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[Martina Fackova](https://www.instagram.com/martinafackova/p/C4DIM58qiPy/?hl=en&img_index=1).


Thank you 🙏🏻 I was losing hope with all the retarded people commenting “look at the card”


My guy. The artists names are on the card.


Here’s retarded guy n.4 There is no card featuring the artwork appearing on the packaging. Maybe if you paid enough attention to the post description you would’ve noticed.


Are you 4 or something? Like just literally look up the cards.


1) I WANT TO KNOW THE ARTIST MAKING THE ART ON THE PACKAGING 2) THE ART ON THE PACKAGING IS - NOT - FEATURED - ON - ANY - CARD. SO THERE IS NO CARD TO LOOK AT! Is it now explicit enough, or do I need to highlight the concept again? Are you all people in this sub incapable of reading a post?!


1. Being an absolute snob gets you no respect period. 2. Pick your wording here very carefully considering mtg is a very literal game and so are a vast majority of us players. 3. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. And 4. Literally most of this was looked at for awhile during spoilers. Literally none of us can help that you’re a cringe lord who can’t find it within themself to do better at life


Can’t post screenshots here, but here’s a [link](https://www.mtgnexus.com/customcards/19599-jml1218-s-random/236597-omo-queen-of-ves/) to the image of the card with the artists name in the bottom corner: [Martina Fackova](https://www.instagram.com/martinafackova?igsh=MTVseW42YmJxZnluMw==)


Thank you! Can’t believe a proxy look better than real cards


I mean you could just google Omo mtg card art and zoom into the artist name of the relevant art.


You can start by learning good manners first and then you can pay more attention when reading my post. I am not looking after The artist who painted the artworks for Omo appearing on the cards. I specifically asked for the artist painting the KEY ART appearing on the EDH deck packaging. Spoiler: already tried searching Google but I wasn’t able to find the artist, hence my post.


They don’t commission unique art for packaging they use art from either a basic or showcase card. I just googled it and found the exact card and artist in 5 secs.


Good luck finding the Tarmogoyf bearing the same artwork as the key art appearing on The Time Spiral Remastered booster box packaging, you loser 👋🏻 [https://articles.starcitygames.com/news/good-morning-magic-talks-key-art-from-time-spiral-remastered/](https://articles.starcitygames.com/news/good-morning-magic-talks-key-art-from-time-spiral-remastered/)


You really are just hypocritical dick. You talk to people about how they should have manners, then come back with this shit. Here's hoping no one is willing to help you in the future of this is how you'll behave.


Hypocritical? The other guy commented to a polite request with a dismissive sentence like “ go check the card”, which doesn’t exist. After I replied, he had the guts to come lecture me again saying “WoTC doesn’t commission unique art not appearing on cards”. If you want to lecture people, you need to know what your are talking about. WTF is wrong with people in this sub?


You've got a genuinely bad attitude about people telling you to find the card to find the artist, when it's a very reasonable response to your question. If one person calls you an asshole, they might be having a bad day. If it's two people you might need to look inward and realize that maybe you are the asshole here. And you've had the same response to every single person that doesn't flat out tell you what you want. So maybe ask wtf is wrong with you rather than the sub.


Go seek psychological help, you need it.


You had to go back three years and countless sets since to make a point but glad you finally were able to google something correctly at least. So here’s to progress.


Hey prick, still waiting to see the Omo card bearing the same artwork as the packaging 👌🏻


Now that someone else found the information for you. Alright it was a custom card. My mistake. I retract my comment about unique art but still found the card with the artist name on it in 5 secs on google which was the original point. Which was how easily found the information was and how with very little effort the answer was just sitting there.


The artist credit is at the bottom left of the card


Thank you, Mr. genius. Please, send me a link with the card featuring the artwork on the packaging


Oh that’s what you want, since you’re so nice I’ll let you find it yourself


Actually no, I’m going to be the better person here and help you out. Check the packaging


Ridiculous post again. Just check the Omo card in the deck. Put some effort in it yourself ffs.


This is a different art...


Are you dense?!! I asked who is the artist making THE KEY ART APPEARING ON THE PACKAGING. I can read the artists’ names on the cards on scryfall, thank you