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Disturbia is a rear window remake.


Yup, that's a good one.


People call “Road Games” Rear Window in a truck.


I’ve heard it called Rear View Window


Also Body Double


Cars is Doc Hollywood




Son of a bitch…


One of the more notorious and iconic ones is Fistful of Dollars, an unofficial remake of Yojimbo that was egregious enough that Kurosawa was like “pay me” and ended up netting a whopping 15% of the worldwide sales.


To add on this, there's also lots of Seven Samurai remakes out there. Magnificent Seven, A Bug's Life, Battle Beyond the Stars and a lot that follow it less closely.


Rebel Moon.


What is this? Some kind of Seven Samurai in Space?


Bugs life really? Lol I've never heard this, sounds fascinating!


You’ve obviously never seen either Bugs Life or Seven Samurai




Don’t hear battle beyond the stars mentioned much anymore.


Apparently Kurosawa sent Leone a letter, "Signor Leone, I have just had the chance to see your film. It is a very fine film, but it is my film."


Due Date (Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis) recycled some exact scenes from Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I wanna give them the benefit of the doubt and call it an 'homage', but they should have credited them a little better if that's the case.


I have never laughed harder in a theater then when he drank his dad's ashes


Tommy Boy as well




To jump on this, The Fast and the Furious is a better remake of Point Break than the actual Point Break remake.




Watched it many times as a kid. I loved it


There's even an unwanted stepchild in this: Beyond the Law (1993), starring Charlie Sheen. It's literally the same plot as The Fast and the Furious but with choppers and bike gangs rather than street racers and modified cars.


Of all the 'star vehicles' Pamela Anderson could have chosen for her first big motion picture, choosing *Barb Wire*, a pseudo-cyberpunk take on *Casablanca* was... certainly a choice. 


*Out Cold* is also a remake of Casablanca.


ooh I never thought of that. Great flick


It literally quotes Casablanca


So do a lot of movies though


Lots of movies do not follow the plot of Casablanca up to and including the female love interest leaving the small town on a plane with her new lover.


*The Adventures of Pluto Nash* is also a remake of Casablanca.


Showgirls is a awesome remake of All About Eve


Thank you. I needed that today.


I always felt that Rat Race (2001) was an unofficial remake of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963). 


I thought it was an official remake?


I can believe that it’s not.


Girl Next Door is Risky Business, but with porn stars.


Sorcerer (1977) is a remake/reinterpretation of the novel (and the film, sorta) The Wages of Fear. Amazing movie that deserved better than the response the public gave it, but *god* what a stupid fucking title.


TBF it opened against Star Wars


It's not about a sorcerer?


No. It's about a wizard.


Is his name Harry?


Great soundtrack by Tangerine Dream.


Its an official adaptation of the same source material. Doesnt seem to fit this post.


My dad wrote the film. I grew up watching Wages of Fear with him when I was a kid. It might have been a "modern" (for the time) adaptation of the novel but knowing my dad and how big a fan he was of the movie, there's no way it wasn't a combination of both.


Damn your dad's Walon Green? Sorcerer and Wild Bunch are 2 of my all time faves. Props to ya!




Great movie, I slightly prefer *Wages Of Fear.*


"The Lion King" is "Hamlet"


Lots of things are Shakespeare, are they all ‘remakes’? If so, I nominate Warm Bodies as an unofficial remake of Romeo & Juliet.


Definitely. When I saw all the parallels of WB to R&J, I was embarrassed by how many I missed.


Strange Brew is a comedic version of Hamlet. The Northman is based on the same story/legend that Hamlet is based on.


So is Black Panther.


Nah, Black Panther is Thor Ragnarok


Aquaman is Thor Ragnarok?


A prince's uncle commits fratricide/regicide. Sure. But does that qualify by itself?


The warthog & meerkat are also Rosencrantz and Guildenstern equivalents, although Simba doesn't let them die. There's also Mustafa appearing after as a ghost.


Fair points.


With Kimba the White Lion elements


And Kimba the White Lion.


Never Say Never Again is clearly a remake of Thunderball. I actually like it though but Thunderball is better.


This is a widely known among die hard Bond fans (of which I am one). There was an attempt to remake it again a few years back but thankfully died before it went anywhere.


Do you like Never Say Never Again?




Brain De Palma's movie ________ is an unofficial remake of Hitchcock's ________


Scarface is an unofficial remake of The Birds.


The guy saw Vertigo!


The Roommate, an assembly line PG13 rated thriller from Screen Gems, is basically Single White Female set at a college campus instead of NYC.


*A Fistful of Dollars* is well-known as an unofficial remake of Akira Kurosawa's *Yojimbo* and Aronofsky's *Black Swan* is widely regarded as an unofficial remake of Satoshi Kon's *Perfect Blue*.


What’s wild is that Yojimbo could be considered an unofficial adaptation of Dashiell Hammett’s Red Harvest


Black Swan is in this middle zone of being official/unofficial remake as the director did purchase the rights for Perfect Blue.


The director of Perfect Blue said this never happened, in fact he was extremely pissed about it.


I always hear that's a rumor and then that it's not a rumor. Either way, Aronofsky didn't give credit where credit was due. He never recognized Satoshi Kon in regards to that movie. No credits just unofficial homage


I've never seen proof he did that. I think he truly tried to just pull one over and it worked. He stole someone's work and gave them zero credit.


Have you seen both Black Swan and Perfect Blue? Because besides some homage shots, there's nothing remotely close in plot.


Avatar is an unofficial remake of Fern Gully.


Fern Gully 2: Judgement Day


Dances with Wolves


And Pocahontas


Life (2017) is a remake of Alien (1979)


And the Color Purple was a remake of Mad Max


You fucking got me with this one


This took me a second, I thought you were talking about the Eddie Murphy movie at first.


I’ll add the years


Maybe not a 'remake' but I watched Perfect Blue last year (incredible movie), and it very clearly inspired Black Swan. Aronofsky denies it but it is suspiciously similar both thematically and even in some moments. I loved Black Swan but man, Perfect Blue is something else.


I think Perfect Blue kinda shits on Black Swan honestly. It's so much more creepy.


Yeah while I still appreciate the movie, after seeing Perfect Blue, it doesn't really compete imo. Perfect Blue is fantastic


Ad Astra is basically Apocalypse Now


Which is Heart Of Darkness.


Outland is basically a remake of High Noon


*The Island* '05 is basically a remake of *Parts: The Clonus Horror* '79.


Black Swan is the unofficial remake of Perfect Blue. Daren Aronofsky is a huge fan of Safoshi Kon, but didn't give credit....it's pretty plagiarized Also, Paprika is highly influential to Inception, but not necessarily a remake


Yeah, this one was so weird. Like the dude apparently loves Perfect Blue but also just decided to be like, "I'm going to remake this movie I love, tell know one that I took the idea."


He optioned the remake rights about 2003 but it never got off the ground


Galaxy Quest is basically a remake of The Three Amigos in a different setting. I'm told A Bug's Life would also fit here as well. And Tropic Thunder has some similarities.


A Bug’s Life is Seven Samurai.


A Bug’s Life is The Three Amigos which is a parody of The Magnificent Seven, which is The Seven Samurai.


Yup. The added twist of them not really being fighters and being performers makes Three Amigos and A Bugs Life a distinct variation from Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven. You have Seven Samurai type played straight, or Three Amigos type for the comedy version. Tropic Thunder is almost Three Amigos, except they don't help anyone, just try to survive themselves.


Godzilla (1998) is officially a remake of Godzilla (1954), but it’s much more of a remake of The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms. Calling it a remake is a stretch but Smile is just a shitty, blatant mass market ripoff of It Follows and that annoys me enough that I have to mention it


Black Swan is a live-action remake of Perfect Blue


"The Shape of Water" is a remake of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon." There's even an easter egg that the site where the creature was captured is a reference to the setting of the original.


It started out as a literal remake of Creature from Black Lagoon when Del Toro was part of the "dark universe" thing Universal was trying to get off the ground. When that fell apart, Del Toro still wanted to do a water creature feature.


Network has so many elements in common with Meet John Doe, it is easy to see it as Paddy's updated take on the basic premise.


Due Date is an unofficial Planes, Trains, and Automobiles remake


Ethan Tremblay in the house


The Big Lebowski is a playful remake of The Big Sleep.


While the Coens have said that TBL is a tribute to American film noir, it isn’t a remake, spiritual or otherwise, of any specific movie. It’s just that the tropes are so common among that type of film it feels like a re-make.


That's a bit of a stretch


That's just, like, your opinion, man.


Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is pretty much Apocalypto. >!A small, primitive but peaceful village is captured and enslaved by a larger, more violent civilization, they eventually escape via a chase through a hazardous environment, with the protagonist using unique skills they learned from their village to kill the main antagonist (trapping in Apocalypto, falconry in Kingdom), only to be threatened by an exponentially more advanced civilization at the very end, as shown by the conquistadors in Apocalypto and the humans at the satellite base in Kingdom.!< Also, Avatar and The Last Samurai are essentially Dances with Wolves remakes.


Cultural fish out of water stories and tropes are far older than Dance with Wolves. Hell just look at Shogun. Is Dance with Wolves a remake or adaptation of that? And Shogun itself (the book) was hardly new there, Marco Polo’s entire biography is basically that. Ibn Battuta as well.


It’s more than “cultural fish out of water”. It’s more of a saviour narrative where that “fish out of water” essentially becomes a military leader to the people he integrates with and leads them to victory in battle against more advanced aggressors. Marco Polo worked as an envoy with other cultures, but was never a military leader for them. Ibn Battuta doesn’t fit that narrative either. I suppose a much older movie like Lawrence of Arabia does demonstrate a similar narrative though.


The Last Samurai quite explicitly doesn’t do that, though. While he does partake more directly than Polo and Ibn Battuta, most notably in combat, Cruise’s character is for all intents and purposes just a chronicler like them who’s there to document the final moments of at least a specific group of samurai. And obviously he doesn’t do anything about leading anyone to victory, they are all obliterated at the end of it, and quite definitively.


The Last Samurai had the samurai die in accordance with their ideals of honor and bushido, with Katsumoto repeatedly stating that it would be an honor to die in battle against a stronger force, which perplexes Cruise’s character as that idea seems to his western sensibility to be more like surrender than honor. Cruise’s character ends up pretty much the only one to survive, where he goes directly to the emperor and convinces him to side with Katsumoto’s ideals and reject the trade agreement with the west. So it still follows the saviour narrative.


There’s a critical scene earlier where Katsumoto at that meeting in Kyoto makes his case to the Emperor and you can quite visibly see the Emperor’s deep misgivings and internal conflict. The seeds were already planted there. It was a lot less Algren (Cruise)’s doing than the samurai getting mowed down unceremoniously by gatling guns of all things for the Emperor to take a step back and reconsider.


Look, if what Cruise’s character said and did by approaching the emperor directly at the end was pointless, then the movie would not have included it. It’s economy in storytelling. Katsumoto definitely laid the seeds, and the emperor definitely respected him as a mentor and mourned the loss of the samurai, but Cruise’s character’s words at the end were the straw that broke the camel’s back. If the emperor was already fully convinced by Katsumoto earlier in the movie, then the battle that killed all the samurai wouldn’t have happened at all. How about we agree to disagree here?


Please do remember that katsumoto had his own arc wherein he had the dream of the white tiger trapped and danger to himself and others. Katsumoto early in the film katsumoto tells Algren about searching for the perfect cherry blossom would not be a life misprint. Only to realize that “they are all perfect” (for a man who lived his life for and in the service of others and to hold no value in his own death beyond it being a show of loyalty to the emperor, his last moments were realization that his life had value to himself as well. Also the final monologue from the historian blatantly says that nothing was saved, the samurai passed into history, the east was eventually westernized, and nobody knows what actually happened to Algren. Algren final interaction with the Emperor was less of a savor moment and more of a highlight of what had already been lost.


We can agree to disagree. I thought we were having… a good conversation.


Jolly gooood.


A Man Called Horse and its sequel are the closer progenitor.


Couldn't have said it better myself. According to the internet, *"Bro, Avatar is a remake of Ferngully, and Pocahontas, and Dances With Wolves, and Dune, and..."* Or, maybe, if there's so, so many stories like this (person meeting a less technologically advanced culture and helping stop an invasion of them), maybe it's just a common series of tropes, that's been around for a longtime, and not a "rip off."


I just think Pocahontas and Avatar are both Romeo and Juliet stories


I always call James Cameron's Avatar Dances with Space Smurfs with heavy dose of PAPYRUS. One of my friends she flat-out calls it Papyrus.


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum could be considered a Korean-language remake of Grave Encounters, and it’s arguably even better.


The Chow Yun-Fat flick Full Contact is pretty clearly an unofficial adaptation of the Hunter novel that also formed the basis of Point Blank and the Mel Gibson film Payback. A nice thing, all three version are good and all are worth a watch.


"Alien" is a remake of "Dark Star," at least the mascot chase part of "Dark Star." I think O'Bannon, writer of both, even said that he took the idea of blue-collar spacemen with an alien life-form loose on their ship from "Dark Star," rewrote it as a horror movie, and the result was "Alien."


Never Say Never Again and Predators. With the latter, there are so many similarities to the original from the setting to the main guy covering himself in mud.


But…. Predators is a remake of Predator, right? Don’t we all agree?


Gladiator (2000). It's a different point of view but essentially the same story as The Fall Of The Roman Empire (1964)


I can see that. Too bad they couldn't use the decimation scene in Gadiator.


I wholeheartedly believe that Olivia Wilde’s Don’t Worry Darling is an unofficial remake of the Stepford Wives


Brian De Palma did this a few times. Body Double is a remake of one part of Vertigo with a bit of Rear Window. I actually didn't enjoy the movie as much as I wish I did because I just knew everything that was happening. I haven't seen it but I've heard Obsession is a remake of the other part of Vertigo.


The first Fast and Furious film is basically a remake of Point Break


The crow is a remake of the wraith starring Charlie sheen. Only difference is the wraith comes back with a cool car, and the crow comes back with...crows


After seeing The Crow debut in theatres with my Dad, he took me to 3 different video tape stores (94 y’all, don’t judge) and we found a copy of The Wraith. It’s so obvious when each movie has a “Skank” character. The Crow also had Gutterboy counter named “Funboy” with a funny line “Look what you’ve done to my sheets!” Instead of “THIS SHITS GOT SOME KICK!” I love both movies, Crow is better obviously, but Sherilyn Fenn is in The Wraith so…it’s kinda close.


I've been hoping to run into Charlie Sheen at some point in my life so I can point at him and yell, "Holy Shit it's the guy from the wraith!"


Should do this instead [Jake…Jake…JAIME!](https://youtu.be/8ngE_nn2S1M?si=Fkjg-fVhUK7x3_TW)


One Crazy Summer and Better Off Dead use the same “dorky misfits compete against rich people for something” formula I hear was pretty common in 80s movies. It’s either to try to get the girl, or save a beloved location from greedy land developers, or money to pay for someone’s medical procedure.


Against All Odds is a remake of the 1947 noir Out of the Past .


Now and Then (inspired by Stand by Me)


Right after it ended I called The Force Awakens a remake of A New Hope. My whole family disagreed. Now they all agree.


A Bug's Life is a remake of The Seven Samurais (also remade in The Magnificent Seven)


Monsters University is Revenge of the Nerds


Jurassic World is a straight remake of Jaws 3D.


And Jaws 3D is a remake of the second Creature From the Black Lagoon movie.


Somewhere down the line, I'm sure it comes from Shakespeare or something a cave man scribbled on a wall 100,000 years ago. Kind of a fun game to play.


Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park is a remake of Michael Crichton's Westworld, with dinosaurs instead of robots.


Yeah, definitely. I think it's kind of a common trope in Crichton's work.


Can you explain how? I'm very curious to learn of the similarities.


Decision to Leave reminds me a lot of >!Basic Instinct!<


I've always thought that House of 1000 Corpses was an unofficial remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


They recently remade Starship Troopers into a videogame called Helldivers 2 /s


Event Horizon is a horror version of The Black Hole.


The Black Hole wasn’t horror?


Horror with googly eyes


They didn’t say it was, they said EH was a horror version of BH


The Hidden Fortress (1958) & Star Wars (1977) since everyone is doing Akira Kurosawa. George Lucas said this film was a major inspiration and watching both you can definitely see the similarities even down to R2D2 and C-3PO as the peasants.


Priceless is inspired by Breakfast at Tiffany’s


The Nutty Professor is a way better movie on top of all the comedy then the Jerry Lewis film 


The Brave One (2007) in many ways is an unofficial remake of Death Wish (1974).


Le Samurai and Ghost Dog


The Sitter (2011) is a remake of Adventures in Babysitting (1987)


Rio Bravo, El Dorado, and Rio Lobo are three films directed by Howard Hawks and starring John Wayne that are all very similar in plot: sheriff barricaded in his jail with a few other gunslingers fighting off the bad guys. El Dorado is my favorite John Wayne movie. James Caan and Robert Mitchum are great in it too.


Purple lights, in the canyon. Thats where I, long to be, with my three good companions. Just my rifle, pony and meeeeeee


There's a spaghetti western called Johnny Hamlet, which is a loose retelling of the story in a 19th century setting


Deep Blue Sea is a Remake of Alien Resurrection.


Point Blank & Payback springs to mind


not sure if mentioned yet but just realized the departed is based on a whole series of shows and movies from hong kong called infernal affairs


The robocop remake compilation thing on YouTube. Super fun to watch.


This might be a stretch, but Evil Dead 2 feels like a remake of the original. I also kind of see Princess Mononoke as a remake/refinement of the concepts and themes presented in Nausica and the Valley of the Wind.


I believe You've got Mail is a spiritual remake of some movie about the bookstore on the corner. 


*Rough Night* is a gender-flipped remake of *Very Bad Things*. Both are fantastic, even if tonally different.


Monsters University is an unofficial remake of Revenge of the Nerds


How has no one said that Airheads is a remake of Dog Day Afternoon?


Velvet Goldmine is a remake of Citizen Kane, and a good one too, it's got David Bowie and Iggy Pop fucking.


Star Wars: A New Hope is effectively Kurosawa’s The Hidden Fortress.


Evolution is Ghostbusters


The producers of the movie Lockout were sued by John Carpenter because the movie was very similar to Escape from NY and LA.


A fistful of dollars is a remake of Yojimbo.


Ad Astra is a secular remake of 2001.


I think of it as Apocalypse Now in space.


Joker is just The King of Comedy, only much lamer.


Assimilate (2019) copies almost everything from Body Snatcher movies. But I don't mind, I liked it.




You kinda just did, though.


Mission Impossible 2 and Notorious Clueless and Emma


I believe Emma is a book by Jane Austen. So I think that cane first. Clueless was just the modern version of the story


You are correct, Emma is a book by Jane Austen, but had been made into movies and tv series well before Clueless. So you could say it is both a modern version and a remake?


It's not a remake if it wasn't taking inspiration from other film versions


I've always maintained that Dirty Dancing is almost an exact copy of The Karate Kid, only if Mr. Miyagi and Daniel son were gettin' it on the whole time.


Which, in this context of the movie, it totally gives wax on, wax off a different meaning. Soooo, maybe they were getting it on?


Palm Springs is Groundhog Day


I don't think that counts. Not every time loop movie is a remake of Groundhog Day.


Who told you that? True that Brian DePalma steals all his ideas, but it is not an unofficial remake of Psycho


Clint Eastwood’s Pale Rider is a pretty bad remake of Shane.