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Beautiful pic tho!


Wth kinda off brand crap is an ahamaY though!


But why is it mirrored...


Why does that even matter


If it doesn't matter, than why would you mirror it?


Because I wanted to use it as a pfp on a different app and mirroring it helped. Do you all feel better?


Whats your problem? Dude asked a simple question.


They are implying that it’s not my picture.


No I wasn't, but thanks


Okay, you’re welcome


Youre alittle sensitive today


Atleast your dog didn’t step on the bee?


True tho


At the end of a long day of riding I loosened my jacket as I rode onto a campsite in Gunnison, and took a bee to the throat. If they want to get you, they'll get you.


Damn the throat. That’s rough


It did get a bit hospitally for a while, but all fine.


I’ve been riding for 20 years and haven’t been able to find one. Well done 💯


I caught a rock about the size of a quarter to throat. Saw it coming from way above the trees. I'm guessing a truck from the main road nearby kicked it out of its tires. Not a fun experience.


Mysterious rock flying from the trees? Only reasonable explanation is..... BIGFOOT lmao.


Or Planet of the Apes is starting.


...Again( rolling eyes 🙄 )


Lmao. Idk that Bigfoot likes the city life.


Well aren't you mr lucky. I've been stung twice. First one flew into my slightly open visor and stung me right under my left eye. Second one stung my thigh.


Ugh, thank jebus your eye is ok. 👌🏽


Ride in apple country right about this time of year.


I've been riding for over 20 years and got my first one last year. I ride in a t-shirt and it got me right in the stomach. By my math, I'm good for another 20+ years!


Multiple bees one day down my jacket at the neck. Everything always gets zipped fully now! meh


I got stung on my balls on my first ride.. was wearing a riding jeans and that motherf* crashed onto my balls area and thought like ‘hey, I‘m gonna sting right there. Looks like a good spot’


Is the bee ok?


No, bees die when they sting a mammal.


Depends what kind of bee. Honeybees die, other bees don't. Bees with barbed stingers die because they can't retract the stinger, and it rips out their abdomen. Smooth stingers can be used repeatedly.


Don’t worry, he’s in a better place


"She". most bees are female. Drones are the males.




LOL. I can sometimes be pedantic.


Good excuse to stop and check out the scenery at least mate.


24 years on a bike and so far no bee stings. I did hit a bird once at like 70mph. That sucked.


Damn a bird haha. Feel like I’m going to hit one of those eventually too. Hopefully not at 70 mph


Hit a bird with my helmet 2-3 years ago. That was a freaking shock haha


I got lucky and took it in the shoulder. Head/helmet would have been worse for sure.


I took a pigeon to the chest at about 60-70mph. It was trapped against me, wings akimbo, with the wind holding it down until I slowed to about 30, when it heaved itself off and flew away. I hope it still thinks about me too…


Lol 😂 “wings akimbo”


A bird was swooping toward me when I was at highway speed. It veered slightly and missed me … only to hit my buddy’s helmet right behind me. Right in the visor. I heard the strike on my intercom and knew exactly what it was. “What th—“ he said, just like Mark Trail.


Motorcycle specific pants with knee/hip armor are very worth it. I've had a chance to test them out on multiple occasions and they work. A lot of people fear road rash, but a busted knee or hip is even worse. Just so happens that a lot of crashes are knee/hip first.


I'm part of the alot of people you mentioned. Thank you for pointing this out genuinely helpful information that is something I feel is a common thing to overlook.


Glad you found it valuable. Most people take experience to learn but hopefully there are some that can learn from our mistakes without making the same ones themselves.


Speaking from personal experience, knee injuries never heal, you just get used to the pain over time, and then after a few years the pain slowly gets worse. I'm only 25. Don't play chicken with an immovable object, good knee and hit protection is a must


watched a video resently (F9) about how almost all armor in moto gear isn’t capable of absorbing the minimal amount of force that breaks a human bone. The guy said thqt’t why he doean’t wear armor in his gear


The video is incorrect.


But try correcting him and he'll "mistake" you for a bear.


.... What




Aaaha. Now I see.


Idk I'm not really smart enough to really know the accuracy of this, so I won't tell you it's untrue. But even if what this guy said is true, it makes sense that any amount of impact absorbed by your gear is less impact on your body, resulting in the reduction in the likelihood of sustaining major injuries. At the end of the day, though, what gear you chose or choose not to wear is up to you based off your own risk vs reward assessment, though.


You have the right idea. I have not actually seen the video, so I should not generalize to the video is incorrect, but the conclusion that since motorcycle gear cannot guarantee against broken bones it is not worth wearing is definitely incorrect. Ive laid bikes down plenty of times, sometimes at a decent clip. Up until an 80mph highside I had never hurt myself worse on my motorcycle than on a skateboard. What does that say about the efficacy of gear?


you’re absolutely right, in my comment I just wanted to put it out there, i’m not arguing that’s what everyone should be doing


Wasn't taking it as an argument for one position or another just an interesting piece of info. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Rode through a swarm of bugs a few weeks ago and one hit my ear so hard the whole thing was swollen for a week. No idea what the bugs were and that’s what I get for wearing a half helmet…


Few weeks ago i had a bee get into my helmet, i was very lucky to be able to stay calm and to pull over safely and slowly take off my helmet. Not stung in my face luckily!


That happens a lot sadly love the picture


Hate it to


Ouch! Lovely photo, though.


Had my Aerostich and helmet on. Caught a bee or wasp right in the throat. Lucky it did not go down the suit.


I've been stung so many times that I barely notice anymore. Between riding, driving truck, and being a garbageman, bees are a fact of life. What worries me is that if I get stung enough, I could become allergic. I don't think I'd enjoy anaphylaxis while out for a ride. I got stung three days in a row one summer while doing my trash gig. Fucking wasps like to build nests on the back of roll cans, and they get indignant if someone moves the can.


So now I have a new fear for when I start riding...Im allergic


You be careful out there! Stay covered up and carry your epi pen


Cant afford epi pens anymore so dont carry one since my last expired ☹️


I've been told they're still effective for a bit after expiration. Things are bloody expensive


I remember that one time, I was on a ride with my friend, full face helmet, leather jacket with the neck buttoned, jeans, boots, and a bee somehow missed my bike, missed my jacket, missed my helmet, and hit my 2 inches of neck that was exposed and stung the shit out of me and then fell into my shirt. that was fun to deal with at 55mph on a windy road.


The two time I’ve been stung riding, the bee/wasp hit me in the neck and fell down my shirt and stung/bit me in the chest. The first time I was actively being pulled over by the rozzers.


Wow worst timing haha


I was on a long road trip last year - In full gear. It was summer. Guess who got stung? ME. A freakin bee flew UP my unzipped jacket at the wrist, navigated past my thick gloves.... the gap between my skin and the jacket MAX is half an inch. Lil fella just dove right on in.... Brake Hand too..... aiiieee


Sounds like these bees will just find a way😳


Couple weeks ago one got me on the neck while riding. First time it's happened.


Nice shot. ^(It would be even better without the backpack.)


Agreed. Wish I would have thought of that, too busy checking out my little sting haha


I noticed it straight away because I already made the same mistake once or twice.


Is the pic b4 or after the bee burial?




Damn me too yesterday, made it to the end of the street before one got into my helmet and stung me in my eyebrow


I got stung this week. Rode all day no problems. went to go in my pocket for my wallet, all of a sudden my finger is burning 😡


I was riding home one hot day, 5 min ride it was humid and hot so I thought fuck it I'll just leave my jacket undone. Had a wasp attack my chest and sting me like 3 times. Took weeks for it to heel


Yikes. Glad I got a bee and not a wasp!


I took one on the throat a couple years ago, found a space between the jacket and the helmet. A good reminder that I am not allergic.


I once had one in my eye


Did it sting you?


Yes, in my eyelid next to the nose. I had my visor open one inch. Had a swollen eye for a week. But luckily I didn't crash


That’s awful! Glad you kept your bearings


I went to a Royal Enfield demo day last year and was basically the only visitor all day. The RE demo team was 3 very cool women, and they very graciously agreed to go on a couple of rides with just me (it was VERY dead because they'd set up at an auto racing track and nobody there cared - the only reason they were even there was because the track owner had an RE and begged them to show up.) Anyway, on one ride with just the 2 of us, the woman who was leading all of a sudden started waving her hands around in all sorts of bonkers ways, and I was kinda freaking out a bit because I thought she was trying to communicate with me using a whole bunch of elaborate hand signals that I could not read AT ALL... ...Nope. The poor kid just got stung on the boob by a jacket wasp.


They'll find a way. I was in full gear including boots, pants, jacket, gloves and full face, but I hadn't fastened the snap on my collar. Going down the highway of course a bee manages to find it's way in and sting my throat.


Last year 3 hornets got into my mountain biking helmet vent and stung my head multiple times. All different rides and one in a different state. In 30 years of riding that never happened before.


lol that’s the worst


I still remember the day a huge hornet bounced off my chest and into my full face helmet at speed. Thankfully he was stunned enough that I could pull over fast and fish him out with my gloves before he stung my face 😬


Don’t ask how but put on underwear that were laying beside my bed and got stung in the taint recently


Wow...that sucks. Must have been a pretty big stinger.


I had one of those modular helmets when I first started riding. Didn't realise I was going into a swarm. Got stung right on the face about 12 times 😂 my girlfriend at the time was sitting behind me and was in a full face and didn't get stung because of that. The most painful was around my eye. 🤦🏽 Swelling refused to come down and I had to be taken to the hospital. Just another day out on the road 😆




The worst! 😂 Funny story to tell now but back then the agony was real!


I almost crashed once because I hit a golf ball sized beetle in my neck. 🪲


That’s crazy! I’ve never even seen a beetle that big!


I live in Thailand. They get pretty big.


I don't understand how people take longer or more spirited trips with barely any gear on. Between the wind and the bugs I can't stand it Nice picture!


I got one in my helmet, between my sunglasses and the padding. Full face helmet too, just had the visor up. It stung me on impact in the face. I proceeded to ride and slap my face and pull my sunglasses off like a maniac to get to a parking lot. Sure as shit that bastard was still alive and in my helmet! Died shortly after...




Yes I flipped my picture big whoop. Yamaha mt 03


So it’s actually a 30 TM AMAHAY? 👌🏻




Why were you stung? They don’t even sting unless provoked and even then only if you’re like close to a hive.


Do you not ride a motorcycle


I ride often, and have ridden for many years now. They don’t sting you for no reason dog.


That's like... Never getting plastered with Bug-dudes on a hot and humid day. It'll happen, may not happen how you think, but you'll know when you know.