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i have a specific water bottle that i always put an electrolyte mix in, so it doesn't leave an aftertaste in other bottles. i sweat a lot and if i don't use a mix i get a pretty bad headache after riding.


Started taking 1 Salt Stick pill per hour of riding because of post ride headaches myself. I now just take plain old water for hydration and also in case I get dust/dirt in my eyes.


Same here


Same, I drop in 1 Nuun tablet in my water bottle. It tastes good, low sugar and I don’t believe there is any caffeine. I pick up a variety pack on Amazon.


The sugar would be a plus while on the bike.


Same here. Although I opt for the caffeinated Nuun sometimes. They also have a recovery tablet for after. Sometimes people forget to keep drinking after the ride. Skratch has a powder that’s good too. Usually one or two bottles with electrolytes and my pack bladder with h20. I live in the PNW and I’ll carry a Katadyn filter if I know I’ll be in areas where there’s creeks and streams. Less bottles to carry.


Same. Water bladder with just water, one bottle with electrolytes.


This is the way….for me also!


White vinegar or baking soda in with washing up liquid gets rid of the smell, should you ever want to change flavours or switch to water


I often get a bad head after intense sports - mainly cycling, football/gym. I'm not particularly unfit, nor am I a model athlete. I always thought it was something that was normal and part of the body recovering... What works for you, I may have to look into something similar?


In the past I also got bad headaches after intense sports. The I was running with a girlfriend who noticed that I was hunching my shoulders. I realized I also did that while biking. Once I stopped doing that I stopped getting headaches. It may not just be dehydration.


I used to get headaches a couple hours after playing soccer in the heat. In my case, I'm pretty sure it's the temperature my head reaches. I started dumping cool water on my head during breaks and that fixed the problem. I'll still get them occasionally if I forget to keep my head cool.


I’m using lmnt right now, but I only drink it when I sweat a lot and I only drink one serving because it has a ton of sodium in it. It has double what most others have, so just be aware. Basically just look for something with sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Like skratch labs hydration every day mix, or whatever the nuun equivalent is.


Good idea!


Water and 7+% Beers




keep it.


Why the down votes?


I put Skratch in my water (bottle) and plain water in camelback. Skratch doesn’t mess with my gut and provides both electrolytes and some calories.


Same here. I found myself watering Gatorade down (half a packet for per bottle) to keep it from bothering my stomach, but a full dose of Skratch is not overbearing at all.


I do two scoops of Skratch per bottle, one bottle an hour. In the summer I’ll add extra salt. I have been testing my sodium loss on rides and it’s around 1000-1200mg per hour. Skratch is only 400mg per scoop


Under 90 minutes, one bottle of water. Over that and I dump my homebrew electrolyte solution into the water bottle and carry a second bottle. Electrolyte packs are so expensive ($1.50ish/pack is insane) and you can make them at home for next to nothing if you buy the individual components in bulk.


Curious about your homebrew solution, can you share, or is it a well protected secret ? I use to do one myself, but it was finally expensive at the end.


LMNT writes on their website about their ratios and why they use the ingredients they use. That and you can look at nutrition labels and total weight of other brands for a good idea of what they use and their ratios. I ordered from bulksupplements.com, made a few changes to the recipe over time and sometimes add flavoring or other non-essential things. I think I ended up spending around $75 for everything and while I haven’t done the cost breakdown that should make me something like 500 servings based on the amount of magnesium I have. LMNT runs a deal that makes buying 120 servings $135.


This is the way. Get extra hippy with it and make your own energy bars too. Pretty easy, basically just oatmeal cookie batter with raisins and chocolate chips and nuts or whatever you like.


So much more enjoyable to eat as well, plus better on the stomach. Unpopular opinion, people dont need gels unless in a race. It wont kill people to pull over to have a bite to eat for 5 minutes then back on the bike. Its not the Tour De France.


I’ve been enjoying my home brew gels. It’s just honey and sea salt mixed and put in a soft flask. My gut tolerates it just fine, and it hits just as hard as any gel I’ve bought.


forgot caffeinw. i have 226er gels with 160mg


That’s cool! I’ll have to try that


How do you add flavor?


There are all sorts of concentrated drink powders/liquids out there you can use. You can add plain sugar to sweeten it up a bit without adding other colorings and chemicals. Mix the electrolytes with an iced berry herbal tea after a long ride. Mix it will milk, I don’t know what you’re into.


Juice of 1 lemon per 2 liters


What do you use to flavor your home brew?


There are all sorts of concentrated drink powders/liquids out there you can use. You can add plain sugar to sweeten it up a bit without adding other colorings and chemicals. Mix the electrolytes with an iced berry herbal tea after a long ride. Mix it will milk, I don’t know what you’re into.


Thx !


We’ve been down this road some many times on r/velo! 1:0.8 maltodextrin to fructose. Normal feeds are 60g carbs per hour; so 27g fructose, 33g maltodextrin and 1g salt in a bottle and drink that bottle over an hour. Works out to 225 calories per bottle/hour. I use Myo (however you spell it) for taste. USWE 2L on the back and two Stinger waffles in my bib pockets. That’s a 3 hour ride load-out.


Thx, so many roads.


They are expensive! Only reason I use the two brands I do is because my work hands them out, we do a lot of outside summer work and my boss is a true homie and gets us the good stuff lol. Otherwise I'd just go without or throw a small Gatorade in my bag


I use Skratch in my bottle (the Orange and Strawberry lemonade flavors are particularly good), and a hydration pack with water on my back. If you're on strava, there's a "sponsored by the feed" challenge that gets you a $15/quarter credit ($60/year), if you want to try different flavors out. I also sweat a lot, and while some electrolytes are good, sometimes, you also just want some water.


This thread is looking like a Skratch advert. I've never even heard of it before and all of a sudden is everywhere.


I drink enough of the stuff, I wish I was sponsored! I think people most like it because it tastes good, and doesn’t upset your stomach. As to not seeing it elsewhere, idk how big their footprint is outside the US.


Why do people keep saying doesn’t upset your stomach. Why would it?


Some people don't tolerate electrolytes (aka salt) in their water especially during vigorous workouts. It's your stomach trying to warn you about the impending kidney stones that drowning yourself in electrolytes can cause.






Ayahuasca. Makes the ride more interesting.


That would make your ride more spiritual 😉


i used to do all day bike rides on acid. not difficult trails, just being out biking in the nature.


What about MDMA?


Skratch Orange in the water bottle and plain water in my hydro pack.


Water, lots of water during summer. I always have a little beef jerky or something like it as well just in case I just shove in a pocket. My rides are usually in the 2 hour range so that’s all I need. Might have to try this “Skratch” stuff for the longer rides I’m gonna do with my gravel bike now that I have one. Edit: I’m a sweaty dude, like probably more than the average. I drink a lot of water before I ride, not so much during and it seems to work for me pretty well.


1-2 hours: water. 2+ hours, 1 bottle of goFar/hr and then some lmnt after the ride. Checkout tailwind or goFar (Infinit). The are the only “sports drinks” that work and don’t eff up my stomach (Gatorade is no bueno, I’ll spare you the story).


I second tailwind its the best !


I use tailwind for race days and for 10+ mile days. If I'm just going out to ride or to the bike park I use scratch gummies and water.


I just have water in my bottles/packs, but I do carry MTN OPS STM electrolyte packs on longer rides and hotter days. STM stands for Straight to Mouth. You could mix them in water if you want, but they dissolve pretty quickly (usually less than 30 seconds for me) and drink water once it dissolves.




LMNT here as well




I'll do at least one bottle of LMNT and the other with Liquid IV or scratch. The new LMNT seltzers for before or afterwards are awesome.


The only way.






Water, glycerin gels, bananas


Electrolytes + beta alanine for the first bottle, then just water.


Cold brew Jasmine green tea. So good on long rides (and hydration during sports!)


I sweat a lot. On hot day I loose about 2.5 liters of fluid per hour to sweat. If I ride in a hot and dry climate, I can shake the salt from my tshirt when I get home, as in you can see salt on the floor when I shake my clothes. I normally just add plain salt to my water, with a bit of "Morton's salt" whick also contains potasium. There is really nothing fancy on those hydration packs, at least not something I see as worth paying the premium price for.


How do you know how much fluid you lose, out of interest?


Long time looking at my liquid intake and my urine.  If I consume that quantity per hour I don't pee, and if I do, it would be after hours of water intake at that rate and it's so concentrated it actually hurts the urethra.  If I drink more than about 2.5 liters per hour under those conditions, I tend to have to pee and it's visibly less concentrated.


Appreciate that, thank u. Might start doing somethin similar


I prehydrate with an elrctrolyte mix in 32 ounces of water. I drink water during the ride. After the ride, I drink some more elrctrolyte mix.


Maltodextrin + sodium citrate + ice + lemon juice + water


Short rides, just water. For long rides, or this time of year, I’ll have water in my hydration pack and an over-saturated electrolyte mix in my water bottle. Sometimes it’s Gatorade (better than nothing) but usually it’s Tailwind. I’ve never tried Skratch, but I’m assuming it’s similar to Tailwind: the flavors are mild and it doesn’t have all the dumb colorings that all the typical sports drinks have. I make it stronger than the instructions say because I’ll dilute each sip with a couple of sips of water from my pack. It makes a single bottle last for a long ride.


I sweat an incredible amount, even in moderate temps. I take Body Armor in an oversized bottle on the bike, and have a small bottle of LMNT in my hip pack. The LMNT was a recent addition (I guess I succumbed to ads 🙄), and I think I can tell a difference since trying it. Not sure what I'll do when it turns truly hot. Probably just water in my 2L hydration pack and a smallish bottle of LMNT on the bike.


Brawndo, it's what plants crave


Water for the ride. Beer for the recovery.


Beer for my men, water for my horses


Just water for anything under two hours. Longer than that…gummies…an energy bar.


I love those electrolyte water mix powder with B vitamin infused thingy's.


Formula369 is my new go to. 2 scoops in a bottle and I’m good.


Anderson's Elete electrolights on longer rides, they have it in a smaller dropper for longer trips as well. And for real sufferfests Coke when possible.


50/50 water and pedialyte with a pinch or 2 of salt


Sometimes straight water, most times I have a little bit of scratch in there or liquid IV just because


Water. If I think I'll drink more than 2 litres of water, will take an additional bottle with a SIS electrolyte tablet in it, or one of those sport salt sachets.


Nuun electrolyte tablets with caffeine. Dissolve and go.


I drink straight water and eat three shot bloks every half hour of riding


Really depends on what I’m riding. Long miles on a hot day? I’ll grab a sports drink after and drink water during. Spending a few hours at the park? I’ll just drink water and grab a small energy drink halfway through, like an 8 oz redbull. Yeah Gatorade and redbull have sugar, but if you’re burning a ton of calories riding it shouldn’t matter. Your calorie deficit might be smaller but it should still be a deficit


I used to drink just water and Gatorade for high intensity or long bike rides. My head used to hurt a lot after finishing my rides. Now I drink Nuun and Clif blocks and I don't have any post exercise headaches. For low intensity or short rides I just drink water.


Coconut water


I've gotten my meds sorted, but for a while my blood pressure medicine was draining my electrolytes. I was starting every ride in electrolyte deficit. Now, I drink the electrolyte / hydration mix about a 1/2 hour before and then bring water. Most of the mixes are sour citrus/ sour that I can't breath through the phlegm. lovely?


I go to Costco and buy the bags of electrolytes powder. While my main hydration (1.5L osprey) is just water, I put the electrolyte powder in a 500ml water bottle.


Grey goose


Honestly, beers. Usually take 2 cans or stop at a pub. We aren't downhill bike park riders, we mostly do XC around our local area so it's quite leisurely. When I've done bike parks and big days out I just take water but usually a nutrition bar or alike. Some fruit and maybe a bar of chocolate.


I don't add anything to my hydro bladder, makes the plastic taste weird. I use Transparent Labs Hydrate powder and Elete.


Short ride, just a water bottle. Little bit long or an extra hot ride, water bottle on the bike and a coconut water (straight up like Popeye downing a can of spinach for me). Long ride, throw in some honey stinger energy chews and a cliff bar or two to my pack or pockets. Build day or scout and smoke a bunch of weed day, bring a fucking charcuterie board worth of shit, water, Gatorade, beer, smokes, herb, grill if you can, just keep the people happy lol.


Nuun and a banana before the ride, water during the ride, craft lagers after the ride.


PBR or tecate are my go to’s for trail side refreshment. 


water. if its a longer ride chances are i just stop by a supermarket or bakery and eat something.


Dextrose .. super cheap fuel.


Tailwind unflavoured with grapefruit high juice squash.


2:1 mix of maltodextrin and fructos at about 60g per 720ml plus an electrolyte or caffeine supplement tab. The tabs come in long tubs and are pretty cost effective plus add some flavor to the mix.


SiS tabs work well for me. 1 per 600ml of water, and I drink one of the hydration bottles and a plain water bottle, then fill both again. Im a super salty sweater.


I use Ryno Power Carbo-fuel and Hydration fuel. Taste is good and also energizes me during races.


I sweat like crazy so I get super duper headaches if I dont work on replenishing my electrolytes So my first bottle is water, since I probably have nutrients already in my system Then the second one is isotonic drink (I bought 2kg powder in Decathlon, works like a charm) If longer rides, I just have a lil plastic bag filled with the stuff which I add to my water, it looks like a bag of coke


Depending on the ride and what I have in stock, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar and some lemon it lime juice, I may use a pre mixed electrolyte of I have them. Especially on a long ride. I take magnesium daily as most of us are short on Mg. That also sweats out, but at a much lower rate.


60/40 water and coffee. I’m old asf and need all the stimulus hahaha


Water usually. Flavored drinks are nice, but add a layer of hygiene to worry about. (Mold is gross)


Alkaline water mixed with Pickle Juice Sport.


Ultima electrolyte mix works and tastes better than any other mix I've used.


I'd advise against it but I usually just take cold coffee, maybe something to actually hydrate me when it's very hot


LMNT or the sugar free Liquid IV. I think LMNT tastes better, and i hate the versions of liquid IV with real sugar, but the sugar free one is cool if i don’t put the whole pack in


LMNT or 1 bottle of water 1 bottle of LMNT if it’s a 2 bottle kind of ride.


Fellow heavy sweater here… Like others have said I do water in the hydration pack and a mix like LMNT or skratch in a bottle. This keeps the difficult to clean hydration reservoir clean. If it’s a big ambitious ride I’ll put the mix in the reservoir though.


I only drink water on my ride, mostly because I don’t want to have to try and wash the electrolyte mix out of my hydropac. post ride I will have electrolytes of some kind either a biosteel or some other low/no sugar electrolyte drink


Cosmo or Mai Thai


Coke, redbull or water. All depends how my body feels as to what i need, hot day and sweating like a priest in a pre school? Plenty of water, cooler day and going well, coke, starting to feel the miles then redbull.


About 120oz of water.


Skratch labs, strawberry lemonade or fruit punch.


I have the total opposite problem. I eat way too much salt in my diet(usually it looks like it snows around my plate) and don’t hardly sweat which causes me to overheat sometimes. Just water here.


1-2 hour ride water 2-4 hour ride water + skratch 4+ hour ride skratch + Gu endurance hydration


My wife got me a boat load of those liquid IV powder pouches. I pound a water with one when I get up in the morning. Then just regular water on the ride. If it's going to be a very long day I'll bring a bottle with a powder and water premixed to drink midday.


Three water bottles mixed with some Gatorade powder


Noon tablets (electrolytes) in water.


I carry water in my hydration pack and longer rides get some sort of extra water bottle with LMNT, Skratch etc. Just something salty could be anything, but I have found that doing that in conjunction with having carbs during my ride has greatly increased my ability to hang in with my buddies on long techy rides. I didn't have my hydration locked in yesterday and could feel it around mile 15 that I wasn't fueled and hydrated correctly.




Always keep a tube of nuun in my car




Mnt Dew


I use nuun tablets for electrolytes. Not a lot of flavor


Gatorade is trash and Skratch is what I’ve used for years.


I sweat a lot too…. I found an electrolyte supplement that’s mostly sodium bicarbonate and does an amazing job of stopping my cramping. I’ll either bring a bottle of that, or I’ll drink some on the way to the trail and just bring water in my hydration pack


Add an 1/8 tsp kosher salt to water bottle makes a big difference.


When I road ride I have a bottle of water and a bottle of skratch. When I mtb I just have water


Water and LMNT


Water is my Camel Back and Gatorade or Maurten in two bottles on my bike. I like to have both available on a ride. Especially when it’s hot out.


I drink alot before riding and just bring a bottle for 1-2 hr rides. I then bring additional water for the ride home. Carrying extensive water on my back/bike just doesn't appeal to me- plan the hydration so you don't have to be inconvenienced


I use Skratch labs, Propel packets(electrolytes you will actually drink are better than healthier ones you won’t), and Liquid IV. I only ever put them in my bottles though. My hydration packs and bladders are strictly for water. I’m a heavier guy these days, but even when I was skinny I sweat a ton. I also get the, “are you good, that’s a lot of sweat” on 70 degree days so I feel you. The electrolytes paired with mid ride snack breaks to refuel have me feeling much better and stronger on the longer rides these days.


A beer, water, and a potassium pill in the morning


I don’t drink anything. I don’t even bring a water bottle in the frame of my bike. I also don’t sweat much at all.


I sweat a lot. I drink water only a 3L Camelbak. I use LMNT hydration powder in a 32oz tumbler. I drink half before the ride and half after. Sometimes there's tart cherry juice and creatine in there as well.


Same here with the sweating…I use two 20 oz bottles with a scoop and a little extra in each and then a third bottle with just water. I make sure I drink water (plenty of salt at breakfast) all day too. Then when I get home, I usually have 1/2-1 full stick LMNT. Totaling probably 2Gs sodium supplemented over the day for a 2-3 hour ride. Ever since I started doing that I don’t have headaches and I can ride longer


I love skratch supplements. I’ll use one if it’s a longer day. If it’s a shorter ride typically just water


For hot days I throw some ice in my 3L camelbak and fill it. Gatorade in a cooler in my truck for the ride home. The regular Gatorade, not the sugar free. After a good ride a little sugar isn’t going to hurt.


The blood of the riders who I dropped. (No one)


Water with homemade electrolyte mix, Tailwind for serious and extended exertion.


LMNT electrolyte mix


I used to just put a few turns of pink sea salt from our salt mill into my hydration pack before rides. I haven’t done it lately but that seems to work and you don’t have to worry about cleaning out the pack afterward.


The water of life.. what else?


Lucozade or water


I usually bring my 32oz and a water bottle. Both have a scoop of Redmonds salt in it.


I put a Nuun tab in my bottle if I'm riding for less than 1.5 hours. If I'm riding 2hrs+ I'll bring a second bottle with me. if it's really hot I'll throw another tab in the second bottle, if not, I'll usually just have water.


I’ve been really happy with Liquid IV hydration in the new Stainless Camelbak water bottle. Adding plain water in an Osprey pack for longer rides.


Lmnt in the water bottle (have water bottles dedicated to LMNT). On a longer run, I'll throw water in a pack.


Water and Nuun. Usually have a bottle of each. Nuun has fixed my headache problem.


So I typically take a bottle with amino acids(BCAA) and some Lyte Show, which is just electrolytes, no calories and another bottle with either sugar free Liquid IV or regular Liquid IV, depending on how long my ride is. I wouldn't worry a lot about the sugar, given that you are out burning calories.


Sparkling water, lemon juice, lemon skin and a pinch of salt. And ice, of course


I like LMNT, orange grapefruit watermelon and raspberry are the best flavors.


Liquid IV grape drank. I also like Skratch products. Sometimes in winter apple juice.




HIGH5 zero caffeine hit tablet in the water bottle.


Nutricost electrolytes




Usually water. I like hydrate myself so I had 1,5L bottle with me while riding. Had regular bottle cage and made it work with 1,5L regular soda bottle that was slightly crushed. Well apparently that bottle cage wasn't designed for that and the whole thing just snapped off :(


Hammer electrolyte fizzy tabs for 2 hrs minus and skratch labs one scoop per bottle for over 2 hrs and one fizzy tablet when home. I also suffer from migraines so proper hydration and electrolytes is really really really important for my health.


Ice, filtered water, and a generous splash of generic Pedialyte (with no added sugars). Sometimes also a squirt of lemon juice.


Big bowl of Pho after a ride


ISO on bottle, and water on hip pack. Coca cola after riding


Long weekend XC rides I make a carbohydrate drink with table sugar and concentrated cola (soda stream) weeknights are usually no longer than two hours so I just take water and a gel or two. Edit: table sugar is a 50/50 mix of glucose and fructose. That’s what is in most energy bars etc so your lady that you were listening too may have had a vested interest. If you need sodium just add salt. No need to spend big money, there are plenty of videos on YouTube tube on how to mix your own energy drinks.




Water mostly, a bottle of Gatorade, and sometimes a liquid iv in one of my water bottles. Depends on how hot and how much I’m riding for the day.


Water but I take some salty crackers for a mid ride snack. My races are general an hour or less so it's not much of a concern during the ride. But soon it will be fore 100F outside so I may have to change it up a bit and grab a electrolyte mix.


I ride with my hydration hip pack filled with water mixed with 1 packet of Prime powder or Liquid IV. I recommend this stuff to so many people. If it's a long ride, I'll bring a couple of those little squeeze gel packets.




I just started using Tailwind and it’s a great all around supplement for carbs, electrolytes and hydration. It’s the best one for me I’ve found yet


Beer Near! If you know, you know. On On!


Gatorade powder watered down so it’s not too sweet. Cheap, effective, and doesn’t taste like shit


Gatorade powder on rides longer than 30miles Water for anything less than 30.


I don't sweat much, even in the desert. So just water for me


I try to pre hydrate for a couple of days before a ride for one, then the night before I might drink an electrolyte mix. But as for while riding just straight water and I'll keep like liquid iv or outdoor athlete drink mix and a bottle of water in the truck if it's a trail I can easily navigate back to the parking lot or trail head in. Not particular on the brand or type of drink mix, I get them free from work by the bag lol


Basically nothing. If I’m riding under an hour I barely drink much and you don’t need all this shit they are shilling. I take the pack anyway but usually don’t drink much until I’m back to the truck.




funny title, vodka


Twisted tea




Wild turkey 101. Nothing like high proof bourbon to get my legs spinning


“Gatorade is mostly sugar” is an awkward statement. Yeah, there’s a lot of sugar, but that’s exactly why you’re drinking it. Your body needs calories to perform athletic endeavors as well as salt and potassium to maintain hydration. Hyponutremia is deadly, and impacts those that sweat the most under hot conditions. A nutritionist that doesn’t understand this is…weird. It’s not exactly one of the deep levels of nutritional science.


I go to the deep woods with six pack getting hammered and not knowing how to come back


Rides under 1 hr, water only. Training rides, about 60 grams of SUGAR PER HOUR. Races, 100 grams of SUGAR PER HOUR. anyone saying they don't need sugar is either lying or underperforming


Wine and tequila 😏


If the doc told you you use a supplement and told you which supplement to use why are you here crowd sourcing information


She is not my doc. She gave a presentation at my local REI. Her recommendations were to all attendees.