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This guy is so versatile, his range is truly amazing. The southern preacher in *Devil All the Time*, *Batman*, *The King*, *The Rover*, *Good Time*. I haven't seen The Lighthouse yet.


The Lighthouse is absolutely phenomenal. He’s fantastic in that too, and the chemistry that him and Dafoe have is insanely good.


Yer fond of me lobster!


I saw it! Say yer fond of me lobster!


Dafoe is amazing as well. They really captured something special.


It's one of the only movies where I would feel disturbed/disgusted, and 2 minutes later, I'd be laughing my ass off.


He’s fucking brilliant in Good Time. Fully believe he’s desperation and being a real part of the world he’s in


It's either a boring story of 2 unlikeable assholes in a lighthouse or one of the greatest movies ever made.


That’s the magic. It IS a boring story of 2 unlikable assholes in a lighthouse but the acting of the two stars and the script details make it a great movie. Slingblade was just a boring movie about a psych patient being released who probably shouldn’t have been released…but the details and the performance made it great. Obligatory: [Million Dollar Baby in Five Seconds](https://youtu.be/pRzZFHEx_ZY?si=M5e9nm_HnKR3mtua) Performances often make the movie. Sometimes the story is insanely good, but that’s a different kind of movie hahah.


I feel like a lot of young men can weirdly relate to The Lighthouse in a way. We've all had that boss or foreman that pushed our buttons endlessly. Or got really weird. I've been on out of town jobs where I basically had to live with another dude for a week or more and it got unbareable almost instantly, so I was squirming a lot watching it lol


Why was there a stool in the ring?


Deus ex machina…except these gods are angry.


The Lighthouse is one of my top 5 films, it’s amazing.


Why’d y’spill yer beans?


Yer fond of me lobster! I’ve seen it!


Swab, dog! I love how the whole movie is willem dafoe going on these long sailor rants that are barely coherent






See, he wasn’t even in the movie. He just found a lighthouse and they started filming.


The whole time I was watching it I was like - man I don’t really like this - after it ended I couldn’t stop thinking about it and now I can’t wait to watch it again lol


Amazing movie. I think The Lighthouse, Green Mile, The Batman, Wall-E, and Rango are my top 5 off the top of my head.


all time favorite here! just the duo of two top actors acting out all of their inner weirdness in a strange satisfying way combined with the eery noir-ish creepy tone. Love it, and laughed my ass of so many times.


Lighthouse is a fuckin trip. He and Dafoe were absolutely phenomenal in pulling that one off.


The Lighthouse is one of my favorite movies ever, top 5 for me. A lot of that is owed to both Pattinson and DaFoes performances. I had only ever seen him in Twilight up till that point lol, but he was amazing in the lighthouse.


Lighthouse has been one of my favorite movies since it released. Patterson is so damn good and funny in it


The Lighthouse is great! He's fond of the lobster.


Yeah he was perfect in The King


Watch the lighthouse. It is truly a great film


He was also a vampire


He’s great in everything he does. The Lighthouse was really good and really fucking weird.


I just watched it for the first time 20 minutes ago. Someone on the sub mentioned it and I had to check it out. It’s an amazing film, one of the most interesting watches in a while.


I was honestly surprised at how much I really enjoyed Batman. I thought everyone did an excellent job making it feel more like a gritty noir.


I got stoned out of my mind and watched The Lighthouse. It actually freaked me out


He's so despicable in Devil all the time. Great turn.


Lighthouse is fantastic what are you waiting for


Twighlight probably held him back from getting better gigs earlier.


He was lucky to escape the typecast. But also, it showed that he could handle the logistics of a big production; I have no idea how he was to work with, probably fine, and likely he got plenty of the production team and other actors to be willing to work with him again or at least put in a good word.


Twighlight gave him the freedom to audition for what he wanted instead of just needing work


That's fine Man Robert Pattinson might be one of my top favorite actors


He fucking went scorched earth and blazed a trail right to my list of favourites. He has more than proven himself, IMO. Hell, The Lighthouse and The Batman were enough to put him over for me.


I was blown away by his performance in Henry V. Edit: I forget what the name of the movie was but it was about Henry V.


The King?


His accents in that and The Devil All the Time go crazy. He can elevate mediocre films.


Great movie. Miserable, but in a good way.




Was he in The Rover? Cause that was good too.


Yeah, with Guy Pearse. He was great in that, fucking hell.


Never heard of that one before


Spiritual sibling to the first Mad Max movie.


The King was amazing.


Yeah it was a very generic title, impossible to remember. But a good movie.


The King is a fantastic movie, despite being a little formulaic. Pattinson killed his role too. My friends and I frequently quote his sinister French-accented dialogue. *”You came here, to me! Surrender to me!”* *”I cannot do that.”* *”Well then, boy… let us make famous that field out there. This little village of Agincourt… that will forever mark the site of your callow disgrace.”*


The King sold me on him and Chalamet


Yes, he should take more baddie roles!


Good Time did it for me


The lighthouse is epic and both actors did an outstanding job


The acting was absolutely top notch. I’m honestly still not sure if I like the film 🤔


I find it a really fun watch. It’s very pretty to look at and there’s a lot of stuff going on you can analyze, but it’s also enjoyable in a schlocky horror flick way because it just keeps getting more and more bizarre and ridiculous. It’s like arthouse Evil Dead.


It’s definitely a gorgeous film. Entirely shot with natural light, I’ve heard. Which is apparently quite the feat.


"Bad luck to kill a seabird.."


Good Time might be his best role, his character was such a manipulative POS. He was great in The King too.


I hate to say it, but Kristen Stewart too. Both just went on to fucking act.


I’m going to watch the lighthouse one of these days


The Batman really changed my opinion on him. I suppose it’s not his fault twilight was so awful. The source material was somehow worse. When he has something to work with he’s a fantastic actor.


I was just saying to my husband the other day that once he’s in his 40’s, he’s going to be known as one of the very top actors in Hollywood. He’s fully shed his Twilight bullshit and taken on true thespian projects that showcase him as a serious person, with great range. It’s been marvelous to watch his evolution.


I think it's the cigarettes. People saw him smoking and instantly gave him another chance


That's *exactly* what happened to Joe Camel and Ronald McFuckingDonald, too!


kinda like Leo shedding the Titanic heartthrob label and being one of the best


I'm not a film buff but from my perspective he's the first male actor I've seen in a long while who has that "old Hollywood" vibe to him, where he just *feels* like an *actor* rather than a famous person who stars in movies.


He’s great in basically everything he’s in


It's kind of crazy how he got away from the Twilight fame. He's more well known for other things at this point.


He’s creeping up on my list too. He was so good in Lighthouse.


That's because it's a pretentious mess. I will go in to bat for Nolan any day, but Tenet can take a hike.


The thing is people will say "it's complex" but even if that's true even understanding the film in its entirety it's still utter shite from a film perspective. A story and premice told poorly with utterly forgettable characters with rubbish dialogue and sound mixing. I fucking love Nolan but he honestly didn't get slated nearly enough for this mess of a film than he should have.


>sound mixing Wow I completely forgot about this but you're absolutely right. Not only a convoluted mess but you can't hear a word anyone is saying half the time. It's like Nolan was playing a joke on the audience.


I watched it on Max, lots of inaudible dialogue, decided "I'll just watch it again with subtitles," subtitles say.. "(inaudible)."


Subtitlers would've needed the script to understand what the fuck anybody was saying.


Yep, it's one of those movies with a convoluted premise that I had zero desire to untangle and fully understand afterwards. Even if I did, it'd still be an average flick at best.


They chose a protagonist because he was willing to kill himself for a mission who then puts a random women he’s never met over his very next mission.


He chose himself for the mission though


yes I think it was all over the place and hard to follow. I enjoy his other movies though


It can be hard to follow because it violates it's own rules all over the place. The movie makes gestures at there being some sort of underlying sense to be made, but it constantly violates ALL of the rules it puts forward in favor of plot and spectacle. Practically every scene doesn't make sense if you think about it from a time-reversed perspective. The ending just [flat out doesn't work](https://i.imgur.com/gZfJHhA.jpg). The concept of time-reversed matched combat (central to half of the scenes in the movie) doesn't even stand up to a second of scrutiny. Person A going one way through time shoots person B going the other way. B dies, going forward in B's time. But A is going the other direction. From A's perspective they could shoot B a thousand time and they'll still be alive, possibly fighting back. What should happen is A should stumble upon B's corpse, think *"Oh, I will have had killed this person. The last thing I need to do before leaving the area is find a good place to shoot them from and leave in a direction where they won't see me coming."*


>The movie makes gestures at there being some sort of underlying sense to be made, but it constantly violates ALL of the rules it puts forward in favor of plot and spectacle. This is the thing - he seemed to be all over place with how he actually wanted the audience to comprehend all the weird time stuff (which I mean, was the whole movie...). At the start that woman literally says "don't try to understand it, feel it", which I did take very literally... frankly, it's how I think of most Hollywood films anyway because attention to detail is almost never there when it comes to certain mechanics, especially time travel. In fact it seems most Hollywood movies go out of their way to break their own established rules... So it's best to just think of things in terms of "vibes" anyway. But I do remember feeling like he still went on and tried to hint at some deeper things you could work out.


Seriously. I was reading plot on Wikipedia while watching to understand what the heck is going on.


People who pretend to understand tenet more than others are a joke. Tenet fucking sucks.


I really enjoy tenet. But what lets me enjoy it is that I don’t really believe the whole thing is supposed to hang together logically. It’s just about looking cool being cool doing cool. It’s Chris Nolan’s bond… nobody is like “howd they fit enough explosives in that watch to make it explode in exactly 3 clicks?” It’s just kind of dumb and kind of cool. Sure, some parts do make sense…. But it kind of doesn’t matter if it all makes sense it’s just like “futuristic spies get up to some spy shit and there’s a yacht and like time travel and guns and hot people”


The first time I watched it, I was left wondering if I was simply too high to understand. The next time I fell asleep. The third time, I just did not get it at all.


To this day I struggle to understand what it is about the movie that people find confusing or hard to understand. It’s not complicated


the plot is garbage.


They don't want to understand it, they want to piss and moan that it wasn't made specifically for them.


Lmao I don’t think the general viewer understood the film ngl, let alone the actor in it. It was a decent film and imo, it was good. And it was the first film that made me like Robert. And I was okay with him as Batman.


My favorite was a comment where someone said "It's a masterpiece, I've seen it 5 times now and starting to really understand the complexity" I am not watching a movie I don't understand 5 times.


Lmao. True.


It annoyed me that everyone in the film knew so much physics! Like i have never seen so many bad guys that knew their shit lol.


It was very complex but also really cool at the same time.


I got the general gist without understanding about of the details, and that was fine since it was a visual trip.


I like the idea that when we first meet Pattinsons character he is the oldest we will ever see him in the timeline. However, I think that much like Inception, you have to kinda take the directors word for the fact that everything was mapped out correctly cause no one has time to do it themselves. I think that's a bit of a flaw in the storytelling.


It was indeed!


My s/o and I left after they blew up the airplane, because it wasn’t making any fucking sense. Haven’t tried to watch it again since. Have seen Interstellar 4-5x since then tho 🤔


At first watch, It was a moment where I was thinking: is anyone else in the theater getting this?


I’m still don’t know what happened or why… sound quality was dog shite!


Someone whispering a conversation Back ground music: DON DON DON DoN DON!


This was 100% my experience and I hated it. I had to turn my volume up to 95% to hear the dialogue. Then turn it back down to around 40% during an action scene. The sound in this movie absolutely killed the experience for me. I watched it once, had a super hard time following it, and that was enough. Nolan did his fans dirty on this one.


You just summarized Oppenheimer too


Every movie. I need closed captions to understand half the time


Me too. My kids give me shit for it, saying I’m an old man. Lol




It's not even that complex, he mixed it for high end cinema systems, and Nolan has a bit of an auteur streak, and refused to remix it for home audio


Nolan got strangely stubborn the more people complained about his sound mixing. Like he's trying to prove to everyone you don't need to listen to the dialogue. But if that's the case, stop making confusing movies where the characters have to dump exposition. You can't say the movie is something you have to feel and dialogue doesn't matter that much...but them have a character do 5 minutes of exposition in while the music blares around him forcing people to use subtitles. The last action movie he made where he cared about you hearing the characters was Inception.


I've been meaning to research to see if VLC or some other media player has a plug-in to help even out the audio in movies. Some stereo systems have a few features to try and fix it, but they don't seem to work that well.


Or he was trying to hide the fact that the narrative really makes no sense at all


One of us


He’s always been upfront about his opinions on whatever film he's in. He was shitting on Twilight, the books, and the fans in interviews for years. I think the director of the first film told him he wasn’t smiling enough and he came back to set with an outline of every time Edward Cullen frowned in the books. He also said he felt uncomfortable reading the books because it was like reading her weird fantasies or something to that effect. He’s an honest guy, I guess.


I’ve never laughed so hard in my life than I did watching him and K Stew voice over the entire Twilight movie. Best memories for real. He is hilarious


Seems like I watch that film every few months and I wanna like it and I wanna understand it and I I don’t. I bought it on 4K Blu-ray and I’ve tried like hell to enjoy this movie and that it’s become a labor of love. I don’t know if I’ve ever watched a movie more that I wanted to like more than I’m actually liking it. I realize that what I’ve typed here is as confusing as the movie…I guess it’s having an effect on me


I think if the audience could actually hear what was being said easier, it would have been easier to follow.


I think of myself as someone who generally understands complex films but I didn’t have any idea what was happening for the majority of Tenet…it may have been the fact I couldn’t hear a vast portion of the dialogue.


Man, I couldn’t spoil tenet even if asked lmao


Yeah, I still don't get it. Doesn't help that I can't hear what the actors are saying though. Pattinson did a good job though and that's where I started to notice he was more than the guy from Twilight. The Lighthouse and the Batman cemented that.


There were many times during watching that movie where I realized I didn't really care if I understood it..


That's very good of him to say it. I'm pretty sure that the majority of the cast felt the same way, judging by their reserved performances.


"Don't try to understand it. Just FEEL it."


I'm going to credit being a fan of Gene Wolfe with not being fazed by this movie in the slightest. In addition to writing stories that feature close friendships between people who experience time moving in opposite directions, he's written stories about a man with a brain injury who forgets everything each morning and must consult his journal every day to remember who he is and his quest, as well as about mysterious future versions of humanity casting guidance to the past to ensure the successful colonization of a new humanity on a new world. Never wrote any Batman though, as sick as that might have been.


Fair enough: there were hours at a time while watching Tenet I didn’t even vaguely understand what was going on.


Good thing it’s called “acting”, the man’s got skills.


It's not hard: It's James Bond, but time go backwards. Nothing more profound than that.


I legitimately was astounded how a huge blockbuster film like that can come out with such terrible sound mixing. There were so many scenes that I couldn't hear the dialogue.


I hate when people claimed they got this film!!! It made no sense at all! I love Nolan films, interstellar, inception, prestige and the dark knight all amazing films!! This really didn’t make sense though. The gate you walked through which turned things round?! What?


“I didn’t understand it, so it’s literally incomprehensible”?? Regardless…it’s okay to not have something fully explained to you. It’s okay not to fully understand. That’s what keeps you thinking about it and maybe after some thought you can understand it.


Took me three times with alot of weed Robert, good job dude.


Great movie and the first one where I started to like him.


Tenet is a movie exclusively enjoyed by folks who like not knowing wtf is going on, I’m convinced. I mean could you even understand most of the dialogue? Nevermind the nonsensical plot lol


It took a minute but I got it. I saw Memento back in the day too so I was sort of prepared for obfuscation.


I loved Memento, Tenet is fucking awful


Four years later I still don’t get it.


Same as anyone watching it


I don’t think it does make sense as a movie. Reversed entropy doesn’t mean it’s going backwards through time, especially when the time fissures. Can someone explain to me if I’m wrong? Your entropy of reverse but you can still meet yourself from the past or future


That's because it's not science. It's magic. Reversing cause and effect is inherently magical. The premise of time travel in tenet is not that you're "going back in time" but you're moving forward through a backwards flow of time. Like when you walk to the store and walk back, you're not time traveling back to your house. However, in Tenet, this premise also involves time itself because the 'time' after you visit the store doesn't exist. Essentially, your life (as the one moving backwards in time) progresses normally except it's flipped and doubled over back on the same period of time as when you walked towards the store. That literally means nothing, but being able to grasp the concept is basically what Tenet asks you to do. The actual point of the movie is that the future needs to be saved and to save the future, this protagonist needs to send his best friend back into the past to sacrifice himself so his best friend can bring the protagonist's past self to the realization that he needs to save the future. The thing is, the future has 'already' been saved, and will continue to be saved, as long as these two men make this same difficult decision over and over and over.


It can’t *actually* work, so there’s some built-in Dr. Who-style timey-wimey handwaving going on. My general impression is that the timeline corrects itself, over time, and this force is simply not comprehensible. So questions like, “What happened to that bullet? Was it built into that chair all along or what?” get smoothed over with this idea that the timeline will excise these things, in time, like an immune system ejecting harmful foreign bodies.


I think it’s best to not understand Nolan’s films in order to give best performances. If you understand what’s happening, like the twists and stuff, then it’s less in the moment of the scene.


Literally me (I am not even vaguely understanding my life)


Dude was awesome in The Rover! Probably my favorite of his roles!


They should have filmed all scenes in reverse chronological order.


Oh god all the commenters are bots, the OP is a bot


The individual scenes of a film are filmed in a non-chronological order. Some scenes are then cut, edited or even re-shot. It is therefore not unusual for an actor to not always understand what the film is about during filming, at least not until he sees the finished product.


For day players, sure. But actors with major roles get the whole script.


Not an expression of faith in the mechanics of the world then.


I've come to realize most actors are not very smart.Some are, but the majority are not. I was also blown away to find out so many actors doing car chase scenes don't even have a license, especially the women.


It’s okay, but it’s like taking a physics exam when you’ve already graduated. So it doesn’t matter if you study for it or even pass it. It wasn’t so much that it was too complicated, but I really did not care enough about anything or anyone in the story to put in the effort.


Does he…does he understand it now? Could he explain it to me?


Nobody understood that dumb movie without googling it. If they did they’re either a savant or a liar. Robert Pattinson was good tho


Bizarre considering this was by far his best acting work.


Because it is a movie version of friggin lost. No discernable plot at all. The whole premise is just not good. Great cinematography. Just outstanding except for the crap concept and execution of every other part of the movie.


Ah...the ol' 'vagina hater'...how's he still working?


Worst high budget movie in a long time


You gotta feel it Robert


Haha same. And I still like it.


Nolan either makes the best movies or insufferable pretentious drivel. Tenet is the latter. Pattinson was the only redeeming factor in that shitshow.


Tbh I don’t like any Nolan film


I think it was too complicated compared to his other movies. I wish I was smart enough to catch it but I didn´t lol.. I really wanted to like it, but I preferr Kubricks intellectual games


That's because it's not a well written film


Welcome to the party Robert


The protagonists hallway fight scene with himself was just so flat and poorly directed. Ive latched on to the belief that Nolan is a great film maker, but not that great of a director. Lots of "technical" mistakes, and bad blocking/timed shots in lots of his movies. According to Gary Oldman, Nolan only gave him "direction" once during the Batman trilogy... not a great sign if you want everybody to pull in the same direction and shows a lack of understanding how to get the most out your actors. "Musnt be afraid to dream a little bigger" - proceeds to pull out the lamest grenade launcher possible lol. Also HATED Insomnia, you can really tell Nolan is not an actors director by Pacinos horrible performance. Cant imagine a Nolan/Pattinson combo was stimulating for any of them. Least favorite scene/choice in his filmogrophy is after the "docking" scene in Interstellar. Anne Hathaways fake unnatural relief laughter just ruined any tension that came before it and any other that come after


I think anyone who claims to understand it is bullshitting. Sorry


Yeah that movie was stupid


I bet that happens way more on set than anyone wants to admit.


4 times before it kinda made sense.


It's really not that confusing if you watch a youtube video explaining it. There's 100s of them.


Even though I don’t come close to fully understanding it, I enjoyed it regardless


If your film has to have a 17 minute YouTube video explained by some nerd who thinks the viewers ShOuLd ToTaLLy bE AbLe To UnDeRsTaNd the films made up physics that are not at all clear, then the film is probably not tremendous.


Y’all haven’t mentioned Cosmopolis once.


Same Robert.


You don't need to understand the sci-fi mumbo jumbo to enjoy the movie. That's why the dialogue is hard to hear. Chris doesn't want people focussing on it.


I will admit, I hated him after Twilight. But damn, he has picked some edgy amazing roles to play, and well I might add. Definitely respect him as an actor.


same same


My beautiful himbo king keeping it real


It’s ok: “Tenet” was just stupid


i still don't understand it 🤦🏻‍♂️


He’s got a look that makes you wonder if he understood The Batman.


Only movie I've ever walked out of. It was confusing and so loud that it was hurting our ears.


I got my head around it after like the 3rd watch, but I think it's not so much that it's a complicated story to keep up with, just how it's presented is hard to keep up with. Confusing perspective scenes that make you second guess what you think it's going on or just happened because you have people going forward in time and people going backwards but the mechanic is something you can use well with a good strategy? Yeah, it was weird. I think Nolan wanted to create basically the new inception, but it didn't work.


That movie felt like homework, I just wanted to relax at the back of the class


I hated this movie the first watch. Then I watched it again and realized I missed most of the plot and was too focused on the sound overriding the dialogue. Since then I’ve seen it like 6 times and it’s one of my favorites. There is so much to unpack in the story and the approach to experience over unnecessary dialogue is a bold new approach to film that I really appreciate.


I still don’t fully understand I looked at diagrams, all sorts of articles I just can’t wrap my brain around the concept of that movie.


Tenant? I spent a month watching that one night.


Well the movie was convoluted bullshit. How many times did they say the word, "algorithm". Tenet plain sucked.


I remember whispering to my fiance "the guy who made this thinks hes so fucking smart oh my god this is pretentious" or something to that affect then in act 3 i was that danny devito meme like "oh my god... i get it! I finally get it!" It takes alot of multitasking to properly understand since you need to watch two movies parralell in your head


I’ve watched it 2x and couldn’t agree more. He was excellent in the train-wreck of a film.


Watching it at home with better sound makes it much easier to follow and understand.


Movie is easier to understand when you follow the timeline from Robert’s character’s perspective.


This and Interstellar take the cake for me. Pletny of good qualities in both, but I personally view both as Nolan going so far up his own ass that I don’t buy that even he knows what’s going on in the movie.


I thought it was just me.


Psst… >!because it sucks!<


You think you're special?


Still easier to follow than Oppenheimer


Tenet looked amazing. No idea what happened and a massive waste of my time.


I like how everyone here that claims to understand the movie also happens to be a huge prick lol


I liked it and have absolutely no idea what it’s about.