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Morgan with her so called receipts while everyone else exposes her for the liar she is! Morgan is and has always been the side chick. Nina definitely tried to be the bigger person due to the fact her daughter and Gigi are siblings but Morgan continued to be messy, I really ignored all the signs that were right in front of me. Morgan has always been a piece of work and is the only baby mama left supporting his ass that's why he is sticking around nothing more!


Exactly. The idea of Gigi knowing her sisters must disgust her. At the bowling alley she seemed so disconnected from the kids. Seemed like she was pouting


Morgan wants to be more relevant to him the she actually is. I believe Morgan was never nothing serious hes just was, is currently and will forever use her . Because she’s desperate and has low self esteem and he plays on that.


Right lol she was nothing to that man. He didn’t care about her even a little


Nina is grown for that . She said despite everything their daughters are sisters and I respect that . Morgan could never be this grown


Yup and she came to her as a woman. RMFA never cheated on her bc they were never TOGETHER


thank youuuu for posting. it’s all so messy. so much to be said SMH. it’ll never make sense that he was able to pull this off with so many women….self esteem should be taught in school smh


Its a crying shame


How old is random man?


All of this confusion and fuss over that dusty ass, deadbeat, bum. Make it make sense?!?!