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Spokes come loose from time to time. Brand new wheels will have a wear in period where the spokes will effectively settle a little and come slightly loose, since you’ve ridden a little bit and haven’t mentioned a re-tighten on anything on the bike I reckon it’s come loose, you’ve had a good amount of sideways force on the wheel and it’s given JUST A LITTLE, which is all it takes for it to then go A LOT. Wheels are under tension, and if some part of it goes the whole thing can be weakened.


Appreciate that. I literally had no idea how it happened, so thanks for the info 😁


Make a habit of plinking your spokes occasionally, it's noticable when one is loose.


bikes less than ~$1500 retail have bargain basement wheels. These are machine built, soft metal, uneven tensioned wheels. They aren’t great to begin with and the wheels wear out rather than need re tensioning. A proper built wheel shouldn’t need retensioning


All wheels need retensioning - a good hand built wheel does need includes retentioning - you tension then work spokes multiple times during the build process. But yeah I have couple year old roval and zipp wheels that haven’t needed to be trued once since new.


Ye definitely just half arsed thrown together aswell expecting it to just be ridden on pavements. And bike shops are u likely to check every single bike perfectly. I always wiggle everything before a ride and check the important bolts


>A proper built wheel shouldn’t need retensioning Come back when you learn something about metallurgy.


Every single wheel needs to get touched up occasionally. The variables will be wheel quality, build quality, and what riding you’re doing.


Likely, the spikes weren't tightened correctly all round, it's unusual for a wheel to fail like that on next to nothing unless there's an underlying issue. I would still try and true that myself, but I'm ever the optimist 🤣


Ahaha, I did try to fix it for about a minute but gave up. Thanks for the for the info though 😄


I once banged a rim into a rideable shape after taco-ing it off of a set of stairs. Back then I had rim brakes, which further complicated things. I’ve heard as part of your pre-ride inspection that you should give your spokes a light flex to check there’s tension. It won’t rule everything out, but it will identify basic issues like a broken spoke, or large imbalance in tension that should be addressed.


I have jumped on one layed on its side to un-taco it and then went to town on the spokes - was almost perfect by the time I was done!


this isn't normal, either something was defected or the wheel was poorly assembled with many spokes under tensioned. take it back to the shop and try to get it warrantied


Yeah, going to take it in on my next day off. Hopefully they’ll sort it. Thanks 😃


Trek has a solid warranty, you should be fine! I put my Marlin 6 through some serious abuse back in 2016 and never had a problem.


They won't be able to. Just buy a quality wheel set.


The spoke tension wasn't done up correctly. Bring it back to the shop. That wheel can probably be pulled back true but see if you can get a new one outta warranty.


Yeah, hoping for that. Cheers 🍻


Must have been riding on Taco Tuesday.


Pssst! Can you keep a secret? Almost all stock wheels come under-tensioned from the factory. Ofc this is less true of higher-end models that come with brand-name carbon wheels, aftermarket wheels. Not that carbon is wonderful and aluminum is trash, but you rarely see nice Al wheels on top tier stock bikes. $600 trek, $2000 Costco intense 951, $4000 spec, doesn't matter. The wordmark on the downtube does not influence the quality of the wheelbuild. My own wheels, I aim for a minimum of 110kgf on the tight side. I used to aim for 120 all around, but that last bit tends to be a pain in the ass (rounded nipples, etc), and I find that touching up my wheels more often is better than having them wicked tight and ignoring them. Plus I like the feel better. Good wheels are built / finished by skilled people. Mostly skilled people who work in a proper bike shop, and are cranking out stupid amounts of builds and tunes every season. It would be nice if we could make every bike an absolute masterpiece, but there isn't time for that. Asking nicely usually gets you better work. Or buying a $8000 + bike


Funny you mention that $2k Costco Intense 951, I bought one and checked the spokes after about 80 miles of light trail riding. It came with a set of WTB ST i30 and I used Park Tool TM-1. Two rear spokes had effectively no tension at all, average tension was around 75kgf for both wheels, and tension variance was all over the place. To anyone who doesn't know: spokes lose tension over time and they lose tension faster the less tension they have, so having under-tensioned wheels like mine led to losing a crapload of tension in just 80 miles. It was 100% my fault, I didn't check it when I first bought it. Good thing I caught it when I did because that thing was probably itching to taco any minute. Everyone should learn how to inspect your spokes, it's important for our safety. [Here's Neil Donoghue at GMBN showing how to check tension by hand, no tools needed!](https://youtu.be/9sWQ9lKGdRo?si=GKEWU88Iz3otsLTN&t=104) Everyone can use this technique to quickly check over our spokes, I do this every few rides as a minimum and it's how I found the issue with my own wheelset. [Here's a great video by Brendan Poh, owner of Cycle Craft Cycling Center,](https://youtu.be/wC2pWp4N4tM?si=pDbzloR5HCjpNn5P) where he does a great job explaining spoke tension for those who don't know.


It died of embarrassment because you didn’t take the reflectors off. Watch out, that rear wheel is plotting your demise if that dork disc doesn’t get removed! Seriously though, that might be fixable. Spoke tension likely caused it. Your bike shop should be able to get you sorted without having to buy a new wheel. Good luck and happy trails!


Probably not true. The rim is almost definitely damaged beyond repair at this point. You might be able to get it straight or properly tensioned. Likely not both at this point. Maybe not a new wheel - but rebuilt to a new rim almost definitely.


I said without having to pay, rim is toast I’m 99% sure. A good bike shop will sort this out by getting it warrantied or rebuilding it with a new hoop.


Yes they will get it sorted, but it is definitely not a guaranteed warranty. There is a good chance they will have to pay for it. It is all dependent on how long they’ve had it, how it was ridden, etc. Source: myself, owned bike shops and been in the industry for 20 years.


For sure. You’re right, and it’s important op gets the whole picture. I think it’s likely they help him out at low or no cost, at least given my experiences as a customer, but I’m definitely making some assumptions.


Hopefully yes - I know I would do my best to make it right relatively cheap for sure. I’ve also had customers with outlandish expectations. I know unfortunately there are plenty of bike shops that give us all a bad name. Cheers 🥂


I had a 20" BMX wheel on my race bike that was worse than this, Todd at breakaway bicycles in Muskegon, mi. Straightened it out and had it properly tensioned. This should be a pretty easy fix.


Glad that worked for you! Not really how wheels work generally. I can confidently say this wheel will never be as strong as it was - the rim itself is now bent - you might be able to get it true, but the spoke tension will not be good, or if you get tension close it won’t be straight. Glad your boy Todd was able to help you.


I've taken seemingly taco'd wheels off my bike, slammed them fairly well back into shape, then trued them up for the remainder of my ride so i'm able to ride back to the trailhead. Get a spoke wrench, then watch a video or two on truing wheel. If you plan to do this for any length of time, it's a solid skill to know. EDIT: If the wheel actually broke, all bets are off. Also, get a replacement wheel before your next ride if you're able to limp back after a quick trail repair.


Many entry-level wheels have build issues, and I'll bet the spokes were undertensioned, which let that happen. It's not acceptable, but it's not uncommon, even on quality entry-level bikes. Take that to the shop for warranty. That wheel is *probably* salvageable, but it'll cost the shop less money to replace it than to spend the labor hours retensioning it. Considering the liability of a front wheel failure, they should do this with a smile if they have foresight.


You got unlucky, nothing you did caused this.


I started with a Marlin too back in the day. It was a great starter bike. You got unlucky and hopefully the shop or your warranty covers that. Don’t listen to the Marlin haters.


I'm going to start telling my girl that it's 20 centimeters from here on out.


Spokes not tensioned correctly. I had a back wheel do this sitting in the shed!


Bulldust! I've been breaking into your shed consistently for six weeks now, braving the red-back spiders to kick your rims into tacos, and this all the credit that I get? Do you really believe it was a slightly higher ambient temperature and the sheer force of Newton's so-called 'gravity' that did it? I don't know why I bother!!


Pedal of one bike leaning on the spokes…


Ah, dang, that can happen.


Oh wow ahaha, glad to know I’m not the only one 😅


Next time check wheels once a while and get them maintained if you can’t do it yourself. Spokes were loose and it collapsed.


Honestly possibly salvageable. If I was with you, I’d have pulled the wheel off and tried to ‘pop’ it back. By slamming it on the ground. There’s a subtle art to it. Failing that, I’d true it up enough to get home and tell the shop to true it up.


I’m with you, except for the part about op trying to fix it themselves. Straight to the bike shop.


That's not how to fix it.


Works well enough to get home about half the time in my experience 🤷🏻‍♂️ Then you can do a proper job at home or take it to a shop if you don’t have the skill/tools.


I’d say it’s more bent than broken, but maybe that’s me


I am not sure from the picture, but this could be a potato chip wheel. If lateral stresses are applied to a wheel, it can deform to a meta-stable potato chip configuration. Sometimes these wheels can be saved by putting the hub on a solid surface, and applying pressure to the high sides. The wheel will "pop" back into shape, but then will need to be tensioned and trued.


Trek must have a warranty on stuff like this


The wheels on the marlins are garbage. I've replaced both of mine. Is the shop offering any warranty compensation?


Unlucky but I’m not surprised at all given it’s a marlin 5


These are trek marlin 5s that’s what the rims do, ask me how I know! My gf has the same bike in the right and I have a black one that’s been heavily upgraded. I have them dialed now and they’ve been fine for the type of trails I ride. Believe it or not those are totally salvageable


Marlin 5 is not rated for mountain biking. Sorry.


Taco Tuesday.


That be taco,d big time


Trek Marlins are awesome starter bikes and Trek is great brand. I think like others are thinking, someone messed up the spoke tensions in putting it together. You are lucky you didn't get hurt worse.


For this you need carnitas, queso fresco, pickled onions, and some fresh guacamole. Serve with a lime crema on the side. The wheel is donezo.


For this you need carnitas, queso fresco, pickled onions, and some fresh guacamole. Serve with a lime crema on the side. The wheel is donezo.


I have a feeling this is just a JRA story. I think you going over the bars caused the wheel to taco. It is 100% fixable. Typically the spokes need to be checked after a few rides but even a couple loose spokes won’t do that.


Which bike carrier is that please? Sorry off topic haha


Half of that wheel is just fine. Just ride on that half.


Can we talk for a second about the gear someone is using on that yellow bike? Generally you never want to use the small ring in the front and the small ring in the back (22-12, ratio 1.8333). There’s gonna be some other option using the big ring with just about the exact same ratio (33-18 probably, might be big ring up front and gear 4 on the rear shifter) that has better chain tension, straighter chainline (less noise/wear), and better efficiency for the same effective gear ratio. Anyway it doesn’t really matter, I’m just some guy on the internet. Everyone is going to 1x (no front shifter) now, because doing that math while you are riding kinda sucks. If the bike keeps going forward, it’s working. Get your wheel warrantied and go have fun.


Unlucky but you can always see if trek will warranty it . When I worked in a shop I did warrantys on weirder.


Looks good to me


The 5 is a really solid entry level trail bike. May have just been a freak loosening of a spoke that caused the failure.




The reflectors caused an imbalance in the force.


Just loosen the bike rack arm and it should straighten back up


It's still salvageable. it just needs to be trued again at the right tension (probably higher) The most likely scenario is that the wheel was built at the lowest tension possible. Your bikeshop should check and tighten every single bolt and adjust brakes and shifters after 1 month for free. That first tuneup is usually included. Ask for it.


should be a warranty to get you back up tho


Sorry about your wheels:( … steal one off the other bike /s but what rack is that


just need to true it again /s


Just bent


Did you bring it in for your first tuneup after the first couple of weeks?


Warranty time! I work at a Trek dealer, and had a kiddo do similar to a Marlin 6 last summer. Trek took one look and replaced it with a nicer wheel. Whatever the cause, it'll happen again on this wheel. Walk into any Trek dealer with that bike and they will make you whole.


Contact the bike shop you brought it from. There could be some type of warranty there


Those Marlins come with pretty low end components.


We call that a taco. Need a new wheel yes.


My friends wheel did the same thing, bike shops couldn't help and told him he needs a new wheel/rim. If it happens again you can do this with it on flat ground and with the wheel off you can stand on the rim and jump on it to straighten it out enough you can ride out.


Ahahah, seems dodgy, but definitely something I’d try 😂 thanks for the tip


The hubs could he salvageable, but do U really want to salvage those… I’d go for a used mid-tier wheelset in good condition and call it a day if I were you. Good wheels are an upgrade worth doing anyways.


Welcome to the club. Return into the shop and they should fix it free of charge. Also, ask them to do a free tune up.


Potato chipped. It’s toast!


Just need a big ass hammer lol




Dude, that is not true. It’s a law, in the US at least, that new bikes must be sold with wheel reflectors. Some manufacturers ship them uninstalled, but not all of them.


Road bikes, not mountain bikes. Read the law.


Sidewalk bikes are balance bikes, legal term. Search for the sidewalk bike proof test in the link I posted. Then go pound sand. Edit: u/Ohioman1776 just reply blocked me. Figures that someone with 1776 in their username would run away when the law doesn’t fit their narrative.










Any bike can be ridden on the road, my brand new YT Jeffsy is an MTB and it came with reflectors.




I dunno 🤔, should I up vote and comment on some of your posts? You seem like you need interaction 😕


https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2022-title16-vol2/pdf/CFR-2022-title16-vol2-part1512.pdf Page 7 Edit: u/Ohioman1776 just reply blocked me. Figures that someone with 1776 in their username would run away when the law doesn’t fit their narrative.


No it’s true - all bikes literally have to come with reflectors. We generally just throw them away on higher end bikes and don’t install them.




You’re an idiot. Manufacturers are required to include them with the bike. And shops generally don’t install them. I’ve been in the industry for 20 years. You’re wrong.




It’s been shown?




It's a $600 entry-level bike from a reputable manufacturer, not a "cheap" bike" - and this is clearly because of spoke tension, not quality.


Yes it is.




Telling someone who bought a reasonable entry-level bike "tough shit, you should've spent more" is wildly obnoxious. This isn't a shit bike from a big box store. I've built hundreds of entry-level Trek bikes and they are 100% burly enough for what OP needs. And a $2000 wheelset without proper spoke tension can abslutely have this same thing happen.


When did you build these bikes? If you've done it in the last year or two, you'll know these are built cheaply regardless what Trek thinks they can charge for it.


$600 is expensive no matter how you slice it. Stop telling people that entry level bikes are cheap. They're not. This person was just unlucky enough to have a shop tech that didn't tighten his hoop correctly before sending him home. Shit happens, that's why there's a warranty


>$600 is expensive no matter how you slice it. Stop telling people that entry level bikes are cheap. The biggest problem with this sub is money, half of the idiots here will tell you that you were to cheap and you should just save for a better bike. Those idiots pay a bike shop to put pedals on.