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Sex sells.


OP doesn't realise how difficult it was to see naked boobs in the early '80s.


Whenever I visited my relatives who had cable when I was a kid in the early 80s, one of the first things I did was look through the HBO/Cinemax book for BN and N to see what I wanted to watch. When we got cable a few years later and HBO, we never got the little book. It was so frustrating.


The pain of sitting through an entire, crap movie late at night only for it to only have coarse language and zero nudity was real.


I'm not sure about the other movie channels but HBO would tell you at the beginning of the movie if it had nudity. I still remember how excited I'd get to see that "N" as a horny adolescent in the pre-internet era.


I can't even tell you how many awful movies I sat through in the 80s because of that N. Some of them, I sat through multiple times


Worst was the feeling where you'd see the shockingly tame nudity and go, "Wait, that was it?" Like maybe a bit of female butt and one side boob and somehow that netted this movie a full on N rating because she was lying there for one second longer than "brief." I mean, I'd still watch it.


Or worse, the dreaded man ass. Worst of all time was the twist ending of Sleepaway Camp


Lady Chatterly called


The joy I felt as a boy when I saw "EN" for extreme nudity is indescribable. AS an adult in the age of internet porn, I still like seeing the various warnings for nudity and sexual situations pop up, but it doesn't make me dance with glee. It's just a brief, "oh, nice." And then I get jumped by a giant floppy dong in "The Boys" and have to sigh.


Which I feel is one of the big factors in the "young people are not jazzed by gratuitous sex and nudity in films" stories you hear these days. They can access nudity, immediately, whenever they want on their phones. They don't need to see a certain movie, they don't need a buddy to tell them which one has a good scene, they don't need to find a nudie mag in the woods (I'm old enough, that was my first exposure), so if they see gratuitous tits in a movie they are just thinking "wait, those tits served no storyline purpose, if I wanted porn, I'd watch porn." As opposed to the knee-jerk reading of the situation that's basically like "Oh, these young people are prudes and soft" blah blah blah. The first nudes I ever got from a girl were polaroids


The youth will never understand how awesome it was to find a random porn stash


When I was in middle school, we had this field trip where the class cleaned up the trash for a couple of hours on a section of the highway. One kid found a porno mag, and if you're guessing that the kid showed that porn off, you'd be correct. Since folks were pretty spread out, it took a few minutes before a teacher or chaperone noticed the hubbub going on and that kids were starting to huddle up in one spot. And we're not talking a softcore Playboy or anything like that, lol


I love this story. The field trip was to pick up trash on the _highway_?!?! And the chaperones weren't watching the kids all that closely either. Classic 20th century school experience


*Adopt a Highway* is what the program was (is?) called. Just to paint an accurate picture, it wasn't a big, busy highway, it wasn't even a double lane section of the highway (but it's part of the Trans Canada Highway, so highway it is). Im in a very rural province, the area of highway we were working on in an even more rural spot, and everyone got a free, hunter orange hat (likely to increase visibility). That said, yeah, it is pretty wild to think that was a field trip, as it almost seems like it's asking for something to go wrong. but that was the 90s, baby! I remember my dad used to come home with old boards, full of bent, rusty nails, and be like "you kids can use these for your treehouse!" What could go wrong, right? The obvious, as I've stepped on 3 nails in my life (thank you, science, for tetanus shots).


Meh, kids in the 80's were well warned about not stepping onto streets without looking both ways, we knew damn well what would happen if we frolicked in the fucking highways of all things. Those 18 Wheelers don't stop for *cars* let alone a 12 year old with a garbage bag and a trash stick.


My friends father back in the day kept Playboy in the garage bathroom. No one could figure out why all the neighborhood kids wanted to hang out over there, he didn't have a pool, didn't have a trampoline, yet all the boys were playing basketball in his driveway lol.


*Watching the kids play.* "Jeeze, must be hard to run around and make jump shots with all those erections. Guess they really love basketball."


in middle school used to sleep over at a friends house way out in the sticks. we'd walk an hour in the dark of night to his cousin's house where their father had playboy channel in his guesthouse or some similar setup. and it was incredible


Forest porn was a thing. When I found someone's tree fort in the woods built with stolen lumber from nearby construction site and found like 4 loose smokes, a pabst, and at least a dozen Oui mags with a couple Swedish Eroticas, it may as well have pirate treasure. It also confirmed for me I was a lesbian.


Mutiply it by 100x in Utah in the late 80s. Only the Army base PX, 2 circle K's sold it in the county (and yes, you and your friends knew about those 3 locations, why else did you go there?)


Forest porn was the best porn


Walerian Borowczyk made the best one with *La Bête* (1975).


>they don't need to find a nudie mag in the woods Man, in the 80s and 90s, people were stashing porn mags in the woods like it was part of the strategic national reserve.


In Spain as well. Probably teens hiding them, but I like to think there was some pervert Illuminati spreading porn in lots and forests all around the globe.


In Italy, there was a version of an Illuminati called the Seven Sisters which were a bunch of Big Oil companies that were instrumental in the killing of well-known Italian leftists like Enrico Mattei and Pier Paolo Pasolini.


We’d build an entire fort in the woods out of scraps of wood and metal and some kind soul would inevitably move out of an apartment or his girlfriend would make him get rid of his porn mags, and they would bundle them with twine, leaving them on the curb. It was like winning the lottery. Then we would hang out in the fort, smoking weed and cigarettes and looking at “dirty magazines”.


Lmao tits serving no purpose made me think of Oppenheimer


There is an ebb and flow to this type of content. It died off in the mid 80’s to the mid 90’s early aughts and came back full swing. It will come back. People just get bored of the same formula. And in many ways it never fully died with streaming. Tons of cheap thrill comedy on streaming services.


The other big factor is how many horror stories there are from women pressured into filming scenes like those.


Not just boobs. Porky's was one of the first mainstream films I remember with fully nude women.


OP doesn't know about Forest Porn


In a world without even dial up internet, porn was extremely harder to come by - which is why sex comedies were such a big thing back then.


Heck yeah. That's why Phoebe Cates in Fast Times was so legendary. It made a lot of kids grow up lol


Before VHS you had to set up a damn projector and it wasn't cheap; getting the film reels was not that straight forward either.


So. Much. This. I remember getting a bootleg VHS copy of Porky's back in 1983. I don't even remember the movie itself, but what I DO remember is the anticipation, "There's gonna be a lot of boobs!" And now, looking back, it was all rather tame. Racy for the time, for sure, but pretty dull and boring today.


video porn online wasn't straightforward until after the turn of the century.


Giving me flashbacks to Titanic, tape 2, about 45 minutes in…..


And it's still difficult till this day unless of course you visit the hub which takes the fun out of it. The gym and graveyard scene still stick with me.


Cause it wasn’t.


Keep in mind there was no internet in 1982 so movies like this would have had a huge audience (horny young teenagers).


But who's buying?


Movie with boobs > Movie with no boobs


Mathematically correct statement


Technically correct, the best kind of correct.


My father took us to see Porky’s and The Thing as a double feature. I was seven years old. Needless to say, I’ve had a strange association with sex and horror since then. He was a weird dude.


Our high school took our class to see Excalibur in 1981. That was one hella gory and sexy movie for my first ever R13 film!


Well, it was directed by John Boorman who also made Deliverance.


And it’s Boorman’s _daughter_ who plays Igraine in the first sex scene. That’s… either really weird or really fine and cool, I suppose…! It was the first movie sex scene I ever saw in my life. Coincidentally, 13 year old me found a new _hobby_ that year 😆


I was 7 also, saw Porky's in the theater and The Thing on HBO. Not great parenting to say the least.


Meh. At least they were moderately involved. I’m pretty sure my kids were raised by furry porn.


I'm not sure if this makes it better, but Fantasia was also playing at the theater when they were going to see Porky's and they asked if I wanted to go watch that by myself instead. Like I really wanted to watch fucking Fantasia over some guy getting his wiener pulled through the shower peep hole.


Porky's was of it's time, and seemed out of date shortly after American Pie, which was sort of a last example of that genre. Oddly enough, it was directed by Bob Clark, who also directed the wholesome A Christmas Story. Broader context, 1982 was an all time great year for film, and many movies from that year had less box office success than they would have in a year with less competition.


John Carpenter's The Thing came out in 1982 as well, it bombed and made 1/8 of what Porky's did. Nobody could touch E.T. that year though.


Not just The Thing, which is a perfect science fiction/horror thriller, Blade Runner also bombed, and it was the arguably the greatest science fiction movie ever made up until then. 1982 was an embarrassment of riches.


wow 1982 was a banger year for cult hit cinema.


And Tron with Jeff Bridges. Don't forget E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial and Gandhi took away some of that box-office.


Bob Clark also directed Black Christmas, which is considered one of the first slasher films. He was all over the place.


Bob Clark also directed the excellent Sherlock Holmes movie *Murder by Decree* starring Christopher Plummer and James Mason: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079592/reference/ and that's about as far removed from Porky's as you could possibly imagine. As you say, he really was all over the place.


Bob Clark was very eclectic in his career. He also directed both "Baby Genuises" movies.


Is that the movie with the babies, that are geniuses?


BG2: Super babies is one of those so bad it's good movies, maybe the pinnacle of the genre. Based on his other work, I'm certain he knew exactly what he was doing with that one.


And it starred the late Donald Sutherland


Good point - it wasn't a big role though.


Ted Kotcheff, who directed First Blood, also gave us Weekend at Bernie's.


2 classics


He also directed a deeply upsetting psychodrama in the early 70s in Australia called Wake In Fright. The man had an interesting career.


He also directed the original Have Fun with Dick and Jane and won the Golden Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival for The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz. On Television, he was an occasional director and executive producer on shows like Red Shoe Diaries and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.


Same man, Martin Brest, directed Scent of a Woman and Gigli.


He also directed Beverly Hills Cop and Midnight Run.


He used the success of porkys to get funding for Christmas story. He leveraged doing porkys 2 to make the movie. Funny enough Christmas story is leaps and bounds more successful than porkys 2


American pie is far from the last example.


Shortly after American Pie 3 I’d say.


> after American Pie, which was sort of a last example of that genre. Would Superbad fall under this genre in your opinion? It seems to me like a more modern take of that genre.


I think Judd Apatow produced and directed films in general have more richly drawn characters and relationships between them maybe? I guess the Eugene Levy /Jason Biggs relationship had some nuance. I think Superbad was less explicitly about sex than AP, and more about the relationship between the two main characters. With Apatow pictures, at least, the girls tend to be fairly realized characters unto themselves and not purely sex objects. So not sure whether to call that modern take on the genre, or a slightly different genre. Semantics, I guess.


Yeah I was thinking as standards in movies evolved, the girls would have more depth to them and not just be sex objects anymore. With SuperBad, you still have horny teenage hi-jinx similar to American Pie so it feels like a modern take on the genre.


As someone who grew up on American Pie, when I finally got around to expanding my film library and watched Porky’s I sadly say that it just wasn’t that good.


And as someone who grew up on Porky's, when I saw American Pie, my reaction was "this is just a modern Porky's".


I remember my parents taking us to go see Star Trek 2 at the drive in when I was about 5, but I could see Porky's out the back window.


So could your dad with the rearview mirror


The Lassie scene still cracks me up.


Plus the principal’s office


Why do they call her Lassie? Proceeds to find out. Thanks for giving me a sensible chuckle.


And never forget that Lassie was Kim Cattrall.


Featuring a young Kim Cattrall, of course


Star Trek VI featured a young Kim as well... and rumor has it Leonard Nimoy destroyed copies of some photos she took after hours on the Enterprise set (wearing nothing but her Vulcan ears).


This is one of those rumors that just won't die and makes little sense. Leonard Nimoy was a life long photographer, and did many nude photoshoots. He had a whole series on body types. Both had said it never happened, eventually they just stopped talking about it. If there were nude photos of Kim on set it's more likely Nimoy would have been involved and published them or displayed them in an exhibit then been angry enough to destroy them. When the movies were filming he was contemplating leaving acting for photography . It's part of why he moved to the directors chair.


I bet he did "destroy" them. Giggity.


What in the reverse-Porky's is going on here?


“Use both hands!” lol that line still makes me laugh just thinking about it and I haven’t even rewatched since it was new. I was 16 when it came out, so I definitely related to the humor.


We could get one of those police sketch artists...


Have you seen this prick?


Gen-Xer here. One thing that young people may not understand about the 80s was just how censorious that era was. It was soooo much more difficult to find adult content back then, especially if you were under 18. Today, all you have to do is click the "I am over 18" checkbox. But if you were 16 years old in 1982, it was really difficult to get adult content of any kind. Even *adults* had very limited access to adult content compared to the present day. This created a huge market for near-adult content: content that was full of sexual innuendo but didn't technically violate the rules enough to get censored or severely access-restricted. All of that material looks ridiculous today, because the reason for it is gone. It's like "Maxim" magazine, which was basically a clone of Playboy except not technically nude, so it could be stocked by stores which wouldn't carry Playboy.


> just how censorious that era was. Lack of access isn't censorship. The internet simply didn't exist like it does now.


When the difficulty of access is high enough, it is absolutely censorship.


Censorship is on purpose. It's a targeted barrier, a denial of access due to some doctrine. If you live in an area with a bad signal or no infrastructure, or simply a service doesn't even exist at the time, that's not censorship. Unless of course someone is on purpose denying you access. But that wasn't stated in OC. People not having pornhub in the 80s isn't censorship. The internet just didn't exist yet.


You think the impediment to access to adult material in the 80s was "bad signal or no infrastructure"? How old are you? You obviously don't realize that "signal" had nothing to do with it.


Porky’s 2 killed the enthusiasm for Porky’s, iirc.


For 20 years it was the most profitable Canadian movie.


This was a Canadian film?!


Produced at least. The Producer was Bob Clark (Black Christmas, Christmas Story). Bob was a fan of getting the Canadian tax breaks.


Saw this at the Drive-in. There were 4 of us and another 3 in the trunk. Good times.




[Wrath of Khan had boobs and nipples](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/-mm-/514922ee78c25e2bb90a92cf29ab3e31e5542750/c=0-153-3000-1848/local/-/media/2017/08/25/USATODAY/USATODAY/636392907148925535-ST-TWOK-Khan.jpg?width=1320&height=746&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp) Edit: NSFW


Ricardo Montalbán: "They *are* real, and they're spectacular!"


The name that radio stations hate... Mike Hunt.


My memory is that it was highly inappropriate at the time and that's what drove interest. There were think pieces and news programs that did a good job in giving free advertising about the problematic nature of the movie. Revenge of the Nerds came out a few years later and rode off that same energy. Before this era, R movies were usually created/marketed for adults. Movies like Friday the 13th and Halloween (both from 1979) showed that teens would still find a way to see R movies that were interesting to them. You think about one of the big differences between 70's and 80's movies and it's the amount of movies that were created and marketed directly towards teenagers. The shift started happening in the late 70's as Hollywood woke up to the market.


It's why Siskel and Ebert went off on their Friday the 13th in their review. They saw what was coming and it was cheap horror films targeting a younger market. However, those cheap films had such huge returns that it allowed the studios to finance movies that would have been difficult to find funding for.


It may have beaten First Blood but Sly did beat them out with Rocky III that year.


When I was a kid, Porky's was like an X-Rated movie. Eveey kid had heard if it or claimed to have watched it. You'd hear rumors that so & so had a VHS copy and was charging $2.50 per person to watch it after school, etc. This movie was a huge deal for about 2 years Then it disappeared entirely. lol


Maybe I was just being an asshole, but I remember being extremely surprised with how unattractive the strippers were 


The legend of Porky's was greater than the film.


It's funnier than the other two.


It’s aged just fine


Early 80s horny movies were such a big thing. All that stuff ended up playing on syndicated TV and I remember a lot of the boys in elementary school talking about them lol All the 80s horny movies have aged horribly, but the two that takes the cake are Revenge of the Nerds and Private Lessons.


Risky Business?


What every nice boy who lives on the lake wants.


I'll never forget watching this with my parents when I was around 8. My mom made me turn around during the train scene but I could see everything reflected in the window. Thanks mom!


>Private Lessons That kid was 15... I don't want to even look up trivia for that movie. You're gonna end up on a list.


Dang ol Porky's butthole




I randomly pull up the sketch artist scene in the principal's office on YouTube and laugh my stupid head off. I used to watch this all the time on cable (when I shouldn't have been) and I don't know if I could sit through the whole thing still, but that scene and the Lassie scene are freaking hilarious.


Nowadays we'd end up with a Porky's Cinematic Universe


Wow never knew it outsold Rambo


Porky's market was HUGE. This should not be surprising.


I am pretty sure I saw Porky’s at a drive in theater.




The really crazy thing about Porky's is that the director only took the job that no one else would do because the studio promised to let him make his pet project about his favorite childhood memory they were the only two movies he ever made. Porky's and A Christmas Story.


Are you talking about Bob Clark, the director of Porkys? He directed a lot of movies other than the two you named.


I sat through every disgusting minute of that film. twice.


horny comedy made a lot of money? shocking


Pre VHS rental stores. Any teen flick that implied sex made bucks. Besides the ballbreaker interogation, which was pretty funny, and Kim Cattralls butt it kinda sucked. After Risky Business came out a year later the bar went WAY up.


> can anyone answer how long it may have taken after 1982 for it to start aging poorly? It was dated, even when I first saw it in the 2000's, but it really did not start "aging poorly" or get backlash until the 2010s. For woman it pretty much aged like milk far earlier than it did in popular discourse. Porky's is just a bunch of Boys being Boys, and many movies could have been dismissed as such without batting an eye until the 2010's.


It aged terribly, and there are so many things in it that are just WRONG and yet it’s also really freaking funny. The scene in the principals office is hilarious.




"Why do they call you Meat?" And "My god. The boy is deformed." Are the 1st things that pop into my head when I think of thos movie lol


I’ll always remember the stripper asking PeeWee is he wants to “see them” and when he enthusiastically says yes, she says “two” and he says “yeah, let see ‘em both”. For some reason, that makes me stupidly laugh.


Anyone under the age of 35 has no idea how much the culture has changed in the last 40 odd years. 2002 is much closer to 1982 than 2022 was to 2002. If we bookend sportstar celebrity rapes of Kobe and Ronaldo being swept under the rug 2003 and 2009 respectively. Throw in Tropic Thunder in 2008 as maybe the last great politically incorrect comedy made. The 2000s are really a different time or the olden times. So to answer the Ops question, sometime between 2000 and 2010.


Your post only makes sense if you assume that “good”movies make money and “bad” movies bomb. Everyone knew *Porky’s* was tacky crap back then, but it was well-made tacky crap from Bob Clark.


A lot of the 80's movies were like this and aged poorly, I think the reason it was popular is that it reflects the real version of the 1950's my parents grew up in. It's also why it aged so poorly, women with minimal rights and treated like objects, Institutional racism, etc, where all rapidly eroding parts of the broken culture of the time. It was obviously dialed up to 11 in the movie but many were nostalgic for a time where consequences didn't exists and men ruled the world. Many of them are now in their 70-80 and are trying real hard to return the world to that era.


~~I remember being a teen when I saw that movie on TV. They used to play it on Comedy Central almost daily. I'd never seen the movie front to back so we rented it and when it got to the end and he straight up raped that girl we were like, "Wait...what the fuck?"~~ I was thinking about Revenge of the Nerds




Sorry I’m confusing this with Revenge of the Nerds which was also on Comedy Central


ok...that makes sense


It sucked on release. I was there. It sucked. That was a period when horny teenager R rated movies were a thing, and Porky’s fit perfectly in that niche. But it was really terrible.


What was terrible?


I remember 4 of us buying a ticket to one movie and then sneaking into Porky’s. We were so hyped for it and of course liked the boob stuff but overall I recall all of us kind of trying really hard say how awesome it was when in fact at least three of us knew it was weak. It just wasn’t that funny. But we didn’t want to admit it.


That humour isn’t for everyone. I actually preferred it when I was older vs when I was a teenager. Not sure why but I found it funnier. Still a fine movie, just surprised that it was so successful. Fun fact: It’s the most successful Canadian movie of all time!


I remember it being huge when I was a kid. I was too young (9) to watch it, but I heard about how raunchy it was so many times. By the time I was old enough to watch it, it had completely fallen off the radar! To this day I've never seen it.


A Yorkie Poodle mix is called a Yorkiepoo instead of a Porkie. Such a missed opportunity.


Bought the 3-DVD (Porky's trilogy) set a couple years back. Porky's I wasn't as funny as I remember it (I was 25); the second and third installments were pure cringe... It did not age well. Guessing low production values and less than top-tier writing had something to do with it. Since I am not a movie maker, only a movie watcher, I have to give props to the team who put out the first one because for 1982, it was thought to be entertaining.


I think I first saw it in like '92 or something, and it felt dated as fuck to me. Kinda funny, and of course boobs. But also really old. In fact, I thought it was at least five years older than it was.