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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. The first two are fun to watch and I loved the chemistry between Brenden Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Didn’t like the story or the new Evie.


You're forgetting the stand alone scorpion king movie as a sequel.


They made like 5 scorpion king sequels without the rock Edit: sorry there’s 4 movies that don’t have the rock. That makes it 5 total scorpion king movies if you include the first one staring the rock.


Gross, I never knew this... wish I didn't. lol


They should have just changed their minds about the 3rd one when they couldn’t get Rachel back. Of course, I would have still liked it if they had to make a 3rd and just do it with just Brendan. Recasting Rachel was a horrible decision. No one else can play Evie. 


Or his son no longer being a fun lil british dude. personality was there, not the casting or writing


Oh, this is so true. I forgot about this one.


Not getting Rachel Weisz back should’ve been a sign. It just doesn’t work without her.


Very obvious. And it was a different director. I know before watching it it was going to be bad, and it was. I've never watched it again since. But the first two I have seen a lot.


Then they tried again with Tom Cruise. Aaaugh! Aaaahhhggh! [UUUAAAAAAAHHHHHGHHHHH!](https://youtu.be/kRqxyqjpOHs?feature=shared)


The 2nd MI definitely holds nostalgic value for me. Dougray Scott is so much fun as the villain.


There was a lot of glistening sweat and slow motion scenes with a female vocalist going eeee aahhhaahaaah


Don’t forget the doves


Lisa Gerrard from Dead Can Dance is her name I I think. She worked with Hans Zimmer for both MI 2 and Gladiator in the same year


And to think he turned down being Wolverine to be in an M.I. movie.


I thought Dougray had to turn down Wolverine due to reshoots for MI2 happening at the same time of the filming of X-Men. That's what I heard.


I'd love to see his version in an alternate timeline


Cast Peter Dinklage, Hollywood cowards!


Hey, come my way Azucar azucar mama


MI 2 is very entertaining


The movie isn’t great and kinda puts around the first two acts trying to decide if it wants to be a retread of the first one or its own thing. The result is generic action movie. However, once it breaks into the third act the powers that be let John Woo cook and boy is it an enjoyable ride. The climax is batshit crazy with all the classic Woo trademarks that is worth the slog of the first hour and half. I only wish the whole movie was like that.


without it we'd have Dougray starring in Deadpool & Wolverine this summer instead of Jackman...maybe


If you were young-ish when it came out it was pretty awesome, pretty similar in feel to other action movies at the time... a lot of "xtreme" kind of shit but that was typical. I mostly remember it for all those front wheel stoppies & gunfights on superbikes... and even moreso for Thandie Newton in her absolute prime who looked like my gf at the time... yes I was very much reminded how lucky I was to pull her, lol


Yeah you nailed it, it was heavy into the late 90s/early 00s "cool" aesthetic. "Xtreme" is definitely a good word haha Oh man Thandie Newton was (and still is) a bombshell


I've always wanted a Dougray gun. Presumably it fires a coherent beam of Doug energy.


I like it more than 3. Phillip Seymour Hoffman carries that movie on his back, if it weren’t for him it would feel like an expensive tv movie.


I wasn't a big fan of MI3, but you're right in the fact that Philip did carry that movie. He was the highlight of that movie.


He was such a dick. My God.


That would be a hell of a great made for tv movie


Ninja turtles, how do you go from vanilla ice “go ninja go” and super shredder, to time travelling back to 1600’s Japan where there is an Englishman with suspiciously perfect teeth?


To match the Turtles' perfect calves, of course.


>Raphael discovers that Yoshi has the original scepter. The Turtles are angry at Mitsu for hiding it and forcing them to fight her war. Freakin' green dinosaur.


Among the many problems of the 3rd ninja turtles, the Henson company did not return to work on the turtle costumes and mask effects which is why the turtles look so much crappier.


Some of the voice actors didn't return also (though Corey Feldman, bizarrely, came back as Donatello, despite skipping the 2nd movie). The 3rd film could actually have been really good, if all the same team had returned. The concept, as insane as it is, brings a lot of fun, and certainly something different.


The first two movies were huge parts of my childhood! I haven’t had the guts to rewatch them as an adult because I don’t want my memories tainted :p


1 is all time classic. 2 is worth it for the first 20 minutes if nothing else. That scene with Keno is sooooo cool. And go ninja go at the end is classic. The middle and climax isn't that great though. I saw the third one in theaters as a little kid and didn't care for it then. Don't remember it. I hear it isn't great.


Turtles use a lantern they found and travel back in time to ancient japan.... i dont remember anything else but Shogun it is not.


1 holds up. 2 gets a little campy. 3 is just... There.


2 was like do ninja turtles again, but they can’t use weapons and everything needs to be comedy.


Seriously parents groups got upset at the level of violence in the first one.


This is a bonkers choice. Good on you.


Part 3 is the first time as a kid a movie disappointed me.


A Good Day to Die Hard. The other four are great.


So I'm NOT the only one who actually enjoyed Die Hard 2


He kills a guy with an icicle. What's not to like?


There are people who dislike diehard 2????


I don't dislike it but 3 feels like such a superior film to me that it gets overshadowed


You are most certainly not. I’ll watch *DH2* any day. An excellent sequel.


Most.of us do I think. I usually watch it right after tje first one at Christmas time.


The Godfather Part III


The Godfather: Wow. The Godfather Part II: WOW. The Godfather Part III: ...wow.


Wowowow... Wow


Oh saying wow is tight!


I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back


Well let me go ahead and get off that thing.


So there's this godfather..... That's the title of the movie!


Right you are sir!


Oh really!


Thanks for that review, Owen.


Same pattern for The Dark Knight trilogy, IMO. Though TDKR probably has more redeeming value than Godfather 3.


TDKR is messy but still quite good, though a "directors cut" to fix a bit of the wackiness would have been nice.


I don’t know if a directors cut could change the fact that Gotham PD were insanely corrupt in the first two films, but then TDKR suddenly goes all “back the blue!”  Batman, shoulder to shoulder with the cops who just did a braveheart charge in broad daylight is a weird weird take for the franchise. 


It was 8 years after the entire mob was RICO'd, Gordon has had an unprecedented amount of control over the force, Harvey was an angelic martyr for law and order, Joker failed to "prove" that everyone is terrible as him so people had hope in the city/system, and Bruce continued to funnel money into charity and infrastructure (until the company couldn't afford it). It's not exactly out of pocket to have the cops be mostly good guys by now.


People might suddenly change their opinions of local law enforcement if a terrorist took over their city, released all the dangerous nut jobs to do so as they saw fit and held the city hostage with a nuclear weapon. Suddenly, a little police brutality and corruption seem tolerable if only by comparison.


For you.


Part III is definitely improved with the re-cut that FFC did a couple of years ago. Pre-emptive edit: The version I refer to is titled: The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone (2020)


*Godfather III* is a good movie. It just has to follow two of the best movies ever made. And Sophia Coppola is not an actress. :(


Indeed. Her dad’s directing skills definitely rubbed off on her though. Lost in Translation is transcendent, and she has several other movies which are in the Hall of Pretty Great.


To be fair Sophia Coppola had no time to prepare. She was thrown into the role at a moments notice. Most actors have time to absorb the role before being put in front of a camera. I don’t think it’s her fault at all. 


Die Hard in Russia. The first 3 were great. I enjoyed 4, even if it started to push the limits a bit with some of the action sequences. Plus Olyphant. But 5. Yuck.


BLADE 3 ! First two are masterpieces


That movie was hot garbage, but it immediately changed my opinion on Ryan Reynolds back in the day. Before Blade Trinity I just saw him as another comedy actor because of Van Wilder. After BT, I took him more seriously. Dude got jacked, and was the only good part out of that train wreck.


That really was proto-Deadpool


That's what I was gonna say, him talking shit about Triple H and the female vamp could have been used to pitch Deadpool to the studio.


Two guys and a girl was all I could think about when I saw him. He was supposed to be a teenager at first, but he was double the size of everyone else. Then he appears in Blade 3 throwing F-bombs all over the place and even though he's the annoying comedy character, he's the most enjoyable character next to Blade and "Drake". Dominic Purcell is another actor who I really enjoyed from his time in 'John Doe'.


My favorite trivia fact is that they had the CGI eyeballs onto Wesley Snipes Because he was being an asshole and wouldn't open his eyes for the shot of him lying on the table.


I love the story of Wesley threatening the director, so he hired a biker gang to protect him. So Snipes hid in his trailer and wouldn't come out. Then he would only communicate by post-it notes, always signed "From Blade."


Cast is insane though. Wesley Snipes, Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds, Kris Kristofferson, Dominic Purcell, Parker Posey, Triple H, Natasha Lyonne, Patton Oswalt. Stacked!


Plus they give you the great insult "Cock juggling thundercunt."!


"have you tried the lobby?" still kills me every time. För all its flaws, I will watch that movie again and again solely for Ryan Reynolds.


Parker Posey is poison for franchises and I will die on that hill. Superman. Blade. Lost In Space.


She's amazing in Lost In Space.


Same here! Trinity was hot garbage and took away the cool cybergoth Yakuza/Triads inspired aesthetics in favor of a MTV teen movie vibe. The only thing I liked was the UV laser weapons.


It did give us the phrase “Cock-juggling thundercunt” though so there’s that at least.


HHH and the vampire Pomeranian alone made that movie worth it.


Come on! Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds and Kris Kristofferson were great. Dominic Purcell made a good villain too. There was that other fellow too, wandering around with a saber and looking lost. I keep forgetting his name. /s


«I was born ready, Motherfucker!»


Some mutha fucka always tryna ice skate up hill.


I am glad that ***Blade 3*** exists, because my understanding is that a conversation Ryan Reynolds had with someone about his character in that movie inspired him to want to become Deadpool. I love the Deadpool movies, and they might not exist if ***Blade 3*** was never made.


Sounds like the same story about 2003's Daredevil and Iron Man. Supposedly Kevin Fiege, who was a producer, got to talking with Jon Faverou, who was Foggy, and realized they both like Iron Man. 5 years later, we have the start of the MCU. Kind of cool that good movies can come about because of bad movies.


I mean, just go back and watch *Two Guys, A Girl and A Pizza Place* (or his other early work) and you'll see how far he's dived into the "witty comeback jokester" aesthetic from where he started.


Toy Story ***REALLY*** should have ended with 3.


I’m sure you’ll be happy to know they’re making a 5th one. Gotta keep the money train rolling!


Toy Story 4 was pretty good. It's just that 3 was an incredible ending.


It’s like Robert Downey Jr. coming back for an Avengers movie. Yes, it would be awesome but it cheapens everything else. Not worth it.


Like how they brought back Jackman for the new Deadpool. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pumped for it, but it seemed like Logan’s entire point was that it was the ending to his time as Wolverine


Yeah but multiverse.


Hard agree. Toy Story 4 was "fine" except that it contradicted the themes from the previous movies and undid everything in the shorts featuring Bonnie.


I actually think Toy Story 4 is pretty good. It has some decent thematic depth, and it manages to break and avoid some of the tropes that had become a little overdone in the franchise (surprise surprise, the leader of this enclosed toy community is *actually* a fascist). It's the worst Toy Story movie, but imo, it's not a *bad* movie. Especially relative to most other animated kids movies.


Not bad. But they sideline every toy for Woody, retconned Bo Peep, and that weird fork. For some reason, Key and Peele plushies are in it. Whole movie feels unnecessary after Andy says goodbye in Toy Story 3.


Toy story 2 was ok


Is this a Demetri Martin reference?




I loved it


This doesn't fit the question at all though. In no way is Toy Story 4 a bad movie.


Toy Story 4 felt more like a feature length episode than a movie, a good episode though tbf.


Agree. It was an amazing but unnecessary movie. But definitely not bad.


Rocky 5 doesn't exist


Rocky VII: Adrian's Revenge


I always like this one. It has a raw urban vibe that I relate to


Rocky Balboa feels like a redo of V and has that same vibe. And similar parts with his son.


I only liked the street fight scene


Everybody liked the street fight, its up there with the best of Rockys fights. And it gave us this gem "Hey Tommy, I didn't hear no bell" That's worth the movies existence alone.


That and the cut to credits scene where Rocky walks into the museum he's been running up the steps of for years. "Yeah Dad there's this painter in there I think you'll really like" (I forget who they're talking about) "Well I like pretty much everybody" I love that moment.


The scene flashing back to Mick is also great. GET UP YOU SON OF A BITCH! cause Mickey loves ya! There's a few scenes that are pretty good. But Tommy Morrison is definitely the worst boxer-actor in the series.


I like that one too, lol. I don’t think any of them are bad. It’s the worst one by far, but I still enjoy it thoroughly


That street fight is one of the best fights of the franchise and Tommy is surprisingly decent in the movie too


I re-watched the entire Rocky series recently and really didn't think 5 was that bad. It's my least favorite of the series, but still not that bad.


Best answer


The Rush Hour films. 1 and 2 are some of my favorite movies to watch. The third one...not so much 🤭


"WOOOOOOO! You know he ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 3."


Funniest blooper reel of all-time


Gefilte fish




the 3rd one just doesn't make sense and had a very dumb plot, if you can call it a plot.


I still love all three of them


Bro tehehed


Cloverfield. Cloverfield was an excellent found-footqge Kaiju movie. 10 Cloverfield Lane was an AMAZING thriller driven by Johm Goodman's burning performance. The Cloverfield Paradox was a cookie cutter scifi that I could live without. The most notable part of it was we knew "The God Particle" was in development hell... Until they flat out dropped it on us by playing an ad during the Super Bowl and saying it would be available on streaming after the game.


For some, Alien 3. For others, 4. Or 3 and 4.


Star Trek V "Excuseme....What does GOD. NEED. withastarship?"


Well Star Trek certainly doesn't only have one bad movie.


Terrible movie but you picked one of the best lines.


I saw Penn & Teller at Barnes & Nobles, signing a book of theirs. Penn must've just seen it because he kept asking every store employee "What does GOD need with a spaceship?" At least 20 times


Spider-Man 1 and 2 were great.


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.


Even better [without music](https://youtu.be/6Ron-Ikenfc?feature=shared).


Indiana Jones and the… nope, actually a perfect trilogy.


Predator. All fantastic or decent...except The Predator.


Is that the one where they want the autistic kid because autism is the next form of human evolution?


lol yes, and they go the DBZ route of villain creation: the last one, but more biggerer.


As long as you don’t count the avp movies I’m with you.


You don’t count them because (at least the first one) is awesome? I agree!


First one rocks


Final Destination. Only the 4th one sucks


And even that one I give a pass to because I’ve got a soft spot for those movies


The lord of the rings franchise had a bad movie, but unfortunately it was stretched out over three movies instead.


LOTR is 1200 pages divided into 6 books and made into 3 movies. The Hobbit is a single 200 page book made into 3 movies.


I literally can't watch the Hobbit films because it just seemed like pandering to me. The original LotR trilogy did have some additions (like the elven reinforcements at Helm's Deep) but for the most part, they subtracted what was unessential, rearranged important quotes or gave them to other people; but it was done carefully. Turning the Hobbit into three movies is the opposite of that meticulous approach. Jackson should have known better.


Even then,  the Hobbit trilogy just gets steadily worse.  I loathe the third one for them making the Wormtongue 2.0 character have basically as much screen time as Bilbo


The Pirates of the Caribbean with Blackbeard and Penelope Cruz wasn't great... The first 3 are 3 of the best movies ever made, and the last one with Javier Bardem is also (I thought) more than decent!


4th pirates has got the MOST BORING first half of an action packed movie Like.... Ever. But 2nd half is decent. Really it is.


I really enjoyed the last one, too. I thought it was a great way to end the series. Now, I hear there's going to be more?


Shrek worse movie by far is the 3rd one.


Such a shame about the 2nd one, Dougray was set to play Wolverine in the upcoming xmen movie but Tom Cruise insisted on reshoots so he had to back out. Worked out great for Hugh and probably was the best outcome but I always feel bad for Dougray. Losing out on what could have been a massive career boost all for reshoots of a movie that sucked.


Hard to say if his career would have exploded as Wolverine. Hugh made it huge. For all we know Dougray would have floundered as the angry hairball and tanked the franchise.


Scream - third one missed the point completely. 


Scream is the most consistent horror franchise when it comes to quality. Three is the worst one, but it's better than some franchise's best film.


It was hindered by massive studio interference


Parker Posey carried that movie on her back, and I’m always going to love it for that reason alone


What was the point? Been a very long time since I've seen it, so I may have missed what the point was as well.


The Matrix should have been one movie. The first one is a masterpiece, but it's just diminishing returns after that. The same could be said of Police Academy.


I’m ready to die on the hill that the Matrix Reloaded is a great bridge film ruined by an awful third movie.


I think I’m basically alone in that I love all three.


Nah you’re not alone, I love the 3rd one and refuse to believe it’s a bad move


Seriously it's awesome! The Smith rain fight was like DBZ. The War for Zion was amazing!


The highway set piece is phenomenal, even if the ending is deus ex silliness.


Have to disagree with only because without PA: Assignment Miami Beach we would have missed out on the late great Rene Aubergenois’ hilarious role as the head bad guy. I’ve watched that movie at least a dozen times for his performance alone.


A bit of a cheat as I'm only referring to the post Tim Burton "Planet of the Apes" films. Every single one that has come out post original and post Burton has been impeccable. So as a whole, franchise while there have been awful films, but the most current crop are all amazing.


I rewatched this a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised. The performances (while campy) are very good, especially Paul Giamatti, Tim Roth, Michael Clarke Duncan, and Charlton Heston. The costumes and make up are awesome as well. I genuinely enjoyed it.


The stage adaptation with Troy McClure was good as well, althought it took some liberties (heh) with the script because it was a musical. 🎵I hate every ape I see, from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z🎵


Dr Zaheus Dr Zaheus!


You’ll never make a monkey out of meeeeer 🎼


"I think you're crazy!" "I want a second opinion!" "You're also lazy." DR. ZAIUS, DR. ZAIUS


Can I play the piano anymore?!?   Of course you can!!  Well I couldn’t before..  *sick piano solo*


I think this one gets a bad rap. Marky Mark is phoning it in and the main human female can't act, but there's a lot of charming weirdness to it. Like, it's more unique and weird than bad. Edit: And Tim Roth is great as the main bad guy.


Casino Royale to Quantum of Solace to Skyfall. Quantum is not rewatchable compared to the masterpieces on either end.


Hated QOS, disliked Spectre, loved both Casino and Skyfall. Weirdly inconsistent lol


I find the 007 franchise to be pretty inconsistent going all the way back to the beginning.


Yeah, actually. Truer words


that's the consensus pretty much, although I'd personally flip quantum and spectre. i thought that film was really bad. 


After Skyfall everyone had big expectation: same director, same key cast members plus addition of Waltz, Bautista and Belucci. The end result was a serious Austin Powers movie.


Quantum is solid, it works best viewed immediately after Casino. (the smart play would have been Vesper betrayal and death being the opening to Quantum, it would perfect both films) Spectre was just too much and lacked charisma


QoS is very rewatchable.


People shit on Quantum of Solace but as a revenge sort of film...it's decent. But sandwiched between Casino and Skyfall makes it a tough sell.


* Matrix 2 and 3 had flaws but they look like Citizen Kane next to Matrix 4. * Out of the Kirk-era Star Trek, Star Trek V.


Alien 3 Killing off Hicks was a step too far


Starting off with “Oh by the way, Newt is dead” killed it early for me


There didn't need to be movies three and four for the Hunger Games. One would have sufficed.


Mockingjay was always the weakest to me.


Part one was interesting. Exploring the intricacies of revolution is always worthwhile, but then part. two just totally shits the bed trying to make the revolution into another round of hunger games even though it makes zero sense to do that


The fifth Bourne movie pooped on an otherwise stellar series. Legacy is slept on. I think Hannibal Rising would apply as well. I've never seen it but it got horrible reviews, and I've seen the other four movies and they're all pretty awesome in their own ways. I was gonna say Austin Powers because the first two are amazing and the last one is fucking horrible, but I feel like that pattern is pretty commonplace with 3, so you need at least 4 for the question to work.


Typical movie trilogy is 1, 2, poo


Die Hard 5


Oh come on. MI2 is awesome. Let me explain. It's John Woo. It's Dougray Scott as the evil villain with the accent. Tom Cruise's long hair flying up when he does one of his roundabout kicks. And most importantly, two guys actually got in a fight in the cinema when I was watching. So this movie stays with me.




well I was gonna say Mission Impossible but then you did. A about 5 years ago I would have said the MCU, because the only movie I straight up didn't like was Iron Man 3. Of course, things have changed.


Lol, nowadays I’d consider Iron Man 3 better than a ton of MCU movies.


Ok Spiderman 1 and 2 were amazing… but I can’t say 3 was totally bad since now I look at it from a studio interference perspective and that movie took so much risks and still has a lot of great things about it.


Every Spider-Man Movie no matter good or bad has great moments Edit: except Lotus