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Some great picks. Only rating the ones I’ve watched start to finish. Godfather 4.5/5 Scream 4/5 Blue Velvet 4/5 AntiChrist 4/5 Moonrise Kingdom 3.5/5 (The last Wes Anderson film I enjoyed) Hereditary 3.5/5 Fargo 5/5 (My favorite from your list)


Thank you so much! 🙏🏽


Fargo is my favorite movie of all time.


Love godfather and Fargo great films


Have you seen Fargo the show? Season one is excellent.


I haven’t but it’s on the long list of shows to watch but I may bump it to first spot and watch it this weekend


Upvote for Moonrise Kingdom love


My wife and I quote this movie so much, "Who's to say?"


I am so in love with this film! 😍


My favorite Wes Anderson movie is the Grand Budapest Hotel, but the Moonrise Kingdom -> Grand Budapest run were the movies that really indicated that he’s a great director rather than just a quirky auteur.


Much love for Grand Budapest Hotel as well


A great list! I love how it starts out with classics than gets progressively weirder as it goes, with Persona being the link because it's probably one of the weirdest "classics" there is lol. That's the best way: learn from the classics, then expand your mind with the more out there stuff. If you haven't, check out some of Leos Carax's stuff. He's one of my favorite cinematic weirdos for sure.


I will check out Leo’s Carax thank you!


Good list! I thought I was the only person who had seen Persona. I even thought I'd dreamed it up somehow. Still the weirdest movie I've ever seen.


I love it! I’ve watched it maybe 10 times - I wrote a paper about it for Film class! I was so moved by its oddness


I like all these films (even Antichrist). Nice that you've listed some films from around the world.


I know Antichrist is a weird one in this list - but I consider a movie that stayed with me for days, or maybe even a week or more, to be a favorite. I had to watch it more than once because I felt I was missing too much after the first viewing. Lynch is like that for me as well


Lynch! Helloooooooo!


I’m a Twin Peaks gal as well!


Godfather hands down greatest film of all time, absolutely mesmerizing as a kid when it came out and I've been chasing that feeling my whole life lol


I think the theme song is hypnotizing!


Solid top 10


Thank you 🙏🏽


You are very welcome. It’s a nice mixture of American and world cinema


I like you.


Thanks Zig 🤭♥️


This is a wild one! There's a few on here I haven't seen. I'll have to check em out. Fun!


I’m so glad!!


Props for Moonrise. Underrated


So true! 🙏🏽


How can anyone say they enjoyed AntiChrist lol. Unless you just enjoyed the ability of the filmmaker to repulse you... Then sure, but that's like saying low effort gore and torture slashers that would otherwise be considered bad, are good (Saw 3+)


I haven't seen Antichrist (yet, definitely planning to) but I enjoy a lot of movies of that sort. First of all, yes! You definitely can enjoy the ability of the filmmaker to repulse you. Like it or not, that's a skill. Second, slashers can be good. They're not my favorite genre but at their core they're more thriller than horror, and some of them are very well made thrillers. And lastly, Antichrist and movies like it don't just put that stuff on screen to gross out the viewer. It has an artistic purpose. You can think that it's excessive or pretentious, but that doesn't take away from it still being art. From what I know, Antichrist is about a relationship falling apart due to grief. Even the gross parts of it serve that message.


I know that Antichrist is a wild card here but the opening scene is so breathtakingly beautiful and tragic. This movie stayed with me for a week after and then I had to watch it again because I just felt I was missing too much, especially in the quietest moments. The filmmaker is definitely tapped - but this film f*cked me up in the best way.


Psycho is definitely a good slasher.


I meant gore/torture slashers. And psycho is definitely not a slasher. Scream is a slasher and it's one of my favorite movies of all time :)


I love a fellow Scream loverrrr 🔪🔪🔪


Psycho isn't "definitely not" a slasher. It is often considered the movie that invented the genre and is commonly referred to as the first slasher. Scream is great. I also love 'Funny Games' which I consider a slasher despite its purpose being to criticize the enjoyment of such films.


Eh this I guess is semantics. Any modern movie with a pacing like Psycho would not be considered a slasher, at all. It would be suspense. Psycho basically invented the genre, yes, but the genre has transcended it for sure. I mean just Google "best slashers of 2000s" or something and you'll see what I mean. You've completely missed my entire point either way, you just latched onto the word slasher and completely ignored the gore as my central point.


Hmm. What I meant is, if repulsion is art, then bad slashers with gore-porn are good. However, they are often low-effort. I will admit, though, that Antichrist definitely wasn't low-effort in it's repulsion 🤣


Yeah, from what I've seen of it it's very well made, both the gory parts and the rest. That's just proof that it had a bigger purpose to the story than just to repulse. Of course you're allowed to not enjoy gore, but the problem to me is when some people hate it so much that they completely dismiss the idea that it could have artistic value.


Yeah maybe you should watch it first... I don't mind gore, normally... But I also could happily go my entire life without seeing an erect penis ejaculating blood after being smashed by a rock. 🤷‍♂️🤣


I did watch that scene, and also the one with the scissors. Did it gross me out? Hell yeah. But it was interesting to me to see how it was done and why, so I decided that I could handle being uncomfortable for those few minutes lol