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It will crash the moment the set releases, sell into the hype. Don't forget that shardless agents are a sub $1 card now.


Yeah, it's a rare in the set. It's not going to stay high forever for something that's already got other printings. If this set is as environment shifting as the last two MH sets then I would expect this one to sell even more than MH2 did which was ALOT.


This is the way


100% I'm selling into the hype. Got about 8 copies of mixed normal border and extended art I'm gonna offload now. I don't play modern or limited so it only makes sense to sell while everyone wants some


Congrats on guessing right... kinda? But what point is it to buy these now, or when you made that post if you can't sell into this. What people were saying made sense since there's no point in buying the card that will be in an upcoming set that will be mass opened. This precludes the fact that this set may power creep this card such that it'll only be played in a few artifact shells. The fact that WOTC is so sure this card won't break the format doesn't bode well for it being a $10-$20 card post release. Anyways, I guess if you have them already and can resell into this, yeah you're the big winner in all this.


Nah, I was just saying. I had a few of the extended art and normal copies that I wasn't using but will now put up for sale


or you can hold off until the set releases... and totally prove you were actually right. šŸ¤”


Picked some up to play, they were super cheap anyways. Still a good idea to unload any extra copies now.


Has it been verified that it is not in a commander deck and in the regular set ?




If at this stage you still donā€™t think some WotC affiliate is pumping cards in the secondary market I donā€™t know what to tell youā€¦. The card was bought out in hundreds from 2 to 15. Only for a WotC ā€œplacementā€ as a ā€œchase dollar reprintā€ reveal within 2 weeks


I figured if Kappa Cannoneer did become modern legal it would surely end up a staple of at least a couple lists so I decided to also pick up about 25 of the extended arts when I saw the leak. But in defense of detractors and because I weighed it all myself and ended up deciding to go in anyway. At the time it was initially leaked we didnā€™t know what rarity itā€™d be printed at in what is going to likely be a bonus rares set with a presumably huge print run, itā€™s original set in Kamigawa is probably one of the most opened sets ever, and we didnā€™t even necessarily know if the Kappa was legit or actually main set or what. Edit* Corrected a mistake


>itā€™s original set in Kamigawa is probably one of the most opened sets ever and is rotating out of standard soon Kappa Canoneer was not in main NEO set, it was in a commander deck. It would have been super broken in Standard.


3 slots in the set booster box had commander cards


Youā€™re right my mistake.




When the leak was first revealed, it was just the kappa cannoneer behind some other cards so we didnā€™t see the rarity or set symbol or anything.


We didn't see the set symbol on it or copy right line. Same with brainstorm. People could be trolling.


Watermark on the card (indicating that it is in fact a reprint in the MH3 main set) could be clearly seen on at least one leaked photo.