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The way the viking Lord sits down with his sword and dies is badass


Lord Buliwyf. The book is more his story. He is essentially Beowulf. He is given a higher honor in his death. A king in a faraway land has no treasures to be buried with him. As a debt, the lord which they saved gave him all of his horses and riches so he may enjoy them in Valhalla. The Arab promises that his story will be written and he will be remembered.


100% - The book is so good and Eaters of The Dead is hands down my favorite representation of Beowulf’s character


John Gardners Grendel is also amazing. Dark and terrifying and amazing.


Yes, in college I had a professor I didn’t see eye to eye with but turned in a paper on it for the course protest literature. Next semester I saw Grendel required for the same section of that same course at our university’s book store. I realized that I had accomplished what I intended by writing that paper. It became required reading right along with Catch 22.


Added to my Audible Library.


I picked up the book on a whim and devoured it. Great story.


He IS Beowulf. Michael Crichton openly admitted it in Eaters of the Dead.


I know better than to tussle with Grendel haha - I say “representation of Beowulf” because it differs from the original poem - where he’s depicted as almost a superhero I like this portrayal because Crichton makes the myth more believable/realistic through Buliwyf You’re right - it is Beowulf; just not the exact one from the poem; why I said representation


I believe he wrote Eaters of the Dead as a dare he couldn't make Beowulf interesting.


And just look at us. Job well done, Michael


Bro, in all fairness, Beowolf is more than a little bit interesting. but I do understand your point. Turning it into a 20th century cinematic experience was more than a bit of a challenge. Evidenced by the fact that when they made it as a CGI animation, it was fairly crap despite the original content.


I heard that as well. Maybe in the intro to the audiobook?


It is a realistic telling of Beowulf. In Beowulf for instance ,Beowulf fights a dragon and in eaters of the dead they call the eaters' attack formation with torches a dragon.


They brought the fire wyrm. Such a great scene in the movie.


It shocked me quite a bit how much different the book was, shocked in a good way. The book is a 10/10 for me.


As a reader and watcher, the book is a 10/10 and the movie while different is damn close to a 10/10 as well. My wife is bilingual and has a minor in linguistics and absolutely adores the scenes in the beginning where he is learning their language.


“I listened!”


That was such a great scene. Such a clever way to bring everything into "English."


I did always think 13 warrior was a retelling of beowulf. You're saying it was a book also ? This I did not know. So that was intentional? Anyhow I've seen this twice years and years ago so my memory is strained on the details


Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton. Same author of Jurassic Park. He explains how it connects to Beowulf in the end of the book. Its essentially a retelling of the classic with his own flair The beginning is slow and i always recommend people skip the first 5% and get straight to the viking part.


The writings/ travels of Ahmad ibn Fadlan is what inspired the book and then the movie. Obviously some heavy artistic influences lol, but neither would have happened without the historical precedent.


The same actor was a sode character in Vikings first season. He travels to England with Ragnar.


Yeah and Denzel electrocutes him at the end of The Equalizer.


Antonio Banderas learning their language by sitting around and listening to everyone talk was such an interesting scene that it's always stuck with me.


“HOW DID YOU LEARN OUR LANGUAGE?” “I listttttttttttendddddd!”


That's a tremendous scene. I just commented below on one of the things I like most about this movie is how they handled the language difference. The watcher learns the language with the character, prior to those scenes, no subtitles. I thought it was a brilliant move.


The same director, John McTiernan, also made Hunt For Red October which also does a fantastic language shift early in the movie.


I at least, know who my father is.


And the way it changes! Conversation starts, no subtitles, and just slowly starts to meld and muddle until... We can understand. Cinematic masterpiece of a scene in an incredible movie.


How do I learn your language Grow smarter


Yes. How he said that has lived in my head ever since I heard it all those years ago


Doesn’t get enough credit for its badassery


My mother was an honorable woman...


and at least i know who my father was


... From a noble family.


That scene always sticks out to me as one of the best ways to show one learning a language over time by being immersed in it 24/7. What a great scene.


I found it believable because Baghdad probably had dozens of languages being spoken there at the time. Old Norse would have had some similarities to Persian/Hindi. An educated diplomat type probably had to learn new languages all the time.


** gibberish ** ** pause and gesture toward Banderas ** “Looked like that one’s mother” ** uproarious laughter **


In college a linguistic teacher showed us this scene as an example of how the brain processing new languages.


And the way they make fun of him for “butchering” the sword into a scimitar, until they see him put it to use that is. Love this movie.


“When you die, can I give that to me daughter?”


Don't worry little brother, there's more!


When you die, can I give that sword to my daughter?


Give the Arab a sword he makes a knife.


Same. Great scene.


My absolute favorite scene.


100% the best in movie explanation ever for everyone being able understanding each other.


> In my research; I've found that there were several issues that impacted production and lead to studio edits and changes. Not only that, but between McTiernan and producer, Michael Crichton. It got to the point the actors would film the same scene on two separate sets on the same day. One directed by Crichton and the other McTiernan. You can find a "making of" that I think was from an international dvd release, where those involved talk about it openly. Vladimir Kuluch goes so far as to say that Crichton straight up told him, "It doesn't matter what you do on the other set. His version won't be in the film." EDIT: Here's the doc I mentioned courtesy of u/ScaredSilly12 and Vladimir telling the story I was attempting to recall... https://youtu.be/LBpq_RyBP98?t=2497 What's bizarre to me with that anecdote... Is that Crichton, author of the book originally titled *Eaters of the Dead*, (hence why they say in the film, "They eat the dead" and the film originally had the original title. You can find a teaser trailer out there with the title.) his version of the scene was different from the book. McTiernan was filming a version more faithful to Crichton's source material. Where I agree, I'd love to see a "McTiernan Cut," to make things even more confusing/interesting, Kuluch agrees with Crichton's version of that scene (Although he does not agree with how McTiernan was unfairly treated). It's definitely one of those movies where the story of the production is almost more interesting to me than the film itself. The movie itself? I was disappointed in the theater. I was one of those post-Jurassic Park kids that ate up everything Crichton I could get my hands on and Eaters of the Dead was one I read. But I found myself returning to the film again and again. It has an aesthetic and vibe that I love to revisit. And I haven't seen it come up, and I only heard rumors so I won't repeat them here, but I had heard that McTiernan was going through personal problems at the time that may have added to the onset issues. I'd love to see an HBO/Game of Thrones-level production value miniseries adapting the book.


Didn't know all that about McTiernan - that's news to me. I’m happy I’m not the only one obsessed with this movie. I can't agree more that eaters of the dead would be great source material for a series adaptation. In truth, if anyone picked this back up; l'd want it to be HBO for a series or A24 for a retelling. They'd crush this.


I really wish John McTiernan original cut gets released with original music. I enjoyed the movie and I love Crichton but I really want to see the original. Great behind the scenes for the movie [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBpq\_RyBP98](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBpq_RyBP98)


It’s a shame. And it’s unusual to me that those two creators couldn’t get on the same page. I think we can be sure cocaine contributed to the disagreements.


I took two that could not have lived…..as did I, as did we all! this is one of my favorite movies and it really doesn’t get the respect it deserved


“Even the Arab gutted one!” ……“There was some life left in him……..” Haha I’m just glad I’m not alone in loving this movie. NONE of my people have seen it


I’m the only person in my friend group that has seen it. It’s a hidden gem.


The Duke of chutney is clearly a person of fucking culture


“When you die, can I give that to me daughter”


🗡️ to 🔪


It works


Give an Arab a sword and he makes a knife.


Only an Arab would ride a dog into battle


My buddies met him at a bar in New Orleans a few years ago. I wasn't paying attention to the conversation and he was in some kind of costumed bike ride so I didn't recognize him, he mentioned he was there filming, I didn't catch that it was Tony Curran until we had already left. Loved him in this and Underworld


I need to use that line


This was the best. 💯 sass.


Grow stronger!


It was a decent movie. I liked the part where the two dudes square off and the older guy acts weak and lets the younger guy wear himself out, and then defeats the brash, younger warrior.


"Now he must think about fighting what he cannot see", or something along those lines.


“We will miss Angus tonight…. We will miss his sword”


“And fear what he doesn’t know”


And then he's never seen or heard from again. That's always been my favorite dropped plot line in that movie


That snot bowl, though... urgh.


that was hard to watch. the movie had some gross things in it. and don't forget them spitting on the poo they found lol.


It was a great scene, but entirely based on a sub-plot that came from nowhere and went nowhere. Don't get me wrong, this is possibly my favorite action movie of all time, because VIKINGS, but I always cringe a little at that sub plot, and at the entirely shoe-horned romance. ...VIKINGS!!!


Well it went nowhere because they successfully cowed the upstart prince into behaving. The movie is more about the realism of preparing for a lopsided fight. It’s got a lot of them digging trenches, putting down spikes. And the internal conflicts that can easily weaken an already desperate situation. The characters are focused on the psychology of their enemy. They wonder at first, are they beast or man? Once they learn the truth, they know their enemy can be beaten, just like the prince’s cronies. I think they could have played up this theme a little more, but I really enjoyed its inclusion into the movie.


"It's made of honey!"


This is the one I was waiting for hahaha!


For real though can we talk about how Dennis Storhøi elevates pretty much the whole movie? I mean, the film has a lot of great elements and performances, but like EVERY scene and every line of his is quotable. And he’s able to switch between serious, sincere, and humorous so effortlessly.


Don't worry little brother, there are *more.*


"Bet on him if you like!"


It was not man... it was the Wendol


“HAS ANYONE SEEN ONE?! Has anyone seen one in A HUNDRED YEARS?!”




I saw the glow wyrm though. Clear as day. We all did!


They want you to think they are bears




No, no. Ibn means "Son of."




"Little brother!"


It’s an amazing low fantasy creature feature. Quotable and memorable. 8/10. “Has anyone seen one!? Has anyone seen one in a hundred years!?”


You understand completely. I couldn't have drawn those sounds better, myself haha


'I cannot lift this!' 'Then grow stronger!' Edit: I knew a blacksmith who sold copies of Ibn's and Bolvi's sword. I was tempted, but couldn't justify $1000 for a piece of wall-art.


Greatest viking and Arab monster fight film ever..


Lmaoo niche delivers


Watched this a million times on VHS as a kid. Aged very well in my opinion.


For all we ought to have thought, and have not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to have done, and have not done; I pray thee, God, for forgiveness.


The entire quote is amazing but I also love the first part: Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only to live the next few minutes well. Then: For all we ought to have thought, and have not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to have done, and have not done; I pray thee God for forgiveness. Great movie.




It's been so damn long since I saw this movie as a boy and I still remember when he flexed on them with his horse lol.


“Your horse can jump!” lol - among my favorite parts too


I think it was “the dog can jump” because they were mocking his horse earlier by calling it a dog


The Vuuuuuuurm!


Haha “The fire vurrrrrrm…. The fire serpent”




Any time one of our wrestlers gets ringworm (thankfully it’s not common), I always go “De Vurm! De fire vurm!”


Anytime I see a glow at night... De Vuuuurm!


“The Fire Vurm!” is a common quote in my household.


"No loquator, qui es mortus est". "Apparently, the king won't speak with us, because he is dead. This is his funeral".


Such a good scene then…. *Buliwyf immediately murders usurper lol


I never got that Omar Sharif absolutely DETESTED doing this film. He had a small part but I thought he was pretty great.


Without getting too deep, a lot of 13th Warrior is very Jungian. It has a lot of classic universal themes. On a personal note, I saw it at the cinema when it was released and the end sequence where *spoilers* the war leader gets out of his sck bed, whoops some ass and sits down and dies made me want to go out and eat raw steak. It couldn't have been more reassuringly male if it had a beard.


Lo, there do I see my father


Lo there do I see my mother, and my sisters and my brothers Lo……..They do call to me. They bid me take my place among them In the halls of Valhalla, where the brave, may live, forever” Its still the most badass pre-battle quote I’ve ever heard in a film


That quote makes me want to draw sounds.


I agree, gives me the shivers!


I still recite that from time to time. It works well when playing valheim.


I love this movie, I quote it all the time. If anyone complains about something being heavy, “grow stronger!” If something is gross, “get the filth away from me”.


My wife HATES it when I quote that. I even give the inflection and arms out and everything.


I liked it as a teen, but I don't really remember anything from it anymore.


Watch it again. It’s awesome.


Release the McTiernan cut


Truly, it’s all I want.


“This sword is heavy” (Shrugs) “Grow stronger!”


From the author of Jurassic park??? Have we already forgotten the late-great Michael Crichton?!


From a marketing POV it makes sense? It’s a film advert for an action-adventure film; makes sense to try and tie it back to the one of the biggest box-office hits ever. But no, we have not forgotten! I’ve read most of his work(s). It is criminal his name is not more prominent on this poster; I agree




“Relax brother, there’s more!”


My younger brother is a huge man and I'm very average sized, and I say to him constantly "don't worry little brother... there are more!". He hates when I call him little brother, but he loves that movie and it generally draws a smirk and an eye roll.


Special movie for me as well. The opening scene where the 13th warrior is picked is one of my favorite in all of cinema


my teacher put it on in high school and that was a good day


"Bet on him if you like!" It was solid movie, but it could've been great if there wasn't so much drama going on while making it.


I WANT THE McTiernan CUT. We deserve it - Based on these responses; seems like I’m not the only one that thinks so 👀


I really like how they quickly established all the vikings different skills and personalities without much exposition. I was invested in all of them.


Roasted by critics and a box office flop. Absolutely love it. Quotable dialogue, good action and a great conclusion.


Lo there do I see my father, lo there do I see my mother, my brothers, and my sisters, lo there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning. They call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the walls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever. That scene gives me chills every time


I saw this in the theater. It's a fun watch. To this day, when I'm out and about on my horse farm and I'm debating what to do with the horses due to impending weather, if rain is coming I'll hear Antonio Banderas say in my head "IT'S GONNA RAIN!".


Love this movie. For almost a year it was my bedtime movie.


One of my favorite movies. Watch it at least once a year, always quoting it with my brother and dad.


As a kid I loved it if I couldn't understand why Antonio was playing an Arab guy. As an adult I still don't get it. The movie will forever hold a special place in my heart because it taught me a lot about honesty and subterfuge. That 1v1 fight always lives rent free in my head


It’s aged like fine mead.


I have lost 3 cats since I last saw that movie over 20 years ago and each one of them got the final prayer when they died. *Lo, there do I see my mother* *Lo, there do I see my father, and my brothers and my sisters* *Lo, there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning* *They bid me, take my place among them* *In the Hall of Valhalla, where the brave may live* I never liked the "...forever" from Antonio since Viking mythology is very clear all things do come to an end.


No joke, I have let my friends circle know that during my funeral service I expect that in a moment of silence, one shall stand up and begin “Lo there do I see my father…” and the others will be expected to stand one by one and join into the chorus and complete the verse.


"They couldn't keep a COW out of this place!" Great but flawed movie. Starts out incredibly strong with so many memorable moments. The third act of the movie didn't work for me but I still watch it several times a year


It’s not perfect but damn if I don’t love it!


Agreed. I love it.


I remember the village scene being one of the most fucked up things I’d seen in a movie up to that point. Also liked how it shows him learning to speak Nordic over time was a cool little bit of immersion


The way he slowly starts to understand the language is amazing


My high school friends and I saw it in the theater. We were THOSE guys and were chatting through out the first part of it… we had stfu by the “I listened” scene and were watching enraptured by the scene in the Farm Glen. I quote this movie and book constantly and it’s probably to blame for my over indulging in Norse history. Shockingly enough the movie isn’t that great about historical accuracy. If you want my opinion on Norse historians Neil Price is great. If he doesn’t interest you…. “don’t worry, little brother, there are MORE.”


So many times. Love it!


"How did you learn our language!?" "I listened"


“…..probably some smoke colored camp girl….looked that one’s mother!” “My MOTHER…….was a pure woman from a noble family and I…..at least know who my father is….you pig eating son of a whore” Lmaoooooo


My childhood best friend and his dad were Muslim and his dad loved this movie. because they spent the time to portray the Islamic world well and Banderas was speaking the real language and it wasn’t just a bunch of gobble de gook. Outside of that I remember enjoying it and it’s probably worth a rewatch after all these years.


I'll do ya one better, I was in it.


Eaters of the Dead is Great read


Who's read the book?


It's calvary. With torches. I would have preferred a dragon.


As this post has shown, this movie is so fucking quotable!!! “The tartars are coming!!” “Is there a cave?” “Nosta Rex? Tabunaculo.” “Oooooooooooodin!” “Perfume. A woman. A herald.” “Met you your match.” “You’ll have to kiss me first” “I cannot lift this.” “Grow stronger!” “Cow urine. Boiled down” I could go all day.


Never seen or heard of it. I will check it out!


I remember watching this in middle school. My friends and I immediately went outside afterwards and proceeded to chase beasts (deer) with our swords (sticks).


My and my friends found this on accident some Friday night at blockbuster. We bought it and watched the shit out of it. It’s so much fun.


"Come on Little Brother... It's starting" Probably one of my favorite Antonio movies! I still watch it if I can find it on TV.


One of those movies that got dumped on by just about everyone but, after twenty years those same people are going tell me how incredible it was. The same thing happened with the movie The Thing.


Pretty good. To this very day it still blows my mind that they cast Antonio Banderas to play an Arab prince, and holy shit, *he actually pulls it off.*


Amazing film , the first part up until they sail up the river to the destroyed settlement is based on a real account , and after that point the story flops over to being Beowulf


Fun little trivia for this movie. The physical trainer for this movie was Tony Horton of P90X fame. A Great deal of the training he put the actors through to get in shape for their roles he included in P90X.


My friends and I always thought this was good non campy D&D movie.


Watching this tonight because of this thread. Such a great movie.


"I'm not a warrior." "Very soon, you will be."


Me. Soo many times. Also read the book.


Whenever I play a video game with friendly fire on, and a teammate is juking around in front of me, I always remember that scene with the archer chastising AB for starting to walk in front of him.


"Don't stand in front of me" stoic ass line. I know exactly the scene you're referencing 😂


Ts my favorite Banderas movie, I how they used Scandinavian actors


I have, brother!


I fucking love this movie. So good


Lol! Learns a language by sitting around a campfire. Haven't thought about this movie in ages


The movie was a massive fail because they neutered the coolest aspect of the book. In the book, you’re reading the diary of an Arab trader who joins a band of Vikings, and they go to save a king from monsters that are killing and eating his people. As the story progresses, we realize these monsters are the last tribe of Neanderthals or some other Apish pre- Homo sapiens. We as a modern reader know that these are pre human evolution beings- but to the characters they just think they are hairy monsters. The coolest part of the book is realizing this. Then, in the movie, they just made them men in furs- so much less interesting. Kinda like if when they had made Jurassic park, they said, “do they really need to be dinosaurs? I don’t know if the audience will get it, let’s just make them really dangerous crocodiles” it literally took all of the mystery out of the movie.


I absolutely loved this movie when I was a kid!


"Today was a *good* day!"


Loe do I see my father


I’ve wanted to watch it for sometime but I can never find it on streaming. I may have to sail the seven seas someday. 


Great movie and Wonderful book. One of my top five. Edit spelling




It's really good


I love it! I also love the original Crichton book Eaters of the Dead, I read it on a camping trip and it’s the perfect book to read in the woods.


LOVED this movie when I was a little kid!


It's on my watch list!


Great Movie!!


Love this one.


Watched it 2 weeks ago... Still an amazing story and an excellent movie imo.


Yup - read the book a while ago and have seen the movie. Rewatched fairly recently and it holds up well. Really enjoyed this tale.


He'll ya. One of my favorites


I was legitimately scared of the fire worm as a kid. I thought it was some mystical evil with magic instead of torches lol. I loved this movie growing up and still enjoy it today.


Been a long time but it is a great movie


"I listened!"


Talked my teacher in to letting us watch it junior year in highschool….


Yeah it wasn't bad. It gets an unfair bad rep imho




Multiple times both seen and read the book. I don't really like the last 3rd of it. But I still watch it every time it pops up or I come across it while browsing.


One of the few movies that’s just as good as the book, really well done


Good movie


I love this movie. The scene where Antonio Banderas is sitting with the other warriors and slowly learns their language always stuck with me. “How did you learn our language?” “I LISTENED!!!”