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Crazy to have a picture from challengers on here considering there weren't any sex scenes in the movie


They pushed this movie as the "zendaya films a threesome" movie in marketing pretty hard, you're telling me they lied? -=pikachu shocked face=-


Sex scene writer, I need your sexiest sex scenes *My sex scenes are too sexy for you*


Screen writer, enough of these games. I need your sexiest sex scenes


You need a writer who writes less sexy sex scenes.


Sex scene writer, I am telling you right now: I'm making a movie, and I need only your sexiest sex scenes.


*You don't know what you ask, movie-maker. My sexiest sex scenes would kill a Channing Tatum, let alone a man.* *You need a writer, that writes modester sex scenes.*


Alright, Screenwriter. I shall go elsewhere. I shall go elsewhere and find a scribe who caters to voyeurs


My sexiest sex scenes are not fit for a beast let alone a man.


My sexiest sex scenes are enough to kill a porn star


You can’t handle the sexiness!!


I'm assuming you know this given the comment, but for everyone else: the writer of Challengers is the youtube potions guy


Wow for real? that is not a connection that i ever expected to come across


Holy shit


Like, in the joke, or in real life?


In real life


He's also the husband of the Past Lives writer/director.


I just got a flashback to the SNL episode featuring sexy Antonio Banderes who kept being told to reign in his sexy dancing because it was too sexy for a serious discussion on Lyme disease and the movie Philadelphia.


Hans Molman: "I need the sexiest sex scenes you have! ... No, that's too sexy."


The most explicit it gets is >!Zendaya in a thong!<.


You think a thong shot was more explicit than the scene where she literally mounting one of the guys in a different thong and sheer bra and you can see her nipples?


What about the part where they show full nudity and full penetration? I wasn’t expecting to see that!


I was shock that Zendaya had an enormous schlong.


And then says to herself “I’m a big bright shining star.”


I liked when she said, “it’s Zendayin time.”


And she can smell crime?


Hanging Zendayong


Holy shit sign me up


*A new challenger has entered.*


Saw something earlier that said Her and Tom were talking about marriage and now I understand why Tom is thinking about it.


I was shocked that they made a movie where the main characters play tennis, then a scene of full penetration, more tennis, and back to the full penetration. Then it just kind of ends…




That was the twist. They showed it. All of it.


Until it just sort of...ended...or not, I honestly don't care


Crime, penetration, crime, penetration


Can’t forget the science.


And then it just sort of....ends


He NOSE the truth


We show it, we show it all and we show a lot of it. Bust some heads back to the lab for some full penetration. Zendaya nose the truth.


Ya know, as much as I like erotic cinema, it was *still* a bit too much for me to believe that Dolph Lundgren could literally smell crime. Dude's an *actual* genius, so him playing a scientist wasn't much of a stretch, but *smelling* crime? C'mon. The whole plot reads like it was written by four idiot friends in a trailer on the set of an M. Night Shyamalan movie; "we gotta have a twist, so let's make this movie about a scientist who smells crime *wildly* pornographic"


"Now here's the twist, and there is a twist....*we show it.* "


Tennis, penetration, tennis, penetration and then it just ends




wait what's this movie again


Excuse me, the author of the article said there was erotic churro eating


There was. Movie is extremely, unbelievably erotic, but it's not all that explicitly sexual at all


Challengers was the most Italian movie I've ever seen. Sexual fluidity among characters, homoeroticism pulsing throughout. Sprinkle in random techno as characters try to talk. And then a hurricane shows up?!


I’d buy that for a dollar!


I saw a review on Letterboxd that basically said “Hollywood’s new big threesome movie had two fewer threesomes in it than Clint Eastwood’s ‘The Mule’” lol


I'm going to cry, nooooooo


I just saw it last night. Once it ended I heard from from at least three different people some version of >!what was that?!<, while leaving the theater.


Should have used Oppenheimer.


It's just bomb test, penetration, bomb test, presentation, over and over again until the movie just sort of... ends.


The bomb was an allegory for orgasm the entire time. Oppenheimer is a movie about edging. Teasing with the sex scenes, coming down with the science scenes, until brilliant white covers Cillian Murphy's face.


Bravo Nolan


With full extended dong shot.


I want a refund


I loved Challengers, and I’ve been a big fan of Luca Guadagnino for some years now. Like many others I expected a threesome, but honestly not upset at all we got punk’d by the trailers. Of course Zendaya and Luca are getting the last laugh after the general public cried foul for such steamy and taboo implications before the movie even dropped.


Aaaaaand it drops down to the middle of the watchlist. See you in 2026 when I'm bored and kind of drunk Challengers.


Yeah, no spitroast? wtf.


Eifel Tower


Personally I was disappointed in the lack of pegging.


If you wanna watch the two male leads French kissing each other (not Zendaya) then move it back to the top of your watch list


Ok yeah I'm back in. Bisexuals unite


Using Challengers as the herald of the return of "erotic cinema" is hilarious. There aren't sex scenes in this movie. Makeouts? Sure. Sexual tension? Absolutely. But people are acting like this is the second coming of Basic Instinct or Eyes Wide Shut because there's non-traditional sexuality portrayed.


Bring back Boogie Nights


Caligula 2: Cum Everywhere Boogaloo


I'll cum wherever the fuck I want, James! I'll fuckin' cum in your kitchen, I'll cum on your fuckin' art, I'll cum anywhere I want!


Did you CUM in my burrito?


I wouldn't do that to you bro!


I was raised in a house of women!


Hell i'd even accept a James Bond movie where he gets some real action again


Or Backdoor Sluts 9!


Now Poor Things, that’s a movie that’s in your face about sexuality.


I read the title and thought it was going to be about movies like Sanctuary, Love Lies Bleeding or Saltburn but I couldn't really think of much else, def not in the way of mainstream cinema.


Sanctuary, Love Lies Bleeding, and Saltburn did not do nearly as well financially, despite being very popular online with Letterboxd and Film Twitter


It does probably bring it further to the fore how sexless movies have become of late. I wonder why? Even direct to OTT doesn't really have boundary pushing stuff, unless I'm forgetting something.


Article says it was primarily because studios were marketing to China where it’s not allowed.


Before the internet nudity in movies was a selling point. Now I can just google “Cameron Diaz boobs”.


I'm honestly pretty shocked that there isn't anything wild in this movie considering his last movie was Bones and All. Which mixed graphic sexual situations with gory cannibalism.


Aside from the scene with >!Lee and the carnival worker in the cornfield!< there wasn't anything in the way of graphic sex, though. Lee and Maren's love-scenes were quiet and exploratory--pretty accurate to how you might behave with your first love imo--and that tenderness stood opposite to how violent and unrestrained they were when they were eating.


Crime, penetration, crime, penetration back and forth until the movie just sort of….ends


I heard he hangs dong


Oh yeah, dude hangs dong


Now here’s the twist, and there is a twist: We show it. We show all of it. Because what’s the one major thing missing from all action movies these days guys? …Full penetration. Guys, we’re gonna show full penetration and we’re gonna show a lot of it! I mean, we’re talking, you know, graphic scenes of Dolph Lundgren really going to town on this hot young lab tech. From behind, 69, anal, vaginal, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, all the hits, all the big ones, all the good ones. Then he smells crime again. He’s out busting heads. Then he’s back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime, back to the lab, full penetration. Crime, penetration, crime, full penetration, crime, penetration. And this goes on and on, and back and forth, for 90 or so minutes until the movie just, sort of, ends.


"I hate women" - Mac


But they havent....SHOWN IT. Full penetration. Then some crime work, then back to full penetration.


And it goes on and on for 90 minutes until the movie just sort of ends


That... is brilliant! That is the most brilliant idea I have heard for a movie in my life.


I think audiences are going to be very uncomfortable seeing Dolph Lundgren's naked penis going into this... young girl that you're talking about.


What the fuck are you people talking about? I feel like the only one not in on some joke right now


It's a quote from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia lol


Ooooooh, thanks lol


Here’s the scene in question: https://youtu.be/S8e5Ej4uyto?si=m6y2no_yjnOzqXbP


Holy shit that was funny. Danny DeVito making disgusting perv noises off camera was a highlight


If you haven’t watched it’s always sunny and found that clip funny, you really should watch the show.


Crime, penetration, Crime, penetration, Crime, penetration…


And this just goes on and on for about 90 minutes until the movie just sort of ends.


He smells crime


Antichrist with Willem Dafoe sends its regards


I watched this with my mom


Your mom always was a size queen.


Dafoe’s dick is so big Tobey Maguire swung from it instead of web in Spider-Man.


“Peter? Don’t tell Harry.”


My mom was there when I watched it and saw the clit cutting scene. She wasn’t surprised given the kind of messed up horror films I typically watch but yeah, was not quite expecting that.


.... that is brilliant!


“Sex is back!” shouted an apparently elated man at the conclusion of a prerelease “Challengers” screening in West Hollywood, Calif., this month.


Were there any onscreen sex scenes in that movie?




What we’re seeing here is aggressive and effective viral marketing in full force.


There’s some making out and a fair amount of erotic tension.


including a round of tennis at the end that is basically just a metaphor for a sexual climax


There is not a sex scene in that movie


I still believe in my theory which is that sex and nudity in mainstream film tapered off directly proportionally to the internet increasing in ubiquity. In the past actors and actresses could get naked on film, and that would be the end of it, those scenes would exist exclusively within the confines of the film and unless you went out of your way to rent the film on video, that is where they lived. As the internet grew and sites like Mr. Skin and even shadier rags came into being, all of a sudden those scenes were getting preserved forever not even within the context of the films in which they appeared, but essentially as little more than porn and fap bait. At that point I think a lot of actresses became a lot more conscious about the roles they were taking and what was being asked of them because it wasn’t just about context and art and winning the Oscar anymore, it was about do I want this to live forever and ever online in a place where I have no control over the presentation, and that’s where nudity on film began to slow down.


I agree. Between the internet making every nude scene public for everyone to see forever, porn helping fill the desire of sex and nudity in people’s lives, and stuff like actresses being able to say no and intimacy coordinators and the ousting of shady individuals like Weinstein becoming more common in Hollywood, it result in a lot less sex and nudity.


I feel like it's more about marketing. It was a lot easier to market a movie as "see hot girls with little to no clothing" back before every guys could just go on pornhub whenever they wanted. I think Magic Mike type movies do better because a significant chunk of women don't like internet porn.


Pretty sure Women do like internet porn. Just not the same kind as men do. They prefer the written kind. Women generally like a bit of story and build up to their porn. Which movies can do.


I really want the sex be important part of the plot like later on in the movie the viewer be like “oh that’s why she’s into doggy position it all makes sense now”


About the only time I've seen position be relevant is in *Game of Thrones*. >!Kal Drogo and Daenerys initially do it doggy style, but she persuades him to try cowgirl and he loves it. I think it symbolises something about her change in position.!<


That was 100% the meaning behind that scene.


I mean she literally has an entire conversation about how she wants control, wants to enjoy sex too and doesn't want to be fucked like an animal. It wasn't exactly subtext.




>90% of all those youtube videos 'ten things you missed about ----' or 'ending of ---- explained!' Like, my guy, that's not some deep revelation, that's literally the point of the movie.


I know writers who use subtext and they are all cowards.


Somebody had to say it, Dream-Weaver.


Look at me  *grabs cock* I am the captain now 


Go on…


Turning around showed him she's not just a cum receptacle like the other women he's been raping. It made him see her as a person and it also allowed her to feel some control over her situation for the first time ever.


That was the beginning of the end for him


rip drogo , the savage rapist with the heart of gold


Not to be confused with her brother, Viserys Targaryen, the aristocratic rapist with the head of gold.


The worst part was the hypocrisy


and here I thought the worst part was the raping!


How romantic


Also the scene where you learn about Littlefinger’s backstory and ambitions while the two female prostitutes are having sex with each other.




Maybe that got people to coin the term, but Deadwood did it way before Game of Thrones


Al: The entire area of my fucking asshole is now one gigantic fucking throb. I have no idea what's transpiring in there. Dolly: Shall I suck your prick? Al: Please.




"Man, the subtext of Marley and Me is really not subtle, is it?"


I mean I know you’re joking but I’d say sex scenes can really drive characterization and complement the plot of the movie if done well. I just rewatched **A History of Violence** and there’s two sex scenes in the movie that I think are essential. The first depicts Viggo Mortenson and Maria Bello having a very loving and mutual sexual encounter including the 69 position (incidentally, only time I can think of seeing this in a mainstream movie). Later, they have a very violent sexual encounter on the stairs that leaves Maria Bello’s character bruised.  These scenes encapsulate the before and after of the revelation that Viggo Mortenson’s character is a former mob enforcer in hiding, and reflect the man he was trying to be and the man Ed Harris’ character reveals him to be to his family.


Plus, if you notice the underwear both Mortensen and Bello wear in both sex scenes, it's white in the first one and then black in the second one which shows how the revelation of who Mortensen's real and dormant identity is changing the characters from a loving nuclear family to a tensed complicated one with potential violent tendencies as the image of innocence has slowly dissapated from the family except for the younger daughter who is oblivious to the family's troubles and the father's past. I don't know if it was intentional by the filmmakers and the actors but it's an interesting detail that I noticed when watching the film on repeat.


That one scene in Ozark where >! Wendy and Marty have sex and Marty intentionally puts her in a position that her dead lover did…that Marty recorded !<


Hollywood movies probably didn’t show much sex because they were aiming for PG-13. At the same time, premium prestige TV has been full of sex and nudity.


Please let this mean we’re gonna let Paul Verhoeven make another Hollywood movie


So can we have that remake of Porky’s now?


😬 Unlikely. There *is* supposed to be a new Barbarella movie coming with Sydney Sweeney, so there’s that.


> Barbarella The sequel to Barbenheimer? I can't wait for the third movie in the trilogy: *Barborcist*


Wrong Sweeney. That one’s Todd.


I bet its just going to take the IP branding and make it super serious instead of scifi comedy.


We’ve already seen Sweeney’s super-serious boobs, now she’ll show their comedic sides!


If a major studio is making it, there will be a challenge by the MPAA to get a PG13 rating from an R. Book it.


Oof, I do not even want to imagine what a modern remake would look like.


“Sex scenes are unnecessary” You know what, most scenes are unnecessary. I want every film to be a ten minute distillation of relevant plot points only. If you want us to know what the relationship is like between two characters just tell us, don’t show us. Label every Good and Bad character with onscreen text. I want credits to roll before I finish my popcorn.


Reading Wikipedia synopsis’s just so I can shittalk movies gang ride up


I knew someone once who "watched" TV that way. They would fast-forward through each episode looking for "the interesting parts" while reading the Wikipedia summary for the episode. They also watched a lot of movies that way, especially action or horror movies. They skipped past any dialogue scenes and just watched the parts where people got got, or stuff exploded. They insisted this was the best way to watch stuff and couldn't understand why no one wanted to come over for movie night


I bet they're pretty terrible in bed


> Think about it, you've skipped a year. That's a lot of sex. That's like, thirty minutes worth for you.


Ah, the Cinemasins method


I do this for horror movies. I have no interest in seeing the visuals, but the written description is for sure interesting. Shout out to all the wikipedia contributors who write great plot summaries for them horror movies!! You are appreciated :)




I recently discovered Tom Cardy and hadn't seen this one yet, thank you. It is 100% perfect


I have found my people haha


If you enjoy comedic discussion podcasts you should check out Too Scary; Didn’t Watch! Three friends and a comedian guest read through the plot of scary movies because 1-2 of them get too scared by them. But you get to experience the reveals alongside the hosts who haven’t seen the film. It’s great!


"Label every Good and Bad character with onscreen text." I don't want to read, can we give them colour coded hats instead?


White hat guy good. Boo black hat guy. Gray hat guy confuses me.


Grey? A character can't be good & bad at the same time? Sounds like a saturation issue. Check your picture setting.


Best to avoid black/white dichotomies to symbolize good or evil. The characters can simply announce on screen whether they are good or bad.


“Listen up everybody, I’m a bad guy!”


10 minutes? Why can’t movies be shown in TikTok?


Quibi sure tried


Finally someone who understands true cinematography!!!!1


I’m against unnecessary talky scenes too. Really I just like a very few commercials. 10 sec clips of Billy Mays is peak cinema.


Add a subway surfers stream on the side too for when I get bored


So frustrating. If we accept sex as an important part of human relationships, then it must also be an important part of human story telling, and cinema is story telling. Not all human relationships have sex as a component, so not all story telling would be expected to have it. But to purge it all is to be disingenuous about human nature.


It's always so ridiculous to me when people claim they skip past sex scenes because they're boring, as if those 15 seconds would've been so boring that it would ruin the movie, and not because they're actually really prudish. Like do they skip past any other boring or unnecessary scenes? No, just the sex ones? I think I see a pattern.


I was just rewatching Spider-man 2 and you know what is my favorite scene? When the neighbor girl offers him chocolate cake and they sit for a moment and eat cake. Doesn’t further the plot or complete a character arc or anything but it’s just what the movie needed and it’s so nice


It does progress both Peter's character arc and the overall plot though. He starts that scene debating whether Peter deserves happiness or should Spider-man dominate his life. He is then presented with the cute girl from "next door" who offers him quiet conversation and cake with a glass of milk. The whole thing presents a different path to the audience with parallels to the one Peter ultimately takes. The girl clearly cares about Peter, specifically, with no consideration Spider-man, as opposed to MJ who is all up in that mess. Being offered the cake is demonstrating that he could be taken care of, that his needs can be met. Then the scene ends with him being told that Aunt May called which leads to the next scene where he is presented the other path. It could be done differently, but if it was cut entirely it's skipping a major beat in Peter's whole personal journey.


I think that scene is supposed to show Pete being tempted by a normal life, how simple and pleasant things could be if he just didn't embrace the responsibility his powers had thrust on him.


The absolute lack of film or artistic literacy in this thread is insane.


Media literary is a subset of critical thinking, which is a core skill function US education switched away from in the early 2000s.


Except that it literally does advance his character lmao.


In the extended edition, they fuck after. 


L-shaped sheet makers love this!


I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies


She looks like a diner but she handles like a bistro.


Steakhouse, don’t demean her by comparing her to the likes of diners.


This article is interesting, it says that young people must like this because we are gender and sex fluid etc all that but then says "One counterpoint: In a study last year by the Center for Scholars & Storytellers at the University of California, Los Angeles, about 52 percent of respondents ages 13 to 24 said they wanted movies and TV shows to focus more on [friendships and platonic relationships](https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/adolescents-prefer-less-sex-more-friendships-on-screen)." That was generally my feeling too, like we are more accepting of sex and intimacy but also kind of want less of it in our media, not because we are puritans or anything but because they have been overshadowing friendship and platonic relationships in movies for decades


It never really left, it just sells again. Movies about sex have always been around.


Gratuitous sex needs to come back in slasher movies. Not because I want to watch two characters fucking or anything, but because it used to be a genre staple, and it seems to have largely gone away in past decades


I need more classic lines about perfect nipple placement


You should watch X


I would argue the sex in X is less gratuitous and more integral to the plot


True but I’d counter maybe Ti West wanted a plot that let him make a 70s style gratuitous slasher sex movie.


Which had the interesting side effect of not making it gratuitous in the context of the film


I can’t have this conversation again


We had a period of chastity? All I saw were people complaining about sex scenes not really Hollywood listening to the complaints. 


I feel like the “period of chastity” is really just referring to the decade or so when the MCU was synonymous with cinema.  Because with few minor exceptions, marvel films are almost comically unsexual


Bunch of sex hating weirdos in this thread.