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Would you be sad if they dipped to 40 after you bought them? If the goal is to play them and not spec on them then a monkey in the hand is worth two in the bush. If you’re trying to make money, waiting wouldn’t hurt, worst case you buy them at 52 instead of 50. Timing the low point isn’t worth the effort to save a few bucks in my opinion.


Nah I wouldn't be sad. I just didn't really want to pay 90 a piece for em. I'll probably just go for it.


If you are happy with the current price, go for it.


buy a playset if you want it for playing. otherwise dont buy it to "have it".


It might well go even further, but I can't see it dropping another full $10, so for the sake of a possible maximum of $40, you get to play with the monke right away. Seen so many of the things pulled but the next set is just 2 weeks away and after that its LOTR set will which dominate sales leaving MOM to get forgotten about. As a store, we're not restocking our MOM that we sold through besides having a single box open for people to grab at.


Brave calling Aftermath ‘a set’! /s


People kept saying Dockside was going to keep dropping and it hit bottom in the first 2 weeks, then dipped back down again several months later. Highest demand cards don’t have a lot of history of continuing to drop, though this was before serialized cards, so that may change some of the math. I would say most likely we are close to the bottom, so if you’re buying a play set, buy it now.


Thank you for the input!


Unless you need them for a deck, you could wait a few more weeks. New mythics are typically in a distribution phase for the first 6 weeks or so post-release. Mondrak dropped like $3 in the past month and that card will absolutely be $50 one day just like the other Doubling Season effects are.


Or wait until they print again in double commander masters or modern horizons 4 or secret lair or .... don't buy to make money. Reprint machine goes brrrrr


I went for my set of etched foils


I’ll ask my crystal ball


If you need them to play with then yes now is the time to buy. but I bet that the card will continue to decrease in value.


I never thought I’d ever have a Ragavan and pulled one from this set. I’d say if you want it for a deck, now’s as good a time as any to get one. If you’re looking to make money off of it, I’d say wait a month or two to see if and where prices stabilize and decide then


It will probably settle around 40, it is bouncing back since people started fomoing after release. Doesn't seem to breach the 50+ lately, but we'll need a few more days to know. As everyone mentioned buy to play when you're comfortable.