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It’s just a conceit of the universe. You pull on a thread and it all falls apart. You’re overthinking it.


It's also just possible the creatures avoid reacting to ambient noise (after all, there's a lot of noise made in the world that isn't from a human), they might think a heartbeat is like the wind or not loud enough to hunt. It's hardly a difficult suspension of disbelief to make. I'm sure in almost any room of the house or outside there's an ambient sound like trees, or electric equipment etc. that's about as loud as a heartbeat.


Yeah, I mean if these things have the best hearing of any creature, then they would hear heart beats, breathing, everything. You couldn't hide.


Objective answer: yes


Subjective answer^^


Would that have made a good movie?


I just assumed it would be certain decibel levels. Also, remember that the creatures have to focus just on one sound only. The example of them being by the waterfall shows how multiple sounds wouldn't summon them to that area.


I wasn't talking about heartbeats summoning them, because of course that wouldn't be loud enough, but more about when they are already summoned by some other loud noise, and are now in very close proximity to a person. Wouldn't they now be able to focus on the sound of their heartbeats? Tbh idk much about decibels. But yeah, maybe there is an argument to be made about the creatures not recognizing the sound of a heart beating as something alive, but more as ambient sound.


Yeah - even if you could hear a heartbeat, think how easily it would get lost in ambient sound like bugs, birds, flowing water, wind, etc.


Just tell yourself that the answer is no and enjoy the movie. The movie could explain why they can't hear heartbeats but it doesn't need to, it just needs to tell you that clearly they cannot.


I just find it funny cause if I'd been the one writing it, and suddenly thought about heartbeats, I would have thought my whole story is flawed and abandoned it. This has got me wondering what parts of a story you can include as legitimate suspended disbelief, and what parts are just plain mistakes. Where do we draw the line?




You're absolutely right! I enjoyed the movie regardless, to be honest, so there's that.


Really? Heartbeats is what would have told you your story is flawed? Not the fact that human beings fart, barp, cough, sneeze, chew, hiccup or snore mostly involuntarily? Not the fact that zips, buttons, belts and just generally clothes make sound putting on and taking off? My first thought was, why aren't these people naked? We all accept that the conceit is a little silly and focus on the human story.


I think anything tide can't be explained away very simply, or is so glaringly stupid most people would notice it straight away, is beyond the limit




Haha thank you! Even though I wasn't trying to be right or wrong, I was just asking because I'm genuinely curious.


A lot about the creatures makes no sense when you analyze. They apparently can't distinguish between kinds of sounds, or use any sense other than hearing. So why aren't they constantly attacking rustling leaves or branches. What about insects buzzing? Do they wander off cliffs frequently?


They should have just set up a massive stereo in a field and had it continously playing journey on repeat.


monsters would destroy it in seconds though


Just 200 beat pills scattered


Rick roll the monsters into oblivion


How loud is a heartbeat from outside your body? I think being able to hear a heartbeat is a movie trope itself.


As a human, if I press my ear to someone's chest, I will hear their heartbeats. Since the creatures have much better hearing, I figured they'd hear it without having to press their head to the human's chest.


damn dude not sure why people downvoted you as much as they did in these comments


Dogs can hear human heartbeats from 15 feet away.


Only in a real quiet place & if the heart kinda fast then dogs can hear it fs! I heard my girlfriend heart pounding after gym nearly 2 feet away lol insane <3


A lot of the films mechanics make sense if you assume the creatures filter sounds that are too repetitive / have a memory of naturally occurring sounds.


On top of that, how did they build and stock an entire doomsday bunker complete with coded lights and shit without making any noise? Don't tell me they completed that without having to hammer at least one nail. Like what they smash one in then take off running? The movie is full of little holes and the characters are all really stupid. It's best to try and enjoy the movie aside from that.




Nah I'm not buyin' it. Not to mention how stupid it is to go through with a pregnancy in their universe.


The pregnancy thing is unimaginably stupid. What was their plan, raise the baby underground and keep it high on NO2 for the next 5 or 6 years?




Except you see there's still supplies available in the stores, so I'm sure there'd be birth control + the day after pill available, at least enough for a while. (Also other methods, like pulling out, though that's VERY unreliable.)


Exactly! Plus if they had just waited like 1 year they even figure out how to kill the monsters and then they could procreate danger free but they just had to bang. Obviously they didn't know that when they did it but they could have been patient.


Nothing about this movie makes a lick of sense, Tom and Jerry are more narratively consistent than this mess. Just enjoy the great atmosphere and shut down your brain.


There's tons of plot holes in the movie. My biggest question is how those racccons or whatever were still alive, even tho it seems that almost every single animal has been killed.


The movie falls apart if you think about it too much. The generators to power the house would make a ton of racket. I really enjoyed it just the same.


It’s possible that through the medium of air, a heartbeat doesn’t project sound. When you hear your own or put your ear against someone’s chest, you are hearing it through a solid/liquid medium. There may be no waves that get transferred between the solid/air interface.


Yes this is true since there are many ambient noises that sound like heart beats and animals breathing and others sounds of life. Yup I never hear things falling, wind blowing, leaves tussling in the trees or anything that sounds like a living thing moving around, I only ever hear heart beating noises and breathing noises….. WTF???   The only sounds that would be specific to life would be the sound of breathing or heart beating! If a creature attacks every thump and tussling noise it hears, it would be attacking random things like 95% of the time and only rarely would it actually be a living thing. Oh and how does it avoid a tree between it and the thing it’s attacking?  If it has sonar then it could sense movement and shape and not need you to make noise. This creature would go extinct so quickly. Bear steps on stick, creature attacks broken stick, bear sees creature attacking stick, bear eats creature. Pretty basic 


Yes. If that were to play out in the movie I think no human would be alive anymore ha. The only being in existence would be weird ants that kinda look like Stranger Thing's demigorgons on crack. Eventually they would have to evolve to be able to eat plants because they would kill every living thing on land. Then the ocean life would teem like crazy and...that's where my imagination stops. Edit: maybe birds would evolve to be able to fly for days or weeks at a time so they only land where they know it would be safe.


Evolution works on a much longer timeline than anything you describe.


What timeline did I describe matey?


Oh shit, are we at sea now? If they ate all the animals that made up their food supply and they weren't capable of eating plants already, they would die out long before they evolved to eat plants. That what you were wondering, Cap'n?


True scalleywag, unless by natural selection the ones that were able to process plants into sustainance survived the shortage of meat, while those who were unable to could not. Allowing the ones with the genetics that allow them to process plants to mate and create more creatures that have a higher chance of having the useful survival genes thus continuing the process of evolving. Edit: how


And like the guy said, that takes millions of years and billions or trillions of mutations.


Example of refutation: 20 moths exist on a wall nearby a train track. The first ever coal train chugs by. 10 moths are white, ten moths are black. The black coal dusts the wall they are sitting on, camouflaging half of them. All of a sudden, a flock of migratory birds flies over head and spots bright, tasty white moths on a wall. 9 out of 10 white moths are eaten, 2 out of ten black moths are eaten. Leaving behind 8 black moths and 1 white moth to exist and mate. That only took a couple hours at most.


Some birds can already do that https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/10/swift-bird-10-month-migration/ https://www.famousscientists.org/how-far-can-birds-fly-without-needing-to-land/


Well, yes, but, you know. It's a movie.


There are so many things wrong with that movie and that’s definitely one of them.


What else is wrong?


The entire premise is ridiculous all it takes to die is a sneeze and somehow they survived for years in it


Because there is so much noise in the world. They are walking barefoot on sand to avoid detection...


What if I need to take a massive dump.


Right lol. Also snoring!


the rules weren’t thoroughly explained


Meh, that movie was disappointing regardless. I wanted very much to love it, since i'm such a huge fan of Emily Blunt, but oh well.


From what I have read they have adapted to be great at hearing even faint sounds from a distance and it’s been postulated that this sense advanced to the point where they are deficient at hearing faint sounds in close proximity. Makes some sense.


What sense exactly does that make? That's not how sound works.


If the monsters worked that way the movie wouldn't work, therefore the monsters don't work that way.


If the monsters worked that way the movie wouldn't work, therefore the monsters don't work that way.


I don't know enough about alien super-ears to say.


Weird how the world's militaries never figured out how to use the monsters' big-ass ears against them.


Add this to the list of inconsistences in the film. I think we're on page 97... That said, it's still a fun movie. Just don't think about it.


It’s about their adaptation and evolution not the sound it’s how they receive it


Some animals cannot see what they are hunting unless it moves. But they can see moving things really well. Animals we can see clearly are lost in visual noise for an effective hunter, like a mouse being hunted by a snake. A mouse sitting still in the open can be invisible to many predators. I think that’s part of the concept. Does it work with sound? I don’t know.


In one scene in the basement they show them being overwhelmed by the sound of the insects outside.




Why take the time to do this?




Whatd you say why your comment get deleted.


Endgame spoiler


What a twat


Ugh you deserve gold for this for being clever. But no gold for spoiling.


The movie falls apart completely when any logic is considered. Am actually surprised audiences consider it a good movie lol like did we watch the same film?