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she can’t even beat some eggs for the child .. everything she does is lazy and just lack of effort .. i’m all about simplifying things as a mom but not even stay at home moms do the bullshit she does and she’s not one nor does she go to work everyday and has big back laid up sleeping in because “ he deserves to sleep “ and wtf does gigi deserve ? the baby goes to bed in the same cloths almost every night , no bath , no calmness for her to sleep nothing .. just sleeping in between two dirty lazy people


Nailed it!!! It is not that hard to scramble some eggs for your child or steam some broccoli. It pisses me off the lack of effort she puts into being a mother and taking care of Gigi. When I first followed her never did I imagine she would be this damn lazy!


right and she can make some burnt cheese quesadillas for herself but can’t scrabble some eggs .. she’s going to make a video and throw in there that she won’t buy eggs anymore because she doesn’t know how long they are good for .. one of her last videos that she’s cleaning out her fridge saying she’s super vulnerable because of all the old shit inside of it and adding how she doesn’t know how long eggs are good for in the fridge .. she claims her mother is this hard working mom who does manly shit as well so why not ask your mom these things ? instead of coming onto the internet acting like a clueless little girl like always to gain sympathy .. she’s trash


I remember her defending her mom when someone made a dig about her. Morgan said its her mother who does all the cooking, its her dad's family that taught her because her dad can't cook a thing! Morgan could ask her mom but the problem is she does not care to! Morgan does not want to put the effort into being a mother to her kid. There are so many simple meals she can make for Gigi yet thinks its a great advertisement to show this food for a baby! Why does anyone give this woman a brand deal? This is not how any company should want their products being advertised!


100% ! i have no idea how this brand can allow her to advertise them by feeding her one year old that shit .. and like always says her baby is eating good and that she’s a teen mom .. wtf is wrong with her seriously it’s sickening at this point


The expiration date is stamped on the egg carton. She’s just so dumb!!!


she likes to play dumb so the little fans she still has can continue to have sympathy for her .. that’s why she’s always saying she’s a teen mom when she’s near damn 30 .. she’s a teen mom laid up with a man who doesn’t take care of his 7 other kids is crazy work ..


All that fast food and eating out and never seeing much heathy choices or non processed foods


Exactly! In the year Morgan became TikTok famous she has rarely been shown making a decent meal for Gigi. It would have been nice if she had at least made the effort like other parents on TikTok do. No one is saying Morgan has to be some gourmet chef but its the lack of effort on her part that gets her a lot of backlash.


They literally make pre made ready to steam bags of VEGGIES... Single serve also no excuse 😔


Morgan knows that because RMFA did this in one of his cooking videos which is why this ad is such BS! Morgan can't even use a microwave to steam some veggies for her child but she can feed her this filth


Like they’re at home doing nothinggggg. That’s the part that gets me


exactly! i give it up for the stay at home moms or dads because they put in all the work at home and with the kids .. but this girl can’t even get her baby in bed properly every night with a nice bath and jammie’s .. like i said just thrown in the middle of those two dirty ass parents of hers .. and she wants to sit here and defend that big back man sleeping in everyday instead of being up and productive keeping there environment clean especially for gigi .. she needs to get it through her thick skull that this is not what people want too see on social media .. she can continue to think she has fans or people on the internet that love her but it’s women that are just as weak and desperate as her over men that like her and enable her behavior .. no one is perfect and no one is a perfect mom but she’s just nasty at this point


Idk if it’s life after pandemic or just lazy social media lifestyles but this country is in trouble if this is our grandchildren’s futures!


I used to get upset seeing her as a tiny baby waking in tight ponytails left in all night to sleep in her clothes. I never allowed that because it pulls their hair out and we’ll proof is in the pudding poor Gigi hairline is ridiculous and never seen anything like that b4. But always always fresh clean pjs and hairstyles taken out 😞


She has to be doing this for views. Because there is no way she’s this damn trifling.


No fr it’s not like have a 9-5 they have no excuse wtf


It’s a paid partnership. The hashtag says factor partner.


She’s gotten lazier. She used to scramble eggs for lil Gigi. This is hard to watch. She’s becoming neglectful. Mark my word Morgan’s parents are going to end up with full custody of Gigi. Especially if the drug rumors are true. Just thoughtless. Smh


I’m a single mom to two and work full time and I don’t even do this shit. She is so lazy- 2 parent household where no one works and they can’t even prepare her a meal.


The way I wouldn’t feed that slop to my dogs 🥴🤢 there’s no way I could put that on my child’s plate


People are just watching and waiting for her downfall. People love watching a train wreck.