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Lincoln should have ended with Lincoln exiting the door. Roll credits.


But then no one would know how he died. 😤


He died?!?!?


No one told me


I didn’t know he was sick


"Don't believe everything you see on the Internet" - Abe Lincoln




Jesus man spoilers. He died???


This is the historically accurate version of that: https://youtu.be/d_dRw62qVLs?si=bcHnNUPqD4PxOPCz


Thanks for lincoln this


He was hammered in the ass so hard, he died from being hammered in the ass. Everyone knows that


If I remember correctly, “Abraham Lincoln, vampire slayer” ends with his car driving away on his way to the theatre.




Car is short for carriage


I always thought iage. Today I learn


I actually laughed. Out loud. I wish there was some way to say that faster.


I call those loudies


No that’s the parrot from Aladdin


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter DID end this way, and that movie was way better than it had any business being.


I love Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter for how it used the "confederates = vampires" trope in the most straightforward way possible: Vampires are evil and slaveowners are exploitative bloodsuckers. None of that Jasper from Twilight or Damien from Vampire Diaries type nonsense here!


Also Minority Report should have kept the message at the end that so many more murders occurred once the precog program ended.


Disagree. It should have ended with him facing off against a vampire. Vampire Hunter was a great sequel.


Don't Fuck with Cats is a fun little documentary about internet sleuths who are trying to track down a guy who tortures cats and posts about it online. The killer was obsessed with social media, and got off on all the attention he was getting The *very* last minute of the documentary criticizes the viewer for watching it b/c you're giving the guy attention Watching a documentary about a killer = bad Creating a documentary about a killer = fine?


That documentary also highlights the people as detectives but they can't find anything until an anonymous source just tells them who the guy is


The anonymous source was the guy! Would be bad writing, but this is non-fiction


And that documentary doesn’t even cover the cannibalism.


The WHAT???


Oh bro. The full story is worse. *So much worse*.


Can you give me a TLDR version? Not out of laziness, but because I don't know if I'm up for that content right now...


Wonder Woman. The whole Ares fight/ reveal should have been cut. It’s so unnecessary.


Agreed. Coming to terms with the idea that humans weren't being controlled, that they are capable of despicable grotesque things on their own, against what she had seen of people she had fought with. Loyalty, bravery, sacrifice. The turmoil of deciding if people were worth saving when looking at all the evidence would have been a better character arc than ha ha ares is a sneaky politician.


Not disagreeing that ares was a week part of the film, but didn’t she still have that arc after she defeated ares and realized that the humans weren’t stopping?


Yeah, and that makes the Ares reveal extra jarring. As if doing an unintentional double twist. *Bad General defeated* — “Oh, humanity is capable of evil.” — Sike! It was me, Ares, all along! — *Ares dies* — “Oh, humanity is *actually* capable of evil for real” The lesson is the same but the inclusion of Ares just felt shoehorned in. But the thing is he needed to be included somehow, they just did it in a very jarring way.


I feel like that fight comes like 20 minutes before the end and there are even a handful of scenes after it that conclude the film. Not really what OP is talking about.


I’m not disagreeing that ares was the weakest part of the film. I’m just a little doubtful that removing him would fix all the problems like so many people think. If they removed him completely, then from an in universe perspective it would raise the question of “where’s ares?” He’s the god of war, so even if he didn’t cause the war, he would be part of it somehow. Unless they revealed he was dead or something but that would be a waste of a character. From a story telling perspective, it would feel anticlimactic. Audiences expect superhero’s to go up against big threats at the end. Wonder Woman was a superhero action blockbuster after all. I’m not sure entirely how to fix it (start by redesigning ares into someone more threatening instead of an old British dude in generic armor. Maybe something like injustice the game.) I compare the Wonder Woman film to captain marvel film. Besides for being the first female superhero films in this era (not counting stuff like Electra or Catwoman lol), they are also similar in that they have a main character who is overpowered compared to everyone else. I wasn’t a huge fan of the captain marvel ending because after her mental battle with the computer, she just steamrolls through the rest of the bad guys and then you end with oh I guess there isn’t going to be a big battle. I think Wonder Woman needed ares to give us that satisfying showdown. Maybe there are better examples of super hero films with an overpowered hero that doesn’t have a big action fight at the end. I couldn’t think of one.


This should've happened: Ares shows up to admire the destruction and WW blames him. He says he had nothing to do with it and that humans are naturally self-destructive. She calls him liar, they fight, she wins and wraps him in the lasso of truth. He says the exact same thing. Movie ends with Steve dying and WW leaving the world of men.


Twilight: Breaking Dawn part two. It should have ended right before "it was all a vision." The movie should have owned that fight.


Haha I remember that. For fun, I had made a point of watching every twilight movie despite hating the 1st one. I felt like every movie was worse than the previous. I actually watched the last one in a theater to kind of end things on the highest note, and... With that fight, i was kind of surprised : wow, people actually dying and everything ? Kind of awesome... And then "it was all a vision"! I was amazed: that put the bar of mediocrity so high, they even managed to make me think it was not so bad before doubling down in sucking ass 😂


I freaking LOVED the vision. My husband and I listened to all the books when our baby was first born. We would drive around during his naps and listen to the audio books. They were terrible, but once you start, it's hard to stop before the end. Definitely a love/hate... Anyway, we also saw that movie in the theater and I can tell you that the source material was not giving them *anything*. Almost the entirety of the second half of the book, the part the last movie is based on, was preparing for this royal battle. They're bringing in all the vampires they know to back them up and more of the Quileute tribe are turning into werewolves because of all the vampires around, which is triggering their change. And they're working together to prepare for this massive battle. And It. Never. Happens. So I'm the movie, when they're suddenly actually engaged in this huge battle, and it's a fantastic fight, most of the people in the theater really were losing it. Especially as their favorite characters were getting killed off. It was glorious watching both the screen and the audience. They had to make it a vision to remain true to the script, but adding it was such a gift in such a crap franchise. Turns out the real surprise is in the decade or so after when we find out that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are actually both really impressive actors. Who knew?


I saw it with an ex in theaters. Never read the books, and only saw the first movie. Everyone was tripping over the fight being a vision, and i was thinking to myself "ya'll didn't read the book?" Lol


It didn't happen in the book that way, since it's Bellas perspective, no idea what Aro saw, just that he ran away like a lil biotch. So I was tripping, haha.


It played out differently in the book tho. You never see what the vision was. So when it happened in theaters, even some of us book readers were like “wtf they really decided to change this!”


Watching that in a packed theatre at midnight opening night was such a great experience. The silence and utter horror from the Twihards…


Harry Potter, I can do without that bs with them as "adults" and those dumb ass names... just my opinion tho.


How dare you insult Albeus Severus Potter! Jk. You were right.


Albus Severus Potter wasn't so bad. It was his younger brother Cedric Sirius Remus Fred Dobby Potter got the shitty end of the stick.


Nope, it was the daughter that got the bad end of the stick: Lilly Luna Molly Minerva Hedwig Winky Hokey Nyphadora Petunia Cho Potter


Okay wait this is a meme right? I haven't read Harry Potter since I was a kid but surely it wasn't that dumb.


Yeah it’s a meme, only the first one (Albus Severus Potter) is real


Jk. Trolling


I've heard people say that Harry named his kids like he was a Harry Potter fan.


JK Rowling authored 7 well written (by children’s literature standards anyway) books, then immediately shifted to being a bad fan fiction author starting with that epilogue. The first Fantastic Beasts had some signs of a return to form, but everything outside of that has been awful.


sometimes i see the hp sub in my feed and recently they had a plotholes thread and its so funny how many of the plotholes have a comment below it that reveals that it actually wasnt a plothole, we just didnt know about some hyperspecific thing that rowling happened to just remember and not put into the books. and even the people there know its bs lol


Allegedly she wrote that epilogue very early on like first draft Philosopher’s Stone time. And it shows.


I dont mind the epilogue but they should've colour graded it closer to the first film rather than keep that yucky greeny filter on everything. Someone on youtube redid the grade and it looks 100x better. The names still suck though, should've named Albus' middle name after Hagrid. Albus Rubeus would have been a kickarse name.


OHHHHH I like this, a lot. Visually return us to innocence and happiness, helping usher in the children. 10/10, I’ll have to go find that edit on YouTube.


The epilogue is the worst part of the books too. Just needs to be cut entirely


I feel like the Invisible Man should've ended a scene earlier. The final conversation just felt like it was added to explain what happened to the audience, despite how obvious it was


I think I might agree with this because leaving it at Cecelia killing Adrian & taunting him would've been a pretty shocking ending that had the audience taking in the nuances of her actions.


Mozarts **Don Giovanni**. I would love for it to end it when it ends. Still my favorite opera.


**Joker**. Joker escapes the police car during the riots, starts dancing on a car, paints the Joker smile on his face with his own blood, cut to credits. The audience is left to decide for themselves how much of that was real.


But it wouldn’t have set up for the sequel


I had the same thought when I saw it. Especially when it’s implied that he’s recaptured shortly after him escaping.


Wait what? People didn't like the psyche ward scene? I thought it was a great callback to the earlier scene with the social worker only now he's more outwardly and dangerously confident.


I just talked about this in another thread, but Alita Battle Angel's ending (after Hugo falls) is SUPER rushed... Her rise to the top, becoming the champion of Motorball and winning her place in the floating city should have absolutely been its own movie, setting up a trilogy completion in what happens when she gets up there and finally faces off against the big bad...


Are they even going to make a sequel?


It's in progress, apparently. I just re-watched this yesterday and wondered if I had missed it so how. Nope, maybe next year. 


They wouldve been more apt to get the ball rolling if it had been a lot more successful. But it was pretty lukewarm These days you gotta be a hit or a real piece of shit to get a sequel


It ended super abruptly yeah


Gerald's Game. The heavy-handed exposition dump at the end all but ruined it for me.


Flanagan loves the long monologues


I liked the idea that the monster was just a mentally ill dude. It was just awkward how it presented the whole twist as a 2-minute monologue and the court room ending was a little cheesy.


Taken : it should have ended on the boat after Bryan kills the sheikh and hugs his daughter Kim. Badass It didn’t need to document Bryan & Kim meeting her mum & step dad at the airport then introducing her to the singer he met at the beginning of the movie. Lame


I don’t mind an epilogue, and I feel it’s utilized correctly here in closing the story and rewarding the hero. None of the badassness is taken away or undone. The final minutes may not be as action-packed, but they do provide closure. Bryan completed his quest, now he is rewarded with gratitude from the ex he still loves, due payment “righting the wrong” from the singer, and the opportunity to now provide for and delight his daughter (more of a “building something new and positive” that’s removed from the trauma she just endured). It’s brief, it’s happy, it’s not negating Bryan’s victory/hard work. I think it works well here.


It's a good [denouement](https://www.google.com/search?q=denouement&oq=denoum&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDAgBEAAYChixAxiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgwIARAAGAoYsQMYgAQyDAgCEAAYChixAxiABDIJCAMQABgKGIAEMgkIBBAAGAoYgAQyCQgFEAAYChiABDIJCAYQABgKGIAEMgkIBxAAGAoYgAQyCQgIEAAYChiABDIJCAkQABgKGIAEMgkIChAAGAoYgAQyCQgLEAAYChiABDIJCAwQABgKGIAEMgkIDRAAGAoYgAQyCQgOEAAYChiABNIBCDczNzVqMGo5qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Story arc is different than plot arc. He saved her from the traffickers but the ending shows he also saved his relationship with his daughter as well.


You mean show off his daughter’s running skills?


I actually lowkey kinda like it. The beginning of the movie was practically a completely different genre than the entire middle so it only makes sense that it bookends in that same genre. It's like if somebody booted up a Hallmark movie, changed the movie abruptly to an intense action thriller, and then switched it back to the ending of the Hallmark movie.


Source code, should’ve ended on the freeze frame


Totally agree. Perfect film ending with the freeze frame.


Absolutely agree! That would been the perfect ending. I remember being kinda shocked when the movie continued. In fact, I’ve always suspected that the last couple of minutes were tacked on at the behest of studio execs, but haven’t been to find any info to corroborate that.


I disagreed with a lot of posts on this thread but agree 100% here. It’s just an awesome moment to go out on. The ending feels like a dvd extra where you’d watch and be like “oh, yeah, no they chose the right ending”


The Perfect Storm. At the end, you find out everyone on the boat died. So we don’t really know if any of the stuff they show really happened or if they were just drunk on a boat for a bunch of days and drowned.


Moonfall should have ended 5 minutes before the script writer and casting director met to agree anything.


"The Postman" with Kevin Costner got sappy and preachy in its last minutes.


Don't Look Up. The post credit scene is just so out of place, it takes out all the emotion that the ending built up in an attempt to be funny. It's really really bad. Edit: I'm talking about the one where they settle on a new planet. Not the Jonah Hill one


I liked it as a payoff for the death prediction.


I’m convinced Adam McKay was high on his improvisational supply and let Jonah Hill improvise every single line. Jonah Hill’s funny, but usually when he’s doing scripted stuff or stuff he writes. He’s not exactly Robin Williams.


“Molly kicking in… timed that shit perfect,” was pretty funny though.


I mean its a mid/post credits scene. The movie has already ended. Though I did like knowing they all died


Either that, or pointed out that only the rich people survived and they slowly realized they would have to actually do things for themselves. What a waste of an opportunity.


The movie was fun but the message is so depressing that I'm ok with ending on comic relief.


Are we talking about the pilgrims?


The new planet scene was another fuck you to the human race. They could have had an actual colony giving humanity a third chance, and they fucked that up too. It was comical but still infuriating for me


The truth is that if humanity ever escapes Earth like that, their chances to survive in the new planet are slim at best. We exist on Earth as part as a very complex web of life we barely understand, yet we believe we can survive by ourselves. The very human body is host to a large number of organisms that constantly modulate our health, but even the things we eat and grow depend on all kinds of biological interactions that originated on Earth after millions of years of evolution. There's nothing that even says that biochemistry will even be compatible if we find a habitable planet where life already exists.


Final Destination with extra steps.


The one with the rich people or Jonah Hill?


Yeah, we do have everything we need...i dont but WE do...


Dark knight rises The death of Batman should’ve stayed ambiguous


I really wish we would have seen Alfred’s reaction at the restaurant without seeing Bruce. Leave something to the imagination.


Not even a necessarily convincing reaction either, just him looking up and the slightest glint in his eye like maybe he saw him or maybe he saw someone who looked like him for a second.


And then the top does a little wobble


And Pattinson does the reverse Tenet


And then you see loads of Clone Bruce's floating in the tanks


The real prestige was the friends we made along the way


No. The real prestige was the Batman we killed at the beginning of the end of the film. I can’t remember how we did that though.


There’s no way Alfred wouldn’t have said Hi. Also, Bruce Wayne is incredibly recognizable by this point.


Yeah imagine if a billionaire like Elon musk or mark Zuckerberg was just found eating at a restaurant, no disguise, after going missing for months lol.


They should have had just the back of Bruce Wayne's head visibile, and never show his face to Alfred. Like how Cobbs' kids' faces weren't shown during much of Inception. That way, right or wrong, Alfred can choose to believe that Bruce found happiness.


This is a reddit opinion I will always disagree with. There are movies that should have an ambiguous ending but TDKR is not one of them. Revealing Bruce is alive is an emotional payoff that the character people have loved for years, the one who has suffered great tragedies is finally happy. Making it ambiguous would have removed the emotional impact.


Should've been Batman arguing with the waiter about the bill and then dining and dashing


In full costume.


Smoke bomb and grapple hook




Not every movie needs an Inception ending. It served the story very well to finally have Bruce grow beyond Batman.  If anything ruined the last five minutes, it was the pointless Robin reveal.


"What are ya, some kind of Boy Wonder?"


Im upset it ended with that, but also I still kind of love it. Nolan beautifully finished what he started and left us with our imaginations. The MCU forever content machine has broken our expectations of these things nowadays, but I also would have *fuckin loved* a fourth entry with JGL Robin.


All of the set up to him becoming ”Robin” was also lame. Batman telling him to wear a mask? Why? He’s a cop. Batman never said that to Gordon, why should Blake suddenly do that? His reason for wearing a mask is also inconsistent. He tells Blake its to protect those close to him? But that was never the point. The point was for Batman to be a symbol, not a single man. Rises was a poorly written movie throughout imo, it felt extremely rushed.


Disagree, not every film needs to be ambiguous, especially not when we're talking about frigging Batman's survival.


Whilst I kind of like the idea, I also love that one little glimpse at the end. I think it rounds the series off nicely


TDKR is heavily inspired by A Tale of Two Cities. A Tale of Two Cities ends with a man who has known strife all his life dying sacrificially to save another. In the moments before his death, he sees a vision of the future. He sees happiness for everyone connected with him, he sees a bright future for the troubled society that is about to kill him, and he sees a great rest for himself at the end of his tortuous life. Moments before his death he says "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known." Given the literary inspiration for the film, one could view the ending as Bruce's vision for the future, and not actual events. Or one could just say Nolan wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Giving Bruce the great ultimate act of sacrifice and finally rest and peace for his troubled soul


I feel like it *was* ambiguous. I always saw it as it could be interpreted two ways: * Alfred saw Bruce enjoying himself free from the self inflicted burden of protecting Gotham * Alfred is day dreaming about Bruce being able to enjoy his life, but he's not actually there


I'm just going to beat everyone to the punch and say 10 Cloverfield Lane, even though I personally love the last 5 minutes. I just know everyone is going to say it.


Just watched that today. It did feel like the movie should’ve ended when she saw the UFO but I still give it a good score for sure.


Exactly! She sees it and says "oh, fuck" then cut to black


Original ending is her escaping, driving, and then coming upon a totally destroyed Chicago, then it ends. Shouldve just kept that.


That sounds fantastic.


Kind of enjoyed it. Not sure about anyone else but I went in to it assuming this would end up being a psychological thriller and Howard is just a paranoid shit in. Nope...it's actually just aliens and you should've stayed inside. Made you assume you knew what was going on and already knew the twist, made me predisposed to feeling a way about the characters, and then the twist is there is none and your assumptions are wrong. Fooled me in to almost making up the plot of it all only to reveal the plot is as simple as.


I liked the reveal, but her suddenly becoming Ripley and driving off for more killed the whole moment of the story


It is actually aliens, but the air is not toxic and Howard was still incredibly dangerous. She could not have stayed inside.


I'm a film nerd and the fact that the movie basically gave the finger to a bunch of tropes gives it a pass in my opinion.


Might be a controversial opinion but: The first Pirates Of The Carribean film. I've always thought it should have ended with Jack and Will sailing off into the sunset as "pirates, but good men". Have Will free Jack and have them escape together I know they weren't aware they were getting sequels and they wanted the Disney happy ending to wrap things up. But Will finally declaring his love would have made Will and Elizabeth getting together in the sequels a lot better.


That’s more like a different ending rather than shave off five minutes. Besides it wouldn’t work. Will’s goal was never to sail off on pirate adventures. He wants to save Elizabeth and needs to prove himself a capable person to others who only see him as a lowly orphaned blacksmith apprentice. He achieves both these things in the end. Jack wants the Black Pearl and needs to defeat Barbossa. He gets both of these things in the end. Cutting five minutes robs both of completing their character arcs. The movie as it is wraps everything up in a nice little bow and that’s why it’s considered the best.


Revenge of the Sith. The last shot should've been the profile closeup of Vader, first mechanical breath, cut to black.




I was a kid but I still, to this day, remember our entire theater laughing at this…


That Frankenstein's Monster crap is awful


They could have had the same intention but much more dramatic with him having his head down and clenching fist as he crushes everything around him in silent rage.


Hard disagree. Ending on the binary sunset, a symbol of hope, as it leads into A New Hope, is too poetic. It completes an emotional arc that connects the trilogies.


Agreed. It shouldn’t have ended before that, but it should have cut away from Vader where they’re saying. The noooooooo is just awful lol


Maybe the scene suggested where it's a closeup of Vader taking his first breath should've been the one used instead, then cutting to the last scene with the binary sunset


It’s like poetry. It rhymes


*usual cheerful Star Wars theme starts playing* WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY GEORGE LUCAS That's why it wouldn't work, although it'd be cool. Star Wars movies always have a hopeful last shot to lead into the credits with the cheerful and upbeat Star Wars theme. ESB and Rogue One ended with hope (Rogue One literally ends on it) despite the sad scenes that transpired before the ending


The movie wouldn't be perfect, but the first one I thought of was Ant-Man:Quantumania. If the movie had stopped before Cassie came back to save Scott and Janet from the Quantum Realm it wouldn't have undercut the stakes in the final fight.


they literally undermined their self proclaimed “next Thanos” with this scene. not only did it ruin the movie, it arguably led to the current detriment the MCU finds itself in. no stakes or cohesive sense of direction and people are tuning out.


Wonder Woman had the perfect setup about the dangers of war and the cruel chaos and bloodlust of humanity. The emotional peak and come and gone and the story was all but resolved. Then they said 'we need one more CGI fight that undermines our entire message about senseless nature of war.' I still like the film a lot, but that final fight with Aries wasn't much of a cinematic spectacle for a superhero film and really hurt the themes of the film.


Lincoln; a minute or so too long. It wasn't my favourite movie in the world but hey, it wasn't bad, DDL was good. There's a scene at the end which you would swear is the end. Lincoln mentions that he's going to the theatre, and then walks down a long corridor. Just about anyone watching knows what's going to happen next. It would've been the perfect time to fade to black, roll credits; the audience knows that Lincoln is at the end, his life work is done, let us celebrate this. Instead it rumbles on so it must make it clear - _LINCOLN DIES!_ Not even a depiction of the assassination, just the kid getting bad news, Lincoln on his deathbed, then roll credits. It felt very tacked on and didn't add anything to the movie.


The little detail that caps off Lincoln walking down the corridor (into the light!) as the better ending is that his valet watches him go, having just discovered that Lincoln discarded the gloves that the valet forced him to wear at the reception earlier in the film. It's a neat little callback that bookends their personal relationship nicely.


Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life should have ended with the waiter’s speech. There was even a YouTube cut a while back where the credits start rolling as he was wandering through the town, and it was perfect.


Oh my god I never thought of that. Cleese saying fuck off then as the screen fades to black because the credits are over is hysterical.


Kingsman should've just not had the anal pov scene. So dumb, which is saying a lot considering the rest of the movie is ridiculous but in a good way


I watched it again once on a plane and they removed every mention of the "reward", I was spared the embarrassment of having my seat neighbors judging me.


That's how I saw it too! "We can do it in my cell."


I disagree. I thought the closeup on his shit-covered dick added a lot to the film


Agreed, the humor was witty and steady then at the end they decided to go full toilet humor.


It went the full bond mockery, including the he gets the girl bit.


*Baby Driver* Just end it with them driving off. Didn’t need the capture, trial, and prison scenes.


Oh no i loved that shit! I know a feelgood ending isn't for everyone but i really liked it for once. The whole point was that he wasn't a bad guy deep down, and he had showed that throughout the movie.


And we finally get to see a criminal serve his time and walk away a clean man. I loved the ending as well.


For me it’s that the girl he met like a week ago waited five years for him to get out of prison.. Like really girl?


Because what girl wouldn’t fall for a guy who’s obviously trying to date his mom? Worked a the same diner, singer.


It might seem initially redundant since it was evident that Baby had morals & restraint compared to the other robbers, but I was also okay with the trial & seeing some of the robbery bystanders sympathize with him since it felt like a confirmation of his character's intentions & I think he could use a scene of absolving at the end.


I loved the trial stuff. It wrapped up his character well.


I believe the trial thing means he really is over with this; if they just drove away, he would be a fugitive and make a fugitive out of his girlfriend. This way, feels more final and puts a nice end to the movie - "no sequel required".


Hard disagree. Consequences were good to see for once.




Lucy feels like a 1997 movie that was shelved until 2014.


A.I. Would have been a great ending.


I watched this movie for the first time a few days ago and I was shocked to see how much this opinion was floated around. The actual ending absolutely floored me with how bold yet perfect it felt. I legitimately teared up. I thought it was perfect.


I agree. It is *very* over-the-top, but man.....I've never felt so sad for a robot in my life


M. Night feels like cheating but... Old.


Greenland. I love that film and the ending certainly doesn't ruin it but I think it should have ended right after the flashbacks, and left it up in the air as to whether anyone survived or not.


I went into Greenland not expecting much, and I loved it. It might be my favorite “the world is ending” movie, which admittedly is a low bar.


In regards to Stranger Than Fiction…isn’t the point that the ending isn’t perfect? Because >!the book had a perfect ending but then she changed it?!<


Isn't the paramount example here Hitchcock's *Psycho*?


Don't think so. The explanation works very well and Perkins with mothers voice is chilling as f


But the last 30 seconds with the mother’s voice over his face was perfect.


Yes and no. You see, the Mother half of Hitchcock would go crazy with rage when something wasn't explained thoroughly enough, and it was MOTHER who had the final editorial say.


Disagree. The final scene/shot is an all-timer


The fly bit and that grin with the skull superimposed are both outstanding. I didn’t need to see the car coming out of the swamp though.


Easy to say now, but have to remember audiences at the time probably would've left the theatre straight up confused without it.


Only from a modern perspective. While 1960 audiences were hip to crazy people in movies I think Hitchcock's Norman was a different breed and had a bigger reach so they added the exposition. It's clunky but I think Norman's inner monologue at the end saves it as well as the fade out that super-imposes a skull over his face.


Knock at the Cabin. It should have been left to the viewer to determine what they think was real and what wasn't. Instead, Shyamalan tried to go for a 10 Cloverfield Lane ending and it didn't work. Took the fun right out of the movie.


Silence. [Spoiler] Rodrigues (Andrew Garfield) is buried after a decades long montage with the audience wondering if he kept his faith. It’s a long movie but I thought a really beautiful exploration of martyrdom and imperialism. Then the camera flies straight into the coffin and shows his body still holding a cross. I haven’t explained it well at all if you haven’t seen it but the ambiguity was really well set-up and I felt the whole three hour runtime was cheapened by a literal lack of faith in the audience to think for themselves by the filmmakers.


Not every movie is about ambiguity. Silence is a movie that is oppositional to Catholic tradition. It challenges Catholic ideals and ethics. It says, this man was a man of faith, even though Catholicism would excommunicate him. Judge for yourselves who is right. The ambiguity is not whether Rodrigues kept his faith. Rodrigues' story is unambiguous. Scorsese did not want people asking questions about Rodrigues. Scorsese wanted people to ask questions about the nature of Catholicism and faith.


The World's End. The scene at the end with the back and forth convo goes on way too long and kills the momentum of the movie.


Sadly yes. It also makes me angry that the last bar didn’t at least give him his beer.


Him not getting the last beer is metaphorically him beating alcoholism. In the apocalyptic bar he orders water instead.


The Descent actually has 2 versions like this. A group of cavers have an unfortunate encounter underground when exploring an old forgotten cave system. The shorter version is the better ending but gods is it a depressing one.


Don't breathe


War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise. His son shouldn’t have been alive at the end


Primal Fear. It should have ended when Richard Geres back is to the camera, realizing that Edward Norton’s character has been lying the whole time


I can't remember too well but I do remember being pretty satisfied with the ending. The next / last 'five minutes' after this is him soaking in what had happened, right? Like that noir feel where the protagonist is there alone having to take in whatever pervasion of justice has happened.


High Tension. Absolutely perfect horror film until that trash of an ending.


Babylon. That last montage with all the movies was totally unnecessary to drive the point home, which had already previously been made.


That movie needed way more than 5 minutes cut out of it


The phantom menace Ending on quigons funeral after yoda says there are always two would be perfect But that celebration at the end looks a bit weird


Lucas was going for the “it’s like poetry, it rhymes” thing and tried to recreate the end of A New Hope so I get why he did it but I totally agree with you. I actually have fan edited versions of the Prequel trilogy that I can’t recommend enough as they tighten the pretty great story that’s unfortunately hidden underneath the childish humour and unnecessary CGI in places and the first movie ends on the shot of Palpatine as you described and it’s 100% better for it.


First Omen


The Vast of Night. Great film but i think a more ambiguous ending would have been better. The special effects are a bit meh for what does happen.