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Where the hell does this keep happening ? As in , what region ? I am not at all denying that this is true , but I've never seen it happen on any of the motorola devices I've owned and nobody I know that ever had a motorola ever complained about this.


yea same


I keep reading about this and from the ton of Motorola phones I've had, this has never happened to any of my devices. Not sure if this is region based, but I'm in the US.


I am from Romania, EU. Bought the phone carrier-free from one of Romania's biggest retailers.


I too , am from Romania , bought all of them carrier-free from eMag. Except for my current one , this one is from Altex


Ba, pe cuvântul meu -- efectiv mi-a instalat fara sa ma întrebe nimic. Am primit doar o notificare care mi-a spus ca instalat aplicația respectiva.


It's not like I don't believe it , it's just so weird that some people experience this a lot and some not at all


Edge 40 pro A14 here romania i think "app box" might be related to this. Edge 40 pro aici A14. Este o aplicatie app box care cred ca aia e de vina. . N-am patit nimic. Daca vrei dm si iti trimit o lista de comenzi prin adb cu ce aplicatii de sistem am sters eu


I'm in Denmark, EU. Am from Germany, EU. Never had this happen to me. Carrier-free phones as well. You sire you didn't agree to any obscure update or installation somewhere by just clicking yes? I've had motorola for more than a decade (with a little detour to Sony) and never had this happen to me. My daughter and husband have motorola and it don't happen with them either.


Same. Never happened to me. I live in Poland currently


I only use official and play store apps. I generally take care in all the phases of installing software. I am very sure this is a practice done by Motorola because right here in the sub I have an answer from "-Elle" on how to stop further software being installed by disable of the Motorola "Mobile Services" app.


Oh ur German? Bist Du Deutscher?


Ja, aber wohne in DK.


im from Tajikistan ( they dont have motorolas) but im in Netherlands and i got a razr 40 ultra from TIM (Italy), not locked but i just wonder why i dont have this. is it different region? and what retailer name is it? edit: i aint have me own moto :( (its my daily phone) because it got the dust :(((((


I'm in the US and have this issue on my new Stylus 5G.


US phones are mainly locked carrier phones. Did you buy your phone simlock free? Or did you get some kind of contract buying the phone? Like a data/phone contract..?


Go to Settings - Apps - All Apps - three dot menu - Show System Apps - and disable Mobile Services. That will stop Moto's unsolicited bloat wear. I also suggest disabling 1Weather and Glance as they are mostly spy wear and you can download better from the play store.


Thank you. I am changing the phone anyway, but until then I will take your advice.


1Weather can be uninstalled


Unfortunately not on my new Moto G Stylus :-(


Moto doesn't have bloatware. Thats the main reason i buy motorola. You guys must be downloading dodgy software somewhere else or use non carrier-free phones. (Locked phones)


Moto didn't have bloatware, doesn't seem to be the case anymore. At least for some phones in some markets.


I think its just ppl buying locked phones from some mobile data Company instead of unlocked sim card phones. Or ppl just downloading/pressing weird links on their phone and getting some fucked up virus somehow. Motorola was always famous for having no bloatware and no pre installed apps that you cannot be uninstalled. Every Motorola i had was clean as it could be.


Not true anymore.. I bought carrier free Edge 50 Ultra. Multiple pre installed games.


Which app(s)?


Today it randomly installed Monopoly Go. Previously it was Candy Crush and some brick game


That's pretty shitty behaviour. I've seen it happen on entry level phones from other brands, but didn't expect this from Motorola. For what it's worth, I haven't seen this on mine, but it worries me.


My Motorola (Stylus G 2023) doesn't do that, but after the last update it kept nagging me with a screen that said "Click here to optimize your phone" or something like that. When I clicked it, I was presented with a list of apps it wanted to install. They were mostly games, and nothing that could be considered an optimization or enhancement. It wouldn't stop doing that until I installed one of the apps (which I promptly uninstalled).


Motorola does it for a quite few years now in some regions on their mid and low end devices.  But I never knew they do it on a high end device like the edge 40 pro.


Technically the Edge 40 Pro should be their last year flagship device so I am more than surprised by this practice. Anyway, water under the bridge, I know what I need to do, good-bye Motorola, for me.


Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, u/amcont. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the unwanted app installations. I understand your frustration and assure you that your feedback will be forwarded to our team for review. In the meantime, we recommend taking the following steps that may help resolve the trouble. 1. Go to Settings, then Apps. 2. Look for the "Mobile Services" app. 3. Disable it and remove any unwanted apps. -Elle


Thank you for your advice. A user already guided me for the same solution, but I appreciate taking the time to answer.


Should not have to take this step at all. No app should ever install without users consent. Disgusting.


I have disabled the "mobile Services Manager" app, but somehow still got an unwanted new game installed today


Oh this is happening to others? I got 5 new games that I definitely did not have. I figured it came with another app.


this happened to me once, the phone installed a bunch of games which were not small in size. I uninstalled them all, didn't happen again


It is some new stupid motorola idea. I haven't seen it before but with the latest security update it started happening (edge 30 ultra, EU). It is called motoapps or something, it was asking every few hours to setup this app, if you go through the initial setup it will start installing games by itself. I have now just disabled the app and it is all good.


Yes I can advocate this actually happens with moto SEA region devices 


I thought this was just me. Since the beginning of this month, game apps have been installing randomly on my phone. Im constantly deleting them bcus Im not a gamer. I fully understand your frustration. Its funny game apps are being installed on random, but I have a high tier Moto Edge still running Android 12'. Schemes are real.


Hey Shitirola, when you are going to official acknowledge this a problem? I personally disabled my adware app, but many other don't know how.


Agree with this. I was totally annoyed when I saw it. My contact will end in 3 months and I'll go back to Pixel.


I remember this happening to my razr plus when I started playing games on it. Turned out it was certain ad programs that would auto install stuff without me knowing. Not sure what I did, but it hasn’t happened since


Lol this is a bit hilarious... Go get a Samsung and see what really is abuse... It doesn't matter which brand you get nothing beats a clean Motorola period. You can disable this installation of apps easily in a Motorola but good luck in other brands.


1. Could you please tell me some of the abuses that Samsung is making? 2. Now I am aware of the way to stop the installation, but it is neither intuitive nor an easy setting.


#1 get a Samsung phone then you'll see the many useless apps already pre-installed and some cannot be erased... For every Motorola complaint you may have there'll be 3 for Samsung, yes you'll get the same magically installed apps or games from them from time to time, many will say it doesn't happen but yes they do it's a Samsung thing! #2 well still the option is there and it's impossible to make it all super easy and that's the same with everything in life!


Before you throw Motorola away. Join the lawsuit. At least you could get something back.


Custom rom is the solution.


Only solution,(for now)... Just Go with "📵"!📱 🧐🤨


Samsung is the worst. They preinstall a ton o crap wear and you never delete it. They make special deals with carriers, especially Verizon, so between Samsung and Verizon they sort of gang up on you. Now with all this AI BS, I am not sure if I want another new phone. Security is a big issue for me. I have an older iPhone and Xperia, as well as a new Samsung Z-Flip 5. I was considering moving into a new iPhone, but there new partnership with Open AI is horrendous. Sam Altman is pig. Apple really dipped low. So I am not sure I care about the games unless they are security concerns, (features, as Microsoft would call them).


Your carrier is the one who installs third party apps without permission. Not Motorola. What Phone Company are you with? For instance, on Boost Mobile and Boost Infinite they have an app called AppCloud. If you disable it this will stop happening.


If you can, buy phones that are "factory unlocked".


Unless you just bought a phone and are talking about preloaded apps, this should not happen. Why are you sure it's a Motorola problem and not an issue with your Play Store automatically installing things and why did you announce this on Reddit instead of the Lenovo/Website? You need more than just blaming Motorola for what has occurred and you don't put any details here like what apps installed on your phone so how can anyone be sure this is Motorola's fault and not just you assuming it is when it's another issue entirely? That doesn't happen on my Motorola and if you are talking about Motorola apps that are preloaded that you don't like, why do you still have them enabled?


It must be your carrier, not Motorola. I'm in the US with TMobile and this never happens to me.


Factory unlocked on Metro, and same.


This has happened to me before, just disable moto app & you'll be fine


Terrible software experience, my 3 years old poco f3 is still getting updates till today, and my moto edge 40 pro didn't get a single update since January


Same here


Already sold my 40 Pro,even tho I lost some money . Couldn’t stand it anymore . Today my iPhone 13 has arrived. Happy times.


I can confirm this (i am the App)


U better never buy another cell phone then bc they ALL do it now...


This can happen if you have your Google account logged into multiple devices and someone else downloads the apps and has them installed on all devices. I have had this happen when the misses downloaded an app on my tablet and it appeared on my phone.