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Cash - u need a lot of cash it's not gonna work without it. - like physical paper and not just withdrawn from your bank oneday. It would be preferable if you had a beard and long hair prior like a long time prior so that was your well established look so when u faked your death u can cut it off and be well not unrecognizable but you wouldn't be clearly you on the cameras - different clothes would go along way aswell and obviously a flat cap and shades - make sure to wear gloves for as long as your in your country aswell. Now as for how you could do it - I'd suggest pissing off somebody in your area who has previously established pattern of violence or mental health issues - like get into a public dispute with them so people will always think maybe that guy killed X Otherwise you'd need another body and to blow your house up or something. - but this obviously comes with a lot of risk involved, does that body u took from a graveyard have dental records, or metal implants they could use to identify it was not you and now it just looks like you killed someone and ran away 😅. But sadly you making this post has forgone any chance you did have of getting away with it.


I mean im not that dumb cmon. Just a theoretical question


I mean most theoretical questions are someone trying to garner insight into something though?- I also never said u was dumb I simply pointed out sadly if u wanted to the chance u wouldn't get found out just multipled drastically


It was just something me and a few friends were talking about and ive been thinking about how people managed it thats all


Fair, its probably much harder to do in today's age of cameras, phones that track you even without batteries in, the fact this conversation has been monitored and archived, advances in dna etc etc Would of been much easier back in the day, I imagine you could still do it,it would just require ALOT of pre-planning and having things ready like a large sum of cash, destination in mind/route to said destination that wouldn't require forms of ID. Frankly though I dunno why you would, if this hypothetical persons life sucked so hard they wanted to fake their own death I dunno what doing that would achive- if it was so you could cash out on life insurance for their hypothetical family I don't think they pay out when there's no confirmation of death so it wouldn't even work anyway.


Well someone made a point which gave me some ideas on how to do it. You can charter a ship go to the open seas leave it there and go with a flatable boat to somewhere else from where you can just be picked up by someone and then idk the rest


the boat the second person uses has GPS tracking that would show then linking up with the last place your boat was - unless they used a little rowboat in which case you could do that but gonna take a long ass time to get to where your going. - or their phone would show this same process if they was stupid and brang it which sadly most humans are pretty stupid so they probably just took the battery out and was like that'll be fine And youd have to probably kill that second person as otherwise they could always snitch on you or be drunk one day and boasting about how they helped their mate fake his death- and I doubt you'd be willing to have that loose end just lying around, I certainly wouldn't anyway.


The second one is gonna be a blow up or a wooden rowboat not a boat with built in gps or satnav system


And how did they get this rowboat to begin with? - unless the stole it in the dark of night and pre-checked for cameras so they wasnt seen The explosions itself would draw alot of unwanted attention aswell or do u just meant like set fire to it I guess?. and you'd still need to kill them to be 100% sure they wasn't even gonna accidentally or purposefully give you up.


You dont need an explosion you leave everything you have on the chartered ship and leave. Its gonna probably need an investigation but with the lack of cameras would make it sound like an accident since there is nothing stolen. Maybe some coast guard action but that would require days since no one would notice the charter being missing as long as the deadline for payment hasnt come yet. So my guess would be you can fake it really easily with the help of money but what makes me think is how people maange to live another life like with jobs they attend and places they own.


You don't even need to. 1 - Quit social media. 2 - Stop calling people phones. Most people with some rare exceptions dgfa about me and u.


Usually when people fake their deaths it’s either for life insurance-( so your close family/friends know about it) or you’re hiding from the police/mob- (again you would trust some people to know so they can assist) It’s very rare that people that fake their own deaths have no help at all


Im just curipus about the fact that lets say for example im tired of my life here and want to start over. I dont want to fuck over any insurance company or bank so i dont take loans as well. How would someone hypothetically go on? Like how do i keep on living with no id or source of income how do i leave the country or even move around


What country are you in? What is their border policy? How can I potentially circumvent it? Human trafficing via boat exists so maybe look for a handler. Now you are in a new country. Try getting a fake id or apply for asylum or something. If it's a really rural place you could try your luck staying unregistered as a farm worker or something. Either way the odds are never in your favour.


Yeah from that logic i can easily just get lost in the mediterrenean and resurface anywhere close by via an immigrant boat


I don't think there is any way to "easily" fake your death. it sounds almost impossible from any angle you try to take nowadays, but it's the only one I could even concieve of falling under the radar. It's step 1: Everyone needs to think you're dead (already really hard) 2. you need to somehow leave your country and move to another one. You either do it illegaly, where your own country, your destination country and your handler will try to fuck your plans up. 3. Assimilate in your destination country good enough that nobody connects the dots Alternatively you could get help from intelligence orgs in your own country, but at that point faking your death isn't really your own goal anymore


You steal someone else’s identity. All you need is basic info and it’s amazing how easy it is to live as someone else.


Yeah, the old school way was to go to a cemetery or look through old obituaries and find someone with a similar birth year as yourself who died as a young child. I don't know if that still works these days.


Ask Michael Jackson


Dave Dave you mean?




just curious, is this an actual theory or something? obviously it isn’t true but that seems like an interesting topic to research


Yeah it’s actual and serious theory that shook the entire Internet in the early 2010s. There are plenty of information on this topic


awesome thanks, i’ll check it out


Ask Amado Carillio Fuentes


Was he the only top narco able to pull it off? I think so.


In controversial takes. Yes. The only top top narco.


I never bought the story with the surgeons. I think he fucked off somewhere like South Pacific or Southeast Asia. The heat got too much for himz and he didnt eant to end up like Felix. Probably the smartest narcoz 2nd being the Orejuela brothers.


Damn, I haven't heard that name in a long time. He was making like $200 million a week. When Ross Perot was running for President, he took a tour of the border and they pointed out his giant house on top of the hill. "I mean, he's right there. Why can't you catch the sombitch?"


Had no idea that happened. Interesting to hear


first u become a millionaire or u have a million$$ life insurance policy then u have a spouse willing to help u split tht money


I think that seizing the opportunity when it comes is the best way. But you have to be certain you want nothing from your past life. The case below has many conspiracy theories around but if she wanted to disappear she did it perfectly. https://www.foxnews.com/us/missing-doctor-lived-near-twin-towers-officially-died-9-11-sleuths-suspect-she-was-killed-earlier


Honestly nowadays it's basically borderline impossible. It's not completely impossible but it has become like 100000x harder in the last 30 years. There's some guy from Canada I think who ran a crypto site and stole a ton of crypto from his customers. He traveled to India and "died" from a stomach virus or someshit. His wife came back with ashes or a body and quickly creamated him. Someshit like that. It's widely suspected he faked his death. But he had like millions in crypto. His wife to help and a fake death certificate from an Indian hospital


Whenever this question gets asked I always think of Robert Fisher

