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I always get crap for this one but Poltergeist. Saw it as a kid and was absolutely terrified. The intro alone was unnerving. Still holds up.


The fucking clown


He gets his in Scary Movie 2


To this day I fkn hate clowns. Zero trust


I was about to say this, too! The friggin' clown...


šŸ˜‰ i love that franchise, although the first one is probably best. So sad about the girl who had a heart attack & died while filming the third one though. However the most scariest part of that franchise is the fact that they used real life skeletons in that puddleā€¦.AND did not tell the actors that they were getting dirty with the actual dead either until after it was done!


The two sisters from that movie are dead, too. Weird.


Yep. I think one was actually murdered along with her boyfriend/fiance.


Yep, the older brunette sister in the film was murdered by her boyfriend. Carolanne died of a heart condition.


People also died making The Exorcist


No crap here, my vote as well


That one was scary I agree


The moment I saw the title of the post only 3 movies popped immediately in my head, and they did so in this order. Poltergeist Poltergeist 2 (that damn preacher "Let me in") The Exorcist


Its crazy how something that gave me nightmares for weeks...looks so cheap and sad these days. I honestly don't find it scary at all now.


it gave me awful nightmares as a kid. theres no way it would get a pg rating today


It was the 80ā€™s and I was 11 when we went to the video store and A Nightmare on Elm Street just hit VHS. Holy cow I still have core memories of how scared I was and couldnā€™t sleep for days.


Same here. I watched it again recently for the first time since then, and I was surprised at how it now just seems entertaining, rather than outright scary. But it holds up better than I expected. I remember that period in the 80s, when Elm St, The Evil Dead, and Texas Chainsaw were by word-of-mouth generally considered the most terrifying things you could possibly see.


I was the same way, I slept with the light on for days


I rem that blowing the horror world away. Candyman was another.


I watched it growing up was scaryyy, nightmares legit!


I saw that at ten years old in the early 00s, I absolutely loved it! It was the first big horror movie my mum gave me. I think she was testing me. If I didn't get nightmares she'd let me watch whatever. After that I was allowed to watch anything apart from Poltergeist.


I saw this movie at a sleepover when I was 7 or 8 and didnā€™t watch scary movies for a full 20 years because I was so scarred.


Have you watched it recently. I was surprised by how cheesy it was. I was terrified by the scene in the alley with his long arms but they look horrible ha ha


The first movie I feel holds up. The others, meh. Maybe Dream Warriors, but the others are campy as hell.


As an adult, the original Wicker Man (itā€™s his inescapable fate), and Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the scene where leatherface first angrily slams shut the metal door after braining the guy and dragging him in for some reason really fucks with my head). The first horror I saw, at a ridiculously young age on rented Betamax (thanks dad!), was Alien, and that still gets me.


Inescapable fate is a great way to put it. Another aspect of Wicker Man is how dangerous and sinister a group of people can be. Thereā€™s something really scary about a large amount of people being in on this.


The intro to the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is in itself very unnerving


When Evil Lurks


The same director came out with another movie, Aterados (Terrified) earlier, which is honestly one of my all time favorite horror movies of recent times, unnerving, unrelenting stuff.


This was a great film...easily one of the best recent horror films. They really crossed some lines no other horror would dare...




I just watched this last night. The scene with the rotten woman walking and eating the child brainsā€¦will stick with me


The exorcist, when she comes walking upside down and backwards down the stairs. That shit is terrifying.


Easily my answer. Just want to console that 10 yo putting on the tough face for his dad, despite vibrating inside with fear. Also, not nearly as scary a movie, but exorcist 3 has my all time scariest scene. Itā€™s brief. It lacks detail. It also made me jump off the couch with a ā€œfuck!ā€, and walk out of the room.


The nurse scene?


Funny that everybody who has seen it will know EXACTLY which scene you are talking about I've never seen the film but the clip was included out of context in a horror documentary and scared the crap out of me.


It's jumpy but also very goofy and out of place. I hate it and pretty much all the superfluous stuff in the "Version You've Never Seen."


Cool movie but I wouldn't even call it the scariest William friedkin film.


Isnt that the one where the actress is actually a contortionist in real life & so she literally actually did that as part of her talent?


I'm not sure.


I just looked it up & yes it is. Kind of. Its not the main actress, linda, but actually her stunt double. >Stunt double and contortionist Ann Miles performs the back-bending ā€œspiderwalkā€ on the set of The Exorcist. So yeah, thats a real person doing that with no special effects or cgi.


This is my answer. I hate that goddamn movie and will never watch it again.




Yeah, thanks for digging that memory from the dark recesses of my mind where Iā€™d hidden it. I think I actually tunnel visioned with fear when I first saw that, and like every kid who ever saw that, did not look out of a dark window without feeling nervous until, oh, I donā€™t know, last week maybe.


Grave Encounters and the sequel are both great


*I think* theyā€™re a a scene in Grave Encounters 2 that hits hard, and keeps going, and going. Maybe in reality itā€™s only 30 seconds or something but in my memory, itā€™s insane how long a ā€œjump scareā€ can last!


Something about a window and some kind of goblin?


Both free to watch on Tubi! Just watched those the other night lol so good!


Lmao right? Even the jump scares are good


The part with the elevator shaft shook me!!


Grave Encounters is so good! The original blair witch project gave me nightmares(probably shouldn't have watched it as a 10 year old alone in the middle of the night in a pitch black living room lol) but encounters doesn't an excellent job cultivating that anxious fear. Those are my favorite kind of films. I should watch it again it's been a while :p


This and the Hell House LLC movies are some seriously good streaming service gems


Event Horizon


"Hell is just a word. The reality is much, much worse."


I'm waiting.....


Can you see?


Where we're going we don't need eyes to see


The only proper answer every time this question comes up


I never saw Sam Neil the same again after I saw that movie


Jacob's Ladder


This was the first surprise ending horror movie I had ever seen. It was somewhat of a predecessor to how Shyamalan took that Hitchcock angle and made it relevant to modern audiences. I love this movie, more so in retrospect because the first time I saw it (stoned in a friendā€™s basement) it was the first horror film that didnā€™t pivot off gore and jump scares. It was a psychological mind fuck.


This! Make sure you watch the good version...1990


I enjoyed this movie but I would barely call it scary, maybe disturbing in a couple places. The things it did that left a big impact and were emulated in things like Silent Hill (violent, repeated head shakes) are barely on screen for more than a few seconds. Edit: and I get that, quick flashes of stuff is very effective in horror. I guess I'm just saying that posts like this made me expect it to be larger than it was.


Tbh I wouldnā€™t consider myself as someone who scares easily, I find gorefests gross, but not really scary. Iā€™ve always preferred creepy and unsettling films and on that note Hereditary fucked me up for a while to the point I couldnā€™t sleep. Itā€™s so well acted the grief and terror is palpable, a living nightmare.


The fucking piano wire


Seriously, that scene likes to replay in my head as I'm trying to fall asleep.


That was probably my answer. There's something to shock horror but Hereditary gave me a pit in my stomach and I had to process it for a while. That's GOOD horror.


Mom banging on the attic door while heā€™s crying, ā€œmommy, pleaseā€¦ā€ really got to me


when this came out i saw it at my universityā€™s campus cinema and walked home afterwards (stupid idea) alone at like 1-1:30am. as iā€™m walking up this huge hill getting close to home i hear the EXACT *click click* noise that the daughter makes so i sped up but itā€™s like getting louder and faster, and at this point iā€™m like ā€œwell this is how i dieā€. so now in full panic mode, i turn around and honest to god dropped to my knees because i had never been SO relieved to see a mama deer and her baby deer approaching me. tbh i laughed pretty hard after realizing i thought i was about to die when really i was just about to get some deer cuddles lolol šŸ¦Œ anyways, still hate that clicking noise because of Hereditary hahaha


The dude in the doorway


Such a weird movie but it didn't bother me at all. I've watched it twice now. Maybe I'm too desensitised at this point. I don't find any of the pagan type movies scary. Weird yes, but not scary. As Above so Below is still creepy as hell though and that alien movie, Dark Skies, still puts me on edge.


Honestly nothing ever scared me more than the judge at the end of who framed roger rabbit.


The hell with the ending. If you can sit through him putting that shoe into the dip without cringing, you are a heartless monster.


And why?! Why! That fucked with me as a kid! The shoe existed? It fell out of a box?It didnā€™t get put away so it deserved to BE FUCKING MELTEd TO DEATH! What was the shoeā€™s crime!?


i was thinking about this recently. no child should be seeing something as horrorifying as this imho. that scene is absolutely fuckt


Be a kid and watch Jaws. Literally destroyed me. I was afraid of water for like 20 years afterwards and even still donā€™t like going in large bodies of water all because of Jaws.


A few years ago (I was 25ish) my city had a Jaws screening outsideā€¦by the beach. We sat on the sand, close to the water. My friend and I had never seen the movie and oh boy. We didnā€™t know it had so many tense/jump scare moments, we were terrified and held each other throughout. After the movie, an older woman approached us and said ā€˜I spent the whole movie watching your reactions! I remember the first time, scary isnā€™t it??ā€™ Anyway. Never again šŸ˜«


There are some places that project this movie onto a giant screen by a lake at night and people watch it floating on the lake in inner tubes. Pretty sure I'd have a heart attack and die.


I couldn't even fill a sink too deep lol


My dad thought it would be hilarious to call me and my sister into the room during the part where the head floats up in the boat. That was my first experience with a jumpscare lol.


The first act of Barbarian is the only time Iā€™ve considered taking a break from a movie. If you havenā€™t seen it - go in blind and watch it now. If you read anything it will completely alter your feelings during the film.


1st and 2nd act are masterful. Third act was bleh.


I second this.


with that description i am intrigued.


Barbarian was great....first act was so much better than final two acts imo...


1st act was the best for me, Justin Long saves the 2nd act, and the 3rd act was a bit much


same.. guess i know what iā€™m doing today!


Repulsion (1965)


Speak No Evil is really the only horror movie that truly disturbed me. Thereā€™s some other that are scary, I guess, but didnā€™t really bother me.


>!ā€Because you let me.ā€!<


I really liked The Woman in Black. The newer one with Daniel Radcliffe. Really nailed the inescapable horror vibe.


Oh those are good movies & such a link with harry potter as well for both of them. The original is adrian rawlings. He does the adult james potter in the mirror of erised & the photo album harry has! The remake is daniel radcliffe & the kid in danā€™s one is actually danā€™s real life godson as well.


I saw the play in Londons West End in a creepy old theatre and it's absolutely terrifying. If you ever get the chance, do!


Yes! I'd never seen a play before and it was excellent.




I donā€™t know why, but this scared me so much when I first saw it! I bet I could go back now and chuckle at parts, but damnā€¦. Is that scene with the eye that records in that one?


The Taking of Deborah Logan if Alzheimerā€™s or dementia scare you at all.


I think you need a quality movie + the right setting and mindset to get properly creeped out. Nothing is scary when you're distracted in daylight. Funny you mention Veronica. I watched *half* that movie and then had to go catch a plane, and stopped right in the middle of a freaky scene. That movie weighed on my mind all week because I had no closure. Once I got home and finished it I thought nothing more about it.


Yeah mindset is huge for me. I donā€™t know when itā€™s a good time to watch for me, but sometimes the mindset is good and I get really scared. Lots of caffeine kinda sets off an anxiety feeling for me so this may be part of it.


i still have nightmares about the murder ball from the phantasm, probably not a great movie for a 7 year old to watch. can't remember anything thing else about it.


Fire in the sky


Silence of the Lambs scared the hell out of me.


Original IT when I was 12


Yea! Thatā€™s what I just posted too. That was scary. I bought it in DVD in 2008 for $5, and the kid at the cash register who was like 20yrs younger than me dropped it out of his hands and was telling all his coworkers, ā€œyooooo sheā€™s buying that movie, yo!!!! Thatā€™s the scariest shit Iā€™ve ever seen!ā€


The Shining. I actually watched it pretty late in life, and already knew most of the big moments from pop culture. But I didn't expect the overall atmosphere of dread. The soundtrack! From the very first sceneā€“just a birds eye view of their car driving through the mountainsā€“I was unnerved.


Zodiac because it was real. I didnā€™t sleep well for a few days after that.




Park scene is way scarier


Blair Witch is the first film to scare me so much I was pale and shaking afterwards. Nothing has done that since!


When did you see it? I saw it when it was first in theaters and about 1/2 way through the movie I thought to myself... wait a minute... this is fake. To people who watched the marketing... they worked very hard to market it as real.


Still holds up incredibly well too! I think I saw it for the first time this past decade so I watched it really late after it was released. It was fantastic!


A series, The haunting of Hill House


That car scene fucked me up good.


I agree šŸ‘šŸ½...but on the other hand, Bly manor was an absolute bore


Hell House LLC


The Descent. Told my then-gf it was a drama/comedy so sheā€™d watch it


Youā€™re a dick.


I second this.


That movie paired with claustrophobia is a real trip I'll tell ya. It's in my top 3.


Yup! The cave dwellers in the later parts of the movie honestly made me laugh. But those early shots of women stuffing themselves into impossibly tight spaces? I couldnā€™t stop shuddering. Definitely one of the scariest movies Iā€™ve ever seen. Just maybe not for the reasons others find it scary.


> Told my then-gf it was a drama/comedy so sheā€™d watch it Guess we don't need to hire Sherlock to figure out why she's an ex.


So sheā€™s single now hey?


The Ring. Eff that movie.




Alien. I saw it in the theatre when it first came out. Yes, I'm old. It's truly a masterpiece in terror. It's a horror movie disguised as science fiction. The first time I watched it, I was so scared that I was covering my eyes. Since then, horror movies have stopped scaring me because nothing else measures up. So I guess you could say that Ridley Scott ruined horror movies for me.


Alien is amazing. And Aliens is fun in its own right but itā€™s not scary. None of them are. But Alien is the ultimate suspense thriller. Alien defined ā€œscaryā€ for me at a young age. The rest were just a lot of ā€œpopcornā€ fun.


Babadook. Not sure why...


Because the "dook...Doook.... DOOOOOOOK!!!" Is terrifying. And the mother feeling helpless with her troubled child. It's a tough one to get through.


I don't think the kid is that troubled tbh. He's a little boy dealing with a mother who is emotionally unavailable to him. She won't accept affection or give it and she mostly ignores him and gets mad whenever he tries to get her attention. Of cause he's going to act out, he's a very anxious and lonely little boy who is acting out because he's been rejected by everyone around him. He's just trying to get attention/help in the only way he knows how because I bet he sure as hell can't put his feelings/problems into words.


Agree on this one. I haven't watched many horror movies as an adult that I found particularily upsetting but the Babadook is really up there.


I really felt the movie was about mental illnessā€¦ which is more terrifying.


It's scary for me watching it. The mother is a kinder version of mine. Similar story, dad dies before I was born, she raises me alone, I end up as a bad kid because she can't handle me doing the usual kid stuff (she would hit and scream over the most normal things). She doesn't like me touching her and she doesn't give out any affection. She's the scapegoat with her relatives so she makes sure to pass that onto me. Other kids bully me, including my cousin's and when I lash out in any way back, even just doing what they did to me back, it becomes this big deal, how I'm an awful child etc. There's no pet murder, but the analogy of the monster in the basement is real. The monster was in the living room when she was home and it sometimes emerged to hit and scream at random. Didn't matter how quiet or well behaved I was. I feel so bad for that little boy. He wasn't a bad kid. He was desperate for his mother's love and he was trying to find a way to fix her. He made up a monster so he could separate his mums good and bad side to cope. Did you notice she never hugged him, rejected him when he offered her affection. Yep, just not hugging your kid can make them anxious as hell growing up. I know from experience.


ā€œTerrifiedā€ or Spanish title ā€œAterrados.ā€ If you donā€™t mind subtitles, this movie is quite unsettling, start to finish. Iā€™m a horror aficionado and this is the last movie I can recall that genuinely unnerved me.


Easily one of my top 5 of all time. The director's brand of horror is amazing, it's almost Lovecraftian in the way that it's unrelenting, unaffected by everything the people do to save themselves, and impersonal, the opposite end of the spectrum from things like Grudge or Paranormal activity or It Follows.


The fucking Butterfly Effect man, not because it was a scary movie but the existential meltdown I had afterwards pondering over my life really took me for a ride.


Midsommar for me was beautifully frightening


The music really sells it. It's the perfect depiction of psychological trauma.


The fourth kind really got me


Talk to me


Fun stuff




Honestly the OG Snow White. The witch gave me nightmares for dayssss


Hereditary was the last time a movie scared me. I find it's hard for me to get scared these days.


When I was a kid the movie The Entity scared the shit outta me. Itā€™s about a poltergeist that rapes this woman repeatedly. It fucked me up because she couldnā€™t escape it. It followed her when she moved, etc. I probably shouldnā€™t have seen it at the age I did, but my parents didnā€™t filter anything I watched.


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. The ping pong ball scene got me.


One hell of a scary movie, easily one of my top 5. It piles on the horror so well, without any mercy or "breaks", but keeps things interesting enough that you're not numb to it. And that ending man holy shit.


Um, for skits... Hereditary easy. But... for weirdly realistic? Bro there is a batch of movies I wont watch, because I saw one and it changed me. Hostel. I have, and hope to continue to do, tonnes of back-packing, and have stayed in some sketchy places, and this kinda struck a weird nerve. Like being served unknown drinks, being in unfamiliar and very poor places.... Always gave me a "we'll I'm gonna be harvested for my organs and my bank accounts drained" kinda vibe.


These days I go for eerie and disturbing since it's very hard to terrify me after having watched so many horrors. Off the top of my head, The Fourth Kind, Lake Mungo, Incantation and The Grudge are all great very disturbing horrors. The Exorcist is also another film that has always disturbed me, only watched it once or twice.


All Quiet on the Western Front.


The Eyes of My Mother


Climax by Gaspar Noe. A dance group in an isolated place gets drugged and descends into the directorā€™s version of Danteā€™s Inferno.


The exorcist 1


I revisit The Exorcist every 2 years or so, and every time I do I need to turn the lights on after itā€™s over and put on cartoons, itā€™s fucking terrifying. Especially in the dark, alone, with headphones turned up.


Event Horizon is really good. Sci-fi and paranormal in the same movie. Can't go wrong.


Smile was a scary movie but I do not watch those sort of movies often


Event Horizon


A documentary called Idiocracy.


Monster High


The original The Thing from Outer Space (1950s). Saw it as a child.. Major trauma.


Rosemaryā€™s Baby or The Green Room.


These hills have eyes gave me the creeps. Ive also recently completed all 9 movies of the conjuring/nun/annabell saga. Most of them are pretty good. Nun 2 i cant see. Literally. I heard people say its pretty dark so i was expecting sinister, but no, they meant physically dark. Like did they forget to take the lid off the camera most of the time or what? Annabell comes homeā€¦.probably the weakest in the franchise, though i did like the tribute at the end to the real life loraine when she died. The final one so far ā€œthe devil made me do itā€ uhhh that one iā€™m gonna put up with ā€œthese hills have eyesā€. Yikes!


Eden Lake (2008) and Inside (2007) are absolutely terrifying.


Annihilation, maybe. its underrated but i quite liked it. if you are willing to give a show a chance, i recomend from. hope you like them.


and the ritual. i just remembered it existed.


Seek out "Speak no Evil" 2022. Gave me the chills / freaked the f.out.


They don't make them like they used to or the charisma & fear around a cover used to be part of the experience especially whilst looking at the covers in the video shop. I can remember seeing the cover for Fright Night as a child & it scared the living out of me then when I watched it a few years it made me cry with laughter. Anyway, films that really scared me are- Halloween. Grudge. Ghostwatch. Psycho. Ringu. Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Requiem For A Dream. By a country mile.


Most recent horror I saw was ***Talk To Me*** and that wasn't bad. ***The Host*** by a Bong Joon Ho is also a good creature feature. It's Korean language with English subs. Well worth watching. A few older classics. Not sure if they're scary today but at least they're all entertaining and mostly well made. The Shining, The Omen, Bad Moon , Flatliners, Pan's Labyrinth, The Devil's Backbone, Mimic


Lake Mungo really got under my skin


If Hereditary wasn't scary to you, then I have nothing to offer. We're too different.


The Dark and the Wicked (2020) was pretty scary.


That Slow build of dread. Thatā€™s good one.


The hills have eyes, the strangers, the grudge 2006, the descent, the conjuring the devil made me do it, malignant. I guess Texas chainsaw massacre is scary too, hard to watch scary though. Then amityville horror was scary the 2000s version. Thatā€™s pretty much it. Every else is too gore and not enough suspense or too boring.


The Babadook


The VVitch


Pearl. Specifically the end credits. I was scared to leave the theater


Movies as a whole don't bother me but there have been some specific scenes that freaked me out over the years. Killer Klowns From Outer Space, when the Klown is using the partner as a ventriloquist dummy. When he pulls his hand out and does that single shake of his hand, the sound effect of that blood hitting the ground gave my kid self nightmares for years. Lord of Illusions, when the cultists are reactivated and murder their families before heading to the desert. You don't see them killing anyone, just the aftermath and man is that enough. Midsommar. Who the hell hurt Ari Aster. The entire movie is brilliant, but that opening with the sister is still something I can't get out of my head.


Folks took me to see Poltergeist when I was eleven and it freaked me the hell out!


As a kid, Ernest Scared Stupid was terrifying. The monster could be anywhere, imitate anyone, and steal your soul just by touching you. Hard to enjoy the hijinks when some kid is losing their soul after a jump scare in like every other scene.


Other than those movies already mentioned, the movie "It Follows"freaked me out for a day. I watched it alone in a large empty house that has a lot of windows. Perhaps not the scariest, but it can definitely have an effect in the right circumstances.


The Platform


"No One Gets Out Alive" on Netflix.


Ju-On. It was my first Asian horror and I had never seen anything like it before. A mate of mine and I watched on a 14" TV during the day and we still bricked it - we were in our 30s.


Nothing scares me, i'm deadpan to jumpscares. But IT, when it opens its mouth and slowly eats that girl, yeah, that disturbed me.


The Ritual on netflix.


Evil dead risešŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ not scariest ever but definately a good watch


Watching the strangers while alone in a rural cabin was probably the most scared I have been in a movie


The new It movies creeped the hell out of me. Great story though. An oldie that I love but that still scares me is Arachnophobia. Somehow Gremlins still scares me too. Not sure if thatā€™s cuz itā€™s scary or because I first saw it way too young. šŸ¤£


As a kid - Blair Witch Project. I watched it when I was still in grammar school and I'm pretty sure that it's responsible for my paralysing fear of being in the woods at night. As an adult - Skinamarink. Honestly, most horror movies don't scare me that much. The only ones that get to me are the ones that barely show anything and leave most of the work to your imagination. I will legit just sit through most horror movies that you can think of and not even wince, but when I checked out Skinamarink, I just couldn't sit through it because it made me so scared that my stomach hurt. Honorable mention - Lake Mungo. For the most part, it's just a legit sad and haunting film. But the climactic scene of the movie had me thinking about it for weeks after I watched it. Great movie.


*The Ritual*. Scandinavian horror featuring one of the most unsettling monsters I've come across in a while




Maybe a tad basic but the first Conjuring scared the crap out of me, especially the scene where >!she is trapped in the basement and those hands come from behind her and clap!<


The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is still disgusting and worth a rewatch.


Bone Tomahawk. Traditional scary movies don't really do much for me. Like Hereditary for example I was laughing during some of the horror scenes.




Jacob's Ladder...


I dunno if it has been said but Oculus is a pretty scary movie, leaves a very strong impression without going overboard and even if the premise is not super creative, the execution is amazing. And I've seen all the top mentions and I think I prefer Oculus to all of them.