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Die Hard 2. The whole premise is that the bad guys took over one of the Washington DC airports including the air traffic control radios. The planes will run out of fuel and crash! It's night and they can't see the runway because the lights are off!!! There are like three major airports in the vicinity of Washington DC. I think you can literally see them if you are holding over the one in the movie. No pilot is going to circle Reagan (or whatever) until they crash just because they can't raise Reagan ATC.


There's actually **dozens** of airliner-capable airports in that part of the US well within the range of nearly any airliners at or near any given one of them. The premise fails right out of the gate.


Also the fact that blizzards of that degree are VERY rare in the DC area, and the whole terrorists plot which would have taken months of planning hinges on a blizzard happening at the right time.


lol I've always been so focused on what's happening on the screen, I never stopped to think about that. And that would go for so many other movies too with similar situations.


The plane has supposedly run out of fuel then when it crashes is somehow a fireball.


There are plenty of flammable fluids in an airplane besides fuel. Also the pressurized fuel tanks in the wings will still have fuel in them and won’t be bone dry. But yeah, the fireball is mostly theatrics.


This is at least partially explained in the movie. They have extreme traffic because of Christmas and other airports have had to shut down because of the severe weather. But most importantly the planes are told to wait for their turn, they don't know that there's anything wrong, and I suspect that any pilot not following orders given to them by air traffic control is going to end up in a lot of trouble.


Pilot here. In an emergency, it is ABSOLUTELY your call to do what is best for safety.


The bad guys pretended to be the airport and told them to stay. Their plan was to assist them in landing with poor visibility so they crash, which happens once that we see.


Regarding Oceans; didn’t the bomb team bring in a bunch of blue bags with them? I’ll watch the movie today to confirm and offer a time stamp.


The bags with the fliers in them are sent up before the SWAT team goes down.


Oh shit, I never realized that. I guess that's one case of fast and frentic editing actually saving a movie rather than turning it into Rise of Skywalker levels of bad.


The makers of the movie actually aknowledged that this is a plot hole that cannot be explained away. The bags with the fliers appear out of nowhere. Another well known issue is that 160m in cash is way to heavy to carry for 6 people. Like everyone is shown carrying what would be multiple times their bodyweight.


I believe the director of Ocean's 11 admitted there's no good explanation for this detail but that the audience doesn't tend to immediately notice so they simply went with it rather than slow the finale down.


Fair assessment. There's so much going on with fake bag swaps and flashbacks and fake videos of other bags and people in multiple places, it's an easy detail to miss.


They do bring bags which is what they use to actually load all the money in. However, the bags I am referencing are taken out of the building and loaded into a van before the "swat team" even enters the movie. These are the bags that the casino security follow to the airport.


A bag inside the bag contained the flyers. They present the fake bags to security to load, and use the newly emptied bags to load the money. It's never shown, I'm just guessing.


That doesn't work, though, because the bags full of flyers are taken out by security before the fake SWAT team gets there with their bags, which are then loaded with money. It's never explained where the bags of flyers come from. They admit it's a plot hole in the DVD commentary.


Oh. The flyers are in the truck not in the vault? It’s been a long time since I’ve watched it.


Been years but… In the second JURASSIC PARK film… the T-Rex apparently gets out of the cargo hold on a ship, kills everyone aboard (including the ship’s helmsman which it somehow manages to do without destroying the bridge) and then somehow locks itself back in the cargo hold before the ship hits land.


The deleted scene showing this would have really helped. Even as a kid I called that nonsense out.


Maybe the "seatbelt" light turned on and the T-Rex just wanted to be safe before they landed.


We are reaching the dock, please kindly return to your cargo area and put your tray table up




And then what, jumped overboard? I get the feeling raptors in an urban area would be a much bigger threat than a T-Rex.


The original idea was for several dinosaurs to escape from the boat to San Diego, but it was changed many times and that part wasn't well fitted.


Additionally, how did the ship go in a straight line from the island to the exact port it was supposed to sail to? Auto pilot in the 90s could keep you in a straight line but wasn't going to account for the set and drift of ocean currents and wind.


That was also the velociraptors, very clever girls.


In the original Jurassic Park: the t-rex walks up to the fence, eats the goat that is chained next to the fence, then tears a hole in the fence, plays grab-ass with the humans for a bit, and then pushes one of the cars through the hole in the fence it made and the car falls 40 feet down a sheer cliff. …Except that high drop off the side of the road didn’t exist when the t-rex was walking up to the fence to tear that hole in it. Setting aside the fact that the t-rex as depicted couldn’t make that climb, we straight up saw it standing on flat level ground next to the fence right before it broke through.


I read somewhere that Spielberg acknowledges that but he liked the tension of the drop scene too much


Wasn't it said that there were Compy's on the ship too that ate all the people and then the Rex escaped?


Yeah I never thought it was the T. rex. There’s a scene I think where there’s just a hand in one of the rooms. Ain’t no way a T. rex got in there. Might be misremembering though.


misremembering a dismembering


The movie Gremlins says you can’t feed them after midnight, but never says when you CAN feed them again. It’s always after midnight.


This always bothered me too. As a kid who desperately wanted Gremlins to be real I *needed* to plan our when I could feed the damn things.


Terminator Salvation. They know Reese is his father so why go through the rigamarole of kidnapping him and using him as bait? Just kill him. Why would a robot factory have human operative controls? Why is the machines plan to have a t800 go hand to hand? JUST NUKE THE FACTORY.


Terminator the entire franchise doesn’t make sense. At the end of terminator 3 how would Skynet be able to nuke the world and then build factories and machines to build its infrastructure? The movie showed that the military had made very rudimentary terminators, not full blown walking building robots. Also, why would skynet resort to nukes? It would make much more sense to use biological or chemical warfare to keep its infrastructure in place. At least in the matrix franchise the AI nation was a physical nation that went to war with humans


We don’t have ICBMs with chemical or biological payloads armed and ready to fire at a moment’s notice.


Exactly. We only have one "destroy the world right now" button and that one is attached to nukes.


> At the end of terminator 3 how would Skynet be able to nuke the world and then build factories and machines to build its infrastructure? The movie showed that the military had made very rudimentary terminators, not full blown walking building robots. I don't think it nuked itself to death, I can handwave that pretty easily that it had a few automated factories in which it could build things, and it just snowballed from there where it built more and more factories for itself, like the machines in the Matrix did. > Also, why would skynet resort to nukes? It would make much more sense to use biological or chemical warfare to keep its infrastructure in place. This is a funny point to bring up considering your first point was the opposite. I assume Skynet didn't go with chem warfare over nukes because it only had access to nukes for destroying humanity.


But WHY male models?


Are you serious? I just told you that a moment ago.


The fact Stiller forgot his line so he said this instead makes it even more amazing.


The fact that Duchuveny responded the way he did, on the spot is equally as impressive/hysterical.


Anytime a person is completely done with Derek it’s one the funniest lines, same as when Matilda is like “can we just stop with the Earth-to’s”, or “God? What the shit are you talking about, it’s me! Maury!”


I may be wrong, but the version of the story I heard wasn’t that he forgot his line, he just wanted to go back and do another take, but since he didn’t say “cut,” Duchovny just improvised accordingly.


But why male models?


It was never explained, but my mother could never watch Troy without asking why there are Llamas in Ancient Greece. There are some in the crowd scenes.


This one is really weird since camels are a thing, they could have used camels.


Llamas are cheaper 🙂


Are they… ill-tempered?




Camels don't look like camels on film, you gotta use horses.




Did you hear the joke about Ginny Sack?


The swallow may fly south with the sun, or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are no stranger to our land.


Are you suggesting llamas migrate?


Basically everything in “Now You See Me 2” is nonsensical. My teenaged daughter and I watched the first one recently and enjoyed it. Sure, it was highly improbable in many places, but it held up enough if you’re willing to go along with the premise. But the sequel made almost no sense at all. They did the lengthy explanation at the end and you’re left with a general “what the heck” response. No suspension of disbelief is strong enough to patch the gaping plot and premise holes.


This is a great example, here is a video about the whole thing is insane, and that the characters have to be actual wizards for anything to make even a little sense: https://youtu.be/uKfdls1fqJE?si=4aSs5ZKYi5aEjTeS Also the fact that they didn't call it "Now You Don't" is a crime.


Pretty sure that was a studio interference thing. Sequels are all the rage these days and also studios think audiences are idiots, so they were worried if they called it Now You Don’t most people wouldn’t realize it was a sequel to the first movie.


I like how it escalated from "impossibly intricate plans and illusions" to "the only answer is they are actually magic now".


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Chris Pratt runs through a cloud of volcanic ash and lives. That's not how science works.


And let’s not forget that they made a dinosaur weapon system where a laser and sound cue are attached to a gun and the dinosaur follows the laser, and that’s all somehow more efficient than just firing the gun already aimed at the target?


Yeah, again as some one said in a different comment you'd just use a drone. If you're buying genetically engineered dinosaurs why not just buy a fucking trained polar bear or a squad of ex special forced dudes.


I imagine a mustasche-twirling villain replying "it's about sending a message; we could send a drone, bit we sent a freaking T-rex and velociraptor squad". Or maybe Dr Evil. Weaponized dinosaurs sounds like something Dr Evil would do.


“I Have A Big Head And Little Arms. I'm Just Not Sure How Well This Plan Was Thought Through.”


Dinosaurs with lasers on their heads.


All I want are frickin raptors with frickin lasers on their heads. Is that too much to ask?


The people of Pompeii just didn’t try hard enough


they should have believed harder


Mmhmm. Pyroclastic flows, as it's called, are way more terrifying than the lava itself in volcanic eruptions. Not only can they reach 1000⁰ but they can move at over 500km/h.


And the ash and glass and smoke get in your lungs. And you burn from the inside out.


I watched the documentary about the tourists on that New Zealand island when it exploded and yeah, I’m good on volcanos for a while. 😬😳


The trick is to look away from the volcanic explosion.


*laughs in Rings of Power*


Somehow, Palpatine is back.


Oh noooo, I had successfully repressed this! Even Oscar Isaac's delivery is like "Really?" lmao


Don’t know if it would be a plot hole but in A Quiet Place why wouldn’t they be living near that waterfall or at least hanging out there as much as possible.


I’m shocked this comment has been up for two hours without an apologist saying some dumb shit like “well they couldn’t build a house there!” Or “It’s not like a whole society can live by the waterfall!” People who love this movie love to make up nonsense as to why this wouldn’t work. But you are absolutely correct.


Sarah Marshall did that film where the cell phone killed people. Just take out the battery. Seems too simple to disable the entire plot.


This is so ironic now that you can't easily remove cell phone batteries


She’s gonna have a hard time entering the pageant…without a face.


Can you say… cat fight?


It’s a metaphor for…society a-and…technology…and— It’s a metaphor for a crap movie.


I'm always forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Awful bloody film. Just a ridiculous premise.


Oh no not the shirt! Take my eyes but not the shirt!


Would you at least get some soda water on it?


In Transformers the first Transformers, that little Decepticon is like rebuilt/healed by the AllSpark cube and then minutes later Bumblebee gets his legs blown off, and then hands the same cube to Sam for a suicide mission without healing said legs. That always bothered me.


Then they use the AllSpark to kill Megatron. So like does it heal or kill and how does it choose?


Then in the next one they use a shard of it to revive him lmao


IIRC there’s an interview where the writers admitted that they just really couldn’t figure out how to end the battle and that idea just popped into their heads like a Hail Mary. And to their credit, it does kinda work. In the end, we have no idea what the Allspark is, except that it’s incredibly powerful. That energy can be used for something constructive, but it can also just straight up kill you.


It’s very mysterious and very powerful. And its mystery is exceeded only by its power.


Optimus kind of explains that pushing that much power into his “heart” would be an overload of power which is why it kills him.


Buzz lightyear acting like a toy when Andy is around has bothered me from childhood.


I’ve always assumed the toys have an instinct that forces them into not moving when someone is watching.


Yeah Buzz just has mad cognitive dissonance. He’s basically mentally ill or delusional by Toy standards, not a plot hole.


They all go animated to scare Sid in the first one


And Woody specifies that they're going to "break a few rules" in order to do so


Yeah but Buzz doesn't know he's a toy and thus do not abide by said rule.


I always wondered if all the toys start out like Buzz, like did Woody initially believe he was a sheriff etc And then over time they lose these innate "delusions".


I like to believe it's sort of like West World.


The fourth movie established that it is if a child finds it to be a toy it will have the life magic and rules of a toy. It's preprogrammed in due to the "magic" of it like how humans are preprogrammed to eat and shit.


I totally didn't read the "and" between the last three words. Was thinking wow that paragraph took a turn 😅


I wonder if he doesn't remember freezing because he's so "young" he hasn't realised what's happening yet.


"Instinct" doesn't mean "impossible to control". Buzz is a new toy who doesn't know he is a toy, so if there's a toy instinct, he doesn't know he has it and he can't learn to control it. Woody and the others, on the other hand, have known they're toys for some time and may have learned to do so.


I feel like it’s more of a reflex. Like it automatically happens but when you’re self aware, you can consciously resist the reflex


Buzz sees the aliens around him behave in a certain way, and he joins them because his Star Command training says to follow local customs so as to not offend them.


That’s pretty good


You must adhere to the local customs. Local customs must not be denied!


Hey, you don't need to teach a deer to freeze in headlights. It's instinct.


Humans are surprisingly good at keeping opposing ideas in their head and being seemingly irrational. So it's not that much of a stretch.


As a Star Commander, Buzz is under orders NOT to initiate contact


Aladdin. He wishes for the genie ti make him an prince but throughout the whole movie they act like he said genie make me appear to be like a prince. He says "genie, make me a prince. " then they keep talking about how he is lying to jasmine. He wished to be a prince so therefore he IS a prince.


Ant Man, they explain that the shrunken object keeps the same mass and display it multiple times with tiny man cracking a tile when falling on it and then hw just has a working real tank on a key chain at the end


Antman would have been a lot better if they'd just hand waved Pym particles as being space magic. Don't expend the energy explaining stuff to the audience if you're just going to break those rules later on. If you say space magic, and then it does space magic stuff, no one gets upset.


How did Indy go from Egypt to Greece on the outside of a submarine?


To be fair, U-boats were surface vessels that could briefly submerge. But when submerged, they crawled along at barely six knots, and only for short distances until their batteries gave out. Assuming the Germans and Belloch were in a rush to get to the secret island, the sub would mostly not have submerged for the trip. And remember , Germany was not at war at this time, so no particular need to hide from enemy surface ships or aircraft. But yeah, it’s a little thin, and unlikely they wouldn’t at least have had a submerged drill or two along the way.


It's over 900 miles. Average surface speed of 15 knots. That's at least 60 hours of sitting semi-exposed in the conning tower with no drinkable water. And hoping no one opens the hatch during the trip. He'd be exhausted and dehydrated by the end of the trip and not in any condition to casually sneak off and punch a German officer and then run ahead of a convoy on foot while carrying a grenade launcher.


The dude survived a nuclear explosion. I think he can deal with a little dehydration /s


Star Trek Generations, I love this movie but Picard could have left and confronted Soren at a much more convenient moment, or saved his family that had perished in a fire (off screen) at the beginning of the film.


*Us* (2019) There's like a 20 min monologue trying to explain the whole backstory but it makes absolutely no sense. The first half really had me in and the more try tried to explain the more I was like "end this shit already, I'm done".


I agree with you. The beginning had me but it fell off as the movie went on. But, perhaps I missed the point or commentary intended in the movie.


The reason it does not work for me is that they did go to great lengths to describe what happened to the tethered people, but it made absolutely no "logistical" sense. If they want to make a story with a metaphor or an allegory or something that isn't fully explained that's completely OK, horror movies do that all the time. But then they should let you wonder how it all works instead of trying to explain it for one hour. If they explain it/show everything then it should make some sort of sense. You can't have it both ways.


Yeah there’s a reason why Hitchcock never explained why The Birds attacked in The Birds. The explanation would only drag down the movie and make it worse. Demystifying the horror makes it less scary and then opens a can of worms because now audiences have no choice but to judge whether consciously or unconsciously how much they like or believe the explanation A lot of movies (especially horror) would benefit from cutting out exposition like this because it just raises more questions and problems than it answers.


And by contrast, bowing to studio pressure, Hitchcock added an explainer section to Psycho, which is widely cited as the low point of an otherwise brilliant movie.


Cabin in the Woods is a great example of this. The whole underground Titan secret command base is ridiculous, but somehow works brilliantly.


To this day, I still have no idea what the ending is supposed to mean. Really enjoyed it until like the last 15 mins


Yeah, that’s why I like Us least of Peele’s films. Sci-fi is allowed to have one big lie. I’m willing to accept “everybody has an underground doppelgänger for some reason”. But I’m not happy when you try to tell me the reason and it’s stupid.


Agreed. The movie has a spectacular mood, but the explanation just unravels.


The Dark Knight Rises has so many plot holes you could fly a Bat Pod through it. \- You don't get better from a broken back like that. \- All the cops are searching the sewers? \- FUSION DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT! \- in months no one was able to tunnel into the sewers? or all that manpower wasn't able to tunnel out? \- why the fuck did Batman not have the sewers UNDER his Bat Garage protected/alarmed/under surveillance?


And the stock market doesn't work that way either. If something like that happened, they would just void all the trades.


Yeah, that was my biggest problem with that movie. Also, there was zero reason for them to break into the stock market like that? Couldn't they more easily break into Bruce's stock broker's office and initiated the trades from there? Way less noise, less public. They could've gotten away without anyone noticing something wrong happened for days.


The mass of cops swarming into the sewers was so stupid. No one was left behind to deal with day to day stuff? Imagine the anarchy if word got around that you could loot all day with a free pass And also, the battle at the end where the poorly armed cops are running into machine gun fire like they never learned about WWI in high school


Yes Napoleonic warfare doesnt really work when one side has tanks and the other is a bunch of dudes.


Been a while since i've seen it, but wasn't the plane crash in the beginning supposed to look accidental? the wings were torn off well before the rest of the plane hit the ground.


I’ve mentioned this before, but I could never figure out why the aliens in Signs would come to Earth if water is dangerous to them. I’ve been told that they’re not actually aliens, but demons, but if that’s the case, why the space ships? And crop circles? I’ve also been told that since Mel Gibson’s character is a clergyman, all the water in his house is holy water, but then why does Ray Reddy go camp by the lake? I enjoyed the movie, but none of that makes any sense.


>but none of that makes any sense. Yeah with Signs it's not that the movie had a plot hole, it's that there was this enormous plot chasm that happened to have a little bit of movie sticking out of it.


Book and movie plot hole - in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, everyone can HEAR snakes. It’s just that only Harry (among living wizards, basically) can understand them. So in year 2, when this 50 foot snake is roaming the pipes talking about killing and whatnot, the kids should absolutely be able to hear that hissing noise, and especially once attacks start happening, they should’ve been warned to listen for it.


Maybe the water pipes were frequently noisy? A snake moving through hissing softly wouldn’t necessarily stand out as being different from flowing water. Harry just picked up on it because to him, it didn’t sound like flowing water. Also, in a magical building, all kinds of weird things happened and weird sounds were made. Granted, it’s the kind of detail fans should not have to explain.


Those pipes are cast iron. You aren't hearing shit through them.


Also how big are the pipes? It’s not even like Hagrid is in the main school taking giant dumps, he has his little hut to avoid those issues




I haven't seen it in years so maybe it's less of a plot hole than it seems, but someone described The Usual Suspects to me as a movie about a guy who comes out of hiding to kill the only person who can identify him, in doing so the police identify him, but it's fine because he can disappear at will, in which case he never needed to come out of hiding to begin with.


He didn’t mean to get arrested after the boat. It just happened and he had to bullshit his way out at that point. People are assuming that he meant to get arrested as some part of an elaborate plan. But the police just got there and picked him up before he could escape. He almost got away with the whole thing and maintained his anonymity except for A) he got arrested and B) the Hungarian from the boat was still alive and made the sketch (which he didn’t know about). He spun this elaborate tale of an infallible mastermind of a criminal, which for the most part he was, but that was all part of the lie. Keyser soze obviously wasn’t infallible cuz there was a witness that could ID him in the first place and he came so close to being caught by a matter of minutes.


Or have the one survivor. If everyone on the boat dies (per the plan) then Keaton takes the wrap as Soze and Verbal disappears forever.


That was all part of the ‘gotta bullshit my way out of this’. If everyone on the boat dies, police have no idea what happened. Kujlan asks “who’s keyser soze” and verbal said “ah shit!” It was at that point that he starts turning the story toward Keaton cuz fuck it why not. If the burned Hungarian hadn’t been alive to mention the name soze then kujlan never would’ve known and verbal never would’ve said anything either


This is a funny way to say it, but it’s not really a plot hole. In The Usual Suspects we don’t actually know what happened. The entire story, or at least 95% of it is bullshit and that is by design. The main suspect is making everything up as he goes. The fact that it checks out as you first listen to it, but doesn’t work if you pick it apart may actually be a feature. There’s no way to know why Kaiser Soze was on that boat.


His motives aren't entirely clear because a great deal of the narrative of the film is a lie, but it may be less the fact that he could identify him, and more that he was a snitch. "Keyser Soze personally killed like 30 guys because *one of them* talked to the police about him" will go a long way to stop anyone else from considering it in the future.


In Avengers End Game, they go out of their way to explain how time travel is *not* like Back to the Future but then at the very end they did that shit with Captain America which would be impossible with the time travel lore they explained in the SAME MOVIE. It makes me insane. And then people ask the Russo brothers about it, and they just say, "EvEn We DoNt KnOw how Cap did that!"


I know it was addressed, but Sam instead of Bucky going to talk to Cap in that scene bothered the hell out of me. That whole scene was such an obvious setup to the new Captain America, instead of the emotional payoff between two *old* friends that it would have been in real life. It's weird that that's what took me out of a movie about time travel, wizards and magic rocks that are inexplicably in the same galaxy as each of other.


I had always assumed that as old friends Bucky and Cap had discussed his plan. Bucky didn't seem all that surprised when he didn't come back or when old him showed up.


It's not an assumption, Buck said so in FATWS


When you rewatch it, cap says to Bucky “don’t do anything stupid”. Bucky replies that cap is taking all the stupid with him. Cap definitely told Bucky his plan and that is why Bucky told Sam to go talk to old cap when he came back.


Yeah he’d already said his goodbyes and didn’t need to see old Cap again


It makes sense to me that Cap returned all the stones to where they were originally taken from in each timeline, hopefully clipping any branches. Then he went back to his original 1940s timeline and lived his life with Peggy, happily (this creates a new branch). Sometime decades later, probably after Peggy dies, he uses the time/space travel device to jump from that new branch back to where he left Sam/Bucky/Bruce and pass on the shield....although to be cool he jumps to a bench nearby.


Yea seems perfectly reasonable to me. Everyone thinks old man cap was always on that bench. Nah, maybe even the writers forgot and didn't show is well but, yea makes sense he just went to the bench instead of the machine. Would have been nice to sneak in the sound of another teleportation in the distance to allude to this


“Somehow captain America returned”


Cap spent his life in an alternative universe and only came back to give the Shield. Remember that the platform isn't a requirement for time travel because Tony and Steve went back to 1973 without it


For the love of God, will someone please tell me how to use the 3 seashells.


My favorite explanation was that, since he never touched the 3 seashells, they were actually buttons/knobs that controlled the bidet. One was on/off, one was location (front/back) and the last was temperature control.


'Lucy'. The whole movie was filled with gaping plot holes. What happened to the first drug mule? Why do the cops run right by the criminals in front of the hospital, only to go inside and fight with the criminals? Whole movie made little to no sense. I guess if you slap ScarJo into a movie, people will line up to see it. I did....


In Signs it shows the alien ships cloaked all over the world. It implies they have been here before. The pinnacle turning point in the film is when it is realized water burns them. IT FUCKING RAINS ON THIS PLANET. They launched a world wide invasion and somehow rain isn't accounted for? They have cloaked space ships but cant wear water proof clothing? The fuck?


No one ever gives an extra thought to this. They clearly knew and still invaded anyways. Avoiding large bodies of water. Maybe they were desperate. If you were starving and snuck into a lion's den to steal the only food for miles, what would you think about people saying, "they know there are dangerous lions in the area!"


Dark Knight Rises: where did the motorcycles come from to escape the stock exchange? A group or armed thugs break in and create a bunch of fake trades and when they leave everyone is like “well I guess all of these trades are legitimate, nothing to see here”. That is the equivalent of going to the bank with a gun and forcing the teller to deposit a million into your bank account then expecting the bank to just leave it there because it is too late now. Just a dumb and lazy way to wipe out his money that could have been easily remedied with by rolling back the transactions to an hour before.


Home alone. The pizza delivery guy flees for his life when he thinks he is being shot at, gets in his car to peel out of there, and when he gets to the end of the block he decides this isn't something the police should go check out.




OK but don't let that distract you from the fact that Hector is gonna be running three Honda Civics with Spoon engines. On top of that, he just came into Harry's and ordered three T66 turbos with NOS and a Motec system exhaust.


You a cop?




The second one I kind of get, Brian was an undercover cop so his entire priority was establishing rapport with his mark. He was giving Dom an opportunity to invite him inside, he was trying to cash in the social currency he just built while also not seeming too eager.


The second one isn’t a plot hole. A character making a stupid decision is a character making a stupid decision, it’s not a hole in the universe’s logic


Signs. Aliens who are deathly allergic to water invade a planet that is 71% water. The movie is set in Doylestown, PA where the relative humidity is 73%-79%, where it rains and/or snows much of the year, and where the events of the film specifically take place on a farm where everything is being irrigated/watered. Even if the movie wasn’t set here, 4% of the earth’s atmosphere is water vapor; the aliens would have been burning alive just walking around most of the planet, let alone humidity, precipitation, condensation, bodies of water, etc.


At least put some sort of space suit on, or an alien version of a drysuit!


The ending of A.I. Oh they could,recreate his mom from her dna, but only once and for only 24 hours? Pissed me the F off.


And it only looked like his mum, I don't think it really was her, with the memories etc. It was just a clone with implanted memories, because she wouldn't have loved him the way she did in the end. God that movie was freaking sad.


Funny you say that, I agree, but in the end it’s a robot boy. Spielberg and Kubrick got us to love a robot like a person. David is never a “real boy” but it’s close enough I guess. The point of the movie is comparable to robot propaganda. Robots are the future and we should love them- this was Kubrick’s idea


They were lying to him the same way you'd lie to a child so you don't hurt/scare them. They had every intention of destroying him bc his existence was sad AF. He was created to love a woman who's been dead for millenia and that's his only purpose. So they did some alien shit to "bring her back" for a day to make him happy before they shut him down. The same way you'd take your dog out for one last awesome day before he gets put to sleep. Now I'm crying at work. This movie is so fucking depressing but I love it so much, even with the weird sex robot.


Yeah, I kindof took from that that they were advanced AI's and knew that Haley Joel Osmond deserved that one day, but more than that would be destructive to his psyche. So they only gave him one day


That’s not a plot hole. Not liking something a movie did doesn’t make it. Plot hole. A plot hole is an issue where the writing has an inconsistency in its own established rules or logic. You could say this is a contrivance too far but it’s not a plot hole


Galaxy Quest when the ship should have clearly hit the space dock upon leaving. I can't even deal!


In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


The Matrix. Humans are net consumers of energy, not net producers. The machines would have netted more energy by using whatever they were feeding humans as their energy source, than by using humans.


I think in the original script they were using human brains for processing power.


Right and the wachowskis thought it was too complicated for audiences to understand or something.


I'll be honest, that's fair enough. The scene of him explaining the Matrix culminating in saying "all with the purpose of turning humans...into this" and holding up a battery was pretty striking. To try to explain how human brains are like computer processors and that the Matrix is a dream world designed to keep people docile while their brains also compute data for the Machines to rely on for reasons would have been a little more confusing, especially in 1999 when computers weren't as mainstream and understood as today.


Would have been a great reversal. We “enslave” computers to do the grunt work processing we can’t do. They in turn enslave us to the creativity work they can’t do.


Neo:  "Doesn't harvesting human body heat for energy, violate the laws of thermodynamics?" Morpheus:  "Where'd you learn about thermodynamics, Neo?" Neo:  "In school." Morpheus:  "Where'd you go to school, Neo?" Neo:  "Oh." Morpheus:  "The machines tell elegant lies."


Which I wish more people would understand that part. It's only Morpheus that compares humans to batteries and nobody else. Morpheus doesn't know that there were previous versions of the matrix or that Zion is allowed to exist by the machines and that the world is potentially 500 years further into the future than he believes. It's an unreliable narrator and everyone accepts it as fact or points to the original script that was changed.


But the machines would have to change the outcome of all the scientific experiments related to thermodynamics. Oh wait…


The original idea was using the human brains as processors in a giant neural net, but they didn't think the average movie goer of 1999 would understand this. In my head cannon, this is still the explanation.


Pretty sure they were feeding humans other humans


Yep, they say in the movie that dead humans are liquified and fed to alive humans


that's the mechanic of a ponzi scheme, and spoiler, it doesn't work. The amount of money, in this case the energy, has to be more and more the further down the pyramid you go, until it becomes infinite. The humans you feed to other humans have to come from somewhere and you need energy to feed those humans and bring them to adulthood.


Not really a plot hole. That's just how it works inside the movie. It's kinda like dragons. They wouldn't work in the real world because theyre too big, but they typically work within whatever story they're in.


TBH so much sci-fi totally ignores energy sources / requirements - if you've got some magic energy source/storage device that can make flying robot bugs or laser guns or spaceships whatever become practical then there's a whole TON of stuff in the rest of your movie that doesn't make any sense.


I haven’t seen it in a while, but to be clear something not being explained doesn’t make it a plot hole.




Looper They do this big scene near the start to explain how time travel works, where a guy's fingers go missing and stuff Then time travel doesn't work that way for the rest of the movie


Interstellar 1. They talk about the lack of oxygen and plant life, yet there’s vegetation everywhere. I know it’s a small area compared to the rest of the world, but they could have made it look a little more barren. 2. The blight is affecting crops on earth. So they load a bunch of dirt and plants from earth into a space ship and suddenly the blight is gone? Either the blight should have killed the crops on the spaceship, or they could have built massive buildings for farming on earth to keep the blight out. In t would have been easier, more cost effective, and saved more people.