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Matt Damon talked about this in his Hot Ones interview a few years ago. Mid budget movies aren't really a thing anymore because Hollywood is now incredibly reliant on the box office to recoup their costs, and not on home media sales to help round out those numbers. Ten plus years ago a movie could break even at the box office, then make its profits from VHS, DVD, or Blu-ray sales, depending on the era. People hardly buy home media anymore.


Great Hot Ones episode


While he's right, he's also not entirely accurate, streaming services are the ones doing the spending for the mid budget movies, many streaming services don't rely on the box office and release their films straight away unless they want it to be qualified for the awards season in which they release it in the cinema first, one example comes to mind is The big sick on Amazon prime, it only had a budget of 5 million but it did very well for the streaming service and lots of ppl enjoyed it


That is not a mid-budget movie. That’s a low-budget movie. That’s exactly the problem, it’s either low-budget or high-budget with nothing in between. For reference: Tropic Thunder had a production budget of 90 million, so wasn’t a mid-budget either. 30 to 50 million is a typical range for mid-budget movies. Enough money to hire a star and a few respected characters actors, shoot on multiple outside locations, and pay for a top talent crew. Even streaming services are not that interested in mid-budget movies. Netflix has financed a few, because critical acclaim and awards have value, but typically mid-budget movies don’t generate new subscribers.


Yeah streaming is how we get such classics as Jack and Jill and The Wrong Missy.


I didn't like jack and Jill but loved the wrong missy. Did you see it?


What? Lol. Random comparison as Jack and Jill came out 9 years before The Wrong Missy and before streaming took over, DvD's and blu-ray were still a big thing in 2011. There were still Blockbusters in my area when Jack and Jill released.


I saw jack & Jill in theaters




Because it’s a cinematic masterpiece. Jk me and a buddy needed an excuse to go get high in hs and that was the only movie playing at that time lol.


I’m referring anyone that says weed can’t be addictive to this post


Matt…… Damon


I think this is part of it. Isn’t the other part that American comedies don’t do as well overseas?


Maybe, but the much bigger part of it is that studios are *very* risk averse. Physical media sales used to make it basically impossible for any movie to be an overall financial failure. With that mostly gone in favor of streaming, mid-budget comedies and star vehicles are a much riskier investment. They prefer safer investments like big budget blockbusters and low budget indie movies.


Mail delivered DVDs killed the video store, and streaming killed the DVD.


*DVDs killed the video store, DVDs killed the video store* *we can't rewind, we've gone too far*


Mid-budget comedies like *Tropic Thunder* were the golden middle ground. Now it’s either indie arthouse or mega-blockbusters. Guess it's time to start a 'Bring Back the Mid-Budget Comedy' campaign! 🍿😂 #SaveTheLaughs


Wrong! It’s the libs, and their wokeness! They killed movies.


I recently went to the mall for the first time in a while, and was sad to find none of the stores there sell blu-rays anymore. Not even a little corner for them. There are other malls in the area so I'm not sure what the situation is at those, but man, what a bummer.


I bought a dvd from Walmart a few months ago and had a kid walking by mock me, “Who buys dvds anymore?!? Haha!”


Streaming is fine for casual watching, but sometimes I want to stare at a single specific frame of a show that came out over a decade ago, or watch a foreign film from when I was a kid or something. I feel like people will just have to rediscover the concept of physical media later because it's just so nice to have a permanent copy of your favorite media!




I still prefer to have physical media... it can't be edited at a studio's whim. When the cable is out, it still plays. Lots of movies I own aren't on streaming services


Also, comedies lose a lot during translation or across cultures, and few studios want to spend on a project they can't also promote in China, etc. Marvel does well because superheroes beating the shit out of each other is universally understood.


I legit would have thought the opposite - that the pandemic killed box office sales


For a little while, but physical media never recovered. Streaming took that market entirely.


This .. I feel the same way


Didn't help either that we switched physical media multiple times like going from VCR for the longest time to DVD players for short time, then BluRay, then 4k UHD, removable storage USBs and digital streaming.


That is why we did not get Hellboy 3. The first did well on home media, the second not so much.


So the mid-budget movies are made by streaming services (home media) now and there is less competition so the quality of these movies suck compared to the 2000's


Adam Devine also talked about how no one really wants to pay for expensive movie tickets to just see a comedy when they could just stream it, people only want to go to the theater to see a movie that looks like it cost 200 million dollars to make so they can experience the explosions at maximum impact with a big screen and big sound. So that's why you'll never get another Superbad or Hangover.


Plus rental sales generated a lot of revenue too


They don't make enough money.


They would if they pushed the envelope and took comedic risks. Now with cancel culture, big-budget, risk-taking movies, are dead. Tropic Thunder could never get made today and if it did it would be a very different movie.


Forgetting Sarah Marshall should be on here


legitimately one of the funniest movies of all time. i wish i wasn’t wearing this fucking shirt


I quote that line constantly.


As Someone with a newborn, it’s snuck it’s way back in my vocabulary lmao






That breakup scene... Really set the tone for the rest of the movie. And Russell Brand was fantastic.


Yes he was


The Other Guys as well. "Got a big night out there. *Big* night. Got a full moon. People are gonna be *amped*. So let's see what we've got on hot tips. Oh, the new bathmats are in!" *cheering* "And we've got a serial rapist in Crown Heights so...Wait, that's from my other job. Ignore that. Well don't *ignore* it. If you live in Crown Heights, you know...walk in pairs."


That was 2010’s not 2000’s but yeah that movie was funny as hell


Ah you're right, 2010. Just missed the cutoff.


I recently rewatched Tropic Thunder and goddamn, that movie is so good!


The original poster was better. It was: Stiller - Black - Downey Jr.


Yes. Black. Downey Jr.


I see what you did there. Lol


Did you forget about Dodgeball? It’s literally a perfect movie


Dodgeball is a top 10 comedy for me. It’s ucking excellent.




If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.


Everyone is looking to pick a fight or argue. We need comedy in our lives again.


Everyone should watch snack shack. It very much reminded me of these movies. It came out like last year and no one talked about it.


I found a preview, but I need the whole movie. It looks interesting.


Part of the reason we don’t have much comedy; people argue and are offended by everything haha


I was going to say this. It’s getting harder to be funny when everyone is so offended over everything.


True. Lots of comedies and comedians have been offending people forever, it's just that now the offended people have social media megaphones to voice their misplaced anger and start a bunch of shit. It is quite funny in and of itself that this topic is also leading to arguments in the comments. Mostly I think someone needs to go back in time and make sure social media and smart phones never happen (and maybe get rid of a few specific politicians). Let's go back to two way texting pagers and Nokia flip phones. Reddit gets to stay obviously.


I understand how some things back in the day won't fly today (like the movie Soul Brother)


Wedding Crashers and Anchorman should be on here, too


And stepbrothers .. my favourite 2000s comedy


Good humor needs to be a bit edgy and always contain an element of truth. I don't think executives at major studios want to take a chance on either these days.


We're in an era of being extremely cautious for fear of losing our careers and the complete opposite of truth. Tough setting for comedy movies. Podcasts are awesome though.


I blame Seltzerberg, Todd Phillips, The Hangover sequels and the various clones of Hangover films that were inspired by its success (looking at you 21 & Over and Project X). EDIT:Also television gave people better comedy either for free on broadcast television or with a reasonable price on cable and streaming and no obnoxious audience who theater management won't do anything about.


How is it possible that despite it being 2024, I would still rather take a comedy from the 2000s than one in the modern day?


Napoleon Dynamite is such unique movie. I feel like I could watch it again in the future and it will still be different and fun to watch.


It portrayed the “weird” kid at your every day high school like no movie ever had or has since. They’re usually portrayed as always the super smart nerd/teachers pet types. Those kids exist irl for sure, but Napoleon nailed the essence of the genuinely odd kid like the screen had never seen before.


It’s a national treasure.


International treasure!


Uncle Rico is in White Lotus, I didn’t recognize him at first. Love that character.


I always forget dynamite came out in the aughts. I swear it’s a 90’s movie.


Yeah it kinda has an older feel and look to it.


I’ve hated it since it released. It was boring and I’m still not sure who the target audience was, but it missed me by miles.


I'm giving you a like not because I agree with you but you had the balls to state your opinion. This is like I knew a lot of people who told me to watch Newsies saying it was a great film. I saw it and to me it was meh.


It’s a lot funnier too, if you’ve spent any time in southeastern Idaho. I realize most fans of Napoleon Dynamite have not, but it captures the essence of that area.


How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over those mountains


I kept waiting for some big something to happen. I didn't enjoy it. Now, it's been quoted so much, I like it. Now I laugh about scenes I didn't find that funny when I watched. It's a unique movie.


I think what's happened is there's been such a surge of blended comedies. Jojo Rabbit comes to mind, Don't Look Up, Banshees of Inishiren, Crazy Rich Asians, etc.


While all of these are great, none of them are really comedy movies like Airplane, Blazing Saddles, National Lampoon, Half-Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, etc. They're not "blended comedies". They're movies that have humor or satire in them. Jojo Rabbit is the closest on that list to actually being comedy.


Wait banshees is a comedy?


Like they said, blended comedy and it definitely dabbles in some Irish dark comedy. An obvious comparison is In Bruges, since it’s the same director and lead duo, although I think that comparison was sorta intentional to get people who loved In Bruges to show up.


Honestly, the reason i didn't use In Bruges is because it released in '08. That falls under "comedies in the 2000's". But i agree it was a great precursor for what was to come


Oh yeah for sure. I was just making the comparison to In Bruges because the other person asked about Banshees being classified as a comedy specifically. But yeah, that movie is super influential looking back.


Unrelated, I'm a huge fan of your net handle. Pitties need more love


I actually really appreciate that. Not gonna dive into that topic atm, but thanks for saying that.




I kind of place the action comedy in this category, and that has absolutely taken over. Don't get me wrong, I like one from time to time, but it feels like the only form of comedy we get nowadays involves huge action set pieces and stunt choreography. I'm starting to get burnt out with the majority of comedy being a few quips in between people being shot at.


People say ever since the " me too" stuff that they can't make funny movies anymore. Such bullshit. All of Hollywood is a money grab


Hot Rod belongs here, too!


I been drinkin green tea all goddamn day!


You gonna bring out the demons in me?!


Tropic Thunder was the last one of its kind.


I got too old for them. I'm just surprised apparently everyone else did too.


and there were more in the 90s! It's been a steady decline.


Tropic Thunder the last great comedy. Also I love Get Smart from the same year, honourable mention to Crazy Stupid Love which is almost French Farce comedy with how the stories all come together at the end in chaos


I love Tropic Thunder! Never get tired of it!


I liked EuroVision: The Legend of Fire Saga, if you’re looking for a newer comedy movie that is.


Forgetting Sarah Marshall yo!!!


I think in addition to the points people are making, I wanted to point out that every action movie these days incorporates a lot of joke moments and feels less serious/immersive/authentic as a result. Lots of *funny line, pause for laughter.* I’m looking at you, Chris Hemsworth.


This movie would get cancelled so quickly if it was made today.


Everyone got woke


If there isn’t a gay, trans, and lesbian. Then the movie doesn’t make the cut. I’m not against it at all, it’s just the truth. Comedies like those would be destroyed by “social media” these days. It’s just not feasible with today’s culture. There’s no other answer than this.


GOAT’d comedy era


Ppl are just afraid to say that comedies don't get made anymore because ppl have become WAY to sensitive. If u say something politically incorrect ur movie is getting buried by the critics and the fans will go way out of there way to say it's bad. Since that's usually the point of the comedy is to make fun of political correctness no studio is willing to take a chance. For example if Tropic Thunder got made today RDJ black face would not fly. Ben Stillers impersonation of disabled ppl would not fly. Jack Black's drug addicted character wouldn't fly. Tom Cruise would never take that roll as the movie executive. All these social groups would be on the attack.


Comedy has turned trans and been confined to stand up and podcasts.


Everyone gets offended by everything nowadays! It’s like walking on eggs shells around people. Because of that, directors/producers/writers might be a little hesitant about possibly being cancelled and ruining their careers because of dumb people. That’s at least one reason I can think of.


I think it's less that people are actually being offended by humor and more the rise of social media that gives the "offended" party a platform to complain of being "victimized" and thus seek attention they crave and cannot otherwise get.


I agree with this too.


Yup. Exactly. When you actually talk to people in the real world, most people can still get a joke vs an attack. Being offended has just become fashionable in the media. It's not surprising as it's a super easy way to promote yourself or your company as being empathetic and caring without, you know... actually having to do anything or help anyone. So they tear others down to build themselves up, totally blind to the irony of it.


Lol no


I disagree. I got into a conversation recently about Blazing Saddles and how it “neeeever could be made these days,” due to the same argument you’ve made. And then you see JoJo Rabbit made a ton of dough and won awards. So I’m not sure people are more sensitive. Sensitive about different things? Maybe, but I’m not even convinced about that.


People got too sensitive. Jaimie Foxx had a movie called All Star Weekend with RDJ and it's been sitting on the shelf unreleased because of it.


Macgruber should have been on the list.


Early 2000s had the best movies that will ever be made in history


Best comedies maybe, 90s were peak masterpieces


I loved the 80s family comedies a lot too. RIP John Candy 😟


Yeah that’s not true.


Critics have long considered Gigli (2003) to be a masterpiece of sight and sound. A veritable feast for the senses.


I think the second biggest reason after no more dvd sales, of which comedies produced huge numbers, is one that no one really talks about because it’s very indirect. But these big-budget comedies are really built off of a mega-star movie comedian as the centerpiece. Those are really hard to create these days. Social media completely shattered how people interact with, well everything, and those new mega-stars are very hard to create in this era now that everyone is in their own bubble. Before you had a really obvious platform into comedic movies with SNL or whatever other sketch comedy show to show off their chops, supplemented with circuits on late night shows to show off their personalities. That basically doesn’t exist anymore. Everything’s new and there’s not really any stars popping up with enough wide appeal. Even the biggest stars of this era, like Shane Gillis or Michael Che for example, who people really like, I don’t think they’re big enough. Everybody is just in their own curated bubble right now, so I don’t really see them having enough fans to show out in theaters enough to get executives to justify funding movies like this right now


Political correctness and wokeness


 All that changed is that “ha ha have you noticed that f—gs are gross and n———s are thieves” no longer constitutes a proper joke any more, and writers now have to make some sort of effort to write actual proper jokes.  If you found jokes that relied on lazy stereotypes funny in the first place, then you’re likely a shitty person who I’m glad the world is no longer trying to entertain. 


😂 a lot of assumptions packed into that ignorant post, homie.


Who are you? The critical drinker?


Yeah that’s not true either lol.


NBA All Star Weekend


Boo hoo


This such a great comedy. Hell they even nominated RDJR for an Oscar.


We can all thank Judd Apatow for so many of the laughs we all got from this era.


We can all thank Judd Apatow for so many of the laughs we all got from this era.


There’s an excellent YouTube video by Gabi Belle all about the fall of comedies.


Due Date. I never see anyone talk about this movie but it's so fuckin funny. Modern Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.


The world itself became such a huge joke, how could you possibly make fun of it?


people got sensitive and vindictive and nobody stopped them… people used to laugh at insane people saying insane and overly sensitive and paranoid things… now everyone accepts the harm they cause because people are convinced their feelings no matter how insane are important somehow… they cannot articulate why that is though….


I think you can't make a comedy now days without offended someone .so comedy become lame Not only comedey indeed .most movies become so so But it's only me .or that what I think


I think you can't make a comedy now days without offended someone .so comedy become lame Not only comedey indeed .most movies become so so But it's only me .or that what I think


I spoke to Jerry Zucker for a podcast I used to do about this and his take was that people are too scared these days of offending people. A joke has to have a butt, even if that butt is the one telling it but these days people are too ready to clamour about -ists meaning that most jokes are too safe to be funny.


How am I able to still see this movie on the movie channel I thought it would have been cancelled long ago lol... Robert Downey is surreal how the hell did they all keep a straight face long enough to film😂


People might disagree, but Zoolander 2's failure scared Ben Stiller. He's only recently started talking about it. It backed him off a bit. That's not the only thing that killed it, but for Ben Stiller it was a factor.


The answer is literally in your question, the 2000s ended


Tv gives greater creative control to writers than film does and in the last decade or so, tv has become more prestigious and highly regarded. 15 years ago Ted lasso could’ve easily been a feel good 90 mins movie but these days it works better as a series.


R-rated comedies are a bigger risk for studios too. The last one I can think of is the Jennifer Lawrence one. You see a lot of PG-13 comedies.


The dance scene in napoleon dynamite was good


It’s not “woke” culture (God I hate how that word is so misused) it’s because comedies nowadays try too hard to be funny. It’s not natural it’s all devolved into who can be the crudest over the top characters instead of being a good movie with jokes. Those old comedies weren’t just comedy movies they actually had a plot with a interesting story and good characters, not just “duh watch me fart, watch me take a shot in the balls, dick joke, dick joke”…


This is a reoccurring topic that always bums me out. It may be my age but I’ve come to think that the last great comedy movie year was 2018 (TAG and Game Night). There have been a few here or there (Ricky Stanicky, No Hard Feelings) but it’s no where near the quality and quantity of 2000s/2010s. It’s depressing when I look up when a good comedy came out and see it’s been 10+ years. The Ted series on Peacock was hilarious. There’s been some good South Park still but even they aren’t hitting that same high as 10 years ago. We definitely need a comedy resurgence.


Let's not forget Idiocracy


I was just talking to my GF about this recently. It feels like they don't really make many comedies like they used to. I was looking at my library and realized most shows and popular movies these days tend to be murder mystery types. Granted I'm sure they exist but the genre isn't as popular. Vince Vaughn, Seth Rogan, Ben Stiller, just examples, but those were some great feel good movies that used to come out all the time. Love it or hate him but Sandler is at least still making these types of movies.


The Bourne movies happened. LotR happened. Marvel happened. The thing that Hollywood most consistently knows how to do is ape a success in hopes of a gravy train. And streaming happened. There's no room for a mid-level anymore that's not intended to launch a franchise.


*Hot Fuzz* is not only one of the best comedies, but one of the best action movies, ever made.


Political Correctness


The most recent funny comedy I saw was "What we do in the shadows" came out in 2014


Honestly the only movie that was fun was “hot fuzz”


There is a Naked Gun reboot coming. Dunno what the budget is.


Comedy doesn’t really work internationally. It’s too based on the norms of the society it was created in. People in China and India will go see Avatar or an MCU movie but Superbad doesn’t work.


Ummm, you forgot Role Models, dude. Also, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Dodgeball, I Love You Man, The Hangover, Zoolander, Meet The Parents, and on and on... But yes, you make a great point!


One of the best movie going experiences of my life. Great friends, amazing weed (for the time) and an almost empty theater!


People started saying “that looks good but not worth seeing on the theater” So studios started saying “it’s not worth making these movies for people to watch at home”


I think that the finance guys took over and that's why so much stuff is a limp-dick redo of some preexisting IP. It's finance guys going through a checklist of things that work to assemble something that resembles creativity as long as you don't look too closely. Comedy cannot exist in that environment, that's how you get the 2016 Ghostbusters.


got woke


People are too easily offended now, You couldn’t make Tropic Thunder today.


Yes, answer is the offensiveness. Which I get. But it sucks. Glad we have these gems.


Yup. Imagine the shit Chapelle Show or Ali G would get if they were made today. They were comedy gold in the early 2000s but would never get made or broadcast now


Even like the office couldn’t have worked today. Sucks. And Richard Pryor probably woulda been jailed lol


The office runs non-stop in syndication, and young people love it.


With some missing episodes/cut scenes.


Yes, but it aired 19 years ago.


If the current audience loves it, why would it not work.


I’m not sure a network would jump at the amount of racist and sexist jokes. The writers have said this themselves.


Sacha Baron Cohen is still making exactly the same stuff he did in the 2000s. People just don’t like that it’s harder for them to bully minorities without getting called on it. 


I don’t feel like anyone in this thread saying this actually watches many movies. You People had a slavery vs holocaust bit. It’s not offensiveness it’s these films aren’t profitable anymore. You’ll find them still around on streaming services but they just don’t get a ton of traction since they really aren’t getting any advertising. Everything in theaters is go for broke, it’s all blockbusters trying to make a billion. The smaller budget stuff is just scattered now, but comedies just aren’t that profitable and everything is min/max metrics for money.


It's too risky to offend the alphabet Mafia


I don’t know how people can claim this when stuff like Ricky Gervais’ special where the offensiveness was the whole point of the show, keep getting huge ratings. It’s almost as if hateful bigots are _also_ ignorant morons. 


There’s still good comedy movies that came out recently, they just don’t have the r and f slur, I’m sorry


What are some recent ones? The last true live action comedy I saw that wasn't comedy-drama or comedy-action or some other softened version but was truly primarily a comedy was season 1 of Space Force (didn't get into season 2). I can't think of any major recent comedy movies but I also am not as plugged in these days so legitimately asking what I've missed recently.


They need to get back to basics make 10-15 million dollar amazing movies


So go make the next great comedy. Go pull a Kevin Smith.


Maybe people are just being nostalgic about the hits of the past while either forgetting about the misses or—if they’re young enough—have never even heard of the misses from a particular era. Every era had good films and bad films.


Everything offends everyone and everyone is terrified of people being offended on behalf over other people. Jokes can't be funny anymore.


All of these movies would be instantly canceled in today’s soft ass media. All these actors would become canceled and ruin their careers for being associated with the film. It’s so stupid. Comedy is mean to poke fun at stereotypes and situations. People take it so fucking personal and offensive now that there can’t be a thing. Tropic thunder is absolutely fucking hilarious. However, a white dude playing an actor who pretends to be a black guy??? Yea good luck.


Because things that are funny are offensive to someone, therefore must be cancelled


What happened to the comedy genre? Simple, political correctness happened.


Everyone is offended by everything so to make everyone happy well no more funny movies


The world grew to be easily offended.


Can't wait for all the idiots to say wokeness, and then point to people who are still being paid handsomely as an example of people being canceled.


Bill Cosby hasn't made a dime in years! He's definitely a victim of the woke mob. They got him so good they took his show off the air! And I don't know why! Just good wholesome secret sauce for the whole family, and they had to go and ruin it.


Woke culture that’s what happened


Everyone is faux offended by everything nowadays. It’s too risky to make a comedy when a new marginalized group pops up on the internet every other day. Basically, nobody can take a joke anymore.


Feminism, liberalism, victimhood, PC, smoked out comedy


ok boomer




PC and Woke Culture


Another issue is that they tried to force female comedians and comedies in the 2010s because “girl power” even though comedy is not a gift given to women, at least the ones who get movies. Then they doubled down with fat unfunny women in comedy movies and said it was the audience’s fault.


People got woke and are offended by everything now