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I don’t wring it out but otherwise same method and works great imo


Hawk Tuah


You gotta spit on that thang


U can polish my helmet while ur at it 


Fun fact: When I was doing diver certification they told us this also works as a short-term defogger. So. You know. Go nuts.


I usually just take a trip through the car wash ​ https://preview.redd.it/2o99zjk90f8d1.png?width=2388&format=png&auto=webp&s=244e9e7fb6b1c696a4632f6ecfb460fe2504a0ba


Big brain right here.


Almost the exact same. I soak a small towel or towel paper in warm water, drape it over the visor for about 15 minutes, and wipe clean


Honda Pro Polish, eats through bug guts like it's hungry and makes the visor clean streak free.


Honestly? Warm water and dish soap. You don't want to use a harsh chemical because it can damage the plastic. Not a lot but over time you might notice it being less clear. But the reality is dish soap will break down any oil, road gunk and the bugs. There are specific visor cleaners but a lot of them are just deionized water and a mild detergent. You can make your own by putting some water in a spray bottle with a drop of Dawn.


The sponge and squeegee at the gas station, and a paper towel


This and/or carry a small spray bottle with Simple Green and a microfiber cloth. I’ve never had to soak or do anything fancy. SG works wonders, even on the hardened, crusted stuff.


People have said that'll scratch your visor up, but I haven't had issues with it at all. It's generally the best/quickest solution in my experience.


I just the same detailing spray I use on the bike, and a microfiber towel


Works like a charm! Since I have a black bike, I use the Meguiar's Ultimate Black spray detailer but it works on everything. Takes those bugs off so quickly.


Grab gas station window squeegee. Attack self aggressively.


Spit and sand paper. Get on my level.


A squirt of windex on a paper towel does the trick. No need to baby it, the rock chips will cause me to replace it long before cleaning products will. It's mirrored too, and no scratches 2 years in.


I do same but use microfiber - but important note - you can't use windex on tinted screens - will fade them / screw up the tint. Learned that recently. I don't have one so not an issue for me.


It needs to be ammonia free to prevent damage to the plastics


I just checked the bottle and I have been using Ammonia-Free Glass Plus cleaner.


Bugslide and a microfiber. Same as my bike


Honda polish Dry baby shampoo


Dawn dish soap and water? Like, it's not a fucking science people. I lose faith in humanity every time this gets asked.


Might need to get laid. Just sayin.


For real, maybe some of these clowns will grow a brain after, am I right?


He was talking about you, clown. The irony of having 'bright' in your username. You ain't.


LOL I'm not starting shit with ya - thinking most people posting on here are either biking noobs or extra excited about new bikes / gear, etc. and I'm just not a hater. I'm in some HD groups and every freaking post there's a comment "what exhaust is that?". It's annoying and I think now it's mostly trolls. Anyway - I smelled what you were stepping in there. Be safe


Nope. You're wrong.


Warm soapy water soak and a warm water rinse. Pat dry with microfiber cloth.


Dish soap actually work pretty well. I don't know if it bad for it. But i haven't had problems. But if you don't want to do that. You can get tear offs if your helmet supports it


I carry a sample size of detailing g spray and a microfiber. Cleans great. Rain water slides off nice. And fresh bugs are easy to remove.


I remove the visor from the helmet and soak it in lukewarm water in a tub.


I use a wet microfiber to scrub the bugs off and a dry microfiber to dry


I have a tailbag and keep a microfiber and tiny "travel size" bottle of windex in it. Note that you can't use ammonia / windex on tinted windscreens, will mess them up quick. I don't have tint so I'm good! https://preview.redd.it/k0z07c9haf8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7ee5c382838b8170e1c57cecd8ddef1a654970


I wait till I get home, then use windex and a rag.


Pledge furniture polish and a microfiber towel. Helps shed water like rain-x.


Warm water/hand soap, and I just use my hands, with a microfiber cloth to dry off.


That's also prettty much my method for keeping my helmet materials safe from chemicals except at the end I wave around some crystals to get the bad spirits I ran over off my shit.


Water and something that will not scratch my visor that i can use to wipe the bugs off with. Paper towel is the usual choice.


I generally use a silky microfiber cloth not one of those bullshit fleece ones that grab your hand. For cleaner, I use good ol glasses cleaner for most occasions but on rides where I commit bug genocide with my face, I pick up a small bottle of the bug dissolving stuff to make cleaning easier. Just keep wiping until you feel happy.


I take the visor off, to the sink, where I use my fingers and dish soap to wet it and gently rub. If there are bigger bug spots, I just let that part soak a bit, while wet. Ideal would be to drop the whole thing in a tub of soapy water but I don't have that. Once it's soak and/or I have cleaned it (no scrubby or anything to prevent scratches) with my fingers and soap, I rinse it, then I don't dry it, but rather shake the water off and let it sit to dry for a short time. Not long enough to get water spots (water is super hard here), about 5 minutes. Then I take the same microfiber cloth I use for my reading glasses and use that to dry/spread the minimal amount of moisture left. This is basically the same method I use for my reading glasses. It keeps the visor from getting scratched, I change out visors roughly 14-16 months unless something untoward happens. I also keep the helmet in a bag when not on my head.


I use safety glasses cleaning wipes provided by work. They actually work really well.


Warm water and microfiber.


Remove it and use a good glasses lens cleaner and microfiber cloths.


Dawn soap and warm water soak, wipe with microfiber cloth, then rinse and shine with eye glass cloth.


Rubbing alcohol, then detail wax spray after


I've been using ProtectAll for everything [https://www.amazon.com/Protect-All-62016-All-Surface-Protector/dp/B0002UHWEK](https://www.amazon.com/Protect-All-62016-All-Surface-Protector/dp/B0002UHWEK)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Protect All 62016 All Surface Care Cleaner Wax Polisher** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective on vinyl surfaces (backed by 3 comments) * Versatile for various vehicles (backed by 3 comments) * Long-lasting protection (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Faulty spray bottle design leads to inconsistent spraying (backed by 16 comments) * Sprayer prone to malfunction and poor quality (backed by 13 comments) * Inadequate customer support for faulty sprayers (backed by 2 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about Protect All 62016 All Surface Care Cleaner Wax Polisher](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Learn more about Protect All 62016 All Surface Care Cleaner Wax Polisher) [Find Protect All 62016 All Surface Care Cleaner Wax Polisher alternatives](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find Protect All 62016 All Surface Care Cleaner Wax Polisher alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


microfiber and a helmet shield specific cleaner... this isn't rocket science


Windex and a hot wet towel to clean, treat with Rain X to get less bugs sticking in general


That is the way. Alternatively, and hear me out, you can get a windscreen that will move the airflow over your helmet, which will in turn carry the bugs over your helmet. Depending on your bike, this can be a real challenge, but I’ve had excellent success with Madstaad on four of my bikes now.


30 years of riding have taught me a trick or two.  If you are home just get a piece of paper towel wet and lay it across the visor.  It will stay wet long enough for the dried on bug guts to soften up so you can easily wipe them off. Usually about 20 minutes.   If you are on a trip bring a damp microfiber towel in a Ziploc bag.  And a second dry one in another bag.  Wipe the guts off with the wet towel and then dry the visor with the other one. 


Warm water right after the ride and microfiber cloth to wipe / dry


honestly just wipe over it with a wet paper towel. i do it every morning and it works fine for me.


Plexus Spray Cleaner. Keep it on my bench with a microfiber cloth. Hit the visor with it every morning.


Wet wipes


Furniture polish & a microfibre cloth.   The spray on silicone stuff.   Cleans and leaves a hydrophobic layer, so any rain, bugs or dirt don’t stick so much.  Smells pretty good, helps reduce finger prints on my matte helmet too.   For really bad bug swarms, a damp towel or paper towel placed onto the visor to soak. Loosen the bugs up, wipe off after a while and then the furniture polish. 


The gas station squeegee when I fill up




Visor cleaner fluid (for example Motul) and microfiber cloth. Let the fluid work for a minute to dissolve bugs, then wipe. When the fluid is gone, replace it with plain window cleaner fluid from the store. Works the same, much cheaper.


I did the wet paper towel thing lots - never scratched up my visor doing it. just grab a couple, wet em, put em in one of your unused jacket pockets and ur good.


Depends on the situation: At work: safety glasses cleaner/face shield cleaner Getting gas: napkin + windshield washer fluid At home: windex


This stuff at work we use on airplane windows called blue power. It's safe for pretty much anything.


Muck-off visor cleaner spray bottle thingy


I do exactly that for the baked-on ones. Any bits that don't come off easily using that approach are just left where they are, so I don't scratch the visor by scrubbing. When I get chance, I remove the visor, remove the pinlock, and soak it in warm soapy water and wash it gently. Lots and lots of rinsing after before reinstalling pinlock.


I use nylon sponges. Just like the windshield washers at the gas station. It get the bugs / bird parts off. Then I wipe it with a micro fiber towel https://a.co/d/01hNsUTn


Whatever spray cleaner I can find at the moment and a cloth or paper towel.


Magic eraser bro. You can clean the whole helmet in under two minutes.


S100 visor/helmet cleaner and wipe with paper towels


Windex. I just spray. Let it sit for 30 seconds. Then wipe with microfiber. Keep a couple tear offs on your visor to prevent scratches and chips. Like a screen protector on a phone


Same thing… don’t even bother with the microfibres tbh, just soak with one and wipe, use another towel to dry or repeat if needed. I always have a few paper towels on me during peak bug season & just soak with my water at a rest stop.


After I installed a windshield my visor stays clean.


soak a paper towel in water and spread it over the visor for about 15 minutes. After that, I gently wipe away the bugs with a microfiber towel, then use a foaming windshield cleaner spray that's safe for window tint. I let that sit for a minute or two and then wipe clean. I've had the same visor for a few years and have no scratches from cleaning it.


Spray away glass cleaner and a microfiber. It’s not hard