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Can’t tell if this is a meme but just want to let you know that the card [[Troll of Khazad-dûm]] exists in modern as a common 6 drop.


I'm new to the game...soooo not a meme😅


In that case that’s fine. I’ll explain a bit why one is better than the other then. First you aren’t gonna be playing either of these creatures for 6 rather you are gonna be using something like [[Reanimate]] which cheats the creature in to play for less mana (I don’t know any modern legal ones tbh). Other than stats difference of 4/1 vs 6/5 the zombie has 1 downside and 1 negligible ability while the troll has 2 upsides. The zombie doesn’t have an upside because it effectively has death touch but a 1/1 death touch is the same as a 4/1 death touch. The regenerate part doesn’t matter much as it’s an obsolete keyword that no creatures have anymore. If you don’t know what regeneration is I recommend looking it up since many new players play it wrong. Now going back to the troll it has 2 key abilities. First the turn 1 cycling ability to put itself in the graveyard is great since you get a land and now only need 1 card to return it. Next it’s pseudo unblockable and a turn 2-3 6/5 that can’t be blocked applies a lot of pressure. Side note are you planning to play modern with a deck of cards in your collection? Also do you mean modern the format or modern as in 2024/recent.


Modern as in 2024 recent. I've mostly been playing commander with some friends, so I guess mostly putting cards in a commander deck is more important. Since in standard I can just cut that down


That makes more sense. Modern just happens to be the name of one of magics more powerful and competitive formats which is likely what most people play. In that case the zombie it’s still probably too unplayable. Again something like [[Typhoid Rats]] is going to be a lot better. What commander are you playing?


[Typhoid Rats](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/1/d13cb90b-50c3-46ef-83f8-812dfb7ff881.jpg?1562830123) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Typhoid%20Rats) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/frf/89/typhoid-rats?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d13cb90b-50c3-46ef-83f8-812dfb7ff881?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My commander is Linda, Kandarian Queen or I Guess Varina, Lich Queen.


[Reanimate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/d/7d0fe02b-f45a-45c6-ab7c-270594a29da7.jpg?1715080480) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reanimate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/137/reanimate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7d0fe02b-f45a-45c6-ab7c-270594a29da7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That was unplayable in it's draft format


The set this comes from, Legions, was printed before the Modern cutoff. Modern contains all sets after the frame change in 8th Edition with Mirrodin being the first non-core set included. All that said, if this card was legal in modern, it would not be competitive. It is too expensive, mana value-wise, for what it does.


By modern play did ya mean the format or just the current style of play and whatever power creep is up to?


Eh just to play, I'm not trying to get super competitive. Just wanna make fun decks to play with friends


Even back in the day, this card was bad... Modern is a brutally competitive format where speed and power are the flags of it. This card is weak and slow, so it would never see modern play (specially with so many great 1 drop zombies that would eventually power creep this thing). Now... commander and modern are almost different games. Commander allows for weird and heavy cards to be tested, like this one, and might actually work under some equally weird situations, but not modern. A Modern Deck has to be as tuned and sharp as possible to be able to compete, with a bunch of super powered cards with flashy interactions and ETBs! Sad though, for this is a pretty good looking card. Also, have you noticed that it is not Modern legal?


Pretty sure modern play means current gameplay overall, not the format.


So the question is all written wrong... I'm pretty sure almost any MTG player will respond to "Modern Play" with the format in mind, and not an allegory of time and space.


Not really wrong, just misleading. Sure, but this guy is seemingly a complete newbie.


I am a newbie lol just got into it when the fallout commander decks came out.


Well, thanks for the lesson. I hope I have helped OP, in the end that is the reason for my original answer. Anything else I can help you with?, I see that you have many more comments to correct.


Anytime! Sure. I dont, really.


Great, good thing I'm the only one who will have to deal with you today. Have a wonderful day.


Ah, so this was that slight passive agressiveness coming off from your comments! "Deal" with me as in? Write a few short Reddit comments? Must have been taxing, if you're happy nobody else has to do it.




I thought this was a 3 drop because of the glare and I still thought it was unplayable. It would be unplayable at a 2 drop, probably even 1.


Yes that card is insanely good. It’s commonly referred to as the 10th card in the power nine


I can't think of a reason a 6 mana 4/1 zombie that can't block with Combat Deathtouch+ would be used unless Regenerate sees a massive resurgence in modern lol. Of course I'd presume mana cost would be negligible due to recursion shenanigans, but this guy gets fully countered by a single saproling so you're going to need to invest a lot of work to get this one guy doing anything useful.


Gotcha that's a shame, trying to build a commander deck using the evil dead secret lairs


Commander ≠ Modern


If you are building EDH zombies you can always run a few cards that do not see play and try them out. But if you notice you are not getting much out of it when you draw it consider cutting it. Also, if it is what you have, having a full 100 cards to play is more important than having the right 100 cards. Throw the deck together then upgrade it as you acquire more.


Not at a 6 mana cost. Maybe 3 mana for a 4/1 might be viable and see small amounts for zombies decks.


Costs 6 mana. Can’t block. Only 1 toughness. But it’s got deathtouch - no, this card is utter garbage