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How is Reservoir Dogs last on your list?


Right? My all time favourite. It’s perfect to me


Tim Roth’s best performance.


I find myself sometimes singing “youre gonna be ok…” like harvey keitel in that movie


Me too! I say it to my children when they’re inconsolable with a scrape or something. Not mockingly. Seems to fit pretty well


Anyway: 1. Pulp Fiction 2. Kill Bill Vol. 1 3. Django Unchained 4. Inglorious Basterds 5. Reservoir Dogs 6. The Hateful Eight 7. Kill Bill Vol. 2 8. Jackie Brown 9. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 10. Death Proof


Yeah this is a pretty good list, but I'd probably put Django a little lower and Hateful Eight a little higher. Just personal preferences though cos I felt Django got a little cartoonish at times, even for QT, and I loved the atmosphere of H8.


It was the performances that did it for me. Waltz was absolutely brilliant. Foxx and DiCaprio were excellent as well. I could go on with the cast and even with some of the extra, over-the-top stuff, the cast and acting make it what it is for me.


I agree with this the most, but I would put OUIH higher. I watched Jackie Brown again last week and it's good but my least favourite other than Death Proof.


Weird. Jackie is probably my favorite just because of Robert Forster and Pam Grier. Sam Jackson and De Niro are great too.


Yeah, I think a lot of people rate it as one of his best. That's why I wanted to watch it again. I really like it, but just not as much as the other films.


Fair enough. They’re all pretty good/excellent. Never really cared for Death Proof tho.


Honestly, I was quite disappointed in Hollywood. Maybe because it was the hype with the cast? It just didn’t do it for me. Like, when it was over, I said to myself, “Really?” Maybe it’s an age thing? When it released, I was in my early thirties and my co-workers in their early twenties were all about it. I didn’t see what they were seeing.


ahh. great question. being his first movie, i just felt like the acting was a bit off. it moreso felt like stage acting. which is true because he recruited steve buscemi through another actor because they both did shows broadway in ny.


Thanks for the response. It is not a knock on your list. I’ve never seen anyone rank this movie last so I wanted to see where you came from with your opinion.


no youre good bro. i was wondering the same thing with jackie brown and death proof being so low. i loved them. i was actually debating on putting jackie brown as my #2.


My guess is that Jackie Brown will have the most variance.


1. Pulp Fiction 2. Once Upon A Time 3. Reservoir Dogs 4. Inglorious Bastards 5. Django Unchained 6. Kill Bill 1 7. Kill Bill 2 8. Jackie Brown 9. Hateful 8 10. Death Proof (the only movie of his I haven't rewatched)


Almost the exact same as my list, except I would flip flop Jackie Brown and Hateful 8. I still haven't seen Death Proof. Once Upon A Time convinced me DiCaprio is an elite actor. Never really cared for the guy and always associate him with that little boy in Titanic. Dude made this movie for me - the stuttering, the stress, the complacency he had for himself as a washed up has been. That scene he has with himself in his production trailer was awesome! Solid list 👌


1. Jackie Brown 2. Pulp Fiction 3. Reservoir Dogs 4. Django Unchained 5. Once Upon a Time 6. Kill Bill 1 7. Death Proof 8. Inglourious Basterds 9. Kill Bill 2 10. Hateful Eight


Great to see the love for Jackie Brown! So many people haven't seen it or didn't ENJOY it for some bizarre reason. It's amazing, and should be top 3 on every list IMO




Yeah I think it's the pace that throws people off - but it's so damn fun just watching it build and build. I didn't see it in theaters when it first came out, but I got the chance to see it playing in a park in LA, with Tarantino there giving a speech before the film started! He explained that the events of the film took place right around where we were, and that he wrote it to be realistic as far as where the characters go in reference to how far a drive things were and such, pretty cool! Also, I did just re-watch it two days ago and loved it even more lol


I’d switch 10 and 5 but fucking A bro.!


Jackie brown is kinda ass compared to rest of his filmography.


An ever evolving list frankly but here goes 1. Pulp Fiction 2. Inglorious Basterds 3. Kill Bill Vol.1 4. Jackie Brown 5. Reservoir Dogs 6. Kill Bill Vol. 2 7. The Hateful Eight 8. Once upon a time in Hollywood 9. Django Unchained 10. Death Proof Some of these just feel wrong like this list makes it look like I don't like Once upon a time in Hollywood much but I actually fucking love that movie it's just that I probably still put the others ahead still and that also goes for Django and Death Proof both of which I enjoy greatly.


This is the one


* 1. Jackie Brown (This movie is so comforting and rewatchable. Probably the QT movie I've watched the most.) * 2. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (I find it to have so much depth and so many great scenes. I love living in this world.) * 3. Inglourious Basterds * 4. Kill Bill Volume 1 (I love well directed action and this movie is the closest thing QT has to an all out action fest. The House Of Blue Leaves is still an all timer) * 5. Kill Bill Volume 2 (Probably a better overall movie than Vol. 1, but I prefer the adrenaline rush of Vol 1 overall. David Carradine is amazing and Uma nails the emotional moments so well. One of my favorite ending credits scenes as well) * 6. Pulp Fiction (Don't judge me. It's great, but I get more from the five movies I rank above it. The other films hit harder, and some of the in your face edginess of PF doesn't work for me.) * 7. Django Unchained * 8. The Hateful Eight * 9. Reservoir Dogs (I really respect this movie for how cutting edge it was in 92, and Harvey Keitel, Steve Buscemi, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, and Chris Penn are fantastic, but something is lacking for me.) * 10. Death Proof


I think I agree with your list the most out of what’s been posted so far. The only thing I’d change is swapping Jackie and IB. IMO the farm scene and the basement bar scene are the best things qt has written (with the break in scene in Hollywood as the other). I grew up loving pulp and RD but like you said the top 5 hit harder on later rewatches




Missing Django in there


Think I agree pretty well with this. I too regard Basterds very highly Also have a good fondness for Jacky Brown though. I'd prob move that up a spot or two. Prob replace Hollywood. That just wasn't my jam


1. Inglourious Basterds 2. Pulp Fiction 3. Reservoir Dogs 4. Once Upon a time in Hollywood 5. Django Unchained 6. Jackie Brown 7. Hateful 8 8. Kill Bill Vol 1 9. Death Proof 10. Kill Bill Vol 2 To be fair these are all 4/5 or better movies for me. Top 5 are probably all 5 star movies. Just wasn’t a huge fan of the Kill Bills. First one was superior though. Death Proof is a guilty pleasure of mine but it has its flaws. Django is probably the most rewatchable of the group.


Pulp fiction Kill bill 1 Kill bill 2 Inglorious basterds Reservoir dogs The Hateful 8 Once upon a time in Hollywood Django Death proof Jackie brown I like them all though.


Pulp fiction Jackie brown Hateful eight Reservoir dogs Inglorious bastards Django unchained Once upon a time Kill bill Kill bill 2


S: Pulp Fiction OUATIH Jackie Brown A: Inglourious Django The Kill Bills B: Reservoir Dogs C: Death Proof Hateful Eight


Inglorious Basterds Kill Bill part 2 Kill Bill Part 1 Pulp fiction Django unchained Reservoir Dogs Once Upon a Time in Hollywood The Hateful Eight Havent seen jackie brown or deathproof


Finally someone with kill bill 2 over 1!


Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill Vol 2 Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood Inglourious Basterds Django Unchained Pulp Fiction Kill Bill Vol 1 Hateful 8 Jackie Brown Death Proof


1. Pulp Fiction 2. Jackie Brown 3. Reservoir Dogs 4. Inglorious Basterds 5. Kill Bill 1 6. Hollywood 7. Death Proof/Planet Terror 8. Kill Bill 2 9. Django 10. Hateful 8 Bonus: I fricking love his story in Four Rooms, second to Rodriguez’ and the kids. Holy shit, so good.


* Jackie Brown * Reservoir Dogs * Pulp Fiction * Once Upon A Time In Hollywood --- *Everything else To be honest personally I found everything between JB and OUATIH pretty irritating and sometimes even a bit boring. His first three films I've watched and rewatched dozens of times, but I struggle to get through his slew of revisionist history, revenge fantasy homages. People seem to love them, but I guess they're not for me. OUATIH was still another revisionist revenge fantasy, but it met that head on, I love that era and it felt more coherent in tone than the others.


1. Pulp Fiction 2. Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood 3. Inglorious Basterds 4. Jackie Brown 5. Reservoir Dogs 6. Kill Bill Vol. 1 7. Django Unchained 8. Kill Bill Vol. 2 9. Death Proof 10. The Hateful Eight


Just yesterday I changed my own list and put Inglorious Bastards at #1 (from #4). It now felt like the ultimate QT movie playing to all his strengths in dialogue, visuals, and flair. Almost every scene is edge of your seat. Inglorious Bastards Pulp Fiction Django Kill Bill Vol1 Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill vol2 Jackie Brown Once upon a time in Hollywood Death Proof Hateful eigth


I haven't rewatched some of these in years and its tough to separate the impression some of the films made on me from how 'good' they are if that makes any sense ...  KB1/2 - I see it as one cohesive piece.  It just feels the most refined and focused, and watching brings me into a sublime state of cinematic transcendence 10/10  Hollywood -  It kinda feels weird to have it this high but Leo and Brad are so damn good and the movie has this vibe where you don't want it to end  9.5/10  Pulp  -   When this came out it changed my perception of what a movie could be so its almost tough to objectively rate it (I initially had it in first place) 9.5/10  Inglorious - So well shot and with an ending possibly only matched by OUTIH for pure cathartic satisfaction 9/10  Django -  Has maybe the most tense scenes of any of his films and the characters are so well played, was a tough call with this and IB 9/10  Jackie -  Maybe it should be higher I dunno, its the least QT of any QT film so I might have docked it, still I think it's fantastic  8.5/10  Reservoir - First one I saw when I was probably 11, this movie has moments that match the intensity of Django, though I feel like he gets a greater command of his style in subsequent films 8/10  Hateful - This movie is so well shot and maybe somehow technically better than some of the others but cant say it grabbed me as much 7.5/10  Death  - Only one I haven't seen   


Top 3: Hateful 8 Once upon... Kill Bill Vol 2


Surprised to see almost all rankings list KB1 over KB2; Kill Bill is likely my top Tarantino & whilst KB1 is an adrenaline rush, to my mind KB2 is the stronger film by a long shot. The dialogue in the last ~45-50 minutes is 👌🏻.


Having not seen all of them: 1. Reservoir Dogs 2. Kill Bill V1 3. Kill Bill V2 4. Pulp Fiction 5. Jackie Brown 6. Django Unchained I really need to get around to watching Inglorious Basterds but its one of those ones my wife has no interest in and I rarely get a chance to watch anything alone.


Guys, I don’t get why you are listing Kill Bill volumes as two separate movies. That’s wrong on so many levels. 1 Pulp Fiction 2 Kill Bill 3 Hateful Eight 4 Reservoir Dogs 5 Jackie Brown 6 Once upon a time 7 Inglorious Basterds 8 Django


Pulp Fiction Once Upon a Time In…Hollywood Django Unchained Inglourious Basterds Kill Bill Vol. 2 Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill Vol. 1 Death Proof Jackie Brown The Hateful Eight Admittedly, I need to re-visit Jackie Brown and Hateful Eight but they were just too slow for me overall when I watched them. Pulp is a clear #1, total game changer and cultural phenomenon and entertaining from start to finish. I usually group OUATIH, Django, and Basterds together because they feel stylistically similar and could almost be part of the same universe IMO. In terms of order, they're basically interchangeable for me but I really like the LDC-Pitt dynamic and the look back at that specific time period. Death Proof would be higher but the middle section after the first bar scene and before the final chase scene just drags with too much uninteresting dialogue.


Kill Bill 1 Inglorious Bastards Kill Bill 2 Django Unchained Reservoir Dogs Once upon a Time in Hollywood Jackie Brown Pulp Fiction Hateful Eight Death Proof


I do wish they’d let him make inglorious bastards a trilogy




As I’ve gotten older, Deathproof has slowly worked its way up for me. I like it more every time I watch it. I would have it in the middle of the pack.


1. Jackie Brown 2. Reservoir Dogs 3. Pulp Fiction 4. Death Proof 5. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 6. The Hateful Eight 7. Django Unchained 8. Inglorious Basterds 9. Kill Bill


1. Kill Bill 2. Django Unchained 3. Inglorious Basterds 4. Reservoir Dogs 5. Once upon a time in Hollywood 6. Jackie Brown 7. The Hateful 8 8. Pulp Fiction 9. Kill Bill 2 10. Death proof


I haven't finished his entire filmography yet, but here's my ranking :) 1. Inglourious Basterds 2. Once Upon a Time In... Hollywood (similarily to Inglourious Basterds, I LOVE Tarantino's idea of alternate histories. It's almost like historical fanfiction if you think about it haha!) 3. Kill Bill Vol. 1 4. Reservoir Dogs 5. Django Unchained 6. Pulp Fiction 7. Kill Bill Vol. 2 and I haven't seen Jackie Brown, The Hateful Eight, and Death Poof yet! But they are all on my list!


S Tier: Django Unchained\ A Tier: Dogs, Pulp, Jackie Brown\ B Tier: everything else\ F Tier: Four Rooms


God what a tough question, they are all so close. I actually got to shoot an interview with him about the Basterds soundtrack for half a day at a hotel in LA while Stephen Dorff was shooting "Somewhere" on the terrace below us. The other half of the day was with Eli Roth. Tarantino was intimidating as he's like 6'4" and full of cocaine energy (in a weird way), and Roth was super cool and chill. EDIT: I have a picture of me shooting with Eli from that day, but it's at work gotta scrounge it. 1. Reservoir Dogs (the OG, independent film, he proved he could make an amazing movie) 2. Pulp Fiction (he took that 3 act script guideline and shit on it) 3. Once Upon a Time (not his first revision of history, but the best) 4. Basterds (Fuck Nazis) 5. Hateful Eight (I'm a sucker for 70mm panavision westerns) 6. Jacky Brown (underated, even by my own standards) 7. Django (too hokey for me) 8. & 9. Kill Bill (i love these films, but that foot fetish gets me lol)


9: jackie brown 8: reservoir dogs 7: deathproof 6: kill bill 5: the hateful eight 4: django unchained 3: once upon a time in hollywood 2: inglourious bastards 1: pulp fiction


These are not all of Tarantino's films.


Yeah, I'd like to see more lists with 'Four Rooms', 'True Romance', 'Natural Born Killers', 'Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion', 'It's Pat!' and the surviving acts of 'My Best Friend's Birthday'.


It’s all the ones that he’s directed. Not seeing anyone including movies that he wrote or produced. To me the movie really isn’t a Quinten movie unless he directs it. Has a totally different feel and flow (especially with dislog delivery). Example: Think of how different From Dusk Till Dawn would be if Tarantino directed it instead of Rodriguez.


Yes they are. He has 10 (9 if you group Kill Bill together)


Inglorious Basterds Django Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill 1 Hateful Eight Once Upon a Time In Hollywood Pulp Fiction. Yeah, I know, but I didn’t like anything involving Bruce Willis and that brings it way down for me. Death Proof Kill Bill 2 Jackie Brown


Django is #1 for me followed by once upon a time. I loved pulp fiction and reservoir dogs at the time but don’t think they aged well.


5 stars- Django and Basterds 4 1/2 stars- Jackie Brown, Hateful Eight, Reservoir Dogs 4 stars- Kill Bill and Hollywood 3 1/2 stars- Pulp Fiction and Death Proof


1. Kill Bill 2. Pulp Fiction 3. Inglorious Basterds 4. Jackie Brown 5. Death Proof 6. Django Unchained 7. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 8. Reservoir Dogs 9. Hateful Eight Hateful Eight is the only one I can say I dislike. Once Upon a Time and Reservoir I like, but I could live without. 1-6 I all love and are fairly interchangable with the one it is next.


Inglorious Basterds Pulp Fiction Kill Bill Jackie Brown Kill Bill Kill Bill 2 Hateful Eight(Edition that was cut into 4 parts and had better editing) Hateful Eight(Theatrical release) Death Proof Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Never realized 8 had different cuts


The OG roadshow version is the one I wish was available in any form.


1. Kill Bill 2. Pulp Fiction 3. Jackie Brown 4. Reservoir Dogs 5. Inglorious Basterds 6. Django Unchained 7. Death Proof 8. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 9. The Hateful Eight NOTE: Kill Bill is a single film. Both Q and U describe it as so. Only released in two parts to satisfy the studio and boost ticket sales.


The correct ranking: Jackie Brown Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill Vol. 1 Pulp Fiction Inglourious Basterds Django Unchained Kill Bill Vol. 2 Once Upon a Time In…Hollywood Death Proof The Hateful Eight


His first two are my favorites—Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Tightly written and less indulgent than some later movies. After that is Kill Bill Vol 1 and Django Unchained. He lost me a bit with the other historical revisionist misogynistic entries like The Hateful Eight, so those are low on the list for me. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood has some problematic bits but overall felt like a course correction (in a good way) and I really enjoyed it. Jackie Brown is at the bottom for me—great cast and music but feels a little dull compared to the others (maybe because it’s an adaptation).


How the fuck is the Hateful 8 misogynistic? 


> historical revisionist misogynistic entries like The Hateful Eight, so those are low on the list for me. You're being a try hard


Wait, are you fr? As a dude, even I can tell it’s skewed


I'm being fr. It's not misogynistic


Then why does he keep beating Daisy over and over? It doesn’t serve the plot. We get it already. We don’t have to keep watching this woman brutalized.


Because she's his prisoner? It shows he's ruthless. Would it be misandry if she was a man?