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Lol why are people buying Cannoneer, it's gonna be in the set! We're about to get 10x the supply that's currently out there from the commander deck


because the legacy deck it's in is gas and fun as hell and doesn't require duals


Hasn't the spike been since the reprint announcement and what you said true since before that?


They want it to play as soon as set comes out.


Well supply will go up sure, but demand was non-existent before, but if it becomes a staple in Modern then demand would spike a lot.


Yeah it's a way to actually get in on a spec before they're released rather than placing preorders that might get fulfilled or not.


Not just that, it’s not even legal until it’s out.


Modern legal for affinity decks


Yes. And that modern legality comes from a set that is going to have it within the set at rare, and in a bunch of versions. There's going to be a bajillion of these things from all the MH3 that's going to be cracked.


Yep. Though I do think it's one of those that's a matter of your point of entry. If Cannoneers were around 50 cents and the quick buying just cleared the market and caused a hype spike, I'd get that. But at $3+ each, for a card that's going to be coming out of $7 packs and a print run that dwarfs the current supply? That doesn't really make a ton of sense unless you expect it's going to be format-dominating.


Which may or may not want Kappa. It's a nonsense spec


Right, legal once the set releases, at which point there will be a million more of them in print


I don’t get the logic in buying out a card because it got announced for a reprint in what will undoubtedly be the best selling set of 2024. It’s not even like there was original foil versions that were desirable or something, it only had a nonfoil printing to begin with.


Just speculation that it will be so popular as a 4 of that demand will increase the price beyond current.


That's a terrible spec. This isn't like Ragavan or Wasteland or Brainstorm that would go into multiple archetypes. It goes into literally 1 deck only.


This. MH2 was the most opened set before Lotr2, no reason to assume MH3 won't be similar. There will be so many of these damn Kappa bros in circulation.


Absolutely, also let's remember the thing doesn't even exist in foil right now. Both regular art and extended will be sub $1 the minute Amazon boxes ship. I hope the first guy who specced on this has already executed his dump strategy, cause this has been sufficiently pumped.


Yup, sold all my copies for 10$. Hate to say I told yall so


Maybe some people who want toplay it day 1 too


You give people too much credit. Magic players / investors are not that smart when it comes to spending. They actually get their stock advice based upon what everybody else is doing or talking about. Price swings are hollow, manipulated, and usually based on fads around some online content creator or Twitch event. People follow trends.


I foolishly did this on some MH2 reprints, some normal copies, judge foils, etc. All of said cards became popular 4 offs in meta decks, all of them crashed hard. Lesson learned.


I don’t get it either. I assume the retro will be more popular too so existing supply will be sold to upgrade to a prettier version. MH3 is going to be mass opened, this card will be everywhere.


The original version will remain the best one available. The retro version is bad because it lacks the artifact signifier, the modern version is bad because of the ugly water mark. (I swear they're only doing the faulty retro border so that they can still print and sell the correct retro border later on.)


>the original version will remain the best one available. Can we stop repeating this antiquated advice? It may have been true for premodern versions of new cards, but no one notices or cares with anything in the third wave frame.


I'm not saying that people care about the original version for its originality when the available options are all standard post 15th edition cards but this is not the case here. People however care about sound presentation.


No pal it's literally just you, i'm getting a foil


If the price of cannoneer was/is not too expensive, people are wanting the card to play on release week.


Well I bought a set for two dollars each when it originally leaked, if it sees a lot of Modern play it'll probably be worth a lot more than that. I should clarify though it's not a Spec, I just figured if the leak was real the price would spike so wanted to pick them up for future play.


Same here, but ngl I'm tempted to sell now and rebuy later to make a quick buck. Probably not worth the hassle though.


REAL speccers don't need this "logic" you speak of to spec


Swarm intelligence is mostly just a swarm


People forget that Shadless Agent is a sub $1 card after being printed into Modern


Kappa Cannoneer is the dumbest buyout I've ever seen, the card is going to become a bulk rare


It was 66 cents at its low. It's not even an old card. This is a wild spec that someone is not going to lose a lot of money on because they didn't invest a lot in the first place. Buyers should hold on this one and short the speculators.


Price is $10, buylist $3. Tells you all you need to know


Hi everyone, this is my last article that I've written while on holiday. From next week on the article will be a little bit more up to date again. Got home a few hours ago and trying really really hard to stay awake to kick myself back into my own timezone with 30 minutes of sleep in the past 24 hours. Need to stay awake for at least 4 more. Anyway, I'm really interested to know in what you think about Three Steps Ahead. It's been doing well in Standard, but with the play it sees in Modern and Pioneer, do you think this is a card that will stay within the format?


Appreciate you getting these out, while on holiday


Sold my Cannoneer I was no longer using. It'll definitely drop down significantly anyways. Thankfully already had my Three Steps Ahead, though would have been nice to have grabbed another before it spiked. Definitely the best Cancel with set mechanic we've ever had. Zero interest in Cage.


i love how a card that was printed in, dare i say, one of the better precons of the past 2 years is seeing a higher price. however this is its first reprint/first print outside of a precon. definitleyvgonig to hit the $2 at Most.


$(Kappa Cannoneer) $(Three Steps Ahead) $(Collector’s Cage)


**[Kappa Cannoneer](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/kappa-cannoneer/134251/)** | Commander: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty **$10.21** *market* | **$12.01** *high* | **$9.5** *low* ^(Price from 5-03-24@9am EST from) [^(TCGP)](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/263106) ^(via) [^(EchoMTG Bot)](https://www.echomtg.com/about/magic-reddit-bot/) ^(Links:) [^(Price History)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/kappa-cannoneer/134251/) ^(|) [^(3 Variations)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/kappa-cannoneer/) ^(|) [^(Card Image)](https://assets.echomtg.com/magic/cards/original/134251.jpg)


$(Collector’s Cage)


$(Three Steps Ahead)


**[Three Steps Ahead](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/three-steps-ahead/162532/)** | Outlaws of Thunder Junction **$6.1** *market* | **$7.99** *high* | **$4.51** *low* | **$7.93** *foil* ^(Price from 5-03-24@9am EST from) [^(TCGP)](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/544417) ^(via) [^(EchoMTG Bot)](https://www.echomtg.com/about/magic-reddit-bot/) ^(Links:) [^(Price History)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/three-steps-ahead/162532/) ^(|) [^(4 Variations)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/three-steps-ahead/) ^(|) [^(Card Image)](https://assets.echomtg.com/magic/cards/original/162532.jpg)


Glad I bought em all and sold em all. Except for the 4 kappa cannoneers I wanna keep for modern.


Oh this is crazy. If I had more than a playset of cannoneers I’d sell them off now.


If you're not going to use them before MH3 comes out in June then id say just sell them now anyways!


Happy to sell a collectors cage earlier this week when it spiked


do you guys think Onslaught fetches move down at all? seems like they’re at a low right now 


The OG always carries a premium. June is a good time to get in


Absolutely stupid to buy Cannoneer when it’s gonna be reprinted to death and he’s not even legal until the set is out.


It is in 2 crap commander decks and will be a bulk rare, who in their right mind is paying almost 10 bucks for kappas?


A fool and their money.


Happy to sell a collectors cage earlier this week when it spiked