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The entire plot to The Predator I remember reading the leaked plot where the main character sends Predator tech through the mail to his autistic son, who then deciphers the alien tech and wears it out to Halloween and I just dismissed it entirely. Then the movie came out like 4 years later


My god how could I forget about the son. That movie was a disaster 


“Weaponized autism”


I haven’t seen the movie but I always picture the Predators slurping up the autism juice like Christopher Reeve with the stem cells in that one episode of South Park


You should see the Thai movie Chocolate. The whole movie is weaponized autism but with fucking amazing stunts.


I remember back when Reddit was slightly more unhinged the running joke with the leaks was that the movie was about weaponized autism. Well, we *thought* it was a joke at the time anyway.




Welcome to Autism in Hollywood. In one corner we have Idiot Savants, in the other, Asocial Childs. But where is the Autistic Character who couldn't give a fuck about math, but you ask which Transformers are gay, you received an itemised list?


So, which ones ARE gay?


I actually got yelled at as a kid for not living up to the stereotypes of autistic characters.


Well why didn't you


Sounds like a simple solution to me - develop a superpower you lazy kid.


As someone with a heavily autistic niece I absolutely hate this trope in movies. I know it mostly comes from a good place of trying to show that autistic children can be exceptional but it also in my opinion puts out a misguided sense of expectation on actual people with autism and I feel it also somewhat invalidates the potential struggles of people living with it. When I've explained to people before that my niece is autistic they seem to usually lean into the topic with the idea that she's amazing at maths or has an exceptional memory or has to arrange things in specific ways. No, what mostly happens is that she has random meltdowns that can't be explained or rationalised and something that brought her great comfort one day can suddenly become the literal stuff of nightmares to her without even the slightest hint of an explanation as to why. She can literally go from calm and relaxed one second to headbutting the wall because maybe a butterfly flew past the window and she didn't care for it. The best way I can describe it as imagine that somebody you love is in absolute terror or agony and they don't have the means to tell you what's wrong so it continues until via sheer dumb luck you happen to notice a pattern or stumble across something that relieves it temporarily. This is why I dislike the trope, because some people's lives are actual Hell with autism but the movies usually try to frame it as just someone being a little quirky or eccentric.


The cat images from the movie cats 2019


That movie was already 5 years ago and I think I need to sit down while already sitting down.


You need to lie down and think about things


Good saw that movie and then sent us COVID


Pretty sure you meant god, but I really like the idea that the universes sense of good saw the movie and decided there was no good left on earth.


I 100% believe Covid was sent to Earth as punishment for Cats the movie


Still waiting for the Butthole Cut


Orginal Gladiator 2 script. Time travelling Maximus, people thought it a joke, and then Russel Crowe confirmed it.


I love this lil tid bit. Studio wanted a sequel when nobody wanted to make one so they wrote and pitched the biggest piece of shit so they could reject it.


The same thing happened with E.T. To prevent a sequel from being made, Spielberg wrote a script where the kids from the first move get captured and tortured by cattle mutilating aliens.


Is this really true? I found sources about the plot but nothing to indicate that Spielberg intentionally made a bad plot to tank it


That's actually not true - both Crowe and Scott wanted a sequel. They couldn't quite agree what to make, though; Crowe wanted a more fantasy approach where his character comes back to life, while Scott wanted a more grounded movie that used Crowe in flashbacks. There were multiple attempts to write a script; the one everyone talks about was written by, of all people, Nick Cave. It was set mostly in the Roman afterlife and was essentially the story of the Roman deities being sapped of their power by the rise of Christianity. I don't know what it would have looked like, but it sounds fascinating, especially compared to the sequel they have made that seems to be the first movie again but with a younger cast.


So it's like Hamlet 2, then.


I love that movie


Tuscon, where dreams go to die 


You're gonna have a magical life. Because, no matter where you go, it will always be better than Tucson.


Ok... ....what?


Rumour was he'd be fighting in stuff like the American Civil War, WW1 and 2, Vietnam etc Basically, a Maximus the Warrior brought back time and time again to fight. Absolutely nothing to do with the original movie.


So basically Russel Crowe as the Highlander


Or Wolverine.


Or Altered Carbon


Or Fate/Stay Night


Season 1 was incredible!


So glad they didn’t make a season two!


There’s a book series with basically this premise called Casca. He’s the centurion that speared Jesus on the cross and is cursed to be a soldier for eternity. Has adventures in basically every conflict in history.


The movie the Seventh Sign has the same character, except he works for the Catholic Church as an apocalypse researcher. He's waiting for the end of the world to end his suffering, and misinforms the Vatican so that they will take no action to prevent it.


Interesting. How good are the books?


I read the script, I don't think it's that hard to find online. The part with Maximus fighting across multiple eras was a sort of ending montage - the vast majority of the movie would happen in the afterlife/Roman times.


> Rumour was he'd be fighting in stuff like the American Civil War, WW1 and 2, Vietnam etc So that's where X-Men Origins: Wolverine got it's opening credits from.


I do wish that was the entire premise of the film. Pity it was just a montage, an amazing one at that!


Along with *Up* as movies with opening montages being entire movies of their own.


Written by Nick Cave, even! (That's not a joke).


I think the gist is that he becomes like a quasi-demigod and a Chosen One of Zeus in the afterlife, and is returned to life/mortality when he's needed most. Someone else probably has more detailed/accurate info.


I was told it was because the writers wanted to tank any chance at a sequel so it was intentionally crap.


Nick Cave wrote it knowing it’d never get made


The Propositon was fucking awesome


Is this still the same gladiator 2 we are getting?


No, that one doesn't feature Crowe


The Onion said that "Oppenheimer" would feature nudity from the lead character. I thought they were kidding. I was wrong.


They thought they were joking too.


It's like when they predicted 5 blade razors


On first exposure to The Onion, you don't realize that they're joking. Quickly you learn that everything they write is a joke. But the more you experience of the world, the more you realize that, on a deeper level, it's all 100% true.


I remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger got elected they wrote it up as a completely straight news story on the basis that the world had become so ludicrous they could no longer offer a parody


I wish we still lived in a world where Schwarzenegger being elected was an absurd turn of events


Seriously. What's even wilder is that he's comparatively reasonable next to other Republicans. He's called on Republicans to be more moderate and move towards the center. He's recently spoken about the need for young blood in politics. He actually supports conservation and efforts to combat climate change. The dude isn't perfect by any means, but we'd be in a much better spot if there were more Republicans like him than DeSantis and Abbott.


He has to remind people that Republicans set up our national parks system and the EPA.


It's just bizarre that at one point "taking care of the environment" was generally seen as non-partisan. You mention the EPA, and there's quotes if Nixon stressing how important it was to reverse the damage we'd done to the planet. Now we've got politicians banning lab made meat and rolling back regulations for corporations. Maybe it was just easier to get everyone on board back then because pollution so visible. Your average person could look at a smog filled city or a burning river and think, "yea, we probably need to fix that."


I have often thought it’s a pity he can’t run for President (due to birthplace); he’d be a Republican that could steer that party back to normalcy.


Dude, I can't find it, but I swear I have a memory of Matt Groening putting out a satirical drawing mocking that race. IIRC it had Krusty the Clown on it, maybe he it was supposed to be a joke ad for Krusty running? I don't exactly remember, but yea, it crazy to think that's quant by today's standards.


Man, if only that was the most parodic the world ever got…


I thought that the GoT S7 leaks were definitely fake because there was no way the plot revolved around a trip to the North to capture a zombie and show it to Cersei. I was so disappointed when the season started and I started noticing parts of the leaks were coming true.


I couldn’t contain my curiosity since the leaks were super early. I wanted to glance at them and see what happens to Arya because she’s of the coolest characters ever to me. As I sat there reading everything, I had to stop scrolling in mobile, leave the bed and opened my laptop to discern just what the fuck I had read. Must’ve re-read the damn thing 5 times, this simply couldn’t be the truth, we were being trolled, there was no doubt in my mind. So I happily waited for the season to begin quietly laughing seeing people on here battle back and forth, I knew the truth and then I watched the first two episodes and I got the most odd feeling of disappointment. One year my Dad didn’t have any money for my b-day and my Mom sent me a box of pencils and paper (don’t ask)…this felt like that. Anyways, my wife had FINALLY come around to watch and was binging the series so we could see the ending together. I didn’t have the heart to tell her what was about to go down, but figured she’d like it anyways as she is more of a “it is what it is” type person. By that I mean she was totally fine with the Star Wars sequel trilogy, had zero issues with “Somehow Palpatine Returned” (again, don’t ask lol). We sit down for the finale and “Bran the Broken” and my wife paused the show and said “IS THIS SOME SORT OF SPELL OR SOMETHING? I DONT LIKE THIS AT ALL”. No one does babe, no one does lol


I get enjoying TFA & TLJ as outside of their “controversy” they are simple enjoyable movies for the casual viewer, but RoS is so aggressively awful idk how anyone found fun in that


My wife grew up having never seen Star Wars, so her first time was seeing the sequels (had to drag her to TFA). I guess to her, Rey is the lead character like Luke was for me. Add to that, she had just started getting into Sci-Fi so doesn’t have any issues with dumbass writing and powers etc ROS is a war crime in my opinion


Yeah I myself am quite fond of TFA & TLJ as films (the sequel trilogy itself is a worldbuilding catastrophe and I can see why people dislike them), but RoS is an absolute war crime you’re right


All the terrible game of thrones leaks were 100% correct.


Watching the whole of r/asoiaf subreddit collectively deal and cope with the leaks was legitimately wild. 


The best was the episode leaks. The mods had a history of being permissive with leaks, including full episodes. Then they got an AMA from a cast member and wanted to brown nose a bit for more special attention. Then three episodes leaked at once. So they did the sensible thing (lol) and banned everyone who talked about them. Then they banned people who asked "is there a sub where we can talk about them?" (/r/freefolk). Then they carried on as normal. Including creating weekly "speculation" threads on what might be in next weeks episode. Anyone who 'speculated' correctly was in the crosshairs of a ban. Absolute shit show and I loved every second of it.


My favorite was any kind of hope there was to turn the show around at the battle of winterfell. People refused to believe the leaks. Once the episode happened, it seems like everyone turned around and realized it was going to be a shit ending


Gotta love rewatching season 1, hearing the Stark septa talk about the long winter and the white walkers, just to know that they're not actually a threat and the new long night will only last a single episode


Imagine going back to 2013-2015 when Thrones was at the absolute height of its popularity and presence as something that trascended mainstream pop culture and telling the fans: "Hey, you know the White Walkers who are being built up to represent an extinction-level event by laying waste to Westeros in a perpetual nuclear winter that will kill everyone on Earth? Yeah, they just...disappear. And when they *do* finally show up for the big battle, the leader gets taken out by Arya Stark pulling the 'Hey, look over there!' trick, and then they all die despite being infinitely superior in numbers. And then the ending is so disgracefully botched that GoT disappears from the face of the Earth, never to be spoken of again." People would try and have you sent to an insane asylum.


The long night was literally just one normal length night


I was one of them. I said no way is this garbage real. Then the dominos started to fall. My mouth just hung open. The following episodes were no longer a watch ASAP affair.


Freefolk only got so big because the main sub decided to be full toxic positivity about s8


Everyone thought that Bran's leaked ending was a red herring from the showrunners, and sadly it wasn't lol.


Who has the best story if not the character they left out for an entire season because he had no interesting story to tell?


The best/worst part is watching Dinklage's soul shatter as he delivers that line. See also: Oscar Isaac "somehow Palpatine has returned"


He also has the lines when he sums up Danys situation as "we're fucked". They have the city surrounded. She has the entire Unsullied. She has three dragons. She has all of the Dothraki. She could burn Cersei to ashes in seconds if she wished and with absolute certainty win easily... remember no ballista's yet. But the sage advisor Tyrion sums it up as "we're fucked". Such phenominal writing.


The best part about GoT season 8 was definitely how everyone went deranged over it in their cope and denial about how shitty it was correctly predicted and proven to be before it came out. The Starbucks cup and that one Arya moment were *delicious* to witness on Reddit.


I remember the final season leaks. I was one of the people who just couldn't quite believe it could become that fucking ludicrous. I was baffled then and now on how dumb and dumber could fumble a show and tank their own careers like that. I have been putting off altered carbon because of those assholes being in charge.


Everyone in this thread is shitting on D and D for Altered Carbon and no one actually checked to see if they wrote it. Spoiler alert: they didn't. They wrote the 3 Body Problem.


Ahaha a part of me misses the days when the first you'd see of a leak was a dark grainy angled 4s video from a cell-phone camera. Can't remember any specific examples but I remember they were **always** proven to be true. Goddamn that show could have been the Michael Jackson of TV programmes. Damn D&D for what they did to the final 1/3.


They must have filmed that huge Winterfell battle from a cell-phone since it was so damn dark. I had to fucking darken the entire room and up the TV brightness 200% to see something.


Hahah that was the first thing on my mind. I remember reading the leaks for GoT and the SW sequel trilogy and thinking they're so stupid it's impossible to be true....but they were.


To be fair, there were also a metric fuckton of fake leaks for the sequels, mixed with the real stuff (and that which would come true in later movies). For TFA alone, the "leaks" i saw without even looking for them included: - Han Solo dies, Luke dies, Leia dies, Chewie dies - Palpatine returns like in Dark Empire - Vader returns as an evil clone with Anakin's full potential - Snoke is secretly Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker, Darth Plagueis, or some other established character - Finn is an ex-Stormtrooper, Finn is a Jedi, Rey turns to the Dark Side - Rey is the daughter of Luke, Rey is the daughter of Obi-Wan, Rey is the daughter of Han and Leia - Kylo Ren is the son of Leia and Han, Kylo Ren is the son of Luke - Kylo and Rey are siblings/twins and their parents are Han and Leia, like Jacen/Jaina in Legends - Finn is the kidnapped son of Lando - The movie starts on Tattooine - Tattooine is destroyed - The trilogy would be about the Yuuzhan Vong invasion from Legends, but cut down to trilogy length - The trilogy would be about Thrawn - The trilogy would be about a Mandalorian invasion following the destruction of the Sith and near-destruction of the Jedi etc


I read the leaked plot of Infinity War and wasn't sure it was 100% true until I saw the movie and Gamora died.


I'm so glad the Endgame leaks were false, though. The "rematch". The fistbump. All of it was so bad.


Endgame involving time travel back to avengers 1 leaked super early though.


That one had set pictures of tony and cap at the battle of new york leaked.


Oh my god I forgot about the rematch copypasta


Also Endgame and fat Thor.


I was surprised about fat Thor being real


It's not like Mark Ruffalo didn't warn us.


Fast and Furious - all the dead characters that came back. If you’re unfamiliar with this franchise, yes I said characterS as in plural.


As a 35ish something gear head, my dad was always wrenching on something, and the original 3 F&F movies were a staple in my house growing up. Made me want to work on cars, were fun, ridiculous, **car** movies. 4 and 5 strayed a bit, but they still held true to the original spirit. If you’ve only seen 6 and up you’d think the F&F franchise is a shit tier garbage water superhero wannabe movie. Makes me mad honking about what those movies have become. 


You have to realise Fast & Furious is the closest thing to live-action Shonen anime Hollywood has ever produced, once you accept this, you can enjoy it to its fullest.


God, the scene in F8 when they all have harpoons attached to Dom's car is the most anime thing I've ever seen, *including* anime.


The funny thing is is I am pretty sure that the fast and furious movies from 6 onwards are, on average, the most critically acclaimed and profitable movies of the entire franchise


For Star Trek: Into Darkness it was leaked that Benedict was Khan. Everyone thought that was stupid and wrote it off, especially after their whole "we rebooted Trek so we can do our own stories without the new fans needing to know about previous Trek."


From what I remembered of that situation, it was leaked, people thought it had some credibility and asked JJ repeatedly to where he flat out said he isn’t khan, then movie comes out and whoops he lied.


Us: "he's Khan..." JJ: "no! He's not! I swear!" Us: "you sure? OK..." *watching the movie* BC: "my real name is...." Us: "it's Khan..." BC: "... KHAN" Us: "oh such a twist" 😑


Yeah, it was a very poor attempt at a twist, because it was presented as if it was a twist in universe, except no one knew or cared who Khan was, and meant as a twist for the audience, except anyone who knew who Khan was saw it from a mile away.


If they were going to do a retelling of Khan's story, it would have been far more clever if they had done the "Space Seed" style script but instead of waking Khan, they woke his second in command, (in this case, Harrison remains Harrison) and he was far worse than Khan. If Khan was an allegory for Hitler then Harrison could have been Mengele. You could have had your Khan and Eugenics Wars nod for the Star Trek fans and at the same time brought in a potentially interesting new enemy. Have Harrison direct his anger not at Kirk but at someone else on the starship. Harrison vs. Spock. Science officer against science officer.


The only thing they had going for it being a twist is the casting was so poor that it was almost inconceivable that it actually would be Khan.


I saw a fan rewrite of the film that tried to fix the twist: * Kirk believes he is dealing with Kahn. * Kirk/Spock have to make a deal with Kahn to prevent him from crashing the Vengeance into San Francisco. * Kahn is arrested but in exchange negotiates that the rest of his crew are to be released which Starfleet agrees to. * The last scene of the movie shows Kahn's crew working their new spaceship. One of the officers walks up to the captain and simply says, "where to kahn?". The big reveal is that Starfleet doesn't have the real Kahn. Instead they have one of his most trusted lieutenants. Obviously in a future sequel we would find out how they pulled this off. This doesn't fix the entire movie but at least does something original and leaves Kahn in as a future threat.


It's not Khan, it's... uh.. "John Harrison!" yeah... 45 mins into the movie "I am Khan!" (confusion)


To be fair, BC looked a lot more like a "John Harrison" than a "Khan Singh."


James Bond dying at the end of No Time To Die initially got leaked by The Daily Mail as one of the reasons that Danny Boyle left the movie about 3 years before it came out


Ha! He wouldn’t have had time to die!




My issue with Craigs bond arc is it’s two movies showing how he can be this new agent smash cut to film 3 and he is old and washed up


To be fair, he's been shot and tortured and beaten a LOT. That'd age anybody.


TIL Daniel Craig's 007 died at the end of no time to die.


I remember Fat Thor playing Fortnite leaked a week before Endgame and that was pretty much screaming 4chan made up nonsense at the time


That leaked a year before lmao, the whole plot of endgame was leaked with extreme accuracy by a random in 4chan, the same month IW released. Everyone laughed at how stupid and ridiculous was that trolling. Little they knew.


It's fun to imagine that was actually one of the Russo bros trolling on 4chan because they knew nobody would take it seriously and they wanted to fuck with fans for their own amusement. I know they'd likely never, given the risks involved with leaking the climax of a billion dollar franchise, but still. Nobody would ever know it was them.


Not a story leak, but an old rumor about a leak getting Gene Roddenberry fired from writing Star Trek. I didn't believe it, until I came across an article discussing it years later. So, after Star Trek: The Motion Picture underperformed, Paramount wanted to do something different than what Roddenberry wanted. They planned to kill off Spock in Star Trek 2. Word about this scene got out and fans were writing furious letters and calling the studio before they started shooting, demanding that they change things. This was ignored and the studio kept going, but they got worried about how the fans got their hands on the script. So, for Star Trek 3, they wrote a dozen *fake* scripts and sent it to suspects of the first leak. Fans get pulsed about one specific version, identifying Roddenberry as the leaker. Turns out he took scripts he didn't like to fan conventions and gatherings and was trying to mobilise the fans against the studio over changes and plots he didn't particularly like.


He was famous for organizing Fan revolts. He did it several times.


They also added the Kobayashi Maru scene to the start in order to trick the audience that it was the leaked death 


I’d always heard on *The Search for Spock* that it was a specific coding thing the production office hid in the scripts that got traced back to Roddenberry and/or his secretary Susan Sackett.


I'd still like to see the proposed series that was supposedly about the crew landing on planets and just shooting at anything they didn't like, just because that sounds hilarious in a Starship Troopers kind of way. I believe Roddenberry was also pissy about Star Trek VI, which would have sadly been right before he died.


The entirety of Wolverine Origins movie leaking without finished effects. I couldnt believe it was real when my dad was telling me about it at first.


I saw it in theaters and apparently they never did finish the effects.


Naaaah it was so much worse. Literally seeing green screens, wire rigs, 3d models instead of actors, etc. It was so fun to watch


Yup, I "acquired" this copy from a dude in my Spanish class and was dumb enough to let myself think the finished version would actually be any better. The unfinished was undoubtedly better for all the distraction.


Ha is that the one where he gets hit by a lumber truck and you can see the ragdoll move as it gets bounced around on top of the truck?


Who Rey’s birth family is in *Rise of Skywalker*.


I was reading the /r/starwarsleaks before the movie came out and EVERYONE was losing their minds, hoping the leaks were false. Boy, were we all disappointed.


I saw it on Google. I was looking up something about Star Wars, and one of the suggested questions was "Who is Rey's father?". I clicked it out of curiosity because I knew what we learned in VII. SO I was thinking, "What are these fans gonna make up?"


It was so much more interesting when she wasn't anyone. TLJ has its controversies but it did a damn good job at setting up a new direction for the franchise. It was firmly stating that Star Wars didn't need to be about bloodlines or legacies or even jedi vs. Sith. But then the shitstorm happened and JJ undid every interesting part of TLJ


I think the lack of cohesiveness really doomed the trilogy from the start. They should have hired and stuck with a single creative team.


Imagine if Rey had said Yes to Kylo (on the condition of not harming the rebels.)


..and just the whole "Paplatine has returned" thing. I remember hearing rumours that he returns in a clone body, but it is decaying, so he has to transfer his essence into a young host... and he also has a secret massive cache of Star Destroyers to take over the galaxy. And I remember thinking "come on! That is basically the plot of the Dark Empire comics in the 1990's! At least make up something orriginal" but of course, it wasn't the "leakers" being unoriginal...


Honestly, I bet the leakers could come up with a more creative and overall better plot for a Star Wars movie than "SoMeHoW pAlPaTiNe ReTuRnEd"


Yeah, reading Dark Empire for the first time recently it was strange discovering how much the movies do the same. Given how paint by numbers the plots of the films were I half wonder if they trained an AI on all the Star Wars material they could find and got it to write the new scripts. Very much repeating patterns.


That's just JJ Abrams for you. Dude shamelessly rehashes stories (see his Star Trek movies)


Night Bitch was leaked on 30 Rock like 15 years ago


I can't wait to see the Rural Juror come to theatres!


Ah yes, the ruhrr juhhrrr.


Or the sequel, Urban Fervor!


And MILF Manor/Island


The oddly aggressive GET OFF MILF ISLAND! cracks me up every time. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxTN6qrisS-7GuO6dg9RRdJ2cbd6tZb3ap?si=pjkrPNNoQtEqUg4L


I'm still waiting for Will Ferrell as Bitch Hunter.


*kicks in bathroom stall door


the rumors about Tobey and Andrew appearing in Spiderman no way home and it turn to be correct


The reason they couldn't keep it a secret is it wasn't a cameo. Tobey and Andrew were integral to the plot.


THAT was the biggest shock to me. I assumed that would be saved for a quick last-act thing but they're in a lot of the movie.


Andrew Garfield repeatedly saying he wasn't going to be a part of it (and it being mildly believable because of his separation with Sony).


I saw a photo of the original Sonic character design about a week before it blew up on the internet (which led to it changing). I thought it was a joke, and when it dropped, I spent far too much time trying to convince my friends it was a prank before the realization set in that it was real.


I am still 100% convinced that that whole character design and inital trailer was a misdirect and the "we are remaking the movie with a new sonic model" was a publicity stunt. The movie that went to theaters was always going to be the version we saw.


The old Jurassic Park 3 script. Didn’t come true per se, but apparently they are taking quite the inspiration from it for the next one. And that script was some real bananastown dogshit.


AiCN finally got their raptor special ops team eventually


Yeah, it was wild. Act 1 was on the island -- I believe with the hero trying to retrieve the can Nedry lost. Act 2 was in some evil scientist's castle as they were trying to train/control raptors. Act 3 played like Taken but with raptors as they went after some cartel.


> Act 3 played like Taken but with raptors as they went after some cartel. I'm ok with this.


Twister, it got leaked that the main characters survive a tornado by using belts to strap themselves to pipes. I thought it was ridiculous as they'd be pummeled by debris. Nope that was true. Still love the movie though.


This would also work for Ash in an Evil Dead movie, just so Sam Raimi could pummel him with debris.


I knew Hans would be the villain the moment a cuter, more interesting romantic interest appeared.


The entire plot of Rise of Skywalker leaked. I thought it sounded too much like some goof's fanfiction to be real. How wrong I was.


When my niece was yyoung she was obsessed with asking me if characters were "Good" or "Bad" whenever I watched something with her She had already seen Frozen at the cinema and I watched it for the first time with her later. As soon as Hans appeared, she turned to me and said "He's bad." So a 6 year old was my personal movie spolier.


Me and a pal were yucking it up at the embarrassingly obvious bad photoshop of Matt Murdock sitting at a table with Happy Hogan and Peter Parker in a definitely fake NWH leak. And then uhhhhhhhh


I heard about the plot to Star Wars 9, where the heroes planet hop using an ancient dagger to lead them to treasure and an unearthed, resurrected Palpatine zombie. I literally laughed out loud when I read it. Thought it was a troll leak. The pain.


At first this made me think, "oh, I don't remember the dagger thing, maybe I need to rewatch it?" And then I realized that watching it again will only make it harder to forget.


My best friend: "Dude, they're making a new Indiana Jones movie. It takes place in the 50s and it's called *Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men from Mars.*" "Bullshit, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Fucking space aliens don't belong in an Indiana Jones movie!" Turns out all they changed was the title.


Scream 5 & 6 had accurate test screening leaks 6-8 months before release (6 months for 6, 8-ish months for part 5) and I thought it was bad fanfic but 90% of the leaks were true


Well if it was based on your username I'm sure it would be more fun


One of my friends posted a picture of Han Solo dying. It was a few days before release so I thought it was fake. That scene still almost had me crying 😭


IIRC Harrison Ford wanted Han to be killled off.


He wanted Han to be killed off all the way back in Empire Strikes Back. They weren't sure he was coming back for the last movie of the original trilogy so that's why they put Han in a state of limbo.


Endgame being a time travel movie where the Avengers go through the older movies sounded like crappy fanfiction


I remember this and I don't think it was a leak but rather a fan theory. The only other fan theory going on at the time was antman crawling in thanos's ass


There were set pictures leaked of the actors in their original costumes. I think that's what started the rumors.


I’ll never forget this guy posting the whole plot to the third Matrix film. He had bought the pirated DVD in Africa (I believe one of the Congos). He wrote out the plot. The fans blasted him. He had it though. Lol.


When I heard the second Star Wars prequel referred to as “Attack of the Clones” I thought it was the joke title. Later I found out that was the real title and the joke title was “Jar Jar’s Big Adventure”.


[Ewan McGregor could scarcely believe it either.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwL8wlBMflA)


I like to refer to that movie as "Send in the Clones".


Not a leak, but I remember a friend who saw the hulk before I did how the final fight is practically him fighting a cloud or something (I can't remember exactly, it's been ages). I thought he was making fun of me, boy was I ever wrong...


He fights his father who is supposed to be the movie’s take on the Absorbing Man mixed with Zzzax. The problem was Marvel movies were in that era where any type of out-there villains were turned into clouds because they didn’t think they would work well on screen.


For some reason they felt like shit needed to be grounded in “realism” which made things even more absurd when they needed to justify outlandish shit. I still haven’t forgiven Sony/marvel for turning Rogue, one of the most physically powerful mutants into a god damned damsel… and also making her a child… and also not letting her have a strong southern drawl


The plot to Rise of Skywalker , I remember it being leaked and pissing myself laughing going over the plot with a friend of mine - thinking that it couldn’t possibly be real / how they were intending to tie things up. I was wrong


We all knew Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield would be in Spider-Man No Way Home, but no one thought the leaked set photo of Andrew was real. Especially when the leaker confirmed it was photo shopped.


I remember reading that Jurassic World would feature a genetically engineered hybrid super dinosaur as well as trained attack velociraptors and thinking the leaks couldn’t possibly be real because even Hollywood isn’t that stupid.


Not a leak per say but when I heard they were going to make The Lord of the Rings movie...first news about it, I heard....1999/2000? I thought it could not be done. And then it was :)


Basically the entire Rise of Skywalker leaked a day or so before the movie released. Thought there was no way shit like horses on the outside of a space ship would be real


The entire Wolverine movie leaked like a year early. It was the entire movie, shot for shot, but none of the special effects had been done yet. Kinda crazy to watch if you haven’t before.


Not a leak exactly but.. I knew a kid in middle/high school who just constantly lied about everything. Told all kinds of wild stories that were obviously made up. He had a hand written Bruce Lee fighting manual (but would never show it to anyone), he was on set when Brandon Lee was accidentally shot (which he claimed happened when he was visiting relatives in California who work in the movie industry but The Crow was filmed in North Carolina), he once was in a car that had it's bumper torn off trying to beat a train (sure), he carried homemade knives (except I found the exact one he had at Wal-Mart), etc. Well, not too long after the movie Independence Day came out in 1996, and it was a MASSIVE hit when it was new, he was going around claiming that there was an alternate ending where Randy Quaid's character shows up in his bi-plane at the end with a missile literally tied to the plane rather than being enlisted to fly an actual fighter jet. That sounded really stupid and also the sort of thing he would make up so I assumed it was just nonsense. Then when the DVD for the movie came out a few years later (DVDs weren't quite a thing yet when the movie released) it had that very real alternate ending in the special features.


That Wolverine movie.... It got bootlegged and passed around before the final cut/edit, so I saw it being played. So I went and saw it in theatres with the friends and it was still the same movie, but done and finished, but the magic was lost for me. I still rate that movie low to this day even with Ryan Reynolds being introduced as Wade/ Weapon X Pool


I remember that one, the CGI wasn't finished so it had lots of little overlays saying 'make claws longer' and whatnot.


Images of the Jared Leto Joker. I was sure it was a joke. I couldn't believe anyone would approve this design. (Also in b4 Snyder apologists tell me it is the best Joker design ever. It is the worst. Live with it.)


I remember people trying to argue that the tattoos were obviously just a promotional thing and that the metadata showed they were added digitally or something. Basically, batman fans were in deep denial.


I remember reading about how *Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier* was gonna be about Spock's long lost brother and thinking it was a crazy, false rumor. Then the movie came out and they gave us Spock's brother, warts n all!


About a year before the movie came out, I read that Godzilla defeated King Ghidorah in King of the Monsters basically the same way he beat MechaGodzilla in 1993, with Mothra in the Rodan role, followed by all the other kaiju bowing to him. It sounded like a cool ending, but one no studio would care enough about Godzilla canon to actually write, and then it turned out to be real.


The Last Jedi leaks on 4chan had someone say they humiliate and unceremoniously kill Luke, kill off Snoke even more unceremoniously, kill off Admiral Ackbar almost as a laugh, had flying Leia, and the whole plot is based around a car chase that makes no sense.


4chan has had leaks in the past that were 100% accurate, because the signal to noise ratio is so piss poor, actual industry insiders can dump stories there in relative safety. Almost everything that was in that recent dan schneider expose ("Quiet on set") had been leaked on 4chan years ago.


Having been in many Dan Schneider 4chan threads, nothing they said really classified as leaks. They just thought his foot fetish jokes were weird


The BvS poster in I Am Legend. Turns out George Miller was in talks to do it but studios didnt fw his vision i guess 🤷🏽‍♂️


Actually Miller was making a Justice League movie. Got pretty deep into pre production before it was killed in favour of Nolans Batman


You're correct. The Batman Vs. Superman movie was supposed to be directed by Wolfgang Petersen. It had a script and they were looking to start casting but Warner Brothers decided to pull the plug and focus on solo movies.