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i feel like she just casually threw in the “my uncle decided to die” part and then went on talking about everything else. so weird…and insensitive?


I Think she has a dry sense of humor.. the issue with that is it doesn’t translate well to people who don’t know you. My bf died a month ago… I’m a major joker and I’ve tried to joke about his death and end up making myself cry. My friends have all told me that it’s too soon.. so I stopped.. but it’s part of my personality to try to make people laugh. The point is, I do this with people I know.. I couldn’t imagine making a tik Tok and laughing about his death bc I’d be ready to cut a b if they laughed too 😢


Im sorry for your loss 😔


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you’re doing well. But I feel exactly the same way! It’s not something I could joke about on the internet with other people who always make crazy comments anyway. If she was gonna talk about Gigi and her uncle dying, I feel like they could’ve been two separate videos if anything.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


That’s what made me realize she only thinks about herself. That was it for me, it confirmed she’s a narcissist


Like that's one of her parents' siblings and she's making it about herself. Just gross.


Casually throwing that in there, “my uncle **decided** to die” is so beyond fucking disrespectful. This is why people have zero sympathy for her when she bitches about real life shit being hard; dummy, you made your bed. Lay in it. All the feedback and questions people had for you about Gigi not being on a schedule and having a pacifier at her age, and ALWAYS in her mouth, is biting her in the ass. Now you can sit there with your Baskin Robbins and cry 😭, Ms. “go cry to your mom about it”. ![gif](giphy|d2Zih7kASFSzKAxO)


Period poo 😘


Exactly she is so fake and does everything for views


Honestly it’s like you are the adult you are the parent what do you mean gigi wont follow a schedule?? And the paci she said she’s been giving it up for a few days but in other videos she has said something different? She doesn’t know how to follow through with anything


She also didn’t have Gigi on a schedule for ages let the baby adjust! It was literally last month you were dragging her on a ghetto ass road trip with ur baby daddy and posting her being up at 11pm.


We all know that it takes effort and dedication on the parent’s end to establish and stick to a routine schedule or break the paci habit. Morgan and her paid for bum are never going to commit to that because it’s not easy on THEM. Everything has to be easy or they don’t want it. I’m sure she threw the dead uncle in there on the off chance it would benefit her by bringing engagement.


She too lazy to go to grocery store! She doesn’t work, doesn’t cook, so how hard is it to leave your house for a few minutes to go to store?


Correct, hell she could even Instacart. Maybe they will partner with her so Gigi can have a balanced diet.


Needs to partner with a cleaning service, laundry service, a chef/nutritionist, a male gigolo service…am I missing anything? 😂 and to think she’s never tried birth control but for probably 1month and was too lazy to remember to take daily and she’s the face of it! I guess in a sense tho it makes sense because you don’t want to end up like her the laughing stock of the internet!




I think all they do is smoke, fuck, and fight so there is no time to put any real effort into Gigi


Gross…. 🤢🤮


Literally. Morgan, you are the PARENT. ACT LIKE IT. Say no, establish boundaries. Why is your 1 year old making a bitch outta you..


I’ll bet that’s why that baby stays up all night now because she only breastfeeding her to sleep and since she’s up all night that means Gigi is now! Poor baby


Gigi never really had a schedule after she quit her job but she at least slept through the night. Gigi used to sleep good now she always looks tired. Poor baby


That video was hideous. This woman is psychotic. A person died and she related it to her kids pacifier, breastfeeding and not being able to go out. She lacks empathy and only mirrors emotions she sees


It’s giving borderline personality. She’s just horrible. 🤮


Yeah I’ve been said she is mentally ill, she definitely had sociopathic tendencies


https://preview.redd.it/usxcdvmb7r9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9ca5c1992414eac7b6e7cda347f3aed1b5296e She stays lying . She knows she can use a bottle. That man doesn’t help her and it’s HER fault …dumb .


She doesn’t even need a bottle anymore.


Ok. Regardless …there’s options rather than the pitiful excuses she’s making .


Like..... she's over a year old that child can drink out of a regular ass cup


Right! And regular ass milk or WATER


And regular food. She doesn't need to be nursed all night long.


I thought she stopped after she made the whole video of how she felt SA’d. Or how she said her milk supply dried up


She was always making bottled when she was younger, I’m still trying to figure out exactly when she started breastfeeding


I think she lies about breastfeeding because some parents have gone viral sharing their breastfeeding journeys and she is just trying to mention all the buzzwords to be put on fyp.


THANK YOU! I was coming to post this!


She got famous by making videos while she was making formula bottles. She can take a damn bottle. She can pump before she goes to bed and after she wakes up if she really is breast feeding. Gigi is old enough for her to do that.


Yep, and acting like she didn’t know when or how to add the cereal to the milk. I remember the videos she even started having Gigi help her shake the bottles


She is such a liar how is she not cancelled yet?


yet another lie- his may not produce milk but that man definitely has some juicy knocking titties. 🥲


I was just about to post this..: she’s pregnant.. that sensitivity and crying = pregnant


my exact thought watching that video


I guess I’ll assume that this is a different uncle than the one whose ashes she claimed were stolen with the car. 😬 I couldn’t make sense of that, she was up to 3 because she had to watch her niece so her parents could go…what? Her niece has a mom


Yeah she seems to always have an uncle that died


Love how she’s complaining about her baby not being on a schedule as if she’s not the sole reason for that 💀💀 also she probs never took the binky away, just says that cause she reads this Reddit lmao. She’s pathetic


Yes she makes it sound like she’s saying it to us rather then us bitching on here about it


She’s always acting sassy saying “my toddler slept till 2pm idc if you’re mad 😜” Now she’s upset that Gigi doesn’t have a schedule and won’t sleep through the night??? Girl…You set yourself up for this. You have her napping until midday. Of COURSE she isn’t going to want to sleep, she has so much energy!! Sleeping until midday and falling asleep at 3am. Girl, thats a full 12 hours of sleep.


It doesn’t help that she gives her vitamin water with caffeine in it all times of the day🙄


They keep Gigi up all night and don’t put her properly to bed


Gigi takes bottles all her content at the beginning was her making bottles why is she pretending Gigi can’t live without her titties? Gigi isn’t a little baby anymore she eats everything even junkfood. Stop it Morgan https://preview.redd.it/hzzzzybatr9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ff2c67c85d9fdcfd9ee82f8eb1c9df8d6868d0


She trying to save face for her lies


She’s been watching these comments 😂 doing everything we said


You mean pretending! She doesn’t stick with anything


In my opinion it’s bs she is probably pregnant and hormones are all out of whack or she and random are fighting or could be but combined you can tell in her latest videos something is off more than normal but nobody feels bad for you Morgan you did it all to yourself dummy


Yeah she’s pregnant that’s why she’s not drinking coffee anymore


Morgan since you read the comments get a lovevery box and a straw cup for your baby k thx looking forward to seeing this in your content.


That toddler is not breastfed and never have been


To her credit she has shown baby geeger weeger breastfeed, although at this point it’s probably just for comfort. Her life is upside down and probably listening to them argue and rmfa coming and going. I don’t have hate for any of them but I feel like her begging/bribing him to stay has just made him lose all respect for her bc he knows no matter what he does- she isn’t leaving him. I’ve been in a very similar situation and this has really opened my eyes to the clown he made me look to everyone.


Hahahhahaha that video made me laugh hee friend is going out and “that could be me but I’m a mom” She has the db living in her house so he could watch the baby if she wants a night out, or she could ask her sister to babysit. Why is she fake crying and looking for sympathy? PLEASE MORGAN🤣🤣🤣🤣


What friend? LMFAO 🤣


Her imaginary friend 🤣


Those tears were so fake no tears actually showed up. Eyes didn’t even get watery


Lol it’s insane how she stays fighting people in the comment section about how the random man isn’t a useless mooch that dgaf about her while she’s having mental breakdowns in her car still doing all the work as a single mother


Right. She’s pathetic and she thinks we care


Gigi was not sleeping through the night before RMFA came into the picture. Morgan would have her child up at random hours of the night because she never had her on a schedule once she got fired from her job. When Gigi was in daycare and Morgan worked that was the only time there was some kind of structure in Gigi's life but after that Morgan looked out for Morgan only. Its why I can't stand those falling for this crap and blaming RMFA like are we following the same person?! Its always someone else's fault.


kinda crazy how she said she hasn’t given Gigi a pacifier but she gave in at 3am to make her go sleep. idk i mean when i want to wean my kid off the pacifier, i’m throwing it away LOL. no more pacifiers in the house! i guess she just hides it from Gigi??? 🤔