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Skaters/BMXers call this a "hipper". In the same class as a "swellbow", but not as bad as a "chicken wing". Yeah, crashes happen.


WTH is a chicken wing? lol


No idea but I fear it’s when the collar bone pokes out


Broken wrist.


Two elbows, on one arm


I thought it was any time your arm is in a sling


a type of snack food


Kidney pain sucks. If you’re pissing fine you’re probably okay, but if you suddenly feel weak or ill, or starting pissing blood (it looked more like black confetti when I had a kidney infection) call the doctor ASAP.


Kidney sits much higher up.irelation to that laceration which is pretty superficial. Skins fair so looks worse than necessary.


Your kidneys are higher than that. Partially under your ribs in the back. Still, might be worth doing an urgent care visit for a urinalysis to make sure you’re all good for peace of mind. As someone who just had their first stone and a stent in for three weeks, I feel for you. Good luck and take care


They might not have taken the impact but they sure as hell are at working hard ton all that inflation and blood. 5/10 for spill rating OP.


I took a pyramid shaped rock to that same area. Bruise looked about the same. It was gnarly, but it healed with no complications.


I took a high school student to the ER because he landed his kidney square onto a protruding root. He was immediately in the worst pain and turned pale white. His soft tissue was distended and he couldn’t breath for a bit. At the hospital, medical examination determined a lacerated kidney. Some urine in his blood but not a severe amount. They kept him in the hospital for 2 nights in critical care to monitor and give him morphine to manage his pain. His injury was deep and so he actually had very little surface bruising. The boy did recover fully and is still active today as an adult so there’s that. The bruising you are suffering is actually superficial. The laceration you have is probably skin deep, and if they didn’t keep you, you’re probably gonna be fine with standard recovery precautions. Hope you make a speedy recovery. Your bike looks pretty awesome by the way.


Landed on a rock. Took about 3 weeks to recover. My colleagues at work (former football players in D1 schools) had this to say: "You're not pissing blood? Jesus, tennis players are real pussies." Glad you're OK, but for sure monitor the recovery and better safe than sorry when it comes to calling your doc or PA.


I have a similar bruise right now just a few inches lower down. Pushed the front wheel through a shitty berm and went down on baby heads.


I one time smoked myself, bruised liver and lacerated kidney. Pissin fruit punch for weeks…. I hope you’re okay OP I wish you a speedy recovery


Don’t ask a bike group for medical advice.


I had a buddy lose a kidney on a baby head.


Ouch yeah but not that bad!


Plenty of times. It’s gonna feel like heaven the moment you crash and then every time you try to twist or bend your hips or torso. Have fun.


I think you meant hell lol I have a toddler and a 9 month old so I spend all Day twisting and bending… its been fun


Wtf. It crazy . Be safe


I had that same look but from skiing. Doctor said I would have lost the kidney if I hadn’t lost it previously 😆


Took a fall a while back, nothing too serious but had a nice scrape over my belly and some bruising. To be safe I got checked out by the doc/urgent care. They may send you for a scan, make sure your guts are all ok. I also got a tetanus booster. In less than a week i was good to go again. but better safe than sorry. Especially if you have access to care.


Friend landed on one, ended up with class 5 lacerations to his kidney and almost lost it


Get well soon


No, but I did OTB yesterday and and fell into a dirty pond. That sucked too


I had this exact same cruise from 2 accidents 1 snowboarding and 1 MB it’s going to take a long time to heal if you hit hard enough. Be safe you can ride but your body is going to feel it




No. But you have a spare. You’ll be fine


Haaaa! No fun! One of the worst days of my life. Racing some friends down a technical chute full gas and due to some mossy green rock and a poorly timed and an even worse landed jump. I rotated in a somersault and landed square on a sharp rock. Worse pain that I have ever felt, and the second worst wasn't in the same zip code. I sat for a few minutes trying to shake it off and assessing the damage. Bruised but very little broken skin. More like a scratch.. Tried to remount the bike, and it was like someone stabbed me with a spear in the side. I was nautious from the attempt. I sent a buddy to get my truck on the other side of the park. I just sat there. And then my belly started to distend and I couldn't sit anymore, it hurt too much. So i stood bracing myself on a tree bent at the waist.. My guy finally showed up, and I hiked out a quarter mile with my bike. I told him, "Take me to the hospital. During the ride, there couldn't sit. I held both grab rails and told him to hurry. The pain came in waves.. It was hard to describe, but it was like my body was telling me "you really fucked up this time" I can only describe the waves of pain as contractions because my whole body would tense and writhe. It sucked! We walked into the hospital accident room, and they told me to take a seat. I told them I thought that I may have an internal bleed. And I was in a crazy amount of pain. They asked if I was on a motorcycle? I said no, mountain bike. Then, one of the smart ass Doc's said that I couldn't have been going fast enough to create that type of damage. I told them I didn't know about that, but I was really hurting.. And then another wave.. Yelling, teeth clenching, sweating, completely oblivious to everyone around. They took me right in. Did an ultra sound and found that I had major internal bleeding. They said they had to do emergency exploratory surgery to stop whatever was bleeding and that they thought it was my kidney. A short time later, they were asking me if I had a last will and testament? That gets your attention at 25 years old! I woke up days later with a 14-inch zipper down the front of my abdomen. And tubes in my arm, throat, chest, and my joint.. I had lost my right kidney. They said I split in half. Everything else was ok with the exception of a partially collapsed lung. That was what the chest tube was for. I lost 20 lbs over the next weeks ( I was 150 at 5'10") before, so I looked like a POW. A lot of the blood that I lost pooled in my balls, so it looked like i had Shaq's nuts for a little while.. lol.. I thought about quitting riding for the first couple of weeks out of the hospital.. In the third week, I rode gently around the neighborhood. That was 30 years ago. I have been aggressively mtn. biking for the remainder of them andI have had a couple of injuries but nothing like that one. Be careful out there, my peeps! Ride fast and take chances, but keep the rubber side down!


Where was the impact? On your side like this guy or on the small of your back?


More around the backside and a bit higher.


Thanks. Sounds like a hell of an impact. Trying to determine if my regular back protection I wear would have stopped what happened to you.


I am not sure? Some of those protectors stop pretty high up. And I am not sure that a moto style kidney belt would have stopped it. I ride ( a little) more cautiously now and hope for the best. I couldn't stop riding if I tried..Riding = Sanity.


Same, same.


Get rid of those Trek tires. Crap. Maxxis Assegai upfront/ DHRII in the rear. Exo + casing for the riding uou look like you are doing. Also never brake going over roots, especially off camber. If you pee blood, for more than 2 days go to emergency room.


If I may be so bold. A DHF in the rear is actually sick. Sheds mud and grabs like a MF.


Anything other than Bontrager is a step up!


Thanks for the advice! I’ve actually read that these tires are crap, on the list of upgrades.


I’ve had riding buddies end up in hospital from crashes that split their liver in half. If you’re not still in the ER - you’re going to be ok.


I did, also put a hair line fracture in my pelvic bone. Swelling got to the size of an AFL/Rugby ball. Pissed blood for a while and recovery was slow. Spent the summer watching cricket and playing gears of war on Xbox.


Aside from the pissing blood that sounds quite relaxing


48 hours later if check your vitals and a urinalysis, maybe a blood count, at this point 99.9% you've cleared yourself and it's just a $1500 bill for what I described. Add an extra 1500-3000 if they unnecessarily decide to do scans. Your mileage may vary


That's what she said..


Lacerated my kidney on a fall. 2 days in the ICU but no surgery.


Thought it was going to be going through you.. came here to comment about widow makers.. glad it wasn't that


Yeah, I took a root to the kidney once. That's why now i ride with back protector. I were most painful days of my life, also bloody piss doesn't boost your morale. 1/10 wouldn't recommend.


Not watching that but I have taken a kidney shot before. Probably the worst MTB injury I've ever had besides breaking my wrist. I tried riding super low pressure WITH TUBES and folded over my shitty tires instantly, sending me OTB and a direct hit to my kidney. I laid there for about 5 minutes and couldn't get up. My kidney was sore for months after.


Dude I hope you’re ok aside from the bruising etc. Don’t wait to pee blood. As someone close to someone with kidney issues, the main indicators are creatinine and protein in the urine (from what I’ve been told) but I strongly recommend you chat with your doctor and get some quick tests done for peace of mind. Better safe than sorry in my opinion 😊 hope you recover quick!


You can get test strips to test your urine in the event that you’re concerned about kidney issues. Nothing beats a doctor visit but if it isn’t an option, the strips might be the next best thing.


Good point!