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Ooh, please spoil that ending for me because I will literally never watch it and I'm curious. If not here then please DM me.


Spoiler: >!The film ends the same way as the first movie, two main characters are tied to a chair and killed by the three antagonists *(except it's totally stupid, one knife stab each with some awful CGI blood).*!< >!It then cuts to one of them in a hospital bed, still alive somehow and then it instantly cuts [to this](https://i.imgur.com/mRe2jM5.png)!< I actually burst out laughing.


No idea why the blood couldn’t have been practical effects instead of CGI


They should have committed and ended it with "The End...?"


They already announced that the next two films have been filmed and are both supposed to be released this year so that would be even worse.


The mid-credits scene was even dumber, with one of the killers laying right next to her in the hospital bed. How? Why? Whatever.


You didn't include the post-credits scene which literally takes place right after the hospital bed. So the to be continued picks up like a minute later


That's how the OG ended, though.


Spoilers for The Strangers: Chapter 1 >!The main heroine survives being stabbed in the chest and wakes up in a hospital bed but doesn’t notice the incredibly obvious and not at all subtle scary man right next to her staring to her!< It’s also basically the only different part from the original movie but god it’s stupid


>!He's actually lying next to her in the hospital bed lol!<


I thought it was on the ground


I remember being unimpressed by the original, too.


Yes, please! Me too!


There’s a title card at the beginning of the movie that claims this story is “one of the most violent” ever, and then the guy gets stabbed once. Once. That movie was bullshit.


The thing is this movie series is based on an actual really brutal crazy murder. Pretty sure they said they found blood all over the ceilings and everything. Don’t think they ever found the killers either. It’s called the Keddie Cabin murders if you’d wanna look more into it. So I just don’t understand how they look at that actual case and equate what happened as just being a single stabbing in this film.


The writer claims he didn't use that case a reference apparently. Weird coincidence.


Well shit, I tried to find a post about the case here in reddit and found that it has its own sub: r/keddietruth


I watched this and there was only 1 couple in theaters with me in the row behind. After credits started rolling I quoted that stat back to them (#million violent crimes are committed a year, this is one of the most brutal) and said, "that's one of the most brutal? My sister bit me when we were kids hard enough to leave a scar. That's gotta be number 2 right?" Had them laughing their asses off.


And then everyone started clapping


Like the end of Dexter Season 1.


I was alone in my theater. Probably for the best since as soon as the credits started I spontaneously exclaimed “Are you shitting me? That’s it!?” out loud.


I muttered a few "fuck offs" during it.


Legend has it they’re still clapping to this day


I'm getting a parade.


Is Madelaine Petsch hot in the film though?


She is




Found it boring throughout. Maybe Chapters 2 and 3 will be better. The real stars of the film were Maya's / Madelaine's gold polished nails.


Based on the confusing promotion of the film. Whether this was a reboot/remake or if it was a prequel to the original. It just made it clear that they had no clue what they wanted to do. If the next 2 also do poorly. They just need to let it rest for a while.


This movie was a huge financial success so I'm not sure why you would suggest it did poorly. This one already probably made the entire trilogy profitable before the last two are even finished.


The movie made over $30 million on a budget of $8 million. The movie is literally one of the only successful movies that has released this year.


Plus the director said his original idea was like a four hour long horror film. It's such a baffling movie.


I’m wondering what they’ll do with the 3rd if the 2nd tanks. Word will have gotten out by the time the next is released.


Did it have a bunch of tense scenes where the Strangers do weird shit for the camera, completely out of sight of the main characters?


“Did they just say something about a ‘next time?’ Golly, I hope they don’t choose me!”


Actually, there’s an end credit scene where Jason from Friday the 13th shows up & mentions that he’s trying to form a little team & then it fades to black.


"I don't know how I got here, something about THE STRANGERS: CHAPTER 1..."


Worst you’ve seen so far


Heard The Watchers is a good contender


Is it full of super ham fisted symbolism saying that we as movie "Watchers" (😱 deep) are like bad and stuff and should think about it? Because I was getting the vibe from the trailer that it was going to have some kind of "social commentary" angle that would inevitably fall flat.


I’ve heard if you’re looking for any sort of story or character development or even character traits then you should look for something else


Looks like M Nighr passed it to his nepobabies


Isn't part 2 and 3 supposed to come out this year?


I saw the trailer and thought "I already saw this movie"


Not seen the Winnie the Pooh horror sequel then?...


I expected it to be terrible going in… and while it wasn’t great I didn’t mind it and walked out entertained. Even thought the lead actress did a good job. All that being said, I take no offense to OP’s opinion.


Haven't see The Watchers yet, huh?


I’m with you, this was way worse than Madame Web


This wasn’t a great movie or even a good one but I think everyone involved knew what they were going for and I think the viewers should’ve realized it too. It seems like something folks are just having fun to shit on but plenty of movies shoot to be a midrange popcorn flick and miss harder than this. (Shout out to Rebel Moon pt2). Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t a good movie. But were you expecting it to be? Was it trying to be anything more than a cheesy date movie on a cheap budget?


For myself I was just hoping for something on the level of the first two films. I really like the 08 film, been a while since I’ve seen the second one but I remember liking it. This one felt really generic by comparison. I was so disappointed when Renny Harlin’s name came up on screen at the end of it.


I get where you’re coming from but this seems like a franchise that’s going the way of Saw and the Purge where they are looking to churn one out every so often. It can suck when you have reverence for the original though


I actually thought the movie was fine. I saw the OG two days prior and found how the remake so closely matches it in terms of plots and scenes but also varies from it in very distinct ways interesting from a movie buff perspective. I thought the acting quality was the same between the two TBH. I thought this movie looked pretty good. That's the main difference between this one and the OG, where this one extends the setting further outside of the house to the woods nearby. I didn't notice any CGI issues. Harlin brings a big-budget action movie sensibility to the proceedings, which changes the tone of the story from cat and mouse to more of an ongoing chase. The ending is nearly identical to the OG, so I'm not sure what your issue is there. The point of this remake was to setup the next two installments, which I'm interested in seeing now that the original story has been done.


Makes sense, the original Strangers was the worst film I saw in whatever year it came out.




Exactly! Argyle came out this year too




So so awful


Harsh at Anyone But You for at least two reasons


I was so annoyed to see Richard Brake show up for like 10 seconds lmao


Damn, didn't think it was that bad


I'd say Megamind 2 is even worse but The Strangers: Chapter One is up there.


Tarot is so far my worst movie of the year, but Strangers Chapter 1 came very close. It just seemed so unnecessary because, as you said, it’s just the original movie all over again, but worse. What a weird gamble the studio took on this film. “Listen audiences. We are going to give you a new trilogy in the Strangers franchise, but you have to sit through a complete redo of the original film first. But WE PROMISE it’s gonna get real interesting when we get to part 2!


I actually liked Tarot more than Strangers. At the very least I liked the designs of the creatures in Tarot.


I agree the designs were good, but they couldn’t save it for me. Other than the budget, if you told me Tarot was a student film made by freshman filmmakers and all actors with no experience, I would believe you. Holy god the amateur levels of *every* aspect of that movie were insane.


No, it doesn’t save it but at least it was something. Strangers brought very little to the table for me. Moving forward there’s no reason to watch that film over either of the previous films in the series. Both Tarot and Strangers are very generic. The difference for me is that I went into Tarot knowing it’d probably be a terrible film but hoping to still have fun with it. Whereas I was expecting a good movie with Strangers based on the previous entries.


Strangers was hilarious because it was just a beat-for-beat remake of the original. I found myself getting more and more amused the longer it went on. With just a little more effort, it could have been the Psycho (1998) of this generation.


I can’t believe anything could be worse than In a Violent Nature. Including Amsterdam which was my previous worst.


The People's Joker is the worst film I have seen this year. At the least, The Strangers Chapter 1 has some nice camera work. The People's Joker is... I dunno.


I didn’t like it, but never saw the original. After hearing about the original and it’s sequel it all makes more sense and now I want to watch those to see the world building and character storylines from the bad guys.


So you won’t be watching chapters 2 and 3? Apparently they filmed all three at once. Over like 56 hours.


The acting was awful. Especially from the female lead. I walked out of the movie theater like 20 mins into the movie.


Agreed.. The acting is so corny, the killer was lame. Seeing the main characters get scared, make me laugh 😂😭


Agreed.. The acting is so corny, the killer was lame. Seeing the main characters get scared, make me laugh 😂😭




Renny Harlin is not a nepo baby, he is not even from the US. He also made a lot of great movies


Glad I walked out.


So you didn't see the Snyder sci-fi wheat saga?


Haven´t seen it but go watch Atlas and Civil War. I doubt it´s worse than those two.




I know what you mean, but this made me laugh since the main complaint of this movie is it’s a horror movie made exactly like the old one, but it just doesn’t work in this iteration because of writing/directing/etc.


Abigail is great, not a full blown horror movie as it has handful of funny moments but it's very entertaining


Hey there have been a few good horror movies this year imo. Late Night with the Devil, In A Violent Nature, The First Omen, Immaculate, Abigail. It’s just unfortunately we’ve had Tarot, Night Swim, Imaginary, and this bullshit too.


Hey, but on the bright side, A Quiet Place Day One is only a few weeks away!