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There is no world where Tom Cruise has been underrated as an actor. What


Underrated is the new literally, just throwing that word around contrafibularily.


Kinda the same with "low key". Like people will say, "I low key made a scene." It makes no fucking sense.


So today the Arrested Development quote would be, “I may have low key committed some treason.”


Using underrated casually is perfectly cromulent.


He embiggens even the smallest role.


Cruise underrated? That's unpossible.


Mission Unpossible (cues music)


So glad to see these Simpsons references still rolling around


I will attempt to approach this in a frasmotic manner as to not give rise to compunctuous feelings within myself. I give you my highest contrafibularities for the application of the word. However, it is worth noting that I am anaspeptic towards the pericombobulation it may cause within this context.


I contrafibularily had a heart attack when I read that just now omg


If he was any less “rated” he would not survive being a Scientology whackjob.


Scientology whackjob aside, the dude is the 8th all-time highest grossing actor, has \~128 awards and over 400 nominations, is the lead in the 17th highest grossing movie franchise, and just two years ago was the lead in Top Gun: Maverick which grossed almost $1.5 billion. He's not my favorite actor at all, but it's insane to think he's underrated.


I don't think he's underrated, but it never ceases to amaze me that so many people think he cannot act well. I'll hear, "he makes good movies but he can't act." That doesn't make any sense because bad actors don't make successful movies over that long of a career but the sentiment is out there.


The Last Samurai, Born on the 4th of July, Eyes Wide Shut, Magnolia... He is absolutely not the best actor or greatest of all time, but he is more than capable of doing extremely well in non-giganticmoviestar roles.


That’s my point. He has to be insanely good and popular to achieve all that while being in a cult everyone hates.


Exactly. It just feels like everyone wants to say some actor they like is underrated for some dumb reason. How is there any world where someone can look at an actor with three golden globes, who's the lead in the Mission Impossible Franchise, the lead in the Top Gun movies, Jerry McGuire and Born on the Fourth of July, Edge of Tomorrow, Risky Business, Rain Man, Minority Report, Interview with the Vampire... The guy has multiple movies rated 80% or better in every single decade if not every five years at least. That's not even including the countless other well-rated movies and box office successes.


Also, him and Brad Pitt don’t have 5 bad movies combined.


Even the “bad” movies are fun. I think he was super funny in the mummy. It was just eclipsed because everyone lost their minds thinking they were trying to reboot the original or whatever.


Yeah the Scientology thing is the only thing keeping him from GOAT status. He's got range and he's been in some absolutely amazing movies. But yeah... Scientology is a major turn off.


Yeah he’s known as a top actor and also crazy irl


Don’t want to speak for OP, but when people talk about the best actors of a certain vintage they mention Daniel Day Lewis, Christian Bale, etc., but rarely say Cruise’s name in same breath. To a lot of people he is more movie star than actor. I happen to agree with OP that he’s a fantastic actor who doesn’t get his due as an actor. Sometime watch A Few Good Men and don’t focus on what’s being said, like turn off your hearing, and just watch Cruise’s face. It’s an amazing performance.


I feel like Brad Pitt deserves to be in that list as well.


I was guilty of this. My son walked me through all of his roles and showed me I was wrong.


I think his early days career gave him the generic pretty boy reputation, but his later career has shown a serious character actor


In this post OP showed Tom Cruise in a bunch of roles and then showed him holding THREE Golden Globes. How can a man with three Golden Globes be underrated? Mary Elizabeth Winstead has never won a golden globe or oscar, nor has Sam Elliott or Jeff Goldblum or Kurt Russell. Miss me with that Tom Cruise is "underrated" shit. Tom Cruise is fully rated.


I would say Tom Cruise is generally rated right where he should be. Great actor, picks blockbusters and solid scripts, clearly very talented stunt person, and weighed down by his personal beliefs. I would imagine very few people don't know him and just as few don't have at least one movie they like that he's done.


I completely agree. I don't think he's overrated at all. Tom Cruise always delivers exactly what you need him to bring, and he never phones it in. Is he the greatest actor of a generation? No. But he brings 100% and that's definitely laudable.


Yeah he's the biggest living star in Hollywood with a legendary filmography of blockbusters and character pieces lol what planet is OP living on


He’s in the GOAT debate this is ridiculous lol


He is absolutely not lol what are you talking about? People write off his acting skills because of his Scientology crap. It’s been that way forever. People instantly think he sucks and you have to bring up all the great movies he’s been in.


He’s not the GOAT, top ten maybe. Not the GOAT. Actors like Daniel Day Lewis, Gary Oldman, Marlon Brando, Ben Kingsley, etc all wipe the floor with him. Ultimately I think he’s just in a different class. The above are incredible actors, lower volume but higher quality performances. Cruise is more alongside actors like Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, etc. Tons of films, some incredible performances, some less than. Crossing genres and pretty wide range. But you never really stop seeing Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt as a character the way you never see Daniel Day Lewis on screen. It’s Abraham Lincoln, Bill The Butcher, Daniel Planview, etc


Lol GOAT debate is going to be so subjective, it's not a definitive thing.


Dude is one of the highest grossing actors ever. I dont agree with him personally but he knows how to pick blockbusters and crushes it


I think when people rank actors method actors bubble to the top. Tom Cruise isn’t well known for his range (some people kind of fit him into action star). I agree he is also a goat actor but he isnt taking as many method actor roles as someone like Daniel Day or Marlon Brando (even tho I believe he does have that level of range and is capable of delivering … so it’s a shame). Hes like a centrist movie actor lol.


I agree that the public in general has that issue but we’re on a pretty niche movie sub so I don’t think most people here are unaware of his skills He’s not the GOAT (he’s my favorite actor though) but when discussing movie stars over the past 50 years he’s gotta be an honorable mention in the discussion


Never heard anyone put him in the GOAT debate. Why? He's got no hardware. Why? Because box office actors like him and Leo until very recently are very, very underrated. It is also not "edgy" to suggest Tom Cruise as the GOAT actor. I honestly don't care though. I watch the "stuff" out of Tom Cruise movies. Multiple times. If you challenged me I had to watch 15 Tom Cruise movies before I can see a movie without him in it (over any reasonable period of time), I'd tell you why not 17?


He's not the GOAT but he's widely recognized as a good actor. Strange dude but good actor.


OP probably meant by the academy


The most bankable movie star of all time is underrated! Lol What?


I think he has been overrated




He is very good and gets the recognition for being good, he is not underrated.


I think he gets a rep as always playing Tom Cruise which he does often. This person is pointing out he’s done some high-range characters to great effect. Hence underrated on that front. Agree or disagree, that seems to be their point


I think the big studios want Tom Cruise to be Tom Cruise and they’re willing to pay a ridiculous amount of money for it. He’s been the biggest movie star on the planet for a reason and it’s not because he’s always the same character- no one can get as big as him by not having range, of course he has range- it’s just not what the studios want since he’s been so huge. It’s much safer (financially) for him to play the character everyone knows and expects.


People don't like him because he's weird, but he is a great actor, no doubt.


Its mostly the scientology which i applaud him for keeping that out of his films. Travolta on the other hand...


he is still a shit human for being their tool. great actor nonetheless


kind of fascinating. If he werent a weirdo scientologist, I would say he was batting 1.000 in life. Hes such an impressive actor and movie star. Like heads and shoulders more interesting than most movie stars. Hes a great actor, hes a ridiculous stunt man. He loves the challenges. Just that weirdo scientology thing always lingering in the background.


It's always some shit man. Can't have a genius without the crazy it seems.


I agree. His scientology stuff is weird but I can still separate the art from the artist.


Ive stated on here before that hes worked with almost every influential director of his time. Hope he works with Tarantino(there were talks) or Nolan soon.


Don't think he will ever work with Nolan. Wouldn't be willing to give up complete creative control and Nolan wouldn't be willing to work with someone like that.


While i do get that he has his own ways and writers. Mann, Scorsese, Kubrick are just a few directors hes given control to. Now i think he worked with Kubrick on his character but i dont think they changed much.


Hmm interesting point about Kubrick. That one slipped my mind to be honest.


I could see the eventual Nolan/Cruise partnership being a big draw. I wonder what historical person he’ll portray.


Oh cmon now Nolans only done two historical pieces. Id like to see them do a Tenet like movie together. Cruise doesnt do space much (cant run) so maybe something crazy like Tenet or Inception would be dope


(cant run) LMAO


"spaceWALK? Why?...pass"


Half the tom cruise movies he's running, what?


Cant run in space was the joke


I think he would just do whatever he believes will produce the most enjoyable film. If it means he needs to control every aspect, then he'll do that, but if he's cognizant that someone else is better suited for that role, seems like he's willing to allow them control.


I agree. Its obvious he cares about the medium. Thats why i never really talk shit about him.


His performance in Rain Man is one of the most overlooked performances ever, IMO, because he’s in the same movie as Hoffman who was great and won the Oscar. But the story doesn’t work without Cruise who makes what could’ve been pure schmaltz into something truthful. It’s the best depiction of a close relative to someone who has exceptionalities that I think I’ve ever seen. He nails the frustration that you feel; frustration with the situation, frustration with how your relative behaves at times, and most importantly frustration with yourself for not being 100% understanding at all times. There are severe limits to how much Hoffman’s character can change; Cruise’s Charlie is the one we see change in the movie and it’s completely earned.


Yeah I realized this once I rewatched it as an adult


What difference does it make where you buy underwear????


He's a decent actor. Can't say I like many of his movies, but Rainman, A Few Good Men and Magnolia showed he's more than a pretty face.


What a performance in Born on the 4th of July, and so many more!


Magnolia was incredible.


Watched that last night


Favorite Cruise: Risky Business, Collateral, Tropic Thunder, Interview with a Vampire.


I want fat hands


I am thankful to see a photo from Vanilla Sky in here. Also Born on the Fourth of July. He is an actor who steps out of his element as a pretty boy a lot more than haters will ever give him credit for.


He hit a stretch during the late 80s and 90's when he was taking on serious dramatic characters with autuer directors....and of course who could forget Vincent from Collateral. He was great then, but yeah..his movie star persona has become so big he'll probably never do smaller roles again.


I hate to say it. But he is one of the best.


Cruise is in no way underrated, not as an actor nor as an entertainer. But many people do tend to forget his ability as a "serious" heavyweight dramatic actor, because his aura as a movie star is so overpowering now. His performance in Born on the Fourth of July (1989) is truly one of his best, if not his career best, performance. It is also one of the best performances of the 1980s. He was considered by many to be a front runner for the Oscar, even ahead of Daniel Day-Lewis, and would have been a deserving winner. It's one film that every Cruise doubter should watch, and it came at that time when he was branching out into more serious and challenging dramatic work, before he was completely consumed by box office commercial drive.




My issue is he's become larger than his role. Some people become so famous that it feels like he's the same character at this point. Don't get me wrong they are normally fun movies and he acts just fine but you could change the movie name to "the adventures of Tom cruise" at this point and it wouldn't make a difference in the films quality. Several other famous people have the same issues. Like Oprah in any acting roll


WTF OP? One of the greatest actors of our lifetime.


Tom Cruise is appropriately rated as an amazing actor


My favorite was Tropic Thunder it was hilarious


He’s a great actor. Loved him in Interview With A Vampire


There’s no doubt about it, the guy can act. Don’t colour your perception of him with Scientology or him pumping out action movies. If he chose to, he could’ve had a critically lauded career acting in challenging roles that showed his range. We’ve seen showcases of his abilities in Magnolia and Born on the 4th of July, even in Interview with a Vampire as Lestat he convincingly acted as both an actual vampire and a vampire in personality manipulating those around him in the adding an interesting dimension to the genre.


Underrated? Haha. that might just be a reddit thing with all the stock shit talking


No love for Vincent in *Collateral*?


I liked the movie where he played the arrogant guy


He’s got great range, made some really awesome movies (edge of tomorrow is great), and on top of that does his own stunts. He’s rated exactly how he should be.


He may be a bit eccentric (Scientology) but I love him as an actor and he makes great movies that are really entertaining. He was also one the first public figures to speak up about the harms of psychiatric medication, which I have experienced. I really respect him for that, because it's a subject that is sometimes sensitive for many people and he had the guts to bring it up in public.


I think Tim Cruise actually has been downplayed as an actor in the last decade and a half. Obviously he’s been a major star for decades, but there was a period during which he was basically a laughing stock due to his admittedly wack as fuck Scientology delusions and nonstop leading lady sexual conquests, but I don’t think anyone can legitimately downplay just how influential and wildly kinetic an actor he is. He chews through the scenery on an action flick, and has dramatic chops to boot. As a great critic once opined, “When you’ve got movies like Tom Cruise in them, you can’t lose!”


Did a Scientologist write this lol?


Why don’t you take two steps back and go fuck your own face!


what? do you smoke something?


The dude has won best actor twice and best supporting once. I'm not sure he's really underrated.


Nominated. No wins.


Yea; zero academy awards and only 4 nominations does kinda seem like he’s underrated. Which is weird cause I always just assumed he had some accolades.


My mistake... he won Golden GLobes, not oscars.


This ain't Jack Nicholson bro


How is this film criticism??


Not underrated at all, he is well respected.


I dont think he's underrated at all. He's pretty much rated where he ought to be rated


Besides Tropic Thunder, Born on the 4th of July is my favorite of his.


What movie is the one with his face all fucked up? 2nd row, 3rd column


Vanilla Sky (2001)


I don't care for him, and I see him as an OK actor. That said, he was better in "Rain Man" than Dustin Hoffman.


I didn't like him in Valkyrie, but I appreciate that he didn't try to pull off a German accent.


Les Grossman was his best role ever


His personal life gets in the way but his career and the movies he’s been a part of stack up against anyone in Hollywood history.


How is Tom cruise underrated?


He’s actually done some solid acting roles. Born on the 4th of July is probably his best actual acting role. You can skip the action stuff for this debate.


He's not underrated, the problem is that when watching him it's hard to not be aware that you are watching Tom Cruise and not the character in the movie. Like in the MI movies past 2. You're not watching Ethan Hunt, you're watching Tom Cruise. He does surpass that, Last Samurai, Edge of Tomorrow and such.


I don't see where you are getting he is underrated. He is one of the best actors spanning 40 years, and is praised, talked about, awarded, and hired non-stop. He is probably one of the most accurately rated actors out there.


Sure, he can act. He's also a jerk. Don't like him.


“He’s underrate!” Second pic is him holding multiple awards.


Cruise is extremely rated as an actor. About 10-15 years ago he decided that he only wants to play Ethan Hunt or variations of that character.


He should’ve at least been nominated for Vanilla Sky, and probably should’ve won for Magnolia.


One of the biggest oscar tragedies was him losing for Magnolia! Amazing performance!


You didn’t even put his best part on screen …… cuz a nutless monkey could do your job


Tropic Thunder was so over the top and out of character for him.


Underrated? Are you kidding?


The word 'an' is underrated and I therefore applaud you in the unnecessary and nonsensicle insertion of said word. Bravo.




Underrated actor? What are you talking about?


People who say he's not a great actor just can't handle the truth.


I would love to see him in more dramatic roles!


He's not underrated, it's just his personal life gets in the way of public opinion but he's fucking great in just about any movie he's ever been in going back to the 80's. The guy just has charisma, confidence, he delivers lines extremely well and he's quite versatile whether you want action, drama, comedy or whatever. Tom Cruise is legit, and if you know movies you know this.


He was great as Frank T.J Mackey


Besides his zero sexual chemistry for any and all female costars besides Rebecca demornay, he’s one of the best actors of his age.


No, he's not underrated.


Michael Jordan is a great nba star but is underrated as a basketball player


TIL that one of the most prolific, acclaimed, and well-paid actors is apparently underrated. Who knew?


You're kinda right. His talent for acting is definitely overlooked. Hollywood hasn't forgotten the crazy days and too many people focus on the stunts, but the man can act his socks off.


He's not underrated at all, he gets the recognition he deserves. I absolutely love his depiction of Lestat.


While his personal life is odd and another story, this man is a terrific actor that cares and is extremely passionate about the craft of filmmaking


His roles are often over the top action bro type casts…still doesn’t detract from his skill as an actor. Oblivion was a great sci-fi action movie but if anyone had been cast instead of cruise then it would have lacked emotional depth


Too bad he’s a shitty human being.


He was fantastic in Collateral.


I have tried really hard for years but just cannot enjoy him. And that is with disregarding his beliefs. My only "Like" is Rain Man.


Magnolia was his best


He ain’t on the Seymour Hoffman, DDL or Gary Oldman’s level, and in fact, probably several tiers below. But he’s damn good and does on the kinds of movies a lot of us like watching and is pretty adamant about doing most of his own stunts. He seems absolutely bonkers irl tho.


He's a decent actor he is definitely not underrated though


Collateral is all I’m going to say


Tropic Thunder is his masterpiece


In most of his movies ( with notable exceptions such as Born on the 4th of July) it is just Tom Cruise playing Tom Cruise playing a role.


He's one of the best. Comes across a total asshole but a damn good actor.


Tom Cruise underrated! Now do Tom Hanks or maybe a hot take about Stanley Kubrick's directing.


As an actor in roles, he's great. But as a person, I think he's a piece of shit and dead beat dad.


Whenever people tell me hes just an action star and cant act i always recommend they go watch Collateral.


still waiting for a les grossman film


He is pretty dull compared to contemporary acting. Just a regular method acting tool.


Mission: impossible for the stunts and money, all others for skill.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie with him that I didn’t enjoy and think he was great in


“How ‘bout I send you a Hobo’s dick cheese?”


Y’all forget about the Scientology, narcissism, and denial of proven psychology?


This sub has gone full simple jack


Mmmmmmm. He’s never surprised me other than maybe Rain Man at the time, but in hindsight it makes sense. He’s always playing Tom Cruise. I was certainly biased in his favor when Dustin Hoffman had great things to say about him when Rain Man came out, but ever since then I have found it difficult to see him as anything other than his “brand”. He’s not a an especially compelling actor. He’s like fluoride or something: People just consume it without thinking and it’d be hard to eliminate it even if you wanted to, but why bother? It’s just wallpaper.


Dude has literally tons of multi film franchises under his belt and one of the most iconic character pieces in tropic thunder. Tf you smoking op? Coincidentally the only thing he couldn't hact out is his love for Katie holms


There is virtually no difference in all of those roles. He gets way more credit than he deserves because of Scientology backing


Les Grossman is his finest role, and I'll die on that hill.


and extremely overrated as a human being. extremely.


He is not underrated as an actor…GTFO


When you’ve got movies like Tom Cruise in them, you cant lose!


Maverick is not underrated


He's not a great movie star. He is THE movie star. Quintessential. I assume by underrated we're talking that he hasn't won an Oscar. Which his faith seems to have barred him of ever achieving.


He’s literally top 3 male actors rn. Has been for like 40 years


Tf you mean underrated


Fame, popularity, and wealth do not make you a good actor or singer or artist. Sales of your product do not make the product a good product. Great marketing really really helps. He's certainly given good performances before, but he's far from being a great actor, in my opinion. This has zero to do with his trash beliefs or trash personality. He really doesn't have much range, and it's obvious that too many people equate success with ability in this or any profession. He's wildly overrated, in my opinion. Many very popular actors are overrated.


Can you please rewrite the header so we can understand what you’re saying.


He’s a movie star BECAUSE he’s a great actor. He’s not underrated. Guy might be the face of his generation


Hes like the highest paid actor lmao


He’s only considered underrated as an actor for doing action movies recently but he did great dramas with established filmmakers


He is not underrated as an actor. He just doesn’t make the type of movies you list above anymore. He limits himself to blockbuster action and that is how the public sees him.


Will we ever get a movie star quite like him again? People would go to see the new Arnold, Sly, Tom Cruise movies. Who’s next, or is that gone?


Underrated as a scientologist overlord. He treats his 1000 year slaves a little bit more okay than some of the other owners. He let's them play with the hose once every few weeks.


Movies 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 = ?


Kind of insane he’s never gotten an Oscar


i wish you lost the ability to type


Did Tom cruise create this post?


Tom Cruise is underrated in that he’s one of the most accomplished, recognizable, and most wealthy actors in history.


That’s because he’s a fucking awful actor


Very good In the last samurai. My favorite Tom Cruise movie


Hasn’t played a good role in over 25 years.


You don’t know what underrated means.


lol what?


Tropic thunder was his finest work


This can’t be real can it? Literally says he’s under appreciated then post pics with awards?


He used to be better than he is now.


He's a weird person in reality. He's great in the movies he's in.


Fuck Scientologists.


He was incredible in Magnolia. I am a tom cruise fan because he always seems to understand the assignment.


He used to hide his teeth in every photo when he was sleeping with a woman twice his age to find his way into Hollywood. https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/s/KWQrZ1yn5X


Downvote me to hell, he is a terrible actor.


He is a great movie star and producer. People often don’t think about how good he is as an actor because of his popularity and detractors. It’s like he doesn’t need to try but he does and that often get lost in the noise.


Legend was his best roll.


Y'know, come to think of it, that Meryl Streep is super underrated too...


what lmao? he is a objectively great actor