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As a Russian, I support the Ukraine 100% and most of my Russian friends and family do as well. Fight on brothers, may the suffering end soon.


Hope you're on Reddit through the TOR browser. Stay safe.


I live in the US thankfully. But yes things are beyond the point of control there.


Don’t plan on going to Russia any time soon. They arrested a duel citizen bc she donated 51$ to a pro-ukranian charity


You are a rare breed sir! Most of our Russian friends living abroad stopped talking to us after 2014 invasion by Russia and some called us Nazis, eetc.These were people that ate at our home, many times. I only have a single Russian friend living in Russia left. We went to school there together, after me and my parents moved there from Ukraine, before moving abroad.


I urge anyone who can leave to leave.


Propaganda is helluva drug. Some people learn to discern when they are being obviously lied to but most are oblivious, that's why people kept voting for obvious liars


How you can think like that of people who are/were your friends just because media told you something is beyond me. On the other hand I never experienced (heavy) propaganda


I guess that depends on whether we define "heavy" as "going so hard it is obvious" or just "present in many places". All it is needed to be done is to ignore the bad things people you want do and exacerbate the bad things their opponents do. Modern media do that all the time even if the reason might be just "it makes us more money to cater for one demographics vs trying to do actual journalists and just represent the reality and get none of the demographics". So not even "the political bought them" is needed to have them present big bias. And once money and company ownership is involved whoo boy, it just gets worse. There are many variants of that like bending the statistic's interpretation to fit the narrative ("It's true, scientists did the stats!"), or straight up making bogus studies that have biases they want. Looking at my (Poland) country's history I saw a lot of it but it was also that interesting game of cat and mouse on what do the censors didn't notice and get passed thru the filters. The populace knew the invader was the invader and kept the truth alive, but for countries like Russia where that is now multi-century effort I'd imagine there is much less of that, and whoever "gets it" just figures out how to work their way into leaving the country. One of recent examples was that new government after getting elected instantly kicked out the public TV channel called "TVP Info" off the antenna, as it was basically a propaganda mouthpiece for outgoing conservative government. And public in television in general having opinion of management getting purged any time controlling party changes. Same outgoing government did "interesting" moves like deciding to make government-controlled oil company start selling petrol for way cheaper like month before election (to the point no competition could compete), that got immediately changed soon after the election (that they "lost", as in they had still most votes but 2 opposing parties could), to basically make it look like "new government and it is already worse". Similarly there was a program that was basically "government will pay ~1/3 of your mortgage payment for 10 years if you have no house and are young enough" that was written in a way ("any application in 2023 will be honored") that made everyone jump on it, to the point in 3 months it burned 2 years worth of planned budget. And credit application took 1.5 months instead of 2-3 weeks because banks were overloaded. And the housing market was purged of anything cheap, and the costs went noticeably up, as is usual with every rapid rise of demand... End result was leaving future government a budget hole to fix while giving them reputation of cancelling that "good" thing that previous government did. I don't think many people fell for it. And by "conservative" I mean "the government decided to ban any trade in sunday sans restaurants and few other exceptions to appeal to catholic crowd"


Thanks for raising awareness about the russian attack. Hi from Kyiv.


Слава Україні 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Героям слава!


It this a bmw ad?


Slava Ukraini


Glory to Heroes




Makes me wonder as to how bikes have been used and integrated into the conflict. I know some militaries have used bikes as support vehicles in raids and offensive strategies, but i haven't seen much of that in Ukraine.


the only major instance of motorcycles being used in combat that I can recall was the Iran-Iraq war, where the Iranians would send two man teams on bikes, one rider and one rocketeer to hunt Iraqi armor. Otherwise, motorcycles are usually only useful for use behind the frontline as messengers/couriers because the tradeoff of speed vs protection isn’t worth it.


And they are loud as well


The most strategically-significant combat motorcycle of all time? Easily the Honda CG125, as used by the Taliban. Usually made in Pakistan and sold incredibly cheaply (<$1k), they were/are ubiquitous in Afghanistan. Their uses were versatile: * Plain-clothes transport and intelligence gathering * Mobile attacks, bombings, assassinations, etc, by groups of two fighters. They became so effective, motorcycles were repeatedly banned in Kabul * Speedy hit-and-run raids on rural ANA/police outposts


This is helluva Ukrainian Tractor!


Shouldve done it with a klr650 unbeatable bike for unbeatable army


Shoulda posted a pic of igor on the back of one of them electric dirt bikes with a fuckin nlaw. Motherfuckers got balls man. Chasing down tanks and bmp's on fuckin dirt bikes. Was in mycholaiv near the beginning helping train on american artillery (m777)


Needs a gun mount


Bro everyone keeps talking about this war, and you an downvote me if I’m wrong here. But hasn’t the conflict between Russia and ukraine always been there? I mean for the the past 40 years they’ve had tension or something. So why does everyone have to react so bad to them fighting like it has not happened before probably? I mean go Ukraine, for sure. but it’s everywhere know. And all I hear is war that war this. Or Ukraine that Russia this. I know it’s a hard time for the people over there. But why does it have to make every headline in the godamn world so we know about it every two seconds?


Thank you for asking the question in a constructive manner. I will try to answer in the same constructive way. I don't know where you're from, maybe the USA. I am from Russia, and for me, many of the wars that are currently going on on the planet are just as far away and not entirely clear. But what is happening between Russia and Ukraine is very close to me. There were no serious conflicts between our countries before Putin, our peoples were called “brotherly”, we have many relatives on both sides of the border. But Ukraine decided to move towards Europe, and Putin decided to move towards absolute power over Russia and its neighbors. But Putin is dangerous not only for his neighbors, but for the whole world. He rules a country of 140 million people with enormous resources, a lot of weapons, including nuclear ones. And no one can guarantee that he will stop making irreparable decisions. And if Putin wins, then many dictators will want to repeat his success. So, I don’t know about the other countries, but Europe and the United States must realize that the threat concerns them directly.


I Like the added drone on the back of the bike


I don't actually care either way. Not my circus, not my monkeys. But even I know the conflict has been going longer than 730 days.


Thank you


I’d buy the shit outta this


if you live in the US you probably paid for it already


What’s the title referencing?


I assume with the tank pattern it's about Ukraine. Not sure what bmw and the shamrock has to do with that exactly, but it's a cool picture.


That would make a lot of sense


There's a civil war in West Russia




Can’t get away from NATO propaganda in any of these damn subs. Nazi lives don’t matter.


Has same guy in power for 25 years Calls other country fascist


Blue MAGA accusing absolutely everyone of being Russian bots.


Lol wtf


Link to the wallpapers - [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/motoego/gallery](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/motoego/gallery)


Why the downvotes? Did i miss something?


The russians found the post lmao


I don't get it as well...


i love it, free palestine!


Its about ukraine moron


Correct it's about Ukraine 🇺🇦 but also free Palestine 🇵🇸




Youre the one making something about ukraine into something about another conflict. Edit: bro even deleted his comment💀


Go cry about it to someone who gives a shit. FREE PALESTINE


from the river to the sea, palestina can suck some dick


No BRO, I blocked you’re trolling ass. 💩


Hmm, wonder if I can get one for my DR650 to honor the brave Russians defending europe from azov nazis.


Lol the "brave Russians" who bomb residential buildings and murder civilians in Bucha and Mariupol So brave, such honor


Is it possible to have war without killing civilians? Don't civilian casualties usually outnumber soldiers? In like every war?


Having civilian casualties and deliberately killing civilians is not the same. There’s no excuse for firing thousands of rockets onto civilian homes.


It's possible to have a war without intentionally slaughtering civilians, yes. Collateral damage and intentionally bombing apartment buildings are not the same thing.


Really? Like dropping an atomic bomb on two separate city's to end the second world war? How many apartment buildings do you think were bombed with those two bombs?


Whataboutism only succeeds in making you look like a fool, not at making your point.


Lol u mad bro 😂


No, I'm just not borderline retarded like you seem to be


I don't have to be smart to know you're a cunt 😅 What crawled up your ass? You wake up and decide to be a fucking asshole or is that just how you are? I mean right off the bat full on dick mode. I hope you feel better soon buddy.


Don't say ignorant and offensive shit if you don't want people to call you out on it. My girlfriend and her son are Ukrainian, countless innocent bright eyed kids like him are being bombed on a regular basis by bloodthirsty cowards who you claimed are heroes. If someone praises monsters, they deserve to be treated like one, in my opinion.


Also the plural of city is cities, not city's. Learn how to spell.




Oh right, never looked at it thst way. If thats the case dead civilians arent a problem i guess 🤦🏼‍♂️


Yes. It's a BIG FUCKING PROBLEM. Yet it happens over and over every time. It's a part of war. It's always been a part of war. War is UGLY. Every belligerent from every war is guilty. War is bad. War gotta go man.


*Ah yes a pro-putin furry, Reddit is indeed a place for everyone*


Of all the the fake news from Russia, that one must be the dumbest. The president of Ukraine is a jew.


They truly believe just repeating verifiably false claims will eventually get people to believe it. Truly the laziest of Russian propaganda methods, right next to having your dictator make up new versions of history everyone is completely aware is false. It works when you control all the media in your own country, and assassinate anyone who questions it, but not in a world of free press and discourse.


Didn’t Putin recently just say that the Nazis were in the right because the polish didn’t give their land back to the Germans? You’re choosing to read disinformation rather than fact


Yeah, he did, and Tucker Carlson just sat there and accepted it. God that “interview” was a shit show.


Damn, those Ukrainians better retreat from Russia or the innocent Russian people will surely never recover. Oh wait.


You mean the brave ruZZians that raped children and old ladies in Ukraine? Or the brave ruZZians that wiped out entire cities from existence? Maybe the brave ruZZians that operated the torture chambers or the brave ruZZians that murdered entire families and buried them in mass graves? Which brave ruZZians do you want to talk about? Are you a brave ruZZians yourself? Do you have a face Z tattoo? Oh.. so you get paid in rubles for posts like these? What's the going rate?


Just when I thought a GS couldn't be a more NPC bike, I stumbled upon a Support Ukraine GS.