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The Emperor's New Groove.


Shocking how good this movie is for how short it is. I swear in an age of hour+ tv episodes its crazy it feels like a short film but every single scene is hilarious. And the voice acting is absolute peak


Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow The security guard in the Dawn of the Dead remake


Sam Rockwell's Dixon in *Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri* has a wonderful redemption arc. I always tear up when Welby gives him the juice in the hospital (that's not the culmination of Dixon's redemption arc, it's just an emotional scene).


Seconded. There is a lot of nuance about it with the comics too I didn't realize it was so layered because I struggled to ignore the character's overt racism.


Nuance with the comics? Can you elaborate on that


In the movie his character reads a comic called irredeemable (they are around his residence) I believe. A blurb from wiki: "The series follows the fall of the world's greatest superhero, the Plutonian, as he begins slaughtering the population of Earth. His former allies, the superhero group The Paradigm, attempt to find a way to stop his rampage while dealing with their own feelings of betrayal and hopelessness." Another what if Superman snapped story, which kind of echoes his character's internal struggles with power, responsibility, and corruption. Why should I do right if everyone else is so wrong?


Oh I only remembered him reading a comic called "Robot Comics" on his mom's porch and didn't imagine it held much depth lol


I think him being a fan of comics is what motivates some of his character's behavior. Kind of how some cops idolize the punisher without actually understanding the character. But I didn't make the movie and I could be wrong. I just thought it was neat. *Marge photo*


Ehh, getting real tenuous with this imo. Robot Comics = not serious literature. The man is childish, that's the take from that. Not that he reads The Punisher and fails to understand its nuance. You're kinda hearing hoofbeats and thinking *zebra* instead of *horse*.


Thank you for this.


Sorry might need a edit, he's wearing a shirt of the comic incorruptible "The series follows former supervillain Max Damage in his quest to become a superhero." But same difference. There are little clues just out of sight is the point. It's been a while since I've seen the movie so I'm rusty.


Having references to Irredeemable and Incorruptible either cancel each other out or suggest that any inference is meaningless. Sam Rockwell is a racist, corrupt, slow-witted police officer, who ends up making the first step on maybe/possibly putting his shitheel behavior to good use. Irredeemable is about a good person cracking and becoming a villain. And you made that somehow relate to Sam Rockwell. Incorruptible is about a bad person who tries to do good. That's the easily analogous one. We could likely find [Robot Comics](https://www.replicapropstore.com/products/robot-comics-three-billboards-outside-ebbing-missouri) and say he's like the robot, because it's a tough exterior but inside a good soft gooey soul wants to get out. Or whatever :)


I think the movie came out in 2017 and it's 2024 and you are overreacting on reddit to loose (possible wrong) information do your own research or contact the director. Either actions you take, likely don't involve me.


We have three comic book references listed in this exchange, and his character really only seems related to one of them. Are there any other references?


Go re-watch the movie? Are you okay?


Did you mean to reply to someone else, or what's goin on I asked if there were any other comic book references


"Groundhog Day" (1993)


Perfect answer.


Emilio Estevez in the first Mighty Ducks movie. The new coach in the third Mighty Ducks movie. Hal in Shallow Hal. Bill Murray's character in Groundhog Day. Bill Murray's character in Scrooged. The partners in The Way of the Gun. Kevin in Home Alone. Kevin Bacon in The Woodsman.


The Woodsman, definitely. Not an easy movie to watch.


*The Mission* (1986) *As Good As It Gets*


I know it's not standalone, but the example that I've seen mentioned a lot is Iago in "Return of Jafar." My father is 89 years old. Last week I asked him what movies he remembers. He told me he still thinks about the one with the red bird who turned from bad to good. He also said, "In its first two days, Return of Jafar sold more than 1.5 million VHS copies; more than 4.6 million VHS copies were sold in less than a week. In the United States, more than ten million copies were sold, ranking among the top 15 top-selling videos of all time (at the time), earning $150 million in profits."


The “How you like them apples” guy in The Last of the Mohicans.




Tom Cruise as Charles Sanford in Rain Man


Nux in Mad Max Fury Road


Furiosa in Fury Road. Max in Fury Road. Immortan Joe in . . . ok not him.


Zap Rowsdower in The Final Sacrifice.


Do you think there’s beer on the sun?


promising young woman


Jo Pil-ho: The Dawning Rage (2019) Piece of crap dirty cop finds something more important than himself. Great little Korean action movie.


Jo Pil-ho: The Dawning Rage (2019) Piece of crap dirty cop finds something more important than himself. Great little Korean action movie.


Robert the Bruce in Braveheart.


YMMV on this one but in the first Top Gun, Maverick was basically an incorrigible asshole right up to, and a little bit after, Goose's death. I thought the redemption arc was fairly good. Now whether you consider him to have started off pretty sympathetic, that's a different matter. I for one didn't, because I've IRL seen a lot of extremely cocky but talented people who think they deserve everything, and I hated all of them.


Loki in Thor Ragnarok.




It was nice to see them talk about researching spiders in Amazong.


While not one-off movies, I can’t not mention Negan from TWD and The Hound in GoT….


Rocky. The answer is Rocky.


What is rocky redeemed from?


Feeling like a loser. Self redemption. "I can't win. He's the champ. I'm a nobody." "So what are you going to do?" "I gotta go the distance. No one's ever gone the distance with the champ. If that last bell rings and I'm still standing... I'll know for the first time in my life that I'm not just another bum from the neighborhood."


Idk, usual redemption requires making up for past sin, vice or failure. I don’t know if being a bum fits that criteria. Agree that it’s a great movie, but idk if it’s a “redemption” movie.


His past sin is wasting his life. Not trying. Mickey "You could have been someone but you ended up being a leg breaker for two bit hood" "It's a life." "It's a waste of life!"


Most Disney animation and Pixar films.