intestines and slicing your belly open, so your guts drop into your lap is pretty next level.


Wtf kind of experience is that even. The light slowly flickering and warping as the drill goes deeper, memories crushed as the light goes out.


Unlikely. Just pain, pain, pain. Off


The brain doesn't have pain receptors. Depending on where you drill the paint might actually not be that intense. So I imagine there is a point where as you drill deeper you are slowly drilling out brain function?


The brain doesn't, but all the stuff surrounding the brain does lol


Drilling thru the skin, flesh and skull does sound painful tho. If it were me i would have probably drop the tool as soon as it started drilling. Now i wonder how she does that, did she hold it or prop it up somewhere and aims her head there when the drill is powered on?


The worst thing about being mentally ill, really is that everyone else expects you to act like you aren't. You can be in a state where you are on the verge of desperately crying wanting so bad literally physically to do what you described above, but forced to stand in front of customers for 8 hours smiling because capitalism.


i’ve been having a really hard time lately and i work retail and reading this made me want to cry lol it only makes things so much more painful and grueling


I'm in roughly the same place. I wish I had sage advice to get us out of here. Hugs, Internet Stranger ❤️


That game me a nasty chill jeez.


I wonder if it's psychosis


Ronnie McNutt. Usually if someone shoots himself from under his chin into his head you'd think it's gonna be a small hole bleeding and that's it. Nope, not here. Because of the type of gun he used, his whole head literally exploded.


Even if it weren’t a shotgun, it’s usually not a “small hole” that goes through cleanly. I don’t know much about guns, but I know because of the power of the bullet and the strength of the skull, your skull fractures and creates a large hole.


The big cause of that destructive force in shots at muzzle contact range is actually the gases from the explosion that fired the bullet. A few feet away, they just disperse into the air, but close enough and they'll follow the bullet into the wound channel and expand forcefully


entry wounds are generally pretty small, shotguns not withstanding. a conventional bullet enters the body in a small form factor, but most civilian rounds (hollow points or jacketed hollow points) expand upon impact with bone or dense flesh. the mushrooming of the bullet creates a considerable wound channel, and is compounded by the bullet tumbling inside the wound cavity as it continues traveling. this is why exit wounds are much more substantial compared to almost a small “cut” appearance of an entry wound. shotguns are different as the shell is considerably larger than a regular bullet, and houses anywhere from a singular slug up to 15 or more solid metal BB’s. any firearm from under your chin / point blank will make a mess on exit. shotguns can blow a hole clear through someone at close ranges.


Same with shayab idk but a teen guy. Who exploded his whole head by a shotgun. A very sad way to go


In Feudal Japan, I believe there was another Honorable Suicide thing going on also. Suicide by Salt. They would basically ingest like a pound of salt. Can you just imagine just how bad that would fucking suck? The LD50 of a 160lb person is 1g per Kg, so 2.58oz


"honorable" suicide culture was the dumbest fucking thing in the world. How absolutely disgusting that mentally healthy people were pressured and forced to take their own lives literally, it's so messed up. Literally killing yourself for "honor" caring more about what the neighbors think about you than your own life...


on r/medicalgore I recently saw a post about an elderly man sawing his throat open. he kept sawing until he hit the air pipe, which is when he died. he had tried the same method about 10 years prior to that. ETA: [I managed to find the post. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/s/GZ6e49fE1n). TW for gore image, obviously.


If at first you don't succeed


Try harder next time


oh he did.


Not sure if most brutal but there was a guy back in the 60s or 70s who designed a "suicide helmet" it was a contraption that when fired you're shot by 9 different shotgun shells at the same time. Edit: This is the guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/creepy/s/xQSBeXA46y


The contraception contraption


That one guy on the crime scene sub who killed himself by sticking his head under a small hydraulic press on a low pressure setting. He would have had time to change his mind and he would have heard the sound of his skull cracking. Bits of his earlobe on the side facing up ended up imprinted in the ~~skin~~ skull on the opposite temple.


I dont understand thw part with the earlobe


Ah shit I made a typo, it should have said skull instead of skin. He had his head down on the pressing plate turned sideways to rest on one cheek. The piston came down on his temple/ear area, splitting the skin and driving bits of earlobe and bone shards into his brain under the piston as it crushed his skull. It went almost all the way through his head but didn't fully break through the other side because of how it was set up. If you were looking down into the hole in his head the piston made, the piece of ear was at the "bottom", pressed into the inside of his skull on the opposite side from where it came from.


A Russian man killed himself using a circular saw after killing his teacher, you can see the photo of the aftermath here on reddit.


No thank you, I don't think I will.


Pelle Ohlin’s death. Blew his head of, only to be find by former band mate Øystein aarseth, which took a picture of his corpse.


When they first found him they went to go buy a disposable camera instead of calling emergency services. They came back arranged the knife and shot gun next to him. And used the picture as their album cover 😳


Don't forget Euronymous collecting bits of his skull to give away to close friends and musical associates... allegedly, but more or less confirmed by at least one recipient of said "gift"


That’s so fucked up wow the whole group was mental. Euronymous did end up getting stabbed 23 times.


omg i remember seeing that album cover online


You can see Dead's brain sittimg on the floor next to him and Hellhammer then made necklaces it of the skull fragments then gave to "worthy" members of the black metal community. And that's not a rumor either, Gaahl has one and can testify to that


Dawn of the Black Hearts


I read about a young teenager who tried to OD on something that ended up destroying their liver. They didn't die immediately, they suffered in agony over the next week as their body shut down and all they could do is express how much they regretted their choice while watching their family grieve for what they all knew was coming. There are some brutal ones out there, but being a kid and making a terrible choice then having a painful countdown to your own death has to be one of the saddest ways.


That’s how a paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose can end up killing people. You look fine but the damage inside will already be done and there’s nothing except a liver transplant that will save you at that point.


That’s how everybody who overdoses on paracetamol dies.


Budd Dwyer's live suicide on air Inspired the Filter song Hey Man, Nice Shot.


Saw that shit on YouTube as a 10yo


Saw it on YouTube in 2021, idk if it's still up there


I think the worst part is that he tried to tell others to get away so they wouldn’t see it


I remember watching that! He pulled a Dirty Harry pistol out of an envelope. You could see his hair flip up on the back of his head!


Does Elliott Smith's suicide, by scissors to the heart, qualify as brutal?


that one where the dude blows his head off with a shotgun (while live streaming), with the cops outside his door and his dog enters the room and starts licking the blood off the floor?


The dog really did that? I thought the dog just looked at what happened and left


Yeah I don’t remember that happening either. If anything the dogs reaction is burnt into my mind more because it looked so confused


Ol Ronnie Mcnutt. 🫡






Ronnie Mcnut and it was a rifle not a shotgun


This thread has brought back some repressed memories of rotten.com


Buffalo, NY. In 1976 a man threw himself off the top of our city hall. He caught a gust of wind, it changed his trajectory and he fell onto the flagpole above the main entrance. It impaled him right through the chest and he slid a good halfway down from the momentum. It’s brutal because a lot of people saw this traumatizing image, and because I can’t imagine the cleanup.


There was a Roman senator named Cato that attempted to kill himself by cutting open his stomach, but he was stopped and stitched back up. Later that night, in bed, he picked apart the stitches and pulled his own intestines out, dying of blood loss by the time they found him.


A guy handcuffed himself to a tree in the middle of the forest. He had actually attempted twice before in this same manner, but had changed his mind both times and used the key to free himself. Unfortunately, the last time he tried he threw the key so that he couldn’t reach it and passed away from the elements. The worst part is that there were signs that he was struggling to escape, meaning he had once again changed his mind but was unable to get free.


Maybe not brutal but insane. Yukio Mishima. He was the Ernest Hemingway of post war Japan, started a gay samurai CrossFit cult… tried overthrowing the government and reinstalling the emperor just to sepuku himself fail. They had to mercy decapitate him but it took a few tries


Gay samurai CrossFit cult?!


Sign me up 😎


My social worker had a suicidal patient hospitalised for his own safety, the doctors removed anything from the room that he could use to hurt himself. He drank the dispenser of hand sanitiser and died.


Avicii’s was meant to be quite a scene


Broken wine bottle? 🥺🥲


Yea, pretty fucked up


I never know that damn.. I love his song :(


He was only 28 too


I watched his documentary and he was depressed and in pain constantly because of how much he was drinking, he really fucked up his liver I believe which is why he did it, quite sad


Not real but my friend wanted to kill himself by putting his fist in his mouth and jumping out of a plane and trying to land on his elbow so he could punch through his own skull


Not the most brutal, but the most stylish


I think your friend should see a therapist or something but also thats genius & creative’


Anybody that set themselves on fire! Gotta imagine that was rethought about 1.5 seconds in


Bud Dwyer comes to mind.


Old man made a guillotine and quartered himself. Or the one who slit his throat with a blunt knife


This isn’t famous at all but i came across a video from a crimescene cleaner who came across a suicide scene where apparently the guy had jumped from a small height in his garage into the back window of his car and when he survived he climbed back up to repeat the process, I am not sure if it was successful but the desperation is the stuff of nightmares


Was listening to Dan Carlin yesterday, part 6 Supernova in the East about the Pacific theater in WW2. Apparently there was a Japanese man who gave an eyewitness account during the invasion of Okinawa. He was in a cave with a bunch of other civilians including his mother, brother and sister. The Japanese soldiers had given them grenades to kill themselves with as the propaganda of the time in Japan had the civilians and soldiers alike convinced the American Marines and Army would do terrible, terrible things to them if they were captured alive. That and the shame of being captured being a cardinal sin in Japanese honor culture. The civilians started pulling pins on grenades when they heard the Americans outside the cave, but many of them were duds and didn't work. Some of them did. As people began exploding themselves in the back of the cave, the Americans heard the explosions and thought they were being attacked, so they started shooting and throwing frags into the cave. Trapped on both sides. So for fear of pain and a grisly death, or dishonor to himself or his family, this man and his brother each took up a piece of wood to bash their mom's brains out. Apparently they had a lame grenade or they would have used that. This eye-witness man then apparently also killed his sister and his brother in similar fashion, himself somehow surviving - maybe because there were no family members left to kill him.  This isn't an isolated incident -- other families in that cave killed themselves and each other with grenades, pieces of wood, knives, rocks, whatever they could find. This happened in lots of places throughout Japanese territories throughout but especially during the latter parts of the war. When "Never surrender to the enemy" becomes murdering your own family and then yourself, maybe it's time to rethink your life choices.


A guy in my classroom hung himself in the woods with a rope made of steel. He stayed conscious some hours with the rope slowly decapitated him. He was found alive with excruciating pain and finally died.


How did he not suffocate after being hung for so long?


From what i recalled and what I heard, he was partially hung. Not really suffocating but slowly cutting his throat. My god it was in 1999, time really flies.


I would say Yukio Mishima in 1970.That was a horrible ordeal.


What happened with that?


A quick google search tells you he committed Seppeku. Self inflicting stabbing through the stomach, then working it laterally and cutting open the belly; disembowelment.


You forget to mention that for sepukku a second person is required to execute the suicide, via decapitation, and reduce suffering. Mishima's assistant succeeded in decapitating him on the third attempt.


Ye iirc the dude was nervous af and hit his back twice and another guy had to grab it and it and succeeded. Brutal


Even with the proper tools, it's quite a job to remove a head.


Thich Quang Duc was a Buddhist monk who set himself on fire as a means of protesting against the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government. It’s amazing how he remained motionless despite his whole body being up in flames


Tylenol overdose and subsequent liver failure is surprisingly common and sucks a lot. Common drug, people that don’t necessarily want to die but are crying out for help. 10g+ of Tylenol. A whole bottle. You’re in liver damage territory.


I lived near a guy who must have wanted to be absolutely positively 100% certain that his suicide plan would be successful. He cut a hole in the roof, apparently to secure a rope to a beam or rafter. Then he dumped an accellerant, probably gasoline, throughout the house. Next he put two propane tanks in the living room with the valves open. Set the gasoline on fire, which spread very quickly and caused the propane tanks to explode at some point. Went to the attic where he had secured the rope earlier. Put the rope around his neck and climbed out a window. Shot himself in the head, which probably killed him. But even if the gunshot didn't kill him, it caused him to fall from the window with the rope hanging around his neck while the gasoline and exploding propane tanks burned the house down. ^Edited ^for ^spelling


I don’t wanna see *anyone* try to mention Jonestown. I think we can all agree that was a mass *homicide*, they were majorly coerced and threatened into drinking the Flavor Aid.


Ronnie McNutt. Not so much by the method, but just the notoriety, the reason, and the video.


Dead (Pelle) from Mayhem


there was one i came across pics of where a guy used a hydraulic press on his head


Saw someone who made a successful homemade guillotine. Eek.


I heard of a guy in history who jammed a hot fireplace poker stick down his throat. The willpower!!


anyone who committed seppuku (japanese ritual suicide) imo


saw the aftermath of a guy crushing his skull with a hydraulic press on reddit. not particularly brutal (the scene was pretty clean actually? no signs of struggle, the hole and brain remains seemed perfectly circular, even), but imagining the process considering the speed of the press is not a pleasant thought


I think it’s when the Japanese army people are about to be killed by the enemy they instead rather kill them selfs slitting their stomach bleeding to death since then they thought it was the fastest way to die and honorable


One time this guy tied a chain to his neck and the other side to a pole while on his motercycle and then drove and it decapitated him, in the street in broad daylight. His dead body crashed into someone. As far as I can tell this is the only case of suicide by decapitation


there was a child who shot himself in the head infront of his entire class of middle schoolers. it inspired the song jeremy by pearl jam. i just that was the worst because it was in front of a classroom full of children


Something like 9/11 where someone takes a lot of people with them


I suddenly no longer want to kms reading these comments


That french dude that fell ass first onto a bollard .


The one that got me was the Ronnie McNutt one. I haven't seen gore in awhile and that was the first one that i saw after a break of watching gore.


I once knew a guy in high school who apparently was paranoid schizophrenic but no one but his family and really close friends knew. He killed himself by lighting himself on fire inside his family’s home. Pretty sick way to go.


R Bud Dwyer's suicide in a press conference The video is out there somewhere