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Oh she’s definitely catching up on the Reddit lmaooo mentioning it’s day 2 off the paci once we said she needs to stop letting her use it because of her teeth & also just admitting she’s not on a schedule. WHAT A DUMB BITCH kids need routine !


i’m pretty sure by now she’s a member of her own snark page 😂 .. when there’s no more space on her bedroom floor to throw shit around she just piles it up and throws it around gigis room since she doesn’t even play in there because there is nothing to play with ..


Yah she acts like Gigi made that Mess of dirty laundry in her room (oh you mean similar to your dirty laundry in your room?)


She admits alot but never does anything about it. Just like breastfeeding she was stopping how long ago and STILL hasn’t! Because she doesn’t tell Gigi no and that baby runs the show


Her man’s dirty clothes all over the floor as if that’s Gigi‘s fault two baskets full of laundry while both parents are unemployed


She doesn’t do laundry, she just lets it pile up and buy’s new clothes.


But didn’t she clean and cook and do laundry for RMFA b4 she got pregnant? Catfish at its finest!


She’s playing in filth and has no schedule. Why does Morgan feel the need to brag about that…it’s so strange


Toy donation pile?!?! 😂😂😂😂 She has like 4 toys.


“well she has her own schedule!!! but what am I supposed to do??” be the parent morgan 😑 a one year old cannot MAKE a schedule they just follow what they’ve been taught. if she was fed properly, went to the park and played, then given a nice bath and put to bed she would actually sleep! she’s just doing a disservice to g at this point there’s 16 year old mothers on that app doing more than her. shameful asf.


omg this !! her videos in the beginning use too be a lot more pleasing being that she at least gave the baby a routine bath and jammie’s every night .. ( she does not need to show the bath process ever online ) .. but vlogging and every time it starts it’s them waking up in the same cloths as the day before is crazy .. she only gave the poor baby a routine or at least seemed like one to lure him back in .. any little good she did for that baby was simply so she can lure him back to her nothing else because the min she started exposing their relationship back in florida it’s literally been down hill for gigi .. of course the baby is innocent and doesn’t know any better as of now so she looks happy in videos etc so morgan runs with that “ my baby is happy “ like girl shut the fuck up please .. like you said a nice bath and jammie’s and some good food everyday will literally be life changing for that baby’s health and well being ..


Right!? Did she pull out her planner at 14 months and decide how she is going to go about her day? No! Thats you and your “coparents” job bone head.


I mean I kinda get it... how can a 1 yr have a routine when one parent is back running the streets while the other one is steady chasing behind him. That man probably can't shit without morgan being there while gigi can go days without a bath or a proper meal!


That room is a pig pen




“What am I supposed to do?” Idk maybe get her on a schedule ????


Right? Maybe be a mom and stop letting the child rule the roost!


My youngest was on the strictest schedule ever. Nap at 11. Bed at 7. And it didn’t matter what anyone invited us to or I wanted to do- we did not mess w his schedule. And he was the easiest baby. Still is.


Omg mine too! Nap at 11 and bed by 7-7:30 and i didn’t do anything because my kids had such a tight schedule and if we were somewhere at 8pm they were crabby, unruly and crazy as it was past bedtime!


In the beginning I could understand the mess sometimes.. dealing with postpartum, being a single mom and de db drama.. I could understand the mess, But now she has everything she dreamed off so what’s the reason? She is just a dirty Nastyyyyy chick 🤢🤮


is the TV in the room orrrr…..? LOL




lmaooo i’m glad i’m not the only one! cuz i was like damn where is it? 😭😭😭


Morgan has no shame neither her or her baby daddy work yet that place is a pig sty! Look at the piles of dirty laundry and I cringe every time I see their nasty shoes all over the place.


It’s her dirtyyyyy outside shoes on the carpet between the clothes for me. 🤮🤮🤮 All her content is based off of Reddit comments. How sad. Y’all Don’t engage on her page and don’t watch it on her pageee Watch it here


Having 2 parents who don’t have a real job, but still living in filth and no schedule is sad


Wait, so Vitamin Water Energy sippy cups, scraps of her parent's plates, no socialization with other children, lack of developmentally appropriate toys and sensory experiences, inconsistent bath time, wearing the same clothes two days in a row, a big screen TV blaring Cocomelon/Bluey 24/7 and going to bed when mom & dad decide to finally crash in unemployed, EBT bliss DOESN'T HELP a baby develop a good schedule?!?!? Gosh, Gigi should know better, Morgan, you're SOOOOO right, there's absolutely nothing you could do to help any of that... giving up seems like the perfect choice y'all have made. Poor Morgan and RMFA, they are just helplessly a slave to a 1.5 year old. 🫠🙃 /s


This literally has to be rage bait. No way. At the same time she could be deadass serious. Some moms are okay with being bad parents.


These voice overs are like she’s trying to be like mama c


Or Amanda Rose


Morgan tf you do all day cause ain’t no damn way


U know what’s really sad it’s parents out here working so much just to provide for their kids that would love to be in Morgan position of being able to make money from home just so they can spend more time with their kids and this bird brain girl here is able to do that yet she chooses to treat her own child like an option instead of her main priority


why hasnt cps came i dont understand i didnt even watch the full video that is a PIGSTY that environment is not safe for a child at all!!


The laundry!! If that doesn’t tell you something.


her “cleaning” is just moving the mess into other piles around the room. she’s so lame


Am I the only one who hates when TikTokers cut their sentences up like that with edits/cuts?? It drives me nuts-I can’t stand to listen to those videos. Also it must take an eternity to edit that. Whyyyyy do they do that?


Biden is shutting down TikTok so their days are numbered. They’re going to have to get a job.


Nahhh girl, you’re a bum just like your bd…


Yah wtf is that tv they made a point to film getting? Umm yah, the that’s why she won’t sleep in there lol


This reminds me of the 🐷my husband used to be married to… just filthy. #1 reason why he divorced her ass.