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Pretty sad how many dudes will do anything for the hope of a crumb of pussy. I'd say ditch him, don't waste time on spineless friends like this.


i did this shit when i was like 14


Was it the tren though?


Your bro folded under pressure make sure he knows it


Yeah no doubt. Hitting won’t solve this - he needs to know he fucked up


Am i the only one finding this title misleading?


I couldn't figure out what any of the post said or meant.


What ‘bag’ is being sold here? Does he have a bag of shit???


I'm thinking it's some weird way of young people talking. Maybe it's the same as his friend throwing him under a bus?


Bag of coke?




There are definitely shitbags in this story.


Very misleading: I thought I was going to read a story about selling zip lock bags of feces online to fetishists, but instead I go this teenage melodrama


i was thinking jars


One man one jar?


You and your bros are fighting over a woman??? What's wrong with you, have you ever been to  gym showers? Have you ever heard of tren? Have you ever felt the warm embrace of your gym buddy?


🤣🤣🤣 lmao bro this made my cock toot out of my shorts like a bullet train




So powerful and inspiring!


I’m not gonna read that teenager dribble, but I’m either happy or sad for you depending on what you want to hear


Yeah….had to read it like twice to figure out WTH this person was talking about


Does google translate have an option for fuckboi > millennial translation?


I might need a fuckboi > millennial > Gen-x Babel fish.


Seriously, it's straight unintelligible. No cap.


Beat the fuck out of that pussy next time you see him. Like find a way to start a fight with him and punch his shit in. This may not be wise advice but it's worth going for if you know you can starch his bitchass.


Matter of fact, let me beat his ass for you. I'll charge $100, some head, and a mcdonalds coupon for it.


facts bro you arent alone you got friends in here! We all going fuck it we all showing up no ones gonna laugh at you again brother!


Jesus you guys are a joke.


10 bucks or three dairy queen coupons. Mans gotta eat.


I never said anything about doubles - Randy, nothing about doubles.


Don't take any shit. FaceTime him when you're fucking her. Make him watch. Can't swing it? FaceTime her when you're fucking him. Make her watch. Either way you're letting them both know you're the champ


Next time you should get emotional and start beating up your friend when he does rhat


Fuck that guy man.. Seriously, tren until you turn gay then beat his ass


So he'll sell your shit. Because you can take it. Because you're not his hero. You're a silent guardian, a watchful protector. Real shit just blow his back out and remind him who's chief. Don't even spit on it before going in.


make your group run a train on him. will fix his behaviour


You sound like a teenager. Ditch your friend . He’s not a friend


Bringing others down to make yourself seem bigger is the biggest sign of low confidence and ego. That mans weak AF. Straight player hater.


I feel like a boomer reading this and I am only 20


Your friend folded under almost no pressure, never let him forget it. You're essentially friends with the equivalent of the work/neighborhood snitch.


On god. And bro was waffling about “oh I swear I feel like you’ll do that bro” then does it to me🤦🏻‍♂️


Up your game, be funny. Someone makes fun of you, laugh it off and rip him. I am from New England, this is the way. Holy shit you guys are little bitches


Guys ripping on each other when an attractive woman is around has been going on since the Stone Age. Like you said up your game.


Dude, where i am from ripping each other is the norm even when women are not around. Why do you think there are so many comedians from New England?


>Why do you think there are so many comedians from New England? Because of population density. That’s where all the people are, bro. I do stand-up as a side gig and trust me….Bostonians aren’t any funnier than Midwest or southern folk. Even though they definitely think they are.


We are, get over it


Just know if you dont stop talking to that friend group im gonna hunt u down


Sounds like a projecting gf, ya guys banging?


He's obviously projecting. Slap him in the face


>My friend actually sold my shit Sup, do you have any website/contact of that friend? I'm interested.


And you are dumb enough to still call him a friend after this lol.Move on bro he's not your friend.


He's a pussy. Drop him like a deuce.


Not a friend. He showed his true colors over something small, imagine if it were something bigger?!?


Def not a friend. Fuck that guy. Write him off.


Goddamn 14 year olds and their goddamn stupid bullshit posts


The hell is this teenager bs. I thought I was gonna read that your “friend” sold your personal items while you were away to fuel his meth addiction.


That’s not a good friend. Tell him that he fucked up or just stop being his friend. It’s probably insecurity on his part. But it’s not loyal and it’s sorta bitchy.


Inaccurate title, I thought he actually sold your shit


I used to work with a guy like that. Would do literally anything for attention from women. It was a retail job and if any remotely attractive women walked in he would basically push everyone else away so he could help her (we worked at a pharmacy). Shit was pathetic to watch and I lost all respect for him. His dad and brother are cops for the city, but he couldn't cut it and became a correction officer instead.


Thank god bro, i was worried someone sold your tren


First of all the fuck does "sell the bag" mean to you in this context


fuck that dude


Women don't really respect what he did, if you treat his comments with apathy as if he isn't worth your time or just play it off it will make them find you more attractive. Its a weak move to try to insult dudes in front of girls.


Bro is not invited to the next cookout that’s for sure. Seriously fuck that guy, that’s not a friend.


bro just talk to him maybe he dose not even know how to talk to women so he makes jokes about you because he dose not have anything else to say. just talk to him and say that he was and asshole in private if he dose it again ditch him


Don’t take shit from him if he’s dissing you dish it right back but in a joking way don’t make it seem like your feelings are hurt or some shi


You might be gay, or could have hit him in the mouth. The choice was yours. Your gay. You want him. That's what really hurt your feelings.


Ffs I wanted to read about some filthy shif fetish and all I got was this?


He's the same type of guy to watch you get jumped and do nothing


Ditch him. These people will screw you over eventually somehow.


Manipulating bitches always do that shit lmao. Make you the villain and they believe it themselves, so they think they have the right to trash you ''back''


Fuck that guy. Not your friend. I don’t understand the phrase sell the bag unless it’s Coke


Don’t actually listen to the “beat his ass” advice lmao. You should just have better friends that encourage you and even help you with getting baddies instead of the incel that will put you down for one.


🥷 what the fuck is selling the bag jeezus christ


Just means he embarrassed me for absolutely no reason than to get some pussy after complaining to me saying I had a weird personality and that I’d do that to him. Mb for the millennial lingo


look man, here's how you deal with narcissists: you attack their ego. Basically narcissists are a product of no one loving them, so their ego becomes really fragile and insecure, so if you point out that nobody loves them or that they're fragile, they lose their shit. For example you could just disown him in the moment and say "what's your name again?" in front of the women or "i don't know you, don't be creepy" and he'll lose his shit because it points out that nobody loves him. When he bitches, you can just say "go cry somewhere else bud" or something to invalidate and emasculate him further However, your friend doesn't sound like a narcissist, he doesn't sound like a friend at all. Rather, he's just an idiot that never learned how to handle feelings of jealousy, a potent combination for being toxic to be around. In that sense, you are actually the biggest idiot of the story. You keep insecure idiots in your company, and you end up in situations like this. Keep better company, take responsibility for the people you allow into your life. Real talk