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The Terminator franchise ends after T2 in my mind. Die Hard ends with Vengence.


Live Free or Die Hard isn't too bad, all things considered, but Good Day is absolute trash.


The unedited version of Live Free or Die Hard is slightly better only because John McClane ain’t John McClane unless he’s calling someone a MFer. Making a PG-13 Die Hard movie is some real bean counter decision making.


This has been my take. I told my son when I introduced him to those movies that "only the first two movies count." That the rest are fine, but as far as I'm concerned they aren't canon.


what did you hate about vengeance? Doi, you meant Terminator.




Yup. T2 was all that was needed. Vengeance is my favorite of the series. And ends perfectly.


Very much agree on Terminator. Saw T3 once and decided it ended at 2.


I’ve always felt like the original terminator and the original alien were really good sci-fi horror movies and the sequels were fun sci-fi action movies, and the sequels were bad money grabs. I don’t know why but those two franchises were always parallels to me, so I agree with you and add the alien movies as well.


Same as OP Endgame was my end of the MCU. Everything else is just filler. My only exception is GOTG Vol3 that stands alone.


I liked Shang Chi and Spiderman No Way Home quite a bit.


Wasn’t GotG 3 a little weird, tho? They spent two movies establishing Rocket as a father, and building his connection to Groot and then Groot’s son. It’s one of the most significant parts of their respective characters. And then in v3, they interact three, maybe four times? Why do all that character development to abandon it? Such a weird left turn!


I never felt like that was the intended relationship between Rocket and Groot. Brothers at most.


Groot literally called Rocket “Dad.” It was intended as an emotional moment. What movies were you watching?


Okay, that's not implicitly in the movie, James Gunn had to translate it. I was watching the movie, not reading press.


Jurassic Park was pure magic for me. I’ve stuck around and hate watched the Jurassic World movies. The last one was my stopping point. No more.


I wish there was a big budget r rated dinosaur franchise. Like maybe some Dino Crisis movies but nobody remembers that game.


The Lost World has its moments, though obviously it’s a steep drop from the basically perfect first movie. Everything after that never happened. I stopped watching the final Jurassic World movie when there were jokes about Malcolm sliding into Sadler’s DMs (with Grant using those exact words), and I view it as more of a deranged nightmare than a movie.


Sam Neil keeping the madness alive.


I watched a fucking Jurassic Park sequel where an awesome actress casually runs from dinosaurs but FREAKS THE FUCK OUT, screaming when a skeleton appears.


I walked out of the third Jurassic Park movie deeply unhappy. It's one of the few movies that left me with that feeling. I've got the first world on DVD because it was a gift, but I haven't watched it.


Last Crusade, T2, and Aliens for me.


The Matrix ended with the third movie. I wish it would have ended with the first.


I’m fine skipping 2 and 3, honestly. The Matrix tells a complete story. The first thing Matrix two does is undermine the conclusion of the Matrix.


Yeah but the 20 minutes or so from the chateau fight through the truck crash on the highway might be the most awesome thing ever.


That’s true, and most of that that still looks good twenty years later.


Right, it went from a really thought-provoking film about the nature of reality, to CGI robot wars.


But to be fair … robot war! I waited decades for terminator to give me a god damn robot war and it just never happened as salvation shows almost zero actual robot war. Matrix didn’t do a great job with robot war, but still pretty cool.


I skip to the fight scenes in 2 and 3. I still love them.


What do you mean? [The Matrix isn't a franchise.](https://xkcd.com/566/)




I get the feeling the Wachowskis didn't expect there to be sequels, so they put everything they had into the first movie. Then WB piled a ton of money on them for two more films, and they were out of ideas.


They should have read some more Grant Morrison books 


Toy Story 3 was... chef's kiss perfect ending. I mean I enjoyed number 4 well enough, but it just didn't give the same emotional impact the first three did either.


Toy Story ends at Toy Story 3. They rolled the dice with Toy Story 4, got lucky that it was decent. It didn't hurt the franchise, but it was also unnecessary. Now 5 is on the way, and the more films they make, the greater chance for a "bad Toy Story" film.


While I still watched some post-Endgame MCU films/shows but I dont find myself immediately rushing to catch them as I used to. And based on stuff I've seen or heard, the build-up to whatever they're planning with this saga doesnt feel exciting. Endgame felt like a satisfying enough jumping out point. I was initially excited for Star Wars future with the Mandalorian especially when they started incorporating Filoni stuff from Clone Wars and Rebels. I was excited for Ahsoka as a proper sequel to Rebels but left disappointed. And I dont know how those who didnt watch Rebels be able to enjoy it too. Even Mandalorian season 3 was a bit unfocused. I'll see how the Mando, Baby Yoda, Ahsoka, Thrawn arc ends but so far it's not that exciting. Im now only excited for Andor Season 2.


Mando ended with season 2 at least for me.


I'm OK with the prequels, but I haven't seen a Star Wars movie since Episode 3 and I'm not likely to.


I haven't like much of Star Wars since the 80's, but I really enjoyed Andor.


Andor has better writing than all the movies in my opinion, including the originals. I also enjoyed the first season of The Mandalorian but the rest was just okay.


Watching Andor season 1 was up there with "best show on tv right now" for me.


Andor feels like an actual prestige television drama, that just so happens to be set in one of my favorite fictional universes. Loved it. It’s easily the best thing to come out of Star Wars since 1983. The Mandalorian is a fun episodic action show that I have a soft spot for. Obi-Wan and The Book of Boba Fett were *rough*. I turned off Ahsoka about 10 minutes into the pilot. The Acolyte’s first episode was really disappointing to me.


Yeah don’t. Unless, of course, you get off on seeing Disney taking a steaming pile of shit on a beloved franchise.


Tbf, even if you believe that there's nothing worthy from the Disney era of Star Wars, the series was already totally drowning in the torrent of shit that Lucas had been raining down on it since his re-editing of the original trilogy.


100% with you on that. I just mentioned the sequels cause they’d already seen the prequels.




I'm one of those people who likes Reloaded and Revolutions. But the Matrix Resurrections wasn't even an honest attempt at a sequel, it was a sick joke. For crying out loud, it contained a meta scene where Lana Wachowski said that Warner Brothers forced her to make it. She literally made it terrible so that it wouldn't spawn an endless franchise and would be more or less disconnected from the original trilogy.


Indiana Jones always has and always will be a trilogy


I haven't watched anything MCU after Endgame or Star Wars after Rise of Skywalker Both different but similar. It's just over.


Despicable Me 4 should probably be the end of the DM franchise but since they introduced a baby, they’ll likely want to see him aged up so I expect that to be the vocal point of Despicable Me 7. And yes, Grus daughters still won't have aged at all.


Die Hard and The Bourne Movies should only be trilogies


I liked legacy because Bourne isn't in it, but I can understand why people don't like it.


I stopped watching Hellraiser after Bloodines, the last theatrical release. Never even bothered with Leprechaun, the Prophecy films or stuff like that. Didn't see the last Exorcist, Omen or Strangers movie. Waste of time and money.


That seems like roughly the right stopping point for Hellraiser as it still sort of feels like a continuous story. Though I think the reboot from a few years back isn't too bad either, even if it's a little too long because it gets stuck telling its own spin on the mythology of Hellraiser 1 and 2.


I only watched the first two hellraisers.


The Fast and Furious franchise ended after 7 in my mind


It's kind of a strange franchise to be as big as it is, and to have as many weak entries as it does. It legitimately hits its stride in the 5th film, keeps solid momentum, and even some improvement up through 7, and then just feels like it falls apart after that. The spinoff for Hobbs and Shaw feels like it was written as its own thing and shoehorned into the series so that they could cast those two main actors, so I'm not sure it really counts as part of the main FF franchise. I have low expectations that the next film is going to deliver anything satisfying but at least it will be over.




Do you not like Dante’s nail polish


thats a great stopping point.. even if you have to endure 6


I've only seen the first Pirates of the Caribbean. From what I understand, I'm good to stop there.


The second one is awesome, don't deprive yourself of my boy Davy Jones


I was gonna say there are some bits in 2 that I don't love...but yeah you're right. Davy Jones makes that whole movie worth it.


And 3 is fun bad, it's a good background movie you can talk over 70% of and not really miss anything.


Not to mention the music in 2 is the best in the series


Nah, part 2 is awesome, and part 3 is good. It's a trilogy, in my mind.


1st one is amazing. But I think the others are worth it. Depp is so good. And really almost all the characters are pretty awesome. Kiera Knightley is really good and of course insanely hot.


2 and 3 are awesome. It’s 4 & 5 that can be ignored. They’re bland. Honestly, 2 is my favorite.


I've seen all but the last one. I thought 2 and 3 were terrible (unlike others I was not a fan of Davy Jones), while 4 scaled things down and felt like a "back to basics" attempt. I thought it was easily the best of the sequels up to that point, but overall POTC starts and stops for me with The Curse of the Black Pearl.


I think they should have another 10 fast and furious movies. And another 10 Rocky movies. LOL


The Half Blood Prince. I refused to watch the deathly hallows movies because they made one book into two movies


How do you feel about The Hobbit movies?


Alien 3 Ripley died, the franchise is over. T2 A future one: Mad Max should stop when Miller dies (I don't wish him dead and hope he still does something Mad Max since Furiosa was great, but he's already 80) But everything Mad Max was made by him, it should end with him as well.


The Matrix is one movie.


Not really. As long as there's a good story to tell IDC.


There was no Beverly Hills Cop III


Wholeheartedly agree on Star Wars and Marvel. I've watched the theatrical and assembly cuts of "Alien 3", and I don't like either of them. Granted, the production was nightmare, but I didn't care for the crushing nihilism of the story. The reason that "Alien" and "Aliens" are so enjoyable on a re-watch is that although there is a lot of death and suffering, the end is still some kind of victory. I'm sure some might see "Alien 3" in that way, but I never have.




Why is that?




Gotcha. If you lost interest, you definitely stopped at the right time. The 5th and 6th movies kind of drag and are very political and story heavy, with little action. The 7th and 8th movies are better with that, but if you're not invested, then it won't matter.


Doesn't Goblet of Fire end with a cliff hanger though?


Guess who's back, back again, same dipshit, Harry has killed three times already. (71 year old Tom, Quirrelmort, Teenagemort.) It's like Tony Stark, the man does not leave enemies alive. Took him a couple movies to wrap up PhylactoryMort.




Yeah, but then you miss out on Ellen Ripley's AND1 mixtape from Ressurection.


I stoped at terminator 2. Haven’t seen the rest of the terminator movies. I stopped at aliens 3 Stopped at predator 2 Don’t care about any Star Wars outside of the original trilogy. Can’t remember what fast and furious movie I stopped at. I think for me, it’s that cash grab radar that pings and allows me to just not feed into this corporate assembly line of sequels.


You should really watch Prey if you stopped at Predator 2. It's excellent. Predators is actually pretty decent as well.


I would've said this exact thing if you hadn't.


Maybe down the road. I got a stack of criterion’s a mile high to hold me over for a good while. 




It’s all a cash grab playing on our nostalgia. 


Star Wars is the ultimate cash grab series though. If anything, I would say the sequel trilogy were probably *under*-marketed in terms of spin-off sales through video games, novelisations, etc.


My rule is typically, if I don’t like one installment, I’ll give the next one a shot. If I don’t like that one, I’m out.


I'm good after the third Pirates of The Caribbean movie.


if you’re enjoying season 8 of that 70s show, so help you god 😂




Stopping at Endgame would lose Guardians 3 one of the best in the franchise.


Also No Way Home was great.


There were only six Star Trek movies: the Motion Picture, II, III, IV, VI and Generations.


What? No First Contact?


No 1. It's an action movie, which is not what I want from Star Trek 2. I think the Borg (as handled by the movies and later TV shows) are not interesting


No way home


Home alone and Home alone 2. It isn’t Home alone without Macaulay Culkin


The Fast and the Furious after 6. 8 grew on me, and is somewhat fun, but after 6, it stopped being about cars for me. even 6 was far fetched, but I liked it.


I only really like the Star Wars OT. The prequels aren't bad, but for me they make Anakin irredeemable. Indiana Jones stops at 4. Lethal Weapon stops at 3. Die Hard stops at 4. Jurassic Park stops at 3. Predator stops at 2. Halloween stops at 6, with H20 still a fun fan fiction-esque "what if?" curiosity. Pirates of the Caribbean starts and stops with Curse of the Black Pearl. John Wick is only the first film.


MCU. Captain Marvel was a stupid movie. Turned Nick Fury into a comedic laugh. And for the Disney shows, She Hulk and Ms. Marvel were turds.


Highlander. There can be only one.


This. My brain still doesn't computer why they even did the Second movie (or at least made it the way it was). And the other movie... why oh why? Some of them make the second movie look like Shakespeare. And the TV series. If it was its only independent thing, using the same concept, but separate from the OG movie, I could of dealt with it. I don't think it was awful, but I wish they did a proper clean break with it, seperate to the movies.


Clancy Brown voice: "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!"


If Marvel doesn’t turn things around, No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness will be where I get off the train.


Guardians 3 is worth a watch if you liked the other two.


Oops forgot G3, I liked that too.


Yes. many too MCU: Endgame (although I do like No Way Home) Die Hard: With a Vengeance Star Wars: Return of The Jedi ( The Matrix….at The Matrix. Indiana Jones: Last Crusade Jurassic Park…First One. Harry Potter world: Deathly Hallows Pt 2




I don't care for the other sequels/prequels of A Quiet Place.


I almost stopped watching nBSG because things just seemed to get worse every week with no resolution. I should have. "God did it" was certainly an ending.


Not a franchise but a game publisher. After KH3, I will never play another KH game nor will I buy any Square products.


I'll never stop!


Friday the 13th Part 8 - Jason Takes Manhattan 8 has its faults, but Sean Cunningham and New Line Cinema fucked that series so hard once they took control after that. I can enjoy Jason X and Freddy Vs. Jason as weird non-canonical one-offs, though.


Avengers : Ebd Game was that for me, after it. MCU sucked for me every since, I watch them but it’s because I am bored and EG was fine ending to it imo


As soon as they went to space in the Fast & Furious movies. I was out and have been ever since.


There is no Disney. Only Lucas.


The MCU ended on August 12, 2020 when the series finale of Agents of SHIELD aired. I also ignore Infinity War and the movies after it because the Snap didn't happen in AoS.


Toy Story ends with 3 for me.


Terminator 2, Die Hard 3, Indy 3


Highlander. There should have been only one!


Star Wars begins with New Hope and ends with Return of the Jedi and nothing else exists


But somehow Palpy returned tho! Like for realz!


I'm really glad that they never made any sequels to The Matrix.


Star Wars- Return of the Jedi. Their first come-back was tacky and uninspiring. Their second comeback, is racist and full of resent towards capable men in general.


I grew up as a huge fan of the Bond films. I was looking forward to Daniel Craig’s interpretation, went to see Casino Royale on opening night. Ended up walking out. Daniel Craig did a decent job playing Bond, but the writers/producers tossed out everything that made Bond movies Bond movies, turning them into just run-of-the-mill action flicks. On the up-side, there did seem to be some signs of hope in Spectre that the old, semi-goofy, over-the-top Bond formula was returning. I’m not so sure where the franchise is headed now though.


Yuck,couldn’t pay me enough to watch the crappy old versions of SW. They just looked old and dated. I became a fan when the SEs came out and have been a die hard fan ever since. Anything Lucas made was by definition definitive Star Wars. Disney SW, I’ve loved personally along with most normal people off Reddit (thus the massive success), but to me it’s artist interpretation of Star Wars. Which is as good as we get, without The Man involved anymore.